diff velib_python/mosquitto_bridge_registrator.py @ 8:9c0435a617db

Import velib_python
author Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
date Sun, 05 Dec 2021 14:35:36 +1030
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/velib_python/mosquitto_bridge_registrator.py	Sun Dec 05 14:35:36 2021 +1030
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+import fcntl
+import threading
+import logging
+import os
+import requests
+import subprocess
+import traceback
+from ve_utils import exit_on_error
+VrmNumberOfBrokers = 128
+VrmApiServer = 'https://ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com'
+CaBundlePath = "/etc/ssl/certs/ccgx-ca.pem"
+RpcBroker = 'mqtt-rpc.victronenergy.com'
+SettingsPath = os.environ.get('DBUS_MQTT_PATH') or '/data/conf/mosquitto.d'
+BridgeConfigPath = os.path.join(SettingsPath, 'vrm_bridge.conf')
+MqttPasswordFile = "/data/conf/mqtt_password.txt"
+BridgeSettings = '''# Generated by MosquittoBridgeRegistrator. Any changes will be overwritten on service start.
+connection rpc
+address {4}:443
+cleansession true
+topic P/{0}/in/# in
+topic P/{0}/out/# out
+remote_clientid rpc-{2}
+remote_username {6}
+remote_password {1}
+bridge_cafile {5}
+connection vrm
+address {3}:443
+cleansession true
+topic N/{0}/# out
+topic R/{0}/# in
+topic W/{0}/# in
+remote_clientid {2}
+remote_username {6}
+remote_password {1}
+bridge_cafile {5}
+LockFilePath = "/run/mosquittobridgeregistrator.lock"
+class RepeatingTimer(threading.Thread):
+	def __init__(self, callback, interval):
+		threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+		self.event = threading.Event()
+		self.callback = callback
+		self.interval = interval
+	def run(self):
+		while not self.event.is_set():
+			if not self.callback():
+				self.event.set()
+			# either call your function here,
+			# or put the body of the function here
+			self.event.wait(self.interval)
+	def stop(self):
+		self.event.set()
+class MosquittoBridgeRegistrator(object):
+	"""
+	The MosquittoBridgeRegistrator manages a bridge connection between the local Mosquitto
+	MQTT server, and the global VRM broker. It can be called
+	concurrently by different processes; efforts will be synchronized using an
+	advisory lock file.
+	It now also supports registering the API key and getting it and the password without
+	restarting Mosquitto. This allows using the API key, but not use the local broker and
+	instead connect directly to the VRM broker url.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, system_id):
+		self._init_broker_timer = None
+		self._aborted = threading.Event()
+		self._client_id = None
+		self._system_id = system_id
+		self._global_broker_username = "ccgxapikey_" + self._system_id
+		self._global_broker_password = None
+		self._requests_log_level = logging.getLogger("requests").getEffectiveLevel()
+	def _get_vrm_broker_url(self):
+		"""To allow scaling, the VRM broker URL is generated based on the system identifier
+		The function returns a numbered broker URL between 0 and VrmNumberOfBrokers, which makes sure
+		that broker connections are distributed equally between all VRM brokers
+		"""
+		sum = 0
+		for character in self._system_id.lower().strip():
+			sum += ord(character)
+		broker_index = sum % VrmNumberOfBrokers
+		return "mqtt{}.victronenergy.com".format(broker_index)
+	def load_or_generate_mqtt_password(self):
+		"""In case posting the password to storemqttpassword.php was processed
+		by the server, but we never saw the response, we need to keep it around
+		for the next time (don't post a random new one).
+		This way of storing the password was incepted later, and makes it
+		backwards compatible.
+		"""
+		if os.path.exists(MqttPasswordFile):
+			with open(MqttPasswordFile, "r") as f:
+				logging.info("Using {}".format(MqttPasswordFile))
+				password = f.read().strip()
+				return password
+		else:
+			with open(MqttPasswordFile + ".tmp", "w") as f:
+				logging.info("Writing new {}".format(MqttPasswordFile))
+				password = get_random_string(32)
+				# make sure the password is on the disk
+				f.write(password)
+				f.flush()
+				os.fsync(f.fileno())
+				os.rename(MqttPasswordFile + ".tmp", MqttPasswordFile)
+				# update the directory meta-info
+				fd = os.open(os.path.dirname(MqttPasswordFile), 0)
+				os.fsync(fd)
+				os.close(fd)
+				return password
+	def register(self):
+		if self._init_broker_timer is not None:
+			return
+		if self._init_broker(quiet=False, timeout=5):
+			if not self._aborted.is_set():
+				logging.info("[InitBroker] Registration failed. Retrying in thread, silently.")
+				logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+				# Not using gobject to keep these blocking operations out of the event loop
+				self._init_broker_timer = RepeatingTimer(self._init_broker, 60)
+				self._init_broker_timer.start()
+	def abort_gracefully(self):
+		self._aborted.set()
+		if self._init_broker_timer:
+			self._init_broker_timer.stop()
+			self._init_broker_timer.join()
+	@property
+	def client_id(self):
+		return self._client_id
+	def _write_config_atomically(self, path, contents):
+		config_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
+		if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
+			os.makedirs(config_dir)
+		with open(path + ".tmp", 'wt') as out_file:
+			# make sure the new config is on the disk
+			out_file.write(contents)
+			out_file.flush()
+			os.fsync(out_file.fileno())
+			# make sure there is either the old file or the new one
+			os.rename(path + ".tmp", path)
+			# update the directory meta-info
+			fd = os.open(os.path.dirname(path), 0)
+			os.fsync(fd)
+			os.close(fd)
+	def _init_broker(self, quiet=True, timeout=5):
+		try:
+			with open(LockFilePath, "a") as lockFile:
+				fcntl.flock(lockFile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+				orig_config = None
+				# Read the current config file (if present)
+				try:
+					if not quiet:
+						logging.info('[InitBroker] Reading config file')
+					with open(BridgeConfigPath, 'rt') as in_file:
+						orig_config = in_file.read()
+					settings = dict(tuple(l.strip().split(' ', 1)) for l in orig_config.split('\n')
+						if not l.startswith('#') and l.strip() != '')
+					self._client_id = settings.get('remote_clientid')
+					self._global_broker_password = settings.get('remote_password')
+				except IOError:
+					if not quiet:
+						logging.info('[InitBroker] Reading config file failed.')
+				# We need a guarantee an empty file, otherwise Mosquitto crashes on load.
+				if not os.path.exists(BridgeConfigPath):
+					self._write_config_atomically(BridgeConfigPath, "");
+				# Fix items missing from config
+				if self._client_id is None:
+					self._client_id = 'ccgx_' + get_random_string(12)
+				if self._global_broker_password is None:
+					self._global_broker_password = self.load_or_generate_mqtt_password()
+				# Get to the actual registration
+				if not quiet:
+					logging.info('[InitBroker] Registering CCGX at VRM portal')
+				with requests.Session() as session:
+					headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent': 'dbus-mqtt'}
+					r = session.post(
+						VrmApiServer + '/log/storemqttpassword.php',
+						data=dict(identifier=self._global_broker_username, mqttPassword=self._global_broker_password),
+						headers=headers,
+						verify=CaBundlePath,
+						timeout=(timeout,timeout))
+					if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
+						config = BridgeSettings.format(self._system_id,
+							self._global_broker_password, self._client_id,
+							self._get_vrm_broker_url(), RpcBroker, CaBundlePath,
+							self._global_broker_username)
+						# Do we need to adjust the settings file?
+						if config != orig_config:
+							logging.info('[InitBroker] Writing new config file')
+							self._write_config_atomically(BridgeConfigPath, config)
+							self._restart_broker()
+						else:
+							logging.info('[InitBroker] Not updating config file and not restarting Mosquitto, because config is correct.')
+						self._init_broker_timer = None
+						logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(self._requests_log_level)
+						logging.info('[InitBroker] Registration successful')
+						return False
+					if not quiet:
+						logging.error('VRM registration failed. Http status was: {}'.format(r.status_code))
+						logging.error('Message was: {}'.format(r.text))
+		except:
+			if not quiet:
+				traceback.print_exc()
+		# Notify the timer we want to be called again
+		return True
+	def _restart_broker(self):
+		logging.info('Restarting broker')
+		subprocess.call(['svc', '-t', '/service/mosquitto'])
+	def get_password(self):
+		assert self._global_broker_password is not None
+		return self._global_broker_password
+	def get_apikey(self):
+		return self._global_broker_username
+def get_random_string(size=32):
+	"""Creates a random (hex) string which contains 'size' characters."""
+	return ''.join("{0:02x}".format(b) for b in open('/dev/urandom', 'rb').read(int(size/2)))
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