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I wasn't being real smart with my photography at these festivals. I didn't get any pictures of the mikoshi bashing in Hirai or the amateur sumo in Seto. Still, there are a few things worth looking at. First, there are my friends jamming in Hirai. Kaori and Mahibon drummed while Yuko did an interperative dance. Pretty cool. I was the only one in the crowd dancing.
I like the effect of the no-flash longer exposure pictures. They had bright spot lights on them, so I didn't have to make the exposure too long, and only things that were moving fast got distorted. The best thing at the Seto festival, after the amateur sumo, was the sakanadori, or "fish-grab". The fill a pool with a variety of fish and set the kids on them barehanded. Hilarity ensues. The pictures here don't really capture the full effect.
The fireworks show that night was amazing. I'm surprised how well I was able to capture it on camera. That night, I was thinking about how awe inspiring good fireworks are, and I had an interesting thought. Sometimes in English something(for example a chocolate dessert) might be compared to sex to emphasize how good it is. Fireworks are the only thing I can think of that you compare sex to to emphasize how good the sex was (as in "I saw fireworks"). Anyway, check out the hanabi.
Here are some miscellaneous photos to finish. A way too pink car, some meat on the grill, and a dirty smelly Martyn next to a pristine and beautiful Japanese bride.