diff libs/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Project/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template/HiTOP/STM32100E-EVAL/Settings/arm_arch.lsl @ 0:c59513fd84fb

Initial commit of STM32 test code.
author Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
date Mon, 03 Oct 2011 21:19:15 +1030
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libs/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Project/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template/HiTOP/STM32100E-EVAL/Settings/arm_arch.lsl	Mon Oct 03 21:19:15 2011 +1030
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+//  File        :  arm_arch.lsl
+//  Version     :  @(#)arm_arch.lsl     1.4  09/04/17
+//  Description :  Generic LSL file for ARM architectures
+//  Copyright 2008-2009 Altium BV
+#ifndef __STACK
+#  define __STACK                       32k
+#ifndef __HEAP
+#  define __HEAP                        32k
+#ifndef __STACK_FIQ
+#  define __STACK_FIQ                   8
+#ifndef __STACK_IRQ
+#  define __STACK_IRQ                   8
+#ifndef __STACK_SVC
+#  define __STACK_SVC                   8
+#ifndef __STACK_ABT
+#  define __STACK_ABT                   8
+#ifndef __STACK_UND
+#  define __STACK_UND                   8
+#  define __PROCESSOR_MODE              0x1F            /* SYS mode */
+#ifndef __IRQ_BIT
+#  define __IRQ_BIT                     0x80            /* IRQ interrupts disabled */
+#ifndef __FIQ_BIT
+#  define __FIQ_BIT                     0x40            /* FIQ interrupts disabled */
+#define __APPLICATION_MODE              (__PROCESSOR_MODE | __IRQ_BIT | __FIQ_BIT)
+#  define __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR       0x00000000
+#  define __VECTOR_TABLE_RAM_ADDR       0x00000000
+#if defined(__CPU_ARMV7M__) || defined(__CPU_ARMV6M__)
+#  ifndef __NR_OF_VECTORS
+#    define __NR_OF_VECTORS             16
+#  endif
+#  define __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE           (__NR_OF_VECTORS * 4)
+#  ifdef __PIC_VECTORS
+#    define __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE         64
+#  else
+#    ifdef __FIQ_HANDLER_INLINE
+#      define __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE       28
+#      define __NR_OF_VECTORS           7
+#    else
+#      define __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE       32
+#      define __NR_OF_VECTORS           8
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#ifndef __XVWBUF
+#  define __XVWBUF                      0               /* buffer used by CrossView Pro */
+#define BOUNDS_GROUP_NAME       grp_bounds
+#define BOUNDS_GROUP_SELECT     "bounds"
+architecture ARM
+        endianness
+        {
+                little;
+                big;
+        }
+        space linear
+        {
+                id = 1;
+                mau = 8;
+                map (size = 4G, dest = bus:local_bus);
+                copytable
+                (
+                        align = 4,
+                        copy_unit = 1,
+                        dest = linear
+                );
+                start_address
+                (
+                        // It is not strictly necessary to define a run_addr for _START
+                        // because hardware starts execution at address 0x0 which should
+                        // be the vector table with a jump to the relocatable _START, but
+                        // an absolute address can prevent the branch to be out-of-range.
+                        // Or _START may be the entry point at reset and the reset handler
+                        // copies the vector table to address 0x0 after some ROM/RAM memory
+                        // re-mapping. In that case _START should be at a fixed address
+                        // in ROM, specifically the alias of address 0x0 before memory
+                        // re-mapping.
+#ifdef __START
+                        run_addr = __START,
+                        symbol = "_START"
+                );
+                stack "stack"
+                (
+#ifdef __STACK_FIXED
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+                heap "heap"
+                (
+#ifdef __HEAP_FIXED
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size=__HEAP
+                );
+#if !defined(__CPU_ARMV7M__) && !defined(__CPU_ARMV6M__)
+                stack "stack_fiq"
+                (
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK_FIQ,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+                stack "stack_irq"
+                (
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK_IRQ,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+                stack "stack_svc"
+                (
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK_SVC,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+                stack "stack_abt"
+                (
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK_ABT,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+                stack "stack_und"
+                (
+                        fixed,
+                        align = 4,
+                        min_size = __STACK_UND,
+                        grows = high_to_low
+                );
+#if !defined(__NO_AUTO_VECTORS) && !defined(__NO_DEFAULT_AUTO_VECTORS)
+# if defined(__CPU_ARMV7M__) || defined(__CPU_ARMV6M__)
+                // vector table with handler addresses
+                vector_table "vector_table" ( vector_size = 4, size = __NR_OF_VECTORS, run_addr = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR,
+                                              template = ".text.handler_address",
+                                              template_symbol = "_lc_vector_handler",
+                                              vector_prefix = "_vector_",
+                                              fill = loop,
+                                              no_inline
+                                            )
+                {
+                        vector ( id = 0, fill = "_START" ); // FIXME: "_lc_ub_stack" does not work
+                        vector ( id = 1, fill = "_START" );
+                }
+#  else
+#    ifdef __PIC_VECTORS
+                // vector table with ldrpc instructions from handler table
+                vector_table "vector_table" ( vector_size = 4, size = 8, run_addr = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR,
+                                              template = ".text.vector_ldrpc",
+                                              template_symbol = "_lc_vector_ldrpc",
+                                              vector_prefix = "_vector_ldrpc_",
+                                              fill = loop
+                                            )
+                {
+                }
+                // subsequent vector table (data pool) with addresses of handlers
+                vector_table "handler_table" ( vector_size = 4, size = 8, run_addr = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR + 32,
+                                               template = ".text.handler_address",
+                                               template_symbol = "_lc_vector_handler",
+                                               vector_prefix = "_vector_",
+                                               fill = loop[-32],
+                                               no_inline
+                                             )
+                {
+                        vector ( id = 0, fill = "_START" );
+                }
+#    else
+                // vector table with branch instructions to handlers
+                vector_table "vector_table" ( vector_size = 4, size = __NR_OF_VECTORS, run_addr = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR,
+                                              template = ".text.vector_branch",
+                                              template_symbol = "_lc_vector_handler",
+                                              vector_prefix = "_vector_",
+                                              fill = loop
+                                            )
+                {
+                        vector ( id = 0, fill = "_START" );
+                }
+#    endif
+#  endif
+                section_layout
+                {
+#if defined(__NO_AUTO_VECTORS)
+                        "_lc_ub_vector_table" = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR;
+                        "_lc_ue_vector_table" = __VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_ADDR + __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE;
+                        // reserve space to copy vector table from ROM to RAM
+                        group ( ordered, run_addr = __VECTOR_TABLE_RAM_ADDR )
+                                reserved "vector_table_space" ( size = __VECTOR_TABLE_SIZE, attributes = rwx );
+                        // provide copy address symbols for copy routine
+                        "_lc_ub_vector_table_copy" := "_lc_ub_vector_table_space";
+                        "_lc_ue_vector_table_copy" := "_lc_ue_vector_table_space";
+                        // prevent copy: copy address equals orig address
+                        "_lc_ub_vector_table_copy" := "_lc_ub_vector_table";
+                        "_lc_ue_vector_table_copy" := "_lc_ue_vector_table";
+                        // define buffer for string input via Crossview Pro debugger
+                        group ( align = 4 ) reserved "xvwbuffer"  (size=__XVWBUF, attributes=rw );
+                        // define labels for bounds begin and end as used in C library
+                        group BOUNDS_GROUP_NAME (ordered, contiguous)
+                        {
+                                select BOUNDS_GROUP_SELECT;
+                        }
+                        "_lc_ub_bounds" := addressof(group:BOUNDS_GROUP_NAME);
+                        "_lc_ue_bounds" := addressof(group:BOUNDS_GROUP_NAME) + sizeof(group:BOUNDS_GROUP_NAME);
+#ifdef __HEAPADDR
+                        group ( ordered, run_addr=__HEAPADDR )
+                        {
+                                select "heap";
+                        }
+#ifdef __STACKADDR
+                        group ( ordered, run_addr=__STACKADDR )
+                        {
+                                select "stack";
+                        }
+#if !defined(__CPU_ARMV7M__) && !defined(__CPU_ARMV6M__)
+                        // symbol to set mode bits and interrupt disable bits
+                        // in cstart module before calling the application (main)
+                        "_APPLICATION_MODE_" = __APPLICATION_MODE;
+                }
+        }
+        bus local_bus
+        {
+                mau = 8;
+                width = 32;
+        }