# HG changeset patch
# User Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
# Date 1242191680 -34200
# Node ID a43a47dfc9025955f57e0f3a41a9c4577d0c170c

First stab at code that actually works!

import usb488
u = usb488.USB488Device()
Sending 20 bytes of data: [1, 1, 254, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 42, 73, 68, 78, 63, 10, 0, 0]
a = u.read()
Read 60 bytes: (2, 2, 253, 0, 48, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 84, 69, 75, 84, 82, 79, 78, 73, 88, 44, 84, 68, 83, 32
, 50, 48, 50, 52, 66, 44, 67, 48, 52, 55, 50, 54, 52, 44, 67, 70, 58, 57, 49, 46, 49, 67, 84, 32, 70, 86, 58,
 118, 50, 50, 46, 48, 49, 10)
s = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, map(chr, a))
print s
xxxxTEKTRONIX,TDS 2024B,C047264,CF:91.1CT FV:v22.01

diff -r 000000000000 -r a43a47dfc902 usb488.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/usb488.py	Wed May 13 14:44:40 2009 +0930
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Spec/info..
+# http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/USBTMC_1_006a.zip
+# http://svn.openmoko.org/developers/werner/ahrt/host/tmc/README
+# http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/redirector.jspx?action=ref&cname=AGILENT_EDITORIAL&ckey=1189335&lc=eng&cc=US&nfr=-35560.0.00
+# linux-
+import usb
+# The usual SCPI commands are wrapped before being sent.
+# Write:
+# Offset	Field		Size	Value	Description
+# 0		MsgID		1	0x01	DEV_DEP_MSG_OUT
+# 1		bTag		1	0x01	Varies with each transfer
+# 2		bTagInverse	1	0xfe	Inverse of previous field
+# 3		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 4		TransferSize	4	0x06
+# 5		..			0x00
+# 6		..			0x00
+# 7		..			0x00
+# 8		bmTransferAttr	1	0x01	1 == end of msg
+# 9		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 10		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 11		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 12		Msg itself	1	0x2a	'*'
+# 13				1	0x49	'I'
+# 14				1	0x44	'D'
+# 15				1	0x4e	'N'
+# 16				1	0x3f	'?'
+# 17				1	0x0a	'\n'
+# 18-19		Alignment	2	0x0000	Bring into 4 byte alignment
+# Send a read request:
+# Offset	Field		Size	Value	Description
+# 0		MsgID		1	0x02	REQUEST_DEV_DEP_MSG_IN
+# 1		bTag		1	0x02	Varies with each transfer
+# 2		bTagInverse	1	0xfd	Inverse of previous field
+# 3		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 4		TransferSize	4	0x64
+# 5		..			0x00
+# 6		..			0x00
+# 7		..			0x00
+# 8		bmTransferAttr	1	0x00
+# 9		Term char	1	0x00
+# 10		Reserved	1	0x00
+# 11		Reserved	1	0x00
+# Tektronix TDS2024B
+# No libusb versions of these available
+# USB488 message IDs
+class USB488Device(object):
+    def __init__(self, vendor = None, product = None, serial = None, path = None):
+        """Search for a USB488 class device, if specified vendor,
+        product, serial and path will refine the search"""
+        busses = usb.busses()
+        #
+        # Search for the device we want
+        #
+        found = False
+        for bus in busses:
+            for dev in bus.devices:
+                # Skip ones that don't match
+                if vendor != None and dev.idVendor != vendor:
+                    continue
+                if product != None and dev.idProduct != product:
+                    continue
+                if serial != None and dev.idSerialNumber != serial:
+                    continue
+                if path != None and dev.filename != path:
+                    continue
+                # The libusb examples say you can check for device
+                # class and then open, however in that case you can't
+                # find the endpoint number which seems pretty useless
+                # unless you want to hard code everything.
+                for confidx in xrange(len(dev.configurations)):
+                    for iface in dev.configurations[confidx].interfaces:
+                        for altif in iface:
+                            # Check if this is a USB488 capable interface
+                            if altif.interfaceClass == USB_CLASS_APP_SPECIFIC and \
+                                   altif.interfaceSubClass == USB_SUBCLASS_TMC and \
+                                   altif.interfaceProtocol == USB_PROTOCOL_488:
+                                found = True
+                                break
+                        if found:
+                            break
+                    if found:
+                        break
+                if found:
+                    break
+            if found:
+                break
+        if not found:
+            raise "Could not find a suitable USB device"
+        # Open the device and claim the USB interface that supports the spec
+        self.handle = dev.open()
+        self.handle.setConfiguration(dev.configurations[confidx].value)
+        self.handle.claimInterface(altif.interfaceNumber)
+        self.handle.setAltInterface(altif.alternateSetting)
+        # Get some info for humans
+        self.vendname = self.handle.getString(dev.iManufacturer, 1024)
+        self.prodname = self.handle.getString(dev.iProduct, 1024)
+        self.serial = self.handle.getString(dev.iSerialNumber, 1024)
+        # Determine the endpoints for each operation type
+        self.intrep = self.bulkinep = self.bulkoutep = None
+        for ep in altif.endpoints:
+            if ep.type == usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT and \
+                   ep.address & usb.ENDPOINT_IN == usb.ENDPOINT_IN:
+                self.intrep = ep.address
+            if ep.type == usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK:
+                if ep.address & usb.ENDPOINT_IN == usb.ENDPOINT_IN:
+                    self.bulkinep = ep.address
+                else:
+                    self.bulkoutep = ep.address
+                    self.maxPacket = ep.maxPacketSize
+        # Required for 488.2 devices, optional otherwise
+        if self.intrep == None:
+            print "Can't find interrupt endpoint"
+        # Data from the scope (mandatory)
+        if self.bulkinep == None:
+            raise "Can't find bulk-in endpoint"
+        # Data to the scope (mandatory)
+        if self.bulkoutep == None:
+            raise "Can't find bulk-out endpoint"
+        self.tag = 1
+    def __str__(self):
+        rtn = "Mfg: %s Prod: %s" % (self.vendname, self.prodname)
+        if self.serial != "":
+            rtn += " S/N: " + self.serial
+        return rtn
+    def incrtag(self):
+        self.tag += 1
+        if self.tag == 0:
+            self.tag += 1
+    def write(self, data):
+        """Send data (string) to the scope"""
+        orddata = map(ord, data)
+        datalen = len(orddata)
+        # Build the packet
+        pkt = [ DEV_DEP_MSG_OUT, self.tag, ~self.tag & 0xff, 0x00,
+                datalen & 0xff, datalen >> 8 & 0xff, datalen >> 16 & 0xff,
+                datalen >> 24 & 0xff, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
+        # Add the data
+        pkt = pkt + orddata
+        # Align to 4 bytes
+        alignlen = ((len(pkt) / 4) + 1) * 4
+        pkt = pkt + [0] * (alignlen - len(pkt))
+        # Bump the tag
+        self.incrtag()
+        # Split it up into maxPacket sized chunks and send..
+        while len(pkt) > 0:
+            chunk = pkt[0:self.maxPacket]
+            pkt = pkt[self.maxPacket:]
+            print "Sending %s bytes of data: %s" % (len(chunk), chunk)
+            wrote = self.handle.bulkWrite(self.bulkoutep, chunk)
+            if wrote != len(chunk):
+                raise "Short write, got %d, expected %d" % (wrote, len(chunk))
+    def read(self):
+        """Read data from the device"""
+        datalen = 1024
+        # Ask the device to send us something
+        pkt = [ REQUEST_DEV_DEP_MSG_IN, self.tag, ~self.tag & 0xff, 0x00,
+                datalen & 0xff, datalen >> 8 & 0xff, datalen >> 16 & 0xff,
+                datalen >> 24 & 0xff, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+        # Bump tag
+        self.incrtag()
+        # Send it
+        wrote = self.handle.bulkWrite(self.bulkoutep, pkt)
+        if wrote != len(pkt):
+            print "Short write, got %d, expected %d" % (wrote, len(pkt))
+        read = self.handle.bulkRead(self.bulkinep, datalen)
+        print "Read %s bytes: %s" % (len(read), str(read))
+        return read
+def find488():
+    """Search for a USB488 device, returns a handle, iface, dev tuple for it"""
+    busses = usb.busses()
+    found = False
+    for bus in busses:
+        for dev in bus.devices:
+            for confidx in xrange(len(dev.configurations)):
+                # XXX: what do multi-interface devices look like?
+                iface = dev.configurations[confidx].interfaces[0][0]
+                # Check if this is a USB488 capable interface
+                if iface.interfaceClass == USB_CLASS_APP_SPECIFIC and \
+                   iface.interfaceSubClass == USB_SUBCLASS_TMC and \
+                   iface.interfaceProtocol == USB_PROTOCOL_488:
+                    handle = dev.open()
+                    handle.setConfiguration(1)
+                    handle.claimInterface(0)
+                    handle.setAltInterface(0)
+                    #handle.setConfiguration(confidx)
+                    #handle.claimInterface(0)
+                    found = True
+                    break
+        if found:
+            break
+    if not found:
+        raise "Could not find scope, check perms"
+    return (handle, iface, dev)
+def geteps(iface):
+    """Returns a tuple of intr,input,output addresses of endpoints for the interface"""
+    intrep = bulkinep = bulkoutep = None
+    for ep in iface.endpoints:
+        if ep.type == usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTERRUPT and \
+               ep.address & usb.ENDPOINT_IN == usb.ENDPOINT_IN:
+            intrep = ep.address
+        if ep.type == usb.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK:
+            if ep.address & usb.ENDPOINT_IN == usb.ENDPOINT_IN:
+                bulkinep = ep.address
+            else:
+                bulkoutep = ep.address
+    # Required for 488.2 devices, optional otherwise
+    if intrep == None:
+        print "Can't find interrup endpoint"
+    # Data from the scope
+    if bulkinep == None:
+        raise "Can't find bulk-in endpoint"
+    # Data to the scope
+    if bulkoutep == None:
+        raise "Can't find bulk-out endpoint"
+    return intrep, bulkinep, bulkoutep
+def main():
+    handle, iface, dev = find488()
+    print "Found device"
+    intrep, bulkinep, bulkoutep = geteps(iface)
+    print "Found endpoints"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()