view src/struct.h @ 15:d28f3d01043c

Add code to make nebulous terrain increase penetration of sheilds.
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 15:21:57 +0000
parents 0836fb919dfa
line wrap: on
line source

NETREK II -- Paradise

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
"as is" without express or implied warranty.

    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
                                                    Scott Silvey
    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
                                                    Kurt Olsen
                                                    Brandon Gillespie

#ifndef struct_h_
#define struct_h_

#include "defs.h"

/*-----------------------------SHIP STRUCTURE------------------------------*/

enum ship_types_e

#if 1
#define	NUM_TYPES	14	/* this is less clean, but cc has a */
  /* problem with using an enum constant */
  /* as an array dimension.  POS compiler. */

struct drivestat
  /* various drive type statistics */
  int acc;			/* acceleration */
  int dec;			/* decelleration */
  int cost;			/* fuel cost */
  int maxspeed;			/* maximum speed */
  int etemp;			/* engine temperature */

struct weaponstat
  short damage;			/* damage potential */
  short speed;			/* speed for missiles, range for beams */
  short cost;			/* fuel cost */
  short fuse;			/* how long they last */
  short wtemp;			/* weapon temperature cost */
  short wtemp_halfarc;		/* Arc the penalty is calculated from */
  short wtemp_factor;		/* Penalty Factor 1-16 of wtemp caused */
  short count;			/* how many we can have airborne */
  short aux;			/* aux field */
  /* aux is turn rate for torps and plasmas. */

struct ship

  short s_type;			/* ship type, defined with the number */
  short s_alttype;		/* This MUST be a legal vanilla bronco type */
  char s_name[32];		/* ship's name */

  /* engine characteristics */
  int s_turns;			/* ship\'s turning */
#undef	s_imp			/* bloody obsolete header files */
  struct drivestat s_imp;	/* impulse drive stats */
  struct drivestat s_after;	/* impulse drive stats */
  struct drivestat s_warp;	/* impulse drive stats */
  int s_warpinitcost;		/* fuel charge to initialize warp */
  int s_warpinittime;		/* time to initialize warp */
  int s_warpprepspeed;		/* speed while initializing warp */

  short s_mass;			/* to guage affect of tractor beams */

  /* tractor characteristics */
  short s_tractstr;		/* Strength of tractor beam */
  float s_tractrng;		/* tractor range */
  int s_tractcost;		/* fuel used by tractors */
  int s_tractetemp;		/* e-temp caused by tractors */

  struct weaponstat s_torp;	/* torp characteristics */
  struct weaponstat s_phaser;	/* phaser characteristics */
  struct weaponstat s_missile;	/* missile characteristics */
  struct weaponstat s_plasma;	/* plasma characteristics */
  short s_missilestored;	/* how many missiles can we store? */

  /* Raynfala's Butt Torp Code. Gjor's Ship Patch for his code to do it */
  /* for each ship.						       */

  short s_torp_penalty_halfarc;
  short s_torp_penalty_factor;

  int s_maxwpntemp;		/* max W-temp */
  short s_wpncoolrate;		/* weapon cool rate */

  int s_maxegntemp;		/* max engine temp */
  short s_egncoolrate;		/* engine cool rate */

  /* fuel characteristics */
  int s_maxfuel;		/* ship's maximum fuel */
  short s_recharge;		/* speed fuel recharges */
  int s_mingivefuel;		/* ship must have this much to give fuel */
  int s_takeonfuel;		/* how fast ship takes on fuel */

  short s_expldam;		/* damage done by ship's explosion (assuming
				 * his fuel tank is empty) */
  short s_fueldam;		/* the amount of _additional_ damage that
				 * this ship's explosion does with a full
				 * tank */

  /* miscellaneous army stats */
  float s_armyperkill;		/* the number of armies per kill */
  short s_maxarmies;		/* max armies ship can carry */
  int s_bomb;			/* bomb damage ship can do */

  /* hull, shield and repair stats */
  short s_repair;		/* ship's repair rate */
  int s_maxdamage;		/* maximum damage ship can take */
  int s_maxshield;		/* maximum shield value */
  int s_shieldcost;		/* cost in fuel of shields being up */

  short s_detcost;		/* fuel cost of detting */
  int s_detdist;		/* fuel cost of detting */
  short s_cloakcost;		/* base fuel cost of cloaking */

  short s_scanrange;		/* range of the ship's scanners */

  short s_numports;		/* how many docking ports do we have? */

  char s_letter;		/* the letter used to enter as that ship */
  char s_desig1;		/* the designation used (such as A, in AS */
  char s_desig2;		/* the designation used (such as S, in AS */

  short s_bitmap;		/* the bitmap to use */
  short s_width;		/* width of bitmap */
  short s_height;		/* height of bitmap */

  /* ship requisition limitations */
  int s_timer;			/* value to set timer to get another ship */
  int s_maxnum;			/* maximum number of these per team */
  int s_rank;			/* minimum rank for this sucker */
  int s_numdefn;		/* number of player necessary */
  int s_numplan;		/* number of planets */

  long s_nflags;		/* attributes for ship type, SFN flags */

 * ATTENTION!!! Changes to these flags should be mirrored in structdesc.c
/* For s_nflags field */
#if 0
#define SFNDOCKON       (1<< 0)	/* specify a ship to docked on */
#define SFNCANDOCK      (1<< 1)	/* specify a ship can dock */
#define SFNUNDOCKABLE	(1<< 0)	/* this ship can not dock with another */
#define SFNCANORBIT     (1<< 1)	/* specify a ship can orbit */
#define SFNCANWARP      (1<< 2)	/* this ship can go warp */
#define SFNCANFUEL	(1<< 3)	/* base can give docked ships fuel */
#define SFNCANREPAIR	(1<< 4)	/* base can repair docked ships */
#define SFNCANREFIT	(1<< 5)	/* base allows a refit while docked */
#define SFNARMYNEEDKILL (1<< 6)	/* does ship need kills to carry */

#define SFNHASPHASERS	(1<< 7)	/* this ship has phasers */

#define SFNPLASMASTYLE  (1<< 8)	/* style of firing plasmas */

#define SFNMASSPRODUCED (1<< 9)	/* ship can appear docked to an SB or UT */

#define SFNPLASMAARMED	(1<<10)
#define SFNHASMISSILE	(1<<11)

#define SFNHASFIGHTERS	(1<<12)	/* ship has a fighter bay */

#if 0
#define allows_docking(s_ship)	((s_ship).s_nflags & SFNDOCKON)
#define can_dock(s_ship)	((s_ship).s_nflags & SFNCANDOCK)
#define allows_docking(s_ship)	((s_ship).s_numports>0)
#define can_dock(s_ship)	((s_ship).s_numports==0 && !((s_ship).s_nflags&SFNUNDOCKABLE))

/*----------------------------STATS STRUCTURE------------------------------*/

struct stats
  int st_genocides;		/* number of genocides participated in */
  float st_tmaxkills;		/* max kills ever */
  float st_di;			/* total destruction inflicted for all time */
  int st_tkills;		/* Kills in tournament play */
  int st_tlosses;		/* Losses in tournament play */
  int st_tarmsbomb;		/* Tournament armies bombed */
  int st_tresbomb;		/* resources bombed off */
  int st_tdooshes;		/* armies killed while being carried */
  int st_tplanets;		/* Tournament planets conquered */
  int st_tticks;		/* Tournament ticks */
  /* SB/WB/JS stats are entirely separate */
  int st_sbkills;		/* Kills as starbase */
  int st_sblosses;		/* Losses as starbase */
  int st_sbticks;		/* Time as starbase */
  float st_sbmaxkills;		/* Max kills as starbase */
  int st_wbkills;		/* Kills as warbase */
  int st_wblosses;		/* Losses as warbase */
  int st_wbticks;		/* Time as warbase */
  float st_wbmaxkills;		/* Max kills as warbase */
  int st_jsplanets;		/* planets assisted with in JS */
  int st_jsticks;		/* ticks played as a JS */
  long st_lastlogin;		/* Last time this player was played */
  int st_flags;			/* Misc option flags */
  int st_cluesuccess;		/* how many times you passed a clue check */
  char st_pad[92];		/* space for expansion */
  int st_rank;			/* Ranking of the player */
  int st_royal;			/* royaly, specialty, rank */

 * These are for the flags field and control the preset options of the
 * players client.
#if 0
#define ST_MAPMODE      0x001
#define ST_NAMEMODE     0x002
#define ST_SHOWSHIELDS  0x004
#define ST_NOBITMAPS	(1<<0)
#define ST_KEEPPEACE    (1<<3)
#if 0
#define ST_SHOWLOCAL    0x010	/* two bits for these two */
#define ST_SHOWGLOBAL   0x040
#define ST_CYBORG	(1<<8)

/* initial value to put in flags */


/*---------------------------VARIOUS STRUCTURES----------------------------*/

 * This is used to indicate various things about the game and to hold global
 * stats about it.  All stats are only updated while in t-mode.
struct status
  int active;			/* for interfacing with people who */
  unsigned int wait, count;	/* want to get into the game */
  unsigned int number, request, answer;
  unsigned char tourn;		/* Tournament mode? */
  unsigned long dooshes;	/* total number of armies dooshed */
  unsigned long armsbomb;	/* all t-mode armies bombed */
  unsigned long resbomb;	/* resources bombed */
  unsigned long planets;	/* all t-mode planets taken */
  unsigned long kills;		/* all t-mode kills made */
  unsigned long losses;		/* all t-mode losses */
  unsigned long genocides;	/* number of genocides */
  unsigned long sbkills;	/* total kills in SB's */
  unsigned long sblosses;	/* total losses in Sb's */
  unsigned long sbtime;		/* total time in SB's */
  unsigned long wbkills;	/* kills in warbases */
  unsigned long wblosses;	/* losses in warbases */
  unsigned long wbtime;		/* total time played in wb's */
  unsigned long jsplanets;	/* total planets taken by jump ships */
  unsigned long jstime;		/* total time in a jump ship */
  unsigned long time;		/* t-mode time */
  unsigned long timeprod;	/* t-mode ship ticks--sort of like */
  /* manhours in t-mode */
  unsigned long clock;		/* clock used for timestamping */
  int nukegame;			/* set to PID of daemon */
  int gameup;			/* is game up */

 * Some of the stuff above belongs in struct status2

struct league_team
  int index;			/* team index, not mask. -1 means captain
				 * hasn't chosen yet */
  int captain;			/* player number of captain */
  char name[32];
  int timeouts_left;		/* NYI */
  int ready;
  int desirepause;		/* do we want to pause the game? */

    int regulation;		/* game length */
    int overtime;
    int maxplayers;		/* max players per team */
    int galaxyreset;		/* do we want to reset the galaxy? */
    int restart;		/* should we restart team selection? */
  }   desired;

struct status2
  int league;			/* are we playing league? 0 means no. 1 means
				 * we're prepping (captains choose sides). 2
				 * means we're almost there. 3 means we're in
				 * regulation league play. 4 means we're in
				 * overtime */
  int leagueticksleft;		/* ticks left in game play */

  struct league_team home, away;

  int timeout_timeleft;		/* ticks left in a timeout */
  int awaypassed;		/* does the away team get first choice? this
				 * becomes 1 if they PASS */
  int paused;			/* contains 0 if the game is not paused.
				 * contains the number of ticks left before
				 * return to normal play if already paused */
  int pausemsgfuse;		/* a fuse that prints out a reminder every
				 * few seconds */
  int starttourn;
  int newgalaxy;
  int nontteamlock;

 * used for the request field of status.  These are used for a client
 * querying the queue to see if he can get in

enum queue_request_type_e

 * This structure is used to hold various info that each team has, such as
 * how long before a certain ship type is done with construction.
struct team
  char nickname[32];		/* he is now a %s  */
  char name[32];		/* come join the %s */
  char letter;			/* 1-letter abbrev */
  char shortname[4];		/* 3-letter abbrev */

  int s_turns[NUM_TYPES];	/* turns till another ship is legal */
  int s_surrender;		/* minutes until this team surrenders */
  int s_plcount;		/* how many planets this team owns */
  int s_plcountold;		/* the old planet count */

 * this is used for getting a player name and password and fetching a players
 * stats
struct statentry
  char name[16];		/* player's name */
  char password[16];		/* player's password */
  struct stats stats;		/* player's stats */

/* Used by the function that computes ratings */
struct rating
  float battle;
  float strategy;
  float special;

  float bombrat;
  float planetrat;
  float resrat;
  float offrat;
  float dooshrat;
  float ratio;

  float sbrat;
  float wbrat;
  float jsrat;


/*-----------------------------PLAYER STRUCTURE----------------------------*/

#define MAXPORTS	6	/* maximum number of docking bays a ship type
				 * can have */

/* These are defines for the p_whydead field of the player structure */
enum why_dead_e
  KQUIT,			/* Player quit */
  KTORP,			/* killed by torp */
  KPHASER,			/* killed by phaser */
  KPLANET,			/* killed by planet */
  KSHIP,			/* killed by other ship */
  KDAEMON,			/* killed by dying daemon */
  KWINNER,			/* killed by a winner */
  KGHOST,			/* killed because a ghost */
  KGENOCIDE,			/* killed by genocide */
  KPROVIDENCE,			/* killed by a hacker */
  KPLASMA,			/* killed by a plasma torpedo */
  KTOURNEND,			/* killed by the end of the tourn */
  KOVER,			/* killed by overtime */
  KTOURNSTART,			/* killed by the start of the tournament */
  KBINARY,			/* killed by improper client */
  KMISSILE,			/* killed by a missile */
  KASTEROID			/* smashed by an asteroid */

/* These are number defines for the player structs p_status field */
enum player_status_e
  PFREE,			/* player slot is not filled */
  POUTFIT,			/* player in process of being ghost busted */
  PALIVE,			/* player is alive */
  PEXPLODE,			/* player is in process of exploding */
  PDEAD,			/* player is dead */
  PTQUEUE,			/* player is on the tournament queue */
  POBSERVE			/* player is observing the game */

struct player
  int p_no;			/* player number in player array */
  int p_updates;		/* Number of updates ship has survived */
  enum player_status_e p_status;/* Player status */
  char p_observer;		/* is the player only an observer? */
  unsigned int p_flags;		/* Player flags */
  char p_name[16];		/* name of player */
  char p_login[16];		/* as much of user name and site we can hold */
  char p_monitor[16];		/* Monitor being played on */
  struct ship p_ship;		/* Personal ship statistics */
  int p_x;			/* players x coord in the galaxy */
  int p_y;			/* player y coord in the galaxy */

  unsigned char p_dir;		/* Real direction */
  int p_subdir;			/* fraction direction change */
  unsigned char p_desdir;	/* desired direction */

  int p_speed;			/* Real speed */
  int p_subspeed;		/* Fractional speed */
  short p_desspeed;		/* Desired speed */
  short p_warpdesspeed;		/* Desired warp speed, after prep [BDyess] */

  short p_team;			/* Team I'm on */
  enum HomeAway
  }   p_homeaway;
  char p_spyable;		/* can you watch this player? */
  char p_teamspy;		/* (mask) what teams can this player watch? */

  int p_damage;			/* Current damage */
  int p_subdamage;		/* Fractional damage repair */

  int p_shield;			/* Current shield power */
  int p_subshield;		/* Fractional shield recharge */

  short p_cloakphase;		/* Drawing stage of cloaking engage/disengage */

  short p_ntorp;		/* Number of torps flying */
  short p_nplasmatorp;		/* Number of plasma torps active */
  short p_nthingys;		/* number of thingys we own. */
  long p_specweap;		/* which special weapons we're packing */

  char p_hostile;		/* Who my torps will hurt */
  char p_swar;			/* Who am I at sticky war with */

  float p_kills;		/* Enemies killed */
  short p_planet;		/* Planet orbiting or locked onto */
  char p_orbitdir;		/* direction you are orbiting the planet in */
  short p_playerl;		/* Player locked onto */
  short p_armies;		/* armies player is carrying */

  int p_fuel;			/* fuel player's ship currently has */
  short p_explode;		/* Keeps track of final explosion */

  int p_etemp;			/* player's current engine temp */
  int p_subetemp;		/* fractional part of E-temp */
  short p_etime;		/* timer for coming out of E-temp */

  int p_wtemp;			/* current weapon temp */
  short p_wtime;		/* timer for coming out of W-temp */

  enum why_dead_e p_whydead;	/* Tells you why you died */
  short p_whodead;		/* Tells you who killed you */
  struct stats p_stats;		/* player statistics */
  short p_planets;		/* planets taken this game */
  short p_armsbomb;		/* armies bombed this game */
  short p_resbomb;		/* resources bombed */
  short p_dooshes;		/* armies being carried killed */
  int p_ghostbuster;		/* ??????????????? */
  int p_docked;			/* If SB, # docked to, else no base host */
  int p_port[MAXPORTS];		/* If SB, pno of ship docked to that port,
				 * else p_port[0] = port # docked to on host. */
  short p_tractor;		/* What player is in tractor lock */
  int p_pos;			/* My position in the player file */
  char p_full_hostname[32];	/* full hostname 4/13/92 TC */
#if 0
  int p_planfrac;		/* for getting fractional credit for */
  int p_bombfrac;		/* bombing and planet taking */
  int p_warptime;		/* timer for warp countdown */
  int p_jsdock;			/* to keep track of undocking from JS */
  int p_lastjs;			/* player number of last JS ridden on */
  int p_lastman;		/* flag used to beam up last men */

  int p_lastrefit;		/* what shipyard you last refitted at (plno) */
  /* ping stuff */
  int p_avrt;			/* average round trip time */
  int p_stdv;			/* standard deviation in round trip time */
  int p_pkls;			/* packet loss (input/output) */

  /* clue checking goop */
  int p_cluecountdown;
  int p_cluedelay;

  int p_ntspid;			/* proc ID of ntserv in control of this slot */
  int p_zone;			/* total warp zone bonus/penalty [BDyess] */

  int gen_distress;		/* generate generic distress messages for
				 * client */

/* These are defines that used for the player struct's p_flags field */
#define PFSHIELD	  (1<< 0)	/* shields are raised */
#define PFREPAIR	  (1<< 1)	/* player in repair mode */
#define PFBOMB		  (1<< 2)	/* player is bombing */
#define PFORBIT		  (1<< 3)	/* player is orbiting */
#define PFCLOAK		  (1<< 4)	/* player is cloaked */
#define PFWEP		  (1<< 5)	/* player is weapon temped */
#define PFENG		  (1<< 6)	/* player is engine temped */
#define PFROBOT		  (1<< 7)	/* player is a robot */
#define PFBEAMUP	  (1<< 8)	/* player is beaming up */
#define PFBEAMDOWN	  (1<< 9)	/* player is beaming down */
#define PFSELFDEST	  (1<<10)	/* player is self destructing */
#define PFGREEN		  (1<<11)	/* player at green alert */
#define PFYELLOW	  (1<<12)	/* player is at yellow alert */
#define PFRED		  (1<<13)	/* player is at red alert */
#define PFPLOCK		  (1<<14)	/* Locked on a player */
#define PFPLLOCK	  (1<<15)	/* Locked on a planet */
#define PFCOPILOT	  (1<<16)	/* Allow copilots */
#define PFWAR		  (1<<17)	/* computer reprogramming for war */
#define PFPRACTR	  (1<<18)	/* practice type robot (no kills) */
#define PFDOCK            (1<<19)	/* true if docked to a starbase */
#define PFREFIT           (1<<20)	/* true if about to refit */
#define PFREFITTING	  (1<<21)	/* true if currently refitting */
#define PFTRACT  	  (1<<22)	/* tractor beam activated */
#define PFPRESS  	  (1<<23)	/* pressor beam activated */
#define PFDOCKOK	  (1<<24)	/* docking permission */
#define PFSEEN		  (1<<25)	/* seen by enemy on galactic map? */
#define PFWARPPREP	  (1<<26)	/* in warp prep */
#define PFWARP		  (1<<27)	/* ship warping */
#define PFAFTER		  (1<<28)	/* after burners on */
#define PFWPSUSPENDED	  (1<<29)	/* warp prep suspended [BDyess] */
#define PFSNAKE	          (1<<30)	/* it's a space snake */
#define PFBIRD	          (1<<31)	/* it's a space bird */

/*-----------------------------TORP STRUCTURE-------------------------------*/

/* For status field of torp structure */
enum torp_status_e
  TFREE,			/* torp is not being fired */
  TMOVE,			/* torp is moving with wobble */
  TEXPLODE,			/* torp is in the process of exploding */
  TDET,				/* torp is being detted */
  TOFF,				/* torp is off ??? */
  TSTRAIGHT,			/* Non-wobbling torp */
  TRETURN,			/* torp is returning to owner (fighters) */
  TLAND				/* torp gets recovered */

struct basetorp
  int bt_no;
  enum torp_status_e bt_status;
  int bt_owner;
  int bt_x, bt_y;
  unsigned char bt_dir;
  int bt_damage;
  int bt_speed;
  int bt_fuse;
  char bt_war;
  char bt_team;
  char bt_whodet;		/* who detonated... */

struct torp
  struct basetorp t_base;
#define t_no		t_base.bt_no
#define t_status	t_base.bt_status
#define t_owner		t_base.bt_owner
#define t_x		t_base.bt_x
#define t_y		t_base.bt_y
#define t_dir		t_base.bt_dir
#define t_damage	t_base.bt_damage
#define t_speed		t_base.bt_speed
#define t_fuse		t_base.bt_fuse
#define t_war		t_base.bt_war
#define t_team		t_base.bt_team
#define t_whodet	t_base.bt_whodet
  short t_turns;		/* rate of change of direction if tracking */


struct missile
  struct basetorp ms_base;
#define ms_no		ms_base.bt_no
#define ms_status	ms_base.bt_status
#define ms_owner	ms_base.bt_owner
#define ms_x		ms_base.bt_x
#define ms_y		ms_base.bt_y
#define ms_dir		ms_base.bt_dir
#define ms_damage	ms_base.bt_damage
#define ms_speed	ms_base.bt_speed
#define ms_fuse		ms_base.bt_fuse
#define ms_war		ms_base.bt_war
#define ms_team		ms_base.bt_team
#define ms_whodet       ms_base.bt_whodet
  short ms_turns;
  short ms_locked;
  short ms_type;		/* A missile, fighter, or mine */
  short fi_hasfired;		/* has the fighter fired a torp? */
/* defines for ms_type */
#define MINETHINGY 2

enum thingy_type

struct warp_beacon
  int owner;
  int x, y;

struct thingy
  enum thingy_type type;
    struct warp_beacon wbeacon;
  }   u;

/*---------------------------PLASMA TORP STRUCTURE-------------------------*/
/* For the plasma status field */
struct plasmatorp
  struct basetorp pt_base;
#define pt_no		pt_base.bt_no
#define pt_status	pt_base.bt_status
#define PTDET	TDET
#define pt_owner	pt_base.bt_owner
#define pt_x		pt_base.bt_x
#define pt_y		pt_base.bt_y
#define pt_dir		pt_base.bt_dir
#define pt_damage	pt_base.bt_damage
#define pt_speed	pt_base.bt_speed
#define pt_fuse		pt_base.bt_fuse
#define pt_war		pt_base.bt_war
#define pt_team		pt_base.bt_team
#define pt_whodet	pt_base.bt_whodet
  short pt_turns;		/* ticks turned per cycle */


/*-----------------------------PHASER STRUCTURE---------------------------*/

struct phaser
  int ph_status;		/* What it's up to */
  unsigned char ph_dir;		/* direction */
  int ph_target;		/* Who's being hit (for drawing) */
  int ph_x, ph_y;		/* For when it hits a torp */
  int ph_fuse;			/* Life left for drawing */
  int ph_damage;		/* Damage inflicted on victim */

/* for phaser's status field */
#define PHFREE 0x00		/* phaser not being fired */
#define PHHIT  (1<<0)		/* When it hits a person */
#define PHMISS (1<<1)		/* phaser missed */
#define PHHIT2 (1<<2)		/* When it hits a plasma */


/*-----------------------------PLANET STRUCTURE---------------------------*/

/* This structure is used to hold what each team knows about a planet */
struct teaminfo
{				/* to hold what a team knows about a planet */
  int owner;			/* planet's owner */
  int armies;			/* number of armies team knows about */
  int flags;			/* flags team knows about */
  int timestamp;		/* time info was taken */

struct planet
{				/* all info about a planet */
  int pl_no;			/* planet number */
  int pl_flags;			/* attributes of planet */
  int pl_owner;			/* the current owner of the planet */

  int pl_x;			/* planet's coords */
  int pl_y;			/* use the move_planet function to change
				 * them */
  int pl_radius;		/* distance from sun */
  float pl_angle;		/* angular position relative to sun */
  int pl_system;		/* planetary system number, 0 = no system */

  char pl_name[16];		/* name of the planet */
  char pl_namelen;		/* name's length--Cuts back on strlen's */
#if 1
  char pl_hostile;
  char pl_torbit;		/* teams currently in orbit */
  int pl_tshiprepair;		/* repair and shipyard growth timer */
  int pl_tagri;			/* agri growth timer */
  int pl_tfuel;			/* fuel depot growth timer */
  int pl_armies;		/* armies curently on planet */
  int pl_warning;		/* timer so that planets don't talk too much */
  int pl_hinfo;			/* which races have info on planet */
  struct teaminfo pl_tinfo[MAXTEAM + 1];	/* to hold information for
						 * races */
  int pl_trevolt;		/* timer for planet revolting */
  /* space grid support stuff */
  int pl_next, pl_prev;		/* doubly linked list of planet numbers */
  int pl_gridnum;		/* to hold grid square number */

/* defines for the pl_flags field of planet struct */
#if 0
#define PLHOME 	   0x000100	/* These 4 flags no longer are */
#define PLCOUP     0x000200	/* used in the server */
#define PLCHEAP    0x000400
#define PLCORE     0x000800
#define PLREPAIR   0x001010	/* planet can repair ships */
#define PLFUEL     0x002020	/* planet has fuel depot */
#define PLAGRI     0x004040	/* agricultural thingies built here */
#define PLSHIPYARD 0x008000	/* planet has a shipyard on it */
#define PLORESMASK 0x000070	/* mask for original resource flags */
#define PLRESMASK  0x00F000	/* to mask off all but resource bits */
#define PLRESSHIFT       12	/* bit to shift right by for resources */
#define PLSTAR     0x010000	/* planet is actually a star */
#define PLREDRAW   0x000080	/* Player close for redraw */
#define PLPOISON   0x000000	/* poison atmosphere, no army growth */
#define PLATYPE3   0x020000	/* slightly toxic, very slow army growth */
#define PLATYPE2   0x040000	/* thin atmosphere, slow army growth */
#define PLATYPE1   0x060000	/* normal human atmosphere, normal growth */
#define PLATMASK   0x060000	/* to mask off everything but atmos bits */
#define PLATSHIFT	 17	/* number of right bit shifts for atmos bits */
#define PLBARREN   0X000000	/* rocky barren surface */
#define PLDILYTH   0x080000	/* dilythium deposits on the planet */
#define PLMETAL    0x100000	/* metal deposits on the planet */
#define PLARABLE   0x200000	/* planet has farmland */
#define PLSURMASK  0x380000	/* number of surface combinations */
#define PLSURSHIFT 	 19	/* number of bit shift to surface */
#define PLPARADISE 0x400000	/* Paradise server flag set to 1 for P server */

 * pl_flags is an int of 32 bits:
 * bits 16 and 23 currently define the type of the planet.  The interpretation
 * of the other bits is dependent upon the planet type.
 * Here is the interpretation for a planet bits 0..3
 * n bits 4..6			planetary facilities (REPAIR,FUEL,AGRI) bit
 * 7			redraw (archaic, recyclable?) bits 8..11
 * ld flags (archaic, recyclable?) bits 12..15			paradise
 * planetary facilities (REPAIR,FUEL,AGRI,SHIPY) bit  16
 * osmic object type (also bit 23) bits 17,18			planet
 * atmosphere type bits 19..21			planetary surface properties
 * (DILYTH,METAL,ARABLE) bit  22			paradise planet flag
 * (why?) bit  23			cosmic object type (also bit 16) bits
 * 24..31	currently unallocated (8 bits to play with)
 * Asteroids are NYI but here is a draft standard: bits 12,15
 * acilities (REPAIR,FUEL,SHIPY) bit  20			surface
 * properties (DILYTH,METAL) other bits	currently unallocated

 * facilities, bits 4..6 and 12..15 valid for planets and asteroids
#define PLREPAIR   ((1<<12) | (1<<4))	/* planet can repair ships */
#define PLFUEL     ((1<<13) | (1<<5))	/* planet has fuel depot */
#define PLAGRI     ((1<<14) | (1<<6))	/* agricultural thingies built here */
#define PLSHIPYARD ((1<<15))	/* planet has a shipyard on it */
#define PLORESMASK (0x7<<4)	/* mask for original resource flags */
#define PLRESSHIFT       12	/* bit to shift right by for resources */
#define PLRESMASK  (0xF<<PLRESSHIFT)	/* to mask off all but resource bits */

#define PLREDRAW   (1<<7)	/* Player close for redraw */

#define PLHOME 	   (1<< 8)	/* These 4 flags no longer are */
#define PLCOUP     (1<< 9)	/* used in the server */
#define PLCHEAP    (1<<10)
#define PLCORE     (1<<11)

/* cosmic object types, bits 16, 23, and 24 */
#define PLPLANET	0	/* object is a planet */
#define PLSTAR     (1<<16)	/* object is a star */
#define PLAST	   (1<<23)	/* object is an asteroid NYI */
#define PLNEB	   ((1<<16)|(1<<23))	/* object is a nebula NYI */
#define PLBHOLE	                    (1<<24)	/* object is a black hole NYI */
#define PLPULSAR   ((1<<16)|        (1<<24))	/* object is a pulsar NYI */
#define PLUK1	   (        (1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* future expansion NYI */
#define PLWHOLE	   ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* object is a wormhole */
#define PLTYPEMASK ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* mask to extract object
						 * type */
#define PL_TYPE(p) ( (p).pl_flags & PLTYPEMASK )

 * Atmosphere Types, bits 17 and 18. Valid for planets.
#define PLATSHIFT	 17	/* number of right bit shifts for atmos bits */
#define PLPOISON   (0<<PLATSHIFT)	/* poison atmosphere, no army growth */
#define PLATYPE3   (1<<PLATSHIFT)	/* slightly toxic, very slow army
					 * growth */
#define PLATYPE2   (2<<PLATSHIFT)	/* thin atmosphere, slow army growth */
#define PLATYPE1   (3<<PLATSHIFT)	/* normal human atmosphere, normal
					 * growth */
#define PLATMASK   (0x3<<PLATSHIFT)	/* to mask off everything but atmos
					 * bits */

 * Surface Properties, bits 19..21 Valid for planets and asteroids.
#define PLBARREN   0		/* rocky barren surface */
#define PLSURSHIFT 	 19	/* number of bit shift to surface */
#define PLDILYTH   (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+0))	/* dilythium deposits on the planet */
#define PLMETAL    (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+1))	/* metal deposits on the planet */
#define PLARABLE   (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+2))	/* planet has farmland */
#define PLSURMASK  (0x7<<PLSURSHIFT)	/* number of surface combinations */

#define PLPARADISE (1<<22)	/* Paradise server flag set to 1 for P server */


/*----------------------T E R R A I N   S T R U C T S----------------------*/
/* Data */
struct t_unit
  int alt1;			/* alt1, alt2 are currently unused in the
				 * client */
  int alt2;			/* according to MDM (5/16/95) */
  char types;			/* modify the packet code as well if these
				 * are put */
};				/* back in, as well as the structs in
				 * packets.h */

/* Flags */
#define T_EMPTY_SPACE 0x00
#define T_ASTEROIDS   0x01
#define T_NEBULA      0x02
#define T_RADIATION   0x04
#define T_EXPANSN1    0x08
#define T_EXPANSN2    0x10
#define T_EXPANSN3    0x20
#define T_EXPANSN4    0x40
#define T_EXPANSN5    0x80


/*-----------------------------MESSAGE STRUCTS-----------------------------*/

struct message
  int m_no;			/* message number in array of messgs */
  int m_flags;			/* flags for message type */
  int m_time;			/* time message sent???? */
  int m_recpt;			/* who it should be sent to */
  char m_data[80];		/* the message string */
  int m_from;			/* who it is from */

 * for m_flags field -- lower five bits used for what kind of group the
 * message is sent to
#define MVALID (1<<0)		/* the message is valid--has not been sent */
#define MINDIV (1<<1)		/* sent to an individual */
#define MTEAM  (1<<2)		/* sent to a team */
#define MALL   (1<<3)		/* sent to eveyone */

/* order these by importance (0x100 - 0x400) */
 * many of these are not used by the client, so their incorrect value doesn't
 * matter.  however we should note that the packet only has a width of 8 bits
 * for the type field, and many of these flags are > 8 bits wide --eld

#define	MGOD   ( 1<<4)		/* sent to god -- misc.c, socket.c */
#define MGENO  ( 1<<5)		/* genocide message -- conquer.c */
#define MCONQ  ( 2<<5)		/* conquer message -- planets.c */
#define MTAKE  ( 1<<5)		/* planet taken message -- player.c */
#define MDEST  ( 2<<5)		/* planet destroyed message -- player.c */
#define MKILLA ( 5<<5)		/* a person killed -- dutil.c, snakemove.c */
#define MBOMB  ( 3<<5)		/* bombarding planet -- planets.c */
#define MKILLP ( 7<<5)		/* a person killed -- NOT USED */
#define MKILL  ( 8<<5)		/* a person killed -- NOT USED */
#define MLEAVE ( 9<<5)		/* player leaving game message -- main.c */
#define MJOIN  (10<<5)		/* player joining game -- enter.c */
#define MGHOST (11<<5)		/* player ghostbusted -- daemonII.c */
#define MCOUP1 (12<<5)		/* a coup occured -- NOT USED */
#define MCOUP2 (13<<5)		/* -- NOT USED */
#define MDISTR (14<<5)		/* flag for a distress message */
#define MMASK  (0xf<<5)		/* bits in the flags field should be sent --
				/* message control structure */
struct mctl
{				/* used to keep track of position in */
  int mc_current;		/* array we put our last message */


struct rsa_key
  unsigned char client_type[KEY_SIZE];
  unsigned char architecture[KEY_SIZE];
  unsigned char global[KEY_SIZE];
  unsigned char public[KEY_SIZE];

 * RCD stuff, from bronco server 2.7pl13.
struct distress
  unsigned char sender;
  unsigned char dam, shld, arms, wtmp, etmp, fuelp, sts;
  unsigned char wtmpflag, etempflag, cloakflag, distype, macroflag, ttype;
  unsigned char close_pl, close_en, target, tclose_pl, tclose_en, pre_app,
  unsigned char close_j, close_fr, tclose_j, tclose_fr;
  unsigned char cclist[6];	/* CC list */
  unsigned char preappend[80];	/* text which we pre- or append */

 * macro management
struct dmacro_list
  char c;
  char *name;
  char *macro;

 * distress types
enum dist_type
  /* help me do series */
  take = 1, ogg, bomb, space_control, help1, help2, help3, help4,

  /* doing series */
  escorting, ogging, bombing, controlling, doing1, doing2, doing3, doing4,

  /* other info series */
  free_beer,			/* player x is totally hosed now */
  no_gas,			/* player x has no gas */
  crippled,			/* player x is crippled but may have fuel */
  pickup,			/* player x picked up armies */
  pop,				/* there was a pop somewhere */
  carrying,			/* I am carrying */
  other1, other2,

  /* just a generic distress call */

 * targets of messages
enum target_type

 * from bronco server2.7pl3
 * The General distress has format:
 * A 'E' will do byte1-8 inclusive. Macros can do more but haven't been
 * implemented that way yet.
 * byte1: xxyzzzzz where zzzzz is dist_type, xx is target_type and y is 1 if
 * this is a macro and not just a simple distress (a simple distress will
 * ONLY send ship info like shields, armies, status, location, etc.)
 * byte2: 1fff ffff - f = percentage fuel remaining (0-100) byte3: 1ddd dddd - %
 * damage byte4: 1sss ssss - % shields remaining byte5: 1eee eeee - % etemp
 * byte6: 1www wwww - % wtemp byte7: 100a aaaa - armies carried byte8: (lsb
 * of me->p_status) & 0x80 byte9: 1ppp pppp - planet closest to me byte10:
 * 1eee eeee - enemy closest to me
 * Byte 11 and on are only sent if y (from byte 1) is = 1 although even for
 * simplest case (y=0) we should send byte14+ = 0x80 and then a null so that
 * in future we can send a cc list and pre/append text byte11: 1ttt tttt -
 * target (either player number or planet number) byte12: 1ppp pppp - planet
 * closest to target byte13: 1eee eeee - enemy closest to target byte14+: cc
 * list (each player to cc this message to is 11pp ppp) cc list is terminated
 * by 1000 0000 or 0100 0000 ) pre-pend     append byte15++: the text to pre
 * or append .. depending on termination above. text is null terminated and
 * the last thing in this distress

#endif				/* RCD */

struct command_handler
  char *command;
  int tag;
  char *desc;
  int (*handler) ();

#ifdef VOTING
struct vote_handler
  char *type;
  int tag;
  int minpass;
  int start;
  char *desc;
  int frequency;
  int (*handler) ();

#define VC_ALL     0x0001	/* Majority Vote */
#define VC_TEAM    0x0002	/* Team Vote     */
#define VC_GLOG    0x0010	/* Write Votes to God Log */
#define VC_PLAYER  0x0020	/* Each player can be voted on, like eject */


/*-------------------------SOME CLIENT STRUCTURES--------------------------*/

/* used to tell what planet or player mouse is pointing to */
struct obtype
  int o_type;			/* mouse pointing to a player or planet */
  int o_num;			/* the player or planet number */

/* used in the o_type structure */
#define PLANETTYPE 1		/* mouse on planet */
#define PLAYERTYPE 2		/* mouse on player */

/* used to hold a players rank */
struct rank
  int genocides;		/* minimum number of genocides */
  float di;			/* minimum destruction inflicted */
  float battle;			/* minimum battle ratings */
  float strategy;		/* minimum strategy ratings */
  float specship;		/* minimum total ratings in a specialty */
  /* ship  SB + WB + JS */
  char *name;			/* name of this rank */

struct royalty
  char *name;			/* name of rank */



/*---------END OF FILE---------*/