view libs/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Project/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples/FSMC/SRAM_DataMemory/HiTOP/cstart_thumb2.asm @ 89:fc21fb5b171b default tip

Make error message more useful
author Daniel O'Connor <>
date Fri, 13 Mar 2015 11:39:59 +1030
parents c59513fd84fb
line wrap: on
line source

;;  NOTE: To allow the use of this file for both ARMv6M and ARMv7M,
;;        we will only use 16-bit Thumb intructions.

        .extern _lc_ub_stack            ; usr/sys mode stack pointer
        .extern _lc_ue_stack            ; symbol required by debugger
        .extern _lc_ub_table            ; ROM to RAM copy table
        .extern main
        .extern _Exit
        .extern exit
        .weak   exit
        .global __get_argcv
        .weak   __get_argcv
        .extern __argcvbuf
        .weak   __argcvbuf
        .extern __init_hardware
        .extern __init_vector_table
		.extern  SystemInit

__initial_spTop .equ   0x20000400                 ; stack used for SystemInit & SystemInit_ExtMemCtl

    .if @defined('__PROF_ENABLE__')
        .extern __prof_init
    .if @defined('__POSIX__')
        .extern posix_main
        .extern _posix_boot_stack_top

        .global _START

        .section .text.cstart

        ;; anticipate possible ROM/RAM remapping
        ;; by loading the 'real' program address
        ldr     r1,=_Next
        bx      r1
		LDR     R0, =__initial_spTop       ; use internal RAM for stack for calling SystemInit
        MSR     MSP, R0  

        ;; call a user function which initializes hardware
        ;; such as ROM/RAM re-mapping or MMU configuration
        bl      __init_hardware

		bl  SystemInit

		;; initialize the stack pointer
        ldr     r1,=_lc_ub_stack        ; TODO: make this part of the vector table
        mov     sp,r1

        ;; copy initialized sections from ROM to RAM
        ;; and clear uninitialized data sections in RAM

        ldr     r3,=_lc_ub_table
        movs    r0,#0
        ldr     r4,[r3,#0]      ; load type
        ldr     r5,[r3,#4]      ; dst address
        ldr     r6,[r3,#8]      ; src address
        ldr     r7,[r3,#12]     ; size

        cmp     r4,#1
        beq     copy
        cmp     r4,#2
        beq     clear
        b       done

        subs    r7,r7,#1
        ldrb    r1,[r6,r7]
        strb    r1,[r5,r7]
        bne     copy

        adds    r3,r3,#16
        b       cploop

        subs    r7,r7,#1
        strb    r0,[r5,r7]
        bne     clear
        adds    r3,r3,#16
        b       cploop
        ;; initialize or copy the vector table
        bl      __init_vector_table
      .if @defined('__POSIX__')
        ;; posix stack buffer for system upbringing
        ldr     r0,=_posix_boot_stack_top
        ldr     r0, [r0]
        mov     sp,r0
        ;; load r10 with end of USR/SYS stack, which is
        ;; needed in case stack overflow checking is on
        ;; NOTE: use 16-bit instructions only, for ARMv6M
        ldr     r0,=_lc_ue_stack
        mov     r10,r0

    .if @defined('__PROF_ENABLE__')
        bl      __prof_init

    .if @defined('__POSIX__')
        ;; call posix_main with no arguments
        bl      posix_main
        ;; retrieve argc and argv (default argv[0]==NULL & argc==0)
        bl      __get_argcv
        ldr     r1,=__argcvbuf
        ;; call main
        bl       main

        ;; call exit using the return value from main()
        ;; Note. Calling exit will also run all functions
        ;; that were supplied through atexit().
        bl      exit
__get_argcv:                    ; weak definition
        movs     r0,#0
        bx      lr


        .calls  '_START','__init_hardware'
        .calls  '_START','__init_vector_table'
    .if @defined('__PROF_ENABLE__')
        .calls  '_START','__prof_init'
    .if @defined('__POSIX__')
        .calls  '_START','posix_main'
        .calls  '_START','__get_argcv'
        .calls  '_START','main'
        .calls  '_START','exit'
        .calls  '_START','',0
