diff vxi_11.py @ 19:cba1c44060f5

Copied from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pythonlabtools/ I modified them slightly to work as something is causing pack_uint to be called instead of pack_int...
author Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
date Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:11:58 +0930
children 91b476ebc0f2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vxi_11.py	Thu Aug 11 17:11:58 2011 +0930
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+"The basic infrastructure for maintaining a vxi-11 protocol connection to a remote device"
+_rcsid="$Id: vxi_11.py 323 2011-04-06 19:10:03Z marcus $"
+import rpc
+from rpc import TCPClient, RawTCPClient
+import exceptions
+import struct
+import traceback
+import time
+import weakref
+import sys
+import select
+#	import threading
+#	threads=1
+#	threads=0
+def close_all_connections():
+	"disconnect and close out all vxi_11 connections created here, even if their object references have been lost" 
+	for wobj in connection_dict.keys():
+		name, wconn=connection_dict[wobj]
+		conn=wconn() #dereference weak ref
+		if conn is not None:
+			try:
+				conn.disconnect()
+			except:
+				conn.log_exception("***vxi_11.close_all_connections exception: ")
+		else:
+			del connection_dict[wobj] #how did this happen?
+class Junk_OneWayAbortClient(RawTCPClient):
+	"""OneWayAbortClient allows one to handle the strange, one-way abort rpc from an Agilent E5810.
+	Really, it doesn't even do a one-way transmission... it loses aborts, so this is history """
+	def do_call(self):
+		call = self.packer.get_buf()
+		rpc.sendrecord(self.sock, call)
+		self.unpacker.reset('\0\0\0\0') #put a valid return value into the unpacker
+class VXI_11_Error(IOError):
+	vxi_11_errors={
+				0:"No error", 1:"Syntax error", 3:"Device not accessible",
+				4:"Invalid link identifier", 5:"Parameter error", 6:"Channel not established",
+				8:"Operation not supported", 9:"Out of resources", 11:"Device locked by another link",
+				12:"No lock held by this link", 15:"IO Timeout", 17:"IO Error",  21:"Invalid Address",
+				23:"Abort", 29:"Channel already established" ,
+				"eof": "Cut off packet received in rpc.recvfrag()",
+				"sync":"stream sync lost",
+				"notconnected": "Device not connected"}
+	def identify_vxi_11_error(self, error):
+		if self.vxi_11_errors.has_key(error):
+			return `error`+": "+self.vxi_11_errors[error]
+		else:
+			return `error`+": Unknown error code"
+	def __init__(self, code,  **other_info):
+		IOError.__init__(self, self.identify_vxi_11_error(code))
+		self.code=code
+		self.other_info=other_info
+	def __repr__(self):
+		if self.other_info:
+			return str(self)+": "+str(self.other_info)
+		else:
+			return str(self)
+class VXI_11_Device_Not_Connected(VXI_11_Error):
+	def __init__(self):
+		VXI_11_Error.__init__(self,'notconnected')
+class VXI_11_Device_Not_Locked(VXI_11_Error):
+	pass
+class VXI_11_Transient_Error(VXI_11_Error): #exceptions having to do with multiple use which might get better
+	pass
+class VXI_11_Timeout(VXI_11_Transient_Error):
+	pass
+class VXI_11_Locked_Elsewhere(VXI_11_Transient_Error):
+	pass
+class VXI_11_Stream_Sync_Lost(VXI_11_Transient_Error):
+	def __init__(self, code, bytes):
+		VXI_11_Transient_Error.__init__(self, code)
+		self.other_info="bytes  vacuumed = %d" % bytes
+class VXI_11_RPC_EOF(VXI_11_Transient_Error):
+	pass
+_VXI_11_enumerated_exceptions={ #common, correctable exceptions
+		15:VXI_11_Timeout,
+		11:VXI_11_Locked_Elsewhere,
+		12:VXI_11_Device_Not_Locked
+class vxi_11_connection:
+	"""vxi_11_connection implements handling of devices compliant with vxi11.1-vxi11.3 protocols, with which
+	the user should have some familiarity"""
+	debug_info=0
+	debug_error=1
+	debug_warning=2
+	debug_all=3
+	debug_level=debug_info
+	OneWayAbort=0 #by default, this class uses two-way aborts, per official vxi-11 standard
+	def _list_packer(self, args):
+		l=map(None, self.pack_type_list, args) # combine lists
+		for packer, data in l:
+			#print "packing " + str(data) + " with " + str(packer)
+			packer(data)
+	def _list_unpacker(self):
+		res = []
+		for f in self.unpack_type_list:
+			a = f()
+			#print "Unpacked " + str(a) + " with " + str(f)
+			res.append(a)
+		return res
+		#return [func() for func in self.unpack_type_list]
+	def _link_xdr_defs(self, channel):
+		"self.link_xdr_defs() creates dictionaries of functions for packing and unpacking the various data types"
+		p=channel.packer
+		u=channel.unpacker
+		xdr_packer_defs={
+			"write":  (p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_opaque),
+			"read":  (p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int),
+			"create_link": (p.pack_int, p.pack_bool, p.pack_uint, p.pack_string), 
+			"generic": (p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int),
+			"lock": (p.pack_int, p.pack_int, p.pack_int), 
+			"id": (p.pack_int,)
+		}
+		xdr_unpacker_defs={
+			"write": (u.unpack_int, u.unpack_int),
+			"read": (u.unpack_int, u.unpack_int, u.unpack_opaque), 
+			# *something* is transforming pack_int to pack_uint which (obviously) doesn't like getting negative numbers
+			# Since LID is basically opaque unpack it as a uint to paper over the vileness
+			"create_link":  (u.unpack_uint, u.unpack_int, u.unpack_uint, u.unpack_uint), 
+			"read_stb":(u.unpack_int, u.unpack_int), 
+			"error": (u.unpack_int,)
+		}
+		return xdr_packer_defs, xdr_unpacker_defs
+	def _setup_core_packing(self, pack, unpack):
+		#print "setting up packing with " + pack
+		self.pack_type_list, self.unpack_type_list=self._core_packers[pack],self._core_unpackers[unpack]
+		#print "pack_type_list now " + str(self.pack_type_list)
+		#print "unpack_type_list now " + str(self.unpack_type_list)
+	def post_init(self):
+		pass
+	def simple_log_error(self, message, level=debug_error, file=None):
+		if level <= self.debug_level:
+			if file is None:
+				file=sys.stderr
+			print >> file, self.device_name, message
+	def fancy_log_error(self, message, level=debug_error, file=None):
+		if level <= self.debug_level:
+			message=str(message).strip()
+			level_str=("**INFO*****", "**ERROR****", "**WARNING**", "**DEBUG****")[level]
+			if file is None:
+				file=sys.stderr
+			print >> file, time.asctime().strip(), '\t', level_str, '\t', self.shortname, '\t', \
+				message.replace('\n','\n\t** ').replace('\r','\n\t** ')
+	def log_error(self, message, level=debug_error, file=None):
+		"override log_error() for sending messages to special places or formatting differently"
+		self.fancy_log_error(message, level, file)
+	def log_traceback(self, main_message='', file=None):
+		exlist=traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
+		s=main_message+'\n'
+		for i in exlist:
+			s=s+i
+		self.log_error(s, self.debug_error, file)
+	def log_info(self, message, file=None):
+		self.log_error(message, self.debug_info, file)
+	def log_warning(self, message, file=None):
+		self.log_error(message, self.debug_warning, file)
+	def log_debug(self, message, file=None):
+		self.log_error(message, self.debug_all, file)
+	def log_exception(self, main_message='', file=None):
+		self.log_error(main_message+traceback.format_exception_only(*(sys.exc_info()[:2]))[0], self.debug_error, file)
+	def __init__(self, host='', device="inst0", timeout=1000, raise_on_err=None, device_name="Network Device", shortname=None,
+			portmap_proxy_host=None, portmap_proxy_port=rpc.PMAP_PORT, use_vxi_locking=True):
+		self.raise_on_err=raise_on_err
+		self.lid=None
+		self.timeout=timeout
+		self.device_name=device_name
+		self.device_sicl_name=device
+		self.host=host
+		self.portmap_proxy_host=portmap_proxy_host
+		self.portmap_proxy_port=portmap_proxy_port
+		self.core=None
+		self.abortChannel=None
+		self.mux=None #default is no multiplexer active
+		self.use_vxi_locking=use_vxi_locking
+		if shortname is None:
+			self.shortname=device_name.strip().replace(' ','').replace('\t','')     
+		else:
+			self.shortname=shortname.strip().replace(' ','').replace('\t','')   
+		if threads:
+			self.threadlock=threading.RLock()
+		try:                            
+			self.reconnect()    
+		except VXI_11_Transient_Error:
+			self.log_exception("Initial connect failed... retry later")
+	def setup_mux(self, mux=None, global_name=None):
+			self.mux=mux
+			self.global_mux_name=global_name
+	def command(self, id, pack, unpack, arglist, ignore_connect=0):
+		#print "command() id = " + str(id) + ", pack = " + pack
+		if not (ignore_connect or self.connected):
+			raise VXI_11_Device_Not_Connected
+		#command has been made atomic, so that things like get_status_byte can be done 
+		#in a multi-threaded environment without needed a full vxi-11 lock to make it safe
+		if threads:
+			self.threadlock.acquire() #make this atomic
+		self._setup_core_packing(pack, unpack)
+		try:
+			try:
+				result= self.core.make_call(id, arglist, self._list_packer, self._list_unpacker)
+			except (RuntimeError, EOFError):
+				#RuntimeError is thrown by recvfrag if the xid is off... it means we lost data in the pipe
+				#EOFError is thrown if the packet isn't full length, as usually happens when ther is garbage in the pipe read as a length
+				#so vacuum out the socket, and raise a transient error
+				rlist=1
+				ntotal=0
+				while(rlist):
+					rlist, wlist, xlist=select.select([self.core.sock],[],[], 1.0)
+					if rlist:
+						ntotal+=len(self.core.sock.recv(10000) )#get some data from it
+				raise VXI_11_Stream_Sync_Lost("sync", ntotal)
+		finally:
+			if threads:
+				self.threadlock.release() #let go
+		err=result[0]
+		if err and self.raise_on_err:
+			e=_VXI_11_enumerated_exceptions #common, correctable exceptions
+			if e.has_key(err):
+				raise e[err](err) #raise these exceptions explicitly
+			else:
+				raise VXI_11_Error(err) #raise generic VXI_11 exception
+		return result
+	def do_timeouts(self, timeout, lock_timeout, channel=None):
+		if channel is None:
+			channel=self.core
+		flags=0
+		if  timeout is  None:
+			timeout=self.timeout
+		if not lock_timeout and hasattr(self,"default_lock_timeout"):
+			lock_timeout=self.default_lock_timeout
+		if  lock_timeout:
+			flags |=  1 # append waitlock bit
+		if channel:
+			channel.select_timeout_seconds=0.5+1.5*max(timeout, lock_timeout)/1000.0 #convert ms to sec, and be generous on hard timeout
+		return flags, timeout, lock_timeout
+	def reconnect(self): #recreate a broken connection
+		"""reconnect() creates or recreates our main connection.  Useful in __init__ and in complete communications breakdowns.
+		If it throws a VXI_11_Transient_Error, the connection exists, but the check_idn() handshake or post_init() failed."""
+		self.connected=0
+		if self.core:
+			self.core.close() #if this is a reconnect, break old connection the hard way
+		if self.abortChannel:
+			self.abortChannel.close()
+		self.core=rpc.TCPClient(self.host, 395183, 1, 
+				portmap_proxy_host=self.portmap_proxy_host, 
+				portmap_proxy_port=self.portmap_proxy_port)
+		self._core_packers, self._core_unpackers=self._link_xdr_defs(self.core) #construct xdr data type definitions for the core
+		#print "_core_packers now " + str(self._core_packers)
+		err, self.lid, self.abortPort, self.maxRecvSize=self.command(
+			10, "create_link","create_link", (0, 0, self.timeout, self.device_sicl_name), ignore_connect=1) #execute create_link
+		if err: #at this stage, we always raise exceptions since there isn't any way to bail out or retry reasonably
+			raise VXI_11_Error(err)
+		self.maxRecvSize=min(self.maxRecvSize, 1048576) #never transfer more than 1MB at a shot
+		if self.OneWayAbort:
+			#self.abort_channel=OneWayAbortClient(self.host, 395184, 1, self.abortPort)
+			self.abort_channel=rpc.RawUDPClient(self.host, 395184, 1, self.abortPort)
+		else:
+			self.abort_channel=RawTCPClient(self.host, 395184, 1, self.abortPort)
+		connection_dict[self.lid]=(self.device_name, weakref.ref(self))
+		self.locklevel=0
+		self.connected=1
+		self.check_idn()
+		self.post_init()            
+	def abort(self):
+		self.abort_channel.select_timeout_seconds=self.timeout/1000.0 #convert to seconds
+		try:
+			err=self.abort_channel.make_call(1, self.lid, self.abort_channel.packer.pack_int, self.abort_channel.unpacker.unpack_int) #abort
+		except EOFError:
+			raise VXI_11_RPC_EOF("eof")
+		if err and self.raise_on_err:
+			raise VXI_11_Error( err)
+		return err
+	def disconnect(self):
+		if self.connected:
+			try:
+				err, =self.command(23,  "id", "error", (self.lid,)) #execute destroy_link
+			except:
+				self.log_traceback() #if we can't close nicely, we'll close anyway
+			self.connected=0
+			del connection_dict[self.lid]
+			self.lid=None
+			self.core.close()
+			self.abort_channel.close()
+			del self.core, self.abort_channel
+			self.core=None
+			self.abortChannel=None
+	def __del__(self):
+		if self.lid is not None:
+			self.raise_on_err=0 #no exceptions here from simple errors
+			try:
+				self.abort()
+			except VXI_11_Error:
+				pass
+			try:
+				self.disconnect()
+			except VXI_11_Error:
+				pass            
+	def write(self, data, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		"""err, bytes_sent=write(data [, timeout] [,lock_timeout]) sends data to device.  See do_timeouts() for 
+		semantics of timeout and lock_timeout"""
+		flags, timeout, lock_timeout=self.do_timeouts(timeout, lock_timeout)
+		base=0
+		end=len(data)
+		while base<end:
+			n=end-base
+			if n>self.maxRecvSize:
+				xfer=self.maxRecvSize
+			else:
+				xfer=n
+				flags |= 8 #write end on last byte          
+			err, count=self.command(11, "write", "write",  (self.lid, timeout, lock_timeout, flags, data[base:base+xfer]))
+			if  err: break  
+			base+=count
+		return err, base
+	def read(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0, count=None, termChar=None):
+		"""err, reason, result=read([timeout] [,lock_timeout] [,count] [,termChar]) reads up to count bytes from the device,
+		ending on count, EOI or termChar (if specified).  See do_timeouts() for semantics of the timeouts. \n
+		the returned reason is an inclusive OR of 3 bits (per the VXI-11 specs section B.6.4.device_read):
+			Bit 2 = END/EOI received,
+			bit 1 = Terminating Character received,
+			bit 0 = full requested byte count received. 
+		"""
+		flags, timeout, lock_timeout=self.do_timeouts(timeout, lock_timeout)
+		if termChar is not None:
+			flags |= 128 # append termchrset bit
+			act_term=termChar
+		else:
+			act_term=0
+		accumdata=""
+		reason=0
+		err=0
+		accumlen=0
+		while  ( (not err) and (not (reason & 6) ) and 
+			( (count is None) or (accumlen < count))  ):  #wait for END or CHR reason flag or count
+			readcount=self.maxRecvSize
+			if count is not None:
+				readcount=min(readcount, count-accumlen)
+			err, reason, data = self.command(12, "read","read", (self.lid,  readcount, timeout, lock_timeout, flags, act_term))
+			accumdata+=data     
+			accumlen+=len(data)
+			#print err, reason, len(data), len(accumdata)
+		return err, reason, accumdata
+	def generic(self, code, timeout, lock_timeout):
+		flags, timeout, lock_timeout=self.do_timeouts(timeout, lock_timeout)
+		err, = self.command(code, "generic", "error", (self.lid, flags, timeout, lock_timeout))
+		return err
+	def trigger(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		return self.generic(14, timeout, lock_timeout)
+	def clear(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		return self.generic(15, timeout, lock_timeout)
+	def remote(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		return self.generic(16, timeout, lock_timeout)
+	def local(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		return self.generic(17, timeout, lock_timeout)
+	def read_status_byte(self, timeout=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		flags, timeout, lock_timeout=self.do_timeouts(timeout, lock_timeout)
+		err, status = self.command(13, "generic","read_stb", (self.lid, flags, timeout, lock_timeout))
+		return err, status 
+	def lock(self,  lock_timeout=0):
+		"""lock() acquires a lock on a device and the threadlock.  If it fails it leaves the connection cleanly unlocked.
+		If self.use_vxi_locking is false, it acquires only a thread lock locally, and does not really lock the vxi-11 device.
+		This is useful if only one process is talking to a given device, and saves time."""
+		err=0
+		if threads:
+			self.threadlock.acquire()
+		if self.use_vxi_locking and self.locklevel==0:
+			flags, timeout, lock_timeout=self.do_timeouts(0, lock_timeout)
+			try:
+				if self.mux: self.mux.lock_connection(self.global_mux_name)
+				try:
+					err, = self.command(18, "lock","error", (self.lid, flags, lock_timeout))
+				except:
+					if self.mux: self.mux.unlock_connection(self.global_mux_name)
+					raise                   
+			except:
+				if threads:
+					self.threadlock.release()
+				raise
+		if err:
+			if threads:
+				self.threadlock.release()
+		else:
+			self.locklevel+=1
+		return err
+	def is_locked(self):
+		return self.locklevel > 0
+	def unlock(self, priority=0):
+		"""unlock(priority=0) unwinds one level of locking, and if the level is zero, really unlocks the device.
+		Calls to lock() and unlock() should be matched.  If there is a danger that they are not, due to bad
+		exception handling, unlock_completely() should be used as a final cleanup for a series of operations.
+		Setting priority to non-zero will bias the apparent last-used time in a multiplexer (if one is used),
+		so setting priority to -10 will effectively mark this channel least-recently-used, while setting it to 
+		+2 will post-date the last-used time 2 seconds, so for the next 2 seconds, the device will be hard to kick
+		out of the channel cache (but not impossible).
+		"""
+		self.locklevel-=1
+		assert self.locklevel>=0, "Too many unlocks on device: "+self.device_name
+		err=0
+		try:
+			if self.use_vxi_locking and self.locklevel==0:
+				try:
+					err, = self.command(19, "id", "error", (self.lid,  ))   
+				finally:
+					if self.mux: 
+						self.mux.unlock_connection(self.global_mux_name, priority) #this cannot fail, no try needed (??)
+			elif priority and self.mux:
+				#even on a non-final unlock, a request for changed priority is always remembered
+				self.mux.adjust_priority(self.global_mux_name, priority)
+		finally:            
+			if threads:
+				self.threadlock.release()
+		return err
+	def unlock_completely(self, priority=0):
+		"unlock_completely() forces an unwind of any locks all the way back to zero for error cleanup.  Only exceptions thrown are fatal."
+		if threads:
+			self.threadlock.acquire() #make sure we have the threadlock before we try a (possibly failing) full lock
+		try:
+			self.lock() #just to be safe, we should already hold one level of lock!
+		except VXI_11_Locked_Elsewhere: 
+			pass #this is often called on error cleanup when we don't already have a lock, and we don't really care if we can't get it
+		except VXI_11_Error:
+			self.log_exception("Unexpected trouble locking in unlock_completely(): ")
+		if threads:
+			self.threadlock._RLock__count += (1-self.threadlock._RLock__count)
+			#unwind to single lock the fast way, and make sure this variable    really existed, to shield against internal changes
+		self.locklevel=1 #unwind our own counter, too           
+		try:
+			self.unlock(priority)
+		except VXI_11_Device_Not_Locked:
+			pass #if we couldn't lock above, we will probably get another exception here, and don't care
+		except VXI_11_Transient_Error:
+			self.log_exception("Unexpected trouble unlocking in unlock_completely(): ")
+		except VXI_11_Error:
+			self.log_exception("Unexpected trouble unlocking in unlock_completely(): ")
+			raise
+	def transaction(self, data, count=None, lock_timeout=0):
+		"""err, reason, result=transaction(data, [, count] [,lock_timeout]) sends data and waits for a response. 
+		It is guaranteed to leave the lock level at its original value on exit,
+		unless KeyboardInterrupt breaks the normal flow.  If count isn't provided, there is no limit to how much data will be accepted.
+		See do_timeouts() for semantics on lock_timeout."""
+		self.lock(lock_timeout)
+		reason=None
+		result=None
+		try:
+			err,  write_count = self.write(data)
+			if not err:
+				err, reason, result = self.read(count=count)
+		finally:        
+			self.unlock()
+		return err, reason, result
+	def check_idn(self):
+		'check_idn() executes "*idn?" and aborts if the result does not start with self.idn_head'
+		if hasattr(self,"idn"):
+			return #already done
+		if hasattr(self,"idn_head") and self.idn_head is not None:
+			self.lock()
+			try:
+				self.clear()
+				err, reason, idn = self.transaction("*idn?")
+			finally:
+				self.unlock()
+			check=idn.find(self.idn_head)
+			self.idn=idn.strip() #save for future reference info    
+			if  check:
+				self.disconnect()               
+				assert check==0, "Wrong device type! expecting: "+self.idn_head+"... got: "+self.idn
+		else:
+			self.idn="Device *idn? not checked!"
+import copy
+class device_thread:
+	if threads:
+		Thread=threading.Thread #by default, use canonical threads
+	def __init__(self,  connection, main_sleep=1.0, name="Device"):
+		self.running=0
+		self.main_sleep=main_sleep
+		self.__thread=None
+		self.__name=copy.copy(name) #make a new copy to avoid a possible circular reference
+		self.__wait_event=threading.Event()
+		self.set_connection(connection)
+	def set_connection(self, connection):
+		#keep only a weak reference, so the thread cannot prevent the device from being deleted
+		#such deletion creates an error when the thread tries to run, but that's OK
+		#this allows the device_thread to be used as a clean mix-in class to a vxi_11 connection
+		self.__weak_connection=weakref.ref(connection)
+	def connection(self):
+		return self.__weak_connection() #dereference weak reference
+	def handle_lock_error(self):
+		"handle_lock_error can be overridden to count failures and do something if there are too many"
+		self.connection().log_exception(self.name+": Error while locking device")
+	def onepass(self):
+		connection=self.connection()
+		try:
+			connection.lock()
+		except VXI_11_Transient_Error:
+			self.handle_lock_error()
+			return
+		try:
+			self.get_data()
+		except:
+			connection.log_traceback('Uncaught exception in get_data()')
+			try:
+				connection.clear()
+			except:
+				connection.log_exception('failed to clear connection after error')              
+			self.run=0
+		connection.unlock()
+	def monitor(self):
+		self.connection().log_info("Monitor loop entered")
+		while(self.run):
+			try:
+				self.onepass()
+				self.__wait_event.wait(self.main_sleep) #wait until timeout or we are cancelled
+			except KeyboardInterrupt:
+				self.connection().log_error("Keyboard Interrupt... terminating")
+				self.run=0
+			except:
+				self.connection().log_traceback()
+				self.run=0
+		self.running=0
+		self.connection().unlock_completely() 
+	def run_thread(self):
+		if not self.running: #if it's already running, just keep it up.
+			self.run=1
+			self.__thread=self.Thread(target=self.monitor, name=self.__name)
+			self.__wait_event.clear() #make sure we don't fall through immediately
+			self.__thread.start()
+			self.running=1
+	def get_monitor_thread(self):
+		return self.__thread
+	def stop_thread(self):
+		if self.running:
+			self.run=0
+			self.__wait_event.set() #cancel any waiting