view db/mkconfig @ 5:b22a888eb975

Remove page1_*_pressure - it appears to be old code and is unused.
author Daniel O'Connor <>
date Thu, 11 Feb 2010 12:44:56 +1030
parents 9dab44dcb331
line wrap: on
line source

 * Create MySQL config
 * Edit to appropriate values before running.
 * $Id: mkdb,v 1.3 2009/12/20 00:44:15 grog Exp grog $
insert into config
( version,                                      /* format version number */
  latitude,                                     /* In ° */
  elevation,                                    /* metres */
  pressure_error,                               /* difference between actual and real, hPa */
  station_id,                                   /* this is the one we use for the database */
  address,                                      /* Address to display on web pages */
  wunderground_report_interval,                 /* how many seconds between reports to Wunderground */
  weatherforyou_report_interval,                /* how many seconds between reports to Weather for you */
  website_generation_interval,                  /* how many seconds between generating PHP header file */
  db_host,                                      /* database on this host */
  db_user,                                      /* user ID on host */
  db_passwd,                                    /* and password */
  db,                                           /* database name */
  db_table,                                     /* table */
  php_header,                                   /* php header file with weather data */
  comparefile)                                  /* file to compare local weather stations */
values (
  /* version */ 1,                          /* don't change this */
  /* latitude */ -37.8185,
  /* longitude */ 143.739473,
  /* elevation */ 340,                       /* elevation of the station in metres */
  /* pressure_error */ -13.5,                /* offset of pressure measurements, hPa */
  /* poll_interval */ 60,                    /* poll once a minute */
  /* station_id */ "MYID",
  /* address */ "MYADDRESS",
  /* wunderground_station_id */ "MYID",
  /* wunderground_passwd */ "insecure",
  /* wunderground_report_interval */ 300,    /* how many seconds between reports to Wunderground */
  /* weatheforyou_station_id */ "",
  /* weatheforyou_passwd */ "",
  /* weatherforyou_report_interval */ 300,   /* how many seconds between reports to Weather for you */
  /* website_generation_interval */ 60,      /* how many seconds between generating PHP header file */
  /* db_host */ "",
  /* db_user */ "grog",
  /* db_passwd */ "",
  /* db */ "weather",
  /* db_table */ "observations",
  /* php_header */ "/home/grog/public_html/weather/current.php",
  /* comparefile */ "/home/grog/public_html/weather/BoM-compare"

insert into config
( version,                                      /* format version number */
  latitude,                                     /* In ° */
  elevation,                                    /* metres */
  pressure_error,                               /* difference between actual and real, hPa */
  poll_interval,                                /* between reading the device */
  station_id,                                   /* this is the one we use for the database */
  address,                                      /* Address to display on web pages */
  wunderground_report_interval,                 /* how many seconds between reports to Wunderground */
  weatherforyou_report_interval,                /* how many seconds between reports to Weather for you */
  website_generation_interval,                  /* how many seconds between generating PHP header file */
  db_table,                                     /* table */
  php_header,                                   /* php header file with weather data */
  comparefile)                                  /* file to compare local weather stations */
values (
  /* version */ 1,                          /* don't change this */
  /* latitude */ -37.8185,
  /* longitude */ 143.739473,
  /* elevation */ 340,                       /* elevation of the station in metres */
  /* pressure_error */ -13.5,                /* offset of pressure measurements, hPa */
  /* poll_interval */ 60,                    /* poll once a minute */
  /* station_id */ "Dereel",
  /* address */ "Dereel, Victoria, Australia",
  /* wunderground_station_id */ "IVICTORI124",
  /* wunderground_passwd */ "breached",
  /* wunderground_report_interval */ 300,    /* how many seconds between reports to Wunderground */
  /* weatheforyou_station_id */ "",
  /* weatheforyou_passwd */ "",
  /* weatherforyou_report_interval */ 300,   /* how many seconds between reports to Weather for you */
  /* website_generation_interval */ 60,      /* how many seconds between generating PHP header file */
  /* db_table */ "observations",
  /* php_header */ "/home/grog/public_html/weather/current.php",
  /* comparefile */ "/home/grog/public_html/weather/BoM-compare",