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50 recent changes in Dons Web retrieved at 19:21 (GMT)

My Beer Making Progress * Number 1 Grumpys Boston Cream Ale * Number 2 Grumpys Rage Ginger Ale * Number 3 Goliath Lone Piper Red Ale * Number 4 ...
r117 - 19 Jun 2022 - 06:07 by darius
Brew Number 129 * Magrove Jack's Strawberry Pear Cider (Brewfather version (total bodge)) Ingredients * Juice concentrate * Strawberry pear flavourin...
NEW - 01 Nov 2021 - 03:28 by darius
Brew Number 128 * Twøbays Full Grain Stout (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Brewfather Batch Ingredients * 3.6kg Pale Millet Malt * 250g Pale Buckwheat...
NEW - 01 Nov 2021 - 03:24 by darius
Fermentation temperature controller I got an old freezer that was surplus to requirements and a heat pad and then made a control box with an ESP8266 and ESPHome w...
r5 - 29 Sep 2021 - 05:01 by darius
Brew Number 127 * Twøbays Centennial IPA (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 4.8kg Pale Millet Malt * 1.5kg Goldfinch Millet Malt * 600g ...
NEW - 23 Aug 2021 - 04:52 by darius
Brew Number 126 * Twøbays Full Grain English Golden Ale (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 2.7kg Goldfinch Millet Malt * 2.7kg Biscuit Rice...
NEW - 16 Jun 2021 - 04:40 by darius
Brew Number 125 * Twøbays Full Grain Blood Orange IPA (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) * Brew Father Batch and Recipe Ingredients * 4.0kg Pale Millet M...
r3 - 16 Jun 2021 - 04:39 by darius
Brew Number 124 * American Cream Ale (Gluten Free) Ingredients * 3.5kg Pale Millet Malt * 2kg Biscuit Rice Malt * 200g Rice Malt Syrup * 25g Fuggle...
r2 - 06 Apr 2021 - 07:03 by darius
Brew Number 123 * Twøbays Centennial IPA (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 4.8kg Pale Millet Malt * 1.5kg Goldfinch Millet Malt * 600g ...
r4 - 13 Mar 2021 - 06:25 by darius
Brew Number 122 * American Cream Ale (Gluten Free) Ingredients * 3.5kg Pale Millet Malt * 2kg Biscuit Rice Malt * 200g Rice Malt Syrup * 25g Fuggle...
r5 - 02 Feb 2021 - 01:53 by darius
Brew Number 121 * Twøbays Full Grain Stout (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 3.6kg Pale Millet Malt * 250g Pale Buckwheat Malt (doesn't lo...
r3 - 26 Jan 2021 - 06:56 by darius
Brew Number 120 * Twøbays Full Grain Blood Orange IPA (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 4.0kg Pale Millet Malt * 1.2kg Pale Rice Malt *...
r4 - 03 Jan 2021 - 07:46 by darius
Brew Number 119 * Twøbays Full Grain English Golden Ale (Gluten Free) (Brewfather version) Ingredients * 2.7kg Goldfinch Millet Malt * 2.7kg Biscuit Rice...
r8 - 22 Dec 2020 - 22:28 by darius
Brew Number 118 * Mangrove Jacks Gluten Free Pale Ale Kit contained * 1 x Bittered Sorghum Malt * 1 x Citra 20g (dry hop) * 1 x Northern Brewer 40g (d...
r5 - 12 Oct 2020 - 10:34 by darius
Brew Number 117 * creatures pale ale style recipe favourite Kit contained * 1 x BC Pilsner Blonde 1.7kg ...
r2 - 27 Sep 2020 - 06:57 by darius
Brew Number 116 * Brew Craft "Mountain View" Pale Ale Kit contained * 2 x BC Light Malt 1.7kg * 1 x Crystal Malt 450g * 3 x Cascade Hops Pellets 25g ...
r2 - 31 Aug 2020 - 12:02 by darius
Brew Number 115 * Casey's "XPA" Ake fresh wort kit * Morgan's American Ale Yeast Kit contained * 16L fresh wort Brought out to 20L in Fermzilla. The yeas...
r5 - 18 Aug 2020 - 03:22 by darius
Brew Number 114 * Casey's "American Pale" Ake fresh wort kit * Morgan's American Ale Yeast Kit contained * 16L fresh wort Brought out to 20L in Fermzilla...
r4 - 10 Jul 2020 - 02:34 by darius
Brew Number 113 * Brew Craft's "Dublin" Stout (20908) * Safale S 04 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Magrove Jack's Irish Stout LME * 1.7kg Brewcraft Dark ...
r5 - 29 Jun 2020 - 07:23 by darius
Brew Number 112 * Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Rya IPA * Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Pure Liquid Malt 1.2kg Kit contained * Rye IPA pouch * 1.2 kg LM...
r6 - 13 Jun 2020 - 10:23 by darius
Brew Number 111 * Brew Craft's "Wild Boar" APA (20923) * Safale US 05 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Brewcraft golden liquid malt * 1.7kg Brewcraft light...
r7 - 24 May 2020 - 11:43 by darius
Brew Number 110 * Brew Craft's "Dublin" Stout (20908) * Safale S 04 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Magrove Jack's Irish Stout LME * 1.7kg Brewcraft Dark ...
r5 - 16 May 2020 - 08:02 by darius
Brew Number 109 * Brew Craft's "Escaped Convict" IPA (29020) * Safale S 04 yeast Kit contained * 1.5kg Briess Munich Malt * 1.7kg Brewcraft Lager Malt...
r8 - 01 May 2020 - 06:57 by darius
Brew Number 108 * Brew Craft's "Pintail" APA (20934) * Safale US 05 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Brewcraft APA * 1.7kg Light liquid malt * 2 x 150g ...
r7 - 13 Apr 2020 - 11:44 by darius
Brew Number 107 * Brew Craft's "Break Enter" IPA (20915) * Safale US 05 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Brewcraft Pale Ale * 1.5kg Briess Munich Malt ...
r3 - 10 Feb 2020 - 13:11 by darius
Brew Number 106 * Brew Craft's "Classic Belgian Ale" (20981) * Safale T 58 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Mangrove Jack's Belgian Ale LME * 1.5kg "10665 ...
r3 - 30 Dec 2019 - 12:38 by darius
Brew Number 105 * Brew Craft's "American Pale" Ale (20932) * Safale US 05 yeast Kit contained * 1.7kg Brewer Series Pale Ale * 1kg Brew Enhancer #20 ...
r9 - 09 Dec 2019 - 10:44 by darius
Brew Number 104 * Brew Craft's "American Pale" Ale * Whitelab WLP051 Californian Ale V Yeast (1st generation) Kit contained * 1.7kg Black Rock American P...
r2 - 28 Nov 2019 - 02:38 by darius
Mythbuntu based PVR box (old, replaced in 2014) * Gigabyte GA G33M DS2R * Core 2 Duo E4500 * nVidia GT210 * 500GB HD * 1GB DDR2/800 RAM * Antec ...
r39 - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:37 by darius
Dons Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to off...
r2 - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
" else="Foswiki's Dons web"}% /Dons
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
Foswiki's Dons web
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
* ... * ... * ... Dons Web Utilities * WebTopicList all topics in alphabetical order * WebChanges recent topic changes in this web * WebNoti...
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
* .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;
NEW - 03 Jan 2015 - 01:34 by darius
Brew Number 103 * Still Brewing's "Boston Cream" Ale kit * 1.7 kg Coopers "Mexican Cerveza" LME * Wyeast #1275 Thames Valley (1st generation) Brought out...
r3 - 01 Mar 2014 - 07:51 by darius
Brew Number 97 * Still Brewing's "Colonial Mild" Stout kit * 1.7 kg Coopers "Stout" LME * Safale US 05 dry yeast Brought out to 19L in fermenter #?. The ...
r2 - 25 Apr 2013 - 07:09 by darius
Brew Number 97 * Still Brewing's "Boston Cream" Ale kit * 1.7 kg Coopers "Draught" LME * Safale US 05 dry yeast Brought out to 23L in fermenter #?. The y...
r3 - 24 Mar 2013 - 00:13 by darius
Brew Number 100 * Brewcraft's Little Creatures Pale Ale clone * 1.7kg Black rock Pilsner Blonde LME * 250g wheat dry malt extract * Brewcraft...
r2 - 11 Feb 2013 - 22:10 by darius
Brew Number 98 * Brewcraft's Little Creatures Pale Ale clone * 1.7kg Black rock India Pale Ale LME * Brewcraft Brewblend #10 (750g dextrose, 250g m...
r2 - 10 Dec 2012 - 10:57 by darius
Misc STM32 notes * The board is called an STM32 Strive Mini (looks like * It has an STM32F103VET...
NEW - 26 Nov 2012 - 01:45 by darius
Brew Number 98 * Brewcraft's Little Creatures Pale Ale clone * 1.7kg Black rock Pilsner Blonde LME * Brewcraft Brewblend #15 (250g maltodextin, 500...
r2 - 12 Nov 2012 - 10:36 by darius
Brew Number 97 * Still Brewing's "Boston Cream" Ale kit * 1.7 kg Coopers "Real Ale" LME * Wyeast #1272 (American Ale II) (1st generation 2012/09/08, mf...
r2 - 08 Oct 2012 - 11:36 by darius
Brew Number 96 * Still Brewing's "Boston Cream" Ale kit * 1.7 kg Coopers "Real Ale" LME * Wyeast #1084 (Irish Ale) (1st generation 2011/11/10) Brought ...
r2 - 11 Aug 2012 - 07:18 by darius
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Topic revision: r1 - 03 Jan 2015, darius
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