view src/planets.c @ 15:d28f3d01043c

Add code to make nebulous terrain increase penetration of sheilds.
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 15:21:57 +0000
parents 8c6d5731234d
line wrap: on
line source

NETREK II -- Paradise

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
"as is" without express or implied warranty.

    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
                                                    Scott Silvey
    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
                                                    Kurt Olsen
                                                    Brandon Gillespie

#define PLANETS 1
#define GRID 0			/* for space grid */

#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "struct.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "daemonII.h"
#include "planets.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "conquer.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "grid.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include "terrain.h"

/* define this if you want the experimental dragging-into-star-counts mod */

#define	friendly(fred, bart) \
	(!(fred->p_team & (bart->p_swar|bart->p_hostile)) && \
	 !(bart->p_team & (fred->p_swar|fred->p_hostile)))

/* defines dealing with growth timers */
#define PLGFUEL		configvals->plgrow.fuel	/* time for growth of fuel
						 * depot */
#define PLGAGRI		configvals->plgrow.agri	/* time for growth of agri */
#define PLGREPAIR	configvals->	/* time for growth of
							 * repair */
#define PLGSHIP		configvals->plgrow.shipyard	/* time for growth of
							 * shipyard */

/* other defines */
#define UCVISIBLE 40000		/* dist for uncloaked visibility */
#define CVISMIN 12000		/* cloakers always visible distance */
#define CVISSPEED 2000		/* cloak dist added per warp point */
#define CVISIBLE 25000		/* dist for cloaked visibility */
#define PLFIREDIST 1500		/* distance planets fire at players */
#define PLVISDIST 5000		/* dist planets sense enemy players */
#define REVOLT 200		/* chance out of 1000 of revolt start */
#define STARTREV 8		/* for revolt timer */

/*-----------------------------MODULE VARIABLES----------------------------*/

/* the list of all possible planet names */
char *pnames[] =
  /* Federation planets */
  "Rigel", "Canopus", "Beta Crucis", "Organia", "Deneb",
  "Ceti Alpha V", "Altair", "Vega", "Alpha Centauri",
  /* Romulan worlds */
  "Eridani", "Aldeberan", "Regulus", "Capella", "Tauri",
  "Draconis", "Sirius", "Indi", "Hydrae",
  /* Klingon worlds */
  "Pleiades V", "Andromeda", "Lalande", "Pollux", "Lyrae",
  "Scorpii", "Mira", "Cygni", "Castor",
  /* Orion worlds */
  "Cassiopia", "El Nath", "Spica", "Procyon", "Polaris",
  "Arcturus", "Ursae Majoris", "Herculis", "Antares",

  /* new worlds */
  "Planet 10", "Bezier", "Sequent", "Ophiuchi", "Lacaille",
  "Luyten", "Pavonis", "Wolf 424", "Ross 882", "Cephei",
  "Kruger", "Groombridge", "Maanen's Star", "Heinlein",
  "Pixel", "Lazarus", "Mycroft", "Asimov", "Varley",
  "Clarke's Star", "Ren", "Stimpy", "Foo", "Jolt Cola",
  "Kelly Bundy", "Tyrell", "Roy", "Deckard", "Vangelis",
  "Orpheus", "Xanth", "Tatooine", "Ludicrous", "Ogg",
  "Scum", "Twink", "Chiapucci", "Bugno", "Hampsten", "Fignon",
  "Paradise", "Azriel", "Gargamel", "Smurf Village",
  "Praxis", "Acherner", "Arrakis", "Caladan", "Giedi Prime",
  "Clue", "Paulina", "Sith", "Salusa", "Ahrain", "Cerranos",
  "Darkurthe", "Dagobah", "Phaze", "Chatsubu", "Lemond",
  "Bronco", "Vulcan", "Eden", "Klein", "Merckx", "Tarot",
  "Mottet", "Roche", "Doorstop", "Shaedron", "Fondriest",

  /* Bob's fave worlds */
  "Wayne's World", "DanjerHaus", "Anvil", /* B-52s */ "Claire",
  "Planet Reebok", "Sony Corp.", "SEGA!", "McWorld",
  "Tokyo", "New York", "D.C.", "Atlanta",	/* places I've never been */
   /* Tony */ "Levin",
  "Planet Woogie", "Nancy", "Wilson",	/* real people */
  "Beavis", "Butthead",
  "Memolo",			/* Matt Memolo was murdered in Miami in July
				 * of '93.  He was a really swell guy. "...he
				 * would go far out of his way to give you
				 * the shirt off his back." - ajc */
  /* names from the T.V. shows */
  "New Berlin",
   * "Bejor", "Cardassia" I'm not including these till I can spell them - RF

  /* Mike's fave worlds */
  "Melmac", "Order", "Yosemite", "New Chicago", "Ceptus", "Ork",
  "Levi 501", "Toughskin", "Wonka",

  /* book names */
  "Terminus", "Magrathea", "Trantor", "Synnax", "Coruscant",

  /* Moons, names, etc. */
  "Io ", "Titan", "Europa", "Ganymede", "Charon",
  "Tholia", "Gor", "Kzin", "Aerth",
  "Proxima", "Cellust", "Calamar", "Icarus",
  "New Prague",

  /* How about the solar system? */
  "Mercury", "Venus", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Neptune",
  "Uranus", "Pluto",		/* are Neptune and Uranus in order? */

#if 0
  /* Player's names */
  "Claypigeon", "Maxout", "Fungus", "Lynx",
  "Bubbles", "KnightRaven", "Bolo", "Vladimir",
  "Gajah Mada", "Trippix", "Shrew", "Bob Dobbs", "Wibble",

#define MAXNAMES (sizeof(pnames)/sizeof(char *))	/* # of planet names */

char *homenames[] =		/* names of the race's home worlds */
  " ", "Earth", "Romulus", " ", "Klingus", " ", " ", " ",

 * This table is used to turn the four bits of resources flags into a three
 * bit number.  The shipyard and the repair are ORed together.  All the non
 * resource bits need to be masked off with PLRESMASK before this table is
 * used
int restores[16] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7};

 * This is a matrix that determines the chance a planet has of popping.  The
 * chance is expressed as a chance out of 100.  The matrix is accessed with
 * the planet's atmosphere type and the resource bits after they have been
 * converted to 3 bits with the table above.
int popchance[4][8] = {
   * 000   00Z   0f0   0fZ   a00   a0Z   af0   afZ--the resources flags,
   * Z=r|s
  {2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 7, 4, 8},	/* poison */
  {3, 5, 2, 4, 9, 11, 7, 12},	/* atmos #3 */
  {5, 7, 4, 6, 12, 14, 10, 15},	/* atmos #2 */
  {8, 12, 7, 10, 20, 24, 18, 23}/* atmos #1 */

 * This is a matrix that determines the multiplier for popping. When popping
 * the armies on a planet will be multiplied by this multiplier to get the
 * number of extra armies that grow.  A negative number indicates negative
 * growth.
float popmult[4][8] = {
  /* 000      00Z    0f0    0fZ    a00    a0Z    af0   afZ  */
  {-0.08, 0.00, -0.10, -0.03, 0.00, 0.05, -0.05, 0.05},	/* poison */
  {0.03, 0.05, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.07, 0.06, 0.07},	/* atmos #3 */
  {0.05, 0.07, 0.05, 0.06, 0.10, 0.11, 0.08, 0.10},	/* atmos #2 */
  {0.09, 0.12, 0.08, 0.10, 0.17, 0.19, 0.15, 0.18}	/* atmos #1 */

 * This is a matrix that determines the maximum army capacity of a planet.
 * Once this capacity is reached, no other armies can grow there.
float popcap[4][8] = {
   * 000   00Z   0f0   0fZ   a00   a0Z   af0    afZ--the resources flags,
   * Z=r|s
  {5, 10, 7, 10, 15, 15, 10, 18},	/* poison */
  {9, 14, 11, 14, 20, 20, 14, 22},	/* atmos #3 */
  {12, 18, 15, 18, 25, 25, 19, 27},	/* atmos #2 */
  {15, 22, 18, 25, 40, 35, 27, 40}	/* atmos #1 */


extern void tlog_res();
extern void tlog_bomb();
extern void tlog_bres();
extern void tlog_plankill();
extern void tlog_revolt();
extern void tlog_pop();
#define tlog_res(a,b)
#define tlog_bomb(a,b,c)
#define tlog_bres(a,b,c)
#define tlog_plankill(a,b,c)
#define tlog_revolt(a)
#define tlog_pop(a,b)
extern void scout_planet();
extern int inflict_damage();
extern void killmess();
extern int enemy_admiral();
extern off_t lseek();
extern int write();

/*------------------------------INTERNAL FUNCTIONS-------------------------*/

void fill_planets();

#ifndef NO_QSORT
/* used by the qsort() in sortnames() below */
static int
comp_pl_name(a, b)
  void *a, *b;
  return strcasecmp(((struct planet *) a)->pl_name,
		    ((struct planet *) b)->pl_name);

 * This function sorts the planet into a alphabeticly increasing list.  It
 * operates on the global planets structure.  This uses a simple bubble sort
 * because I was too lazy to write anything more sophisticated.

 * Bubble sorts suck.  Let's use the qsort library function instead, if
 * available (HK)

#ifdef NO_QSORT
  struct planet ptemp;		/* temporary space to hold planet */
  int exchange;			/* flag for exchange made in pass */
  int i;			/* looping var */
  int t;			/* temp var */

  exchange = 1;			/* no exchanges done yet */
  while (exchange)
  {				/* do until no exchanges */
    exchange = 0;		/* no exchanges for this pass yet */
    for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS - 1; i++)
    {				/* go through list */
      if (strcmp(planets[i].pl_name, planets[i + 1].pl_name) > 0)
	t = planets[i].pl_no;	/* exchange planet numbers */
	planets[i].pl_no = planets[i + 1].pl_no;
	planets[i + 1].pl_no = t;
	memcpy(&ptemp, &(planets[i]), sizeof(struct planet));
	memcpy(&(planets[i]), &(planets[i + 1]), sizeof(struct planet));
	memcpy(&(planets[i + 1]), &ptemp, sizeof(struct planet));
	exchange++;		/* we made an exchange this pass */
  int i;

  qsort(planets, NUMPLANETS, sizeof(struct planet), comp_pl_name);
  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)	/* go through the planets */
    planets[i].pl_no = i;	/* and fix their pl_no value */

 * This function generates the names and initializes the fields in the
 * planets structure.  The planet names need to be sorted afterthe planets
 * have been placed.

  int i, j;			/* looping vars */
  int nused[MAXNAMES];		/* to mark which names are used */

  for (i = 0; i < MAXNAMES; i++)/* go through all possible names */
    nused[i] = 0;		/* mark name is not used yet */
  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
    planets[i].pl_no = i;	/* set planet number */
    planets[i].pl_flags = PLPARADISE;	/* Paradise planet */
    planets[i].pl_owner = NOBODY;	/* no owner yet */
    planets[i].pl_x = 0;	/* just to intialize x and y */
    planets[i].pl_y = 0;
    j = lrand48() % MAXNAMES;	/* get a random name */
    {				/* do until unused name found */
      j = (j + 1) % MAXNAMES;	/* go on to next name in list */
    } while (nused[j]);		/* until unused name found */
    nused[j] = 1;		/* mark name as used */
    strcpy(planets[i].pl_name, pnames[j]);	/* copy into planet struct */
    planets[i].pl_namelen = strlen(pnames[j]);	/* set name's length */
#if 1
    planets[i].pl_hostile = 0;	/* planet doesn't hate anyone yet */
    planets[i].pl_torbit = 0;	/* no teams orbiting */
    planets[i].pl_tshiprepair = 0;	/* zero the repair growth timer */
    planets[i].pl_tagri = 0;	/* zero the agri growth timer */
    planets[i].pl_tfuel = 0;	/* zero the fuel growth timer */
    planets[i].pl_armies = 0;	/* no armies yet */
    planets[i].pl_warning = 0;	/* no warning being counted down for */
    planets[i].pl_system = 0;	/* not in a system yet */
    planets[i].pl_hinfo = NOBODY;	/* no race has info on planet */
    for (j = 0; j < MAXTEAM + 1; j++)
    {				/* go through four races */
      planets[i].pl_tinfo[j].owner = NOBODY;	/* do not know who owns it */
      planets[i].pl_tinfo[j].armies = 0;	/* no armies on planet */
      planets[i].pl_tinfo[j].flags = PLPARADISE;	/* know nothing about
							 * flags */
      planets[i].pl_tinfo[j].timestamp = 0;	/* set the timestamp */
    planets[i].pl_trevolt = 0;	/* revolt timer not counting down */
#if GRID
    planets[i].pl_next = NULL;	/* set fields related to space grid */
    planets[i].pl_previous = NULL;
    planets[i].pl_gridnum = 0;

 * This function grows resources on planets.  It goes through all planets and
 * updates the growth timers and checks for growth.  Independent planets do
 * not grow.  This function also checks to see if any player in a starbase is
 * orbiting a planet and adjusts the planet's growth rate if so.

  int i;			/* looping var */
  struct planet *p;		/* to point within planets */
  int add;			/* number to add to timers */

  if (!status->tourn)

  if (!configvals->resource_bombing)

  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
  {				/* go through all players */
    struct player *py = &players[i];	/* and look for orbiting */
    if ((py->p_status != PALIVE) ||	/* starbases */
	(py->p_ship.s_type != STARBASE) ||
	!(py->p_flags & PFORBIT))
    p = &planets[py->p_planet];	/* found one, get planet */
    p->pl_tfuel += 20;		/* give growth rate a boost */
    p->pl_tagri += 30;		/* NOTE: change these if PLG consts */
    p->pl_tshiprepair += 50;	/* change */
  p = &planets[0];		/* start with first planet */
  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, p++)
  {				/* through all planets */
    if (p->pl_owner == NOBODY)	/* if independent then */
      continue;			/* no growth */
    add = p->pl_armies / 2;	/* rate based on armies */
    p->pl_tfuel += add;		/* add to fuel timer */
    p->pl_tfuel = (p->pl_tfuel > PLGFUEL) ? PLGFUEL : p->pl_tfuel;
    if ((!(p->pl_flags & PLFUEL))	/* if no fuel */
	&& (p->pl_flags & PLDILYTH)	/* and dilythium deposits */
	&& (p->pl_tfuel >= PLGFUEL))
    {				/* and timer high enough */
      p->pl_flags |= (PLFUEL | PLREDRAW);	/* create fuel depot */
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].flags = p->pl_flags;
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      tlog_res(p, "FUEL");
    p->pl_tagri += add;		/* add to agri timer */
    p->pl_tagri = (p->pl_tagri > PLGAGRI) ? PLGAGRI : p->pl_tagri;
    if ((!(p->pl_flags & PLAGRI))	/* if no agri on planet */
	&& (p->pl_flags & PLARABLE)	/* and arable */
	&& (p->pl_tagri >= PLGAGRI))
    {				/* and timer high enough */
      p->pl_flags |= (PLAGRI | PLREDRAW);	/* create agri planet */
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].flags = p->pl_flags;
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      tlog_res(p, "AGRI");
    p->pl_tshiprepair += add;	/* add to ship/repair timer */
    if ((!(p->pl_flags & PLREPAIR))	/* if not repair */
	&& (p->pl_flags & PLMETAL)	/* and metal deposits */
	&& (p->pl_tshiprepair >= PLGREPAIR))
    {				/* and timer high enough */
      p->pl_flags |= (PLREPAIR | PLREDRAW);	/* create repair station */
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].flags = p->pl_flags;
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      tlog_res(p, "REPAIR");
    p->pl_tshiprepair = (p->pl_tshiprepair > PLGSHIP) ? PLGSHIP :
      p->pl_tshiprepair;	/* clamp value to max */
    if ((!(p->pl_flags & PLSHIPYARD))	/* if not repair */
	&& (p->pl_flags & PLMETAL)	/* and metal deposits */
	&& (p->pl_tshiprepair >= PLGSHIP))
    {				/* and timer high enough */
      p->pl_flags |= (PLSHIPYARD | PLREDRAW);	/* create repair station */
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].flags = p->pl_flags;
      p->pl_tinfo[p->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      tlog_res(p, "SHIPYARD");

 * This function goes through the players and checks the other playes to see
 * if an enemy is close enough to see him.  THIS FUNCTION SHOULD EVENTUALLY

  struct player *p;		/* to point to a player */
  int i;			/* looping var */
  int h;			/* looping var */
  struct player *pl2;		/* to point to other players */
  int dx, dy;			/* delta coords */
  int dist;			/* to hold distance */

  for (i = 0, p = &players[0]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, p++)
    p->p_flags &= ~PFSEEN;	/* clear all players' the seen flags */
  for (i = 0, p = &players[i]; i < MAXPLAYER - 1; i++, p++)
    if (p->p_status != PFREE &&	/* only do if player alive */
	p->p_status != POBSERVE)
    {				/* observers can't augment team scanning */
      for (h = i + 1, pl2 = &players[h]; h < MAXPLAYER; h++, pl2++)
	if ((pl2->p_status == PFREE) || (pl2->p_status == POBSERVE)
	    || (pl2->p_flags & PFROBOT)	/* if not alive or robot or */
	    || (pl2->p_team == p->p_team))	/* same team then continue */
	dx = ABS(pl2->p_x - p->p_x);	/* calc delta coords */
	dy = ABS(pl2->p_y - p->p_y);
	if ((dx > UCVISIBLE) || (dy > UCVISIBLE))	/* if obviously too far
							 * away */
	  continue;		/* then don't bother further */
	dist = ihypot(dx, dy);
	if (dist > UCVISIBLE)	/* out of range */
	  continue;		/* on to next ship */
	if ((dist < CVISMIN + CVISSPEED * pl2->p_speed) ||
	    (!(pl2->p_flags & PFCLOAK)))
	  pl2->p_flags |= PFSEEN;	/* if close then visible */
	if ((dist < CVISMIN + CVISSPEED * p->p_speed) ||
	    (!(p->p_flags & PFCLOAK)))
	  p->p_flags |= PFSEEN;	/* second player */

blast_resource(p, l, res, dival)
  struct player *p;
  struct planet *l;
  int res;
  double dival;
  if (status->tourn)
    p->p_stats.st_di += dival;
  l->pl_flags &= ~res;
  l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].flags = l->pl_flags;
  l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
  l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].flags = l->pl_flags;
  l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].timestamp = status->clock;
  l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;	/* slate for redraw */

 * This function goes through the players and does the bombing if any player
 * is bombing.  This will knock resources off of planets.  If a player is
 * bombing a planet that another team owns, then that team will see the
 * player by having the PFSEEN flag set.

  struct player *p;		/* to point to a player */
  int i;			/* looping var */
  struct planet *l;		/* to point to planet being bombed */
  char buf[90];			/* to sprintf messages into */
  char buf1[80];
  int rnd;			/* to hold armies to knock off */

  for (i = 0, p = &players[0]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, p++)
  {				/* go through playrs */
    if ((p->p_status == PALIVE)	/* only do if player is alive */
	&& (p->p_flags & PFORBIT)	/* and he is orbiting */
	&& (p->p_flags & PFBOMB))
    {				/* and he is bombing */

      l = &planets[p->p_planet];/* get planet being bombed */

      if ((!((p->p_swar | p->p_hostile) & l->pl_owner))
	  && (l->pl_owner != NOBODY))
	/* if he's non-hostile, quit bombing */
	p->p_flags &= ~PFBOMB;
      if ((l->pl_warning <= 0) && (l->pl_owner != NOBODY))
      {				/* warning? */
	l->pl_warning = 50 / PLFIGHTFUSE;	/* reset warning timer */
	sprintf(buf, "We are being attacked by %s %s who is %d%% damaged.",
		p->p_name, twoletters(p),
		(100 * p->p_damage) / (p->p_ship.s_maxdamage));
	sprintf(buf1, "%-3s->%-3s", l->pl_name, teams[l->pl_owner].shortname);
	pmessage(buf, l->pl_owner, MTEAM | MBOMB, buf1);	/* send message */

	/* CRD feature: shipyard guardians - MAK,  2-Jun-93 */
	if ((l->pl_flags & PLSHIPYARD) && (!status->tourn))
	  rescue(l->pl_owner, 0, l->pl_no);
      p->p_swar |= l->pl_owner;	/* set player at war w/ owner */
      rnd = (lrand48() % 50) + p->p_ship.s_bomb;	/* pick random number */
      rnd = (int) ((float) rnd / 33.0 + 0.5);	/* calc armies bombed */
      if (rnd <= 0)
	continue;		/* can't bomb negative armies */
      if (l->pl_armies > 4)
      {				/* if armies to bomb then */
	l->pl_armies -= rnd;	/* kill off armies */
	tlog_bomb(l, p, rnd);
	l->pl_armies = (l->pl_armies < 1) ? 1 : l->pl_armies;
	l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = l->pl_armies;
	l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].armies = l->pl_armies;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].timestamp = status->clock;
	if (l->pl_armies < 5)	/* if planet needs to be redrawn */
	  l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;	/* schedule planet for redraw */
	if (l->pl_owner != NOBODY)
	  credit_armiesbombed(p, rnd, l);
      }				/* now do the resource bombing */
      if ((l->pl_armies > 4) ||
	  (!configvals->resource_bombing))	/* no bombing resources if
						 * armies */
	continue;		/* on planet or in bronco-mode */
#if defined(AEDILE) || defined(SLOW_BOMB)
      l->pl_tfuel -= rnd * 5;	/* knock fuel timer down */
      l->pl_tfuel -= rnd * 8;	/* knock fuel timer down */
      l->pl_tfuel = (l->pl_tfuel < 0) ? 0 : l->pl_tfuel;
      if ((l->pl_tfuel == 0) && (l->pl_flags & PLFUEL))
	blast_resource(p, l, PLFUEL, 0.10);
	tlog_bres(l, p, "FUEL");
#if defined(AEDILE) || defined(SLOW_BOMB)
      l->pl_tagri -= rnd * 4;	/* attack the agri timer */
      l->pl_tagri -= rnd * 6;	/* attack the agri timer */
      l->pl_tagri = (l->pl_tagri < 0) ? 0 : l->pl_tagri;
      if ((l->pl_tagri == 0) && (l->pl_flags & PLAGRI))
	blast_resource(p, l, PLAGRI, 0.25);
	tlog_bres(l, p, "AGRI");
#if defined(AEDILE) || defined(SLOW_BOMB)
      l->pl_tshiprepair -= rnd * 5;	/* knock ship/repr down */
      l->pl_tshiprepair -= rnd * 8;	/* knock ship/repr down */
      l->pl_tshiprepair = (l->pl_tshiprepair < 0) ? 0 :
      if ((l->pl_tshiprepair < PLGREPAIR) && (l->pl_flags & PLSHIPYARD))
	blast_resource(p, l, PLSHIPYARD, 0.10);
	tlog_bres(l, p, "SHIPYARD");
      if ((l->pl_tshiprepair == 0) && (l->pl_flags & PLREPAIR))
	blast_resource(p, l, PLREPAIR, 0.20);
	tlog_bres(l, p, "REPAIR");

 * This function goes through the planets and sees if any enemy players are
 * close enough to be fired upon by the planet.  It also checks to see if
 * players are close enough to the planet so that the planet should be
 * redrawn. Enemy planets will 'see' players that are very close to them.

  struct player *p;		/* to point to a player */
  int i, j;			/* looping vars */
  struct planet *l;		/* to point to the planets */
  int dx, dy;			/* to hold delta coords */
  int dist;			/* to hold distance */
  int dam;			/* to hold damage */
  int boost;			/* for warp zones, total boost [BDyess] */

  for (j = 0, p = &players[0]; j < MAXPLAYER; j++, p++)
    if (p->p_status != PALIVE)
    boost = 0;			/* default no bonus or penalty [BDyess] */
    for (i = 0, l = &planets[0]; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, l++)
      if ((p->p_team == l->pl_owner) && (PL_TYPE(*l) != PLSTAR)
	  && !configvals->warpzone)
	continue;		/* no, then continue */
      dx = ABS(l->pl_x - p->p_x);	/* calc delta coorda between */
      dy = ABS(l->pl_y - p->p_y);	/* planet and player */
      dist = ihypot(dx, dy);

      if (dist < configvals->warpzone)
	/* within warp boost/block range [BDyess] */
	if (p->p_team == l->pl_owner)
	  boost += configvals->warpzone - dist;
	else if (l->pl_owner != NOBODY &&
		 ((p->p_swar | p->p_hostile) & l->pl_owner))
	  boost -= configvals->warpzone - dist;

      if (dx < 6 * PLFIREDIST && dy < 6 * PLFIREDIST)	/* redraw planet */
	l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;/* if player is very close */

      if (dist <= p->p_ship.s_scanrange)
      {				/* check for scanners */
	scout_planet(p->p_no, l->pl_no);
#if 0
	handled in scout_planet now.
	    l->pl_hinfo |= p->p_team;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].armies = l->pl_armies;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].flags = l->pl_flags;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].owner = l->pl_owner;
	l->pl_tinfo[p->p_team].timestamp = status->clock;

      if (dist > PLVISDIST)
      if ((dist < PLVISDIST) && (l->pl_owner != NOBODY)	/* enemy planet */
	  && ((p->p_swar | p->p_hostile) & l->pl_owner))	/* see players */
	p->p_flags |= PFSEEN;	/* let team see enemy */
      if ((dist > PFIREDIST) ||
	  ((dist > PFIREDIST / 2) &&
	   (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLWHOLE)))	/* if not within range */
	continue;		/* go on to next playert */
      if (((p->p_swar | p->p_hostile) & l->pl_owner)
	  || ((l->pl_owner == NOBODY)
#if 1
	      && (l->pl_hostile & p->p_team)
	      && (l->pl_torbit & (p->p_team << 4))
	      && (l->pl_armies != 0))
	  || (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLWHOLE) || (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLSTAR))
	dam = l->pl_armies / 7 + 2;	/* calc the damage */
	if (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLWHOLE)
	{			/* if a wormhole... */
	  /* outside the new wormhole's radius. */
	  if ((wh_effect[SS_WARP] && !(p->p_flags & PFWARP))
	      || (!wh_effect[SS_WARP]))
	    p->p_x = l->pl_armies +
	      (((PLFIREDIST / 2) + 50) * Cos[p->p_dir]);
	    p->p_y = l->pl_radius +
	      (((PLFIREDIST / 2) + 50) * Sin[p->p_dir]);
	  if ((p->p_speed > (p->p_ship.s_imp.maxspeed / 2)) &&
	    dam = ((p->p_ship.s_mass / 100) * (p->p_speed -
					     p->p_ship.s_imp.maxspeed / 2));
	    dam = 0;

	else if (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLSTAR)	/* if planet is a star */
	  dam = 150;		/* do massive damage */
	 * this needs to be reworked and most of it jammed into
	 * inflict_damage
	p->p_whodead = i;	/* which planet is shooting */
	if (dam > 0 && inflict_damage(0, 0, p, dam, KPLANET))
	  struct player *killer = 0;
	  p->p_whydead = KPLANET;	/* set killed by a planet */
	  if (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLSTAR)
	  {			/* killed by star? */
	    int pln;
	    for (pln = 0, killer = &players[0];
		 pln < MAXPLAYER;
		 pln++, killer++)
	      if (killer->p_status != PALIVE)
	      if (!friendly(killer, p) && killer->p_tractor == p->p_no
		  && killer->p_flags & (PFTRACT | PFPRESS))

		killer->p_kills += 1 + (p->p_armies + p->p_kills) / 10;
		killerstats(killer->p_no, p);
	    if (pln >= MAXPLAYER)
	      killer = 0;
	  killmess(p, killer);
	  tlog_plankill(p, l, killer);
    /* found the boost for this player, make adjustments if in warp [BDyess] */
    if (configvals->warpzone && p->p_flags & PFWARP)
      if (boost == 0 && p->p_zone > 0)
      {				/* did get warp bonus, lost it */
	if (p->p_desspeed > p->p_ship.s_warp.maxspeed)
	  p->p_desspeed = p->p_ship.s_warp.maxspeed;
      else if (boost < 0 && p->p_zone >= 0)
      {				/* warp no longer allowed */
	p->p_desspeed = p->p_ship.s_imp.maxspeed;
	if (!configvals->warpdecel)
	  p->p_flags &= ~PFWARP;
    p->p_zone = boost;

 * This function does the revolt of a planet.  It updates the revolt timer
 * and prints the messages that warn the team.

  struct planet *l;		/* the planet to check */
  if (!configvals->revolts)

  if (l->pl_trevolt > 0)
  {				/* revolt timer running? */
    char buf[80];		/* to sprintf into */

      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
	if (players[i].p_status == PALIVE
	    && (players[i].p_flags & (PFORBIT | PFDOCK)) == PFORBIT
	    && players[i].p_planet == l->pl_no
	    && players[i].p_team == l->pl_owner)
	  return;		/* orbiting ship delays revolt */

    l->pl_trevolt--;		/* dec the timer */
    if ((l->pl_trevolt == 0) && (l->pl_armies > 2))
      l->pl_trevolt = 0;	/* turn off revolt timer */
      sprintf(buf, "The revolution on %s has been put down.",
	      l->pl_name);	/* get message to display */
      pmessage(buf, l->pl_owner, MTEAM | MCONQ, "PREFECT->");
    else if ((l->pl_trevolt == 0) && (l->pl_armies == 2))
      l->pl_trevolt = STARTREV;	/* more time til last army */
      l->pl_armies--;		/* kill one army */
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = l->pl_armies;
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      sprintf(buf, "We cannot hold out much longer on %s",
	      l->pl_name);	/* get message to display */
      pmessage(buf, l->pl_owner, MTEAM | MCONQ, "PREFECT->");
    else if (l->pl_trevolt == 0)
      l->pl_trevolt = 0;	/* revolution succeeded */
      sprintf(buf, "The planet %s has been lost to revolutionaries",
	      l->pl_name);	/* get message to display */
      pmessage(buf, l->pl_owner, MTEAM | MCONQ, "PREFECT->");


      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].owner = NOBODY;
      l->pl_owner = NOBODY;
      l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;	/* slate for redraw */
      checkwin(enemy_admiral(-1));	/* check for game end */

  {				/* no revolt timer--check for start */
    if ((l->pl_armies <= 2) && (!(l->pl_armies == 0))
	&& ((lrand48() % 1000) <= REVOLT))
      char buf[80];		/* to sprintf message into */

      sprintf(buf, "There is civil unrest on %s", l->pl_name);
      pmessage(buf, l->pl_owner, MTEAM | MCONQ, "PREFECT>>");
      l->pl_trevolt = STARTREV;	/* time before revolution */

  static int planetlist[MAXPLANETS];
  static int count = 0;
  int idx;
  struct planet *l;

  if (!status->tourn)

  if (count < 1)
    fill_planets(planetlist, &count, -1);

  idx = planetlist[--count];
  l = &planets[idx];

  if (l->pl_armies > 0 && l->pl_owner != NOBODY)


/* struct planet *stars[NUMPLANETS + 1]; */

static void
  int i;
  struct planet *pl;

  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
    pl = &planets[i];
    if (PL_TYPE(*pl) == PLSTAR)
      stars[pl->pl_system] = i;

/*------------------------------VISIBLE FUNCTIONS-------------------------*/

 * This function generates a number of random planets.  The planets are
 * arranged in systems and are also placed so that they are not too close to
 * any other planets.  The races are then given home planets.

  int i;
  struct planet *pl;

  status->clock = 0;		/* reset the timestamp clock */

  switch (configvals->galaxygenerator)
   case 2:
    gen_galaxy_2();		/* Bob Forsman's compact galaxy generator */
   case 3:
    gen_galaxy_3();		/* Heath's better race placement galaxy
				 * generator */
   case 4:
    gen_galaxy_4();		/* Mike's Bronco emulator */
   case 5:
    gen_galaxy_5();		/* Mike's small-galaxy generator */
   case 6:
    gen_galaxy_6();		/* Brandon's hack on Heath's to give 2 */
    break;			/* systems to each race */
   case 7:
    gen_galaxy_7();		/* Eric Dormans deepspace galaxy gen, rooted
				 * in galaxy gen 6. */
   case 1:
    gen_galaxy_1();		/* original paradiseII galaxy generator */

  if (configvals->galaxygenerator != 4)
    /* gotta do this before they are sorted */
    for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
      pl = &planets[i];
      if (PL_TYPE(*pl) == PLSTAR ||
	  ((pl->pl_system == 0) && (PL_TYPE(*pl) != PLWHOLE)))
	pl->pl_radius = 0;
	pl->pl_angle = 0;
      else if (PL_TYPE(*pl) != PLWHOLE)
	int dx, dy;
	dx = pl->pl_x - planets[pl->pl_system - 1].pl_x;
	dy = pl->pl_y - planets[pl->pl_system - 1].pl_y;
	pl->pl_radius = ihypot(dx, dy);
	pl->pl_angle = atan2((double) dy, (double) dx);
    sortnames();		/* sort the names of planets */
    if (configvals->neworbits)

 * rearranges a pre-existing galaxy setup such that planets orbit at more
 * "unique" distances from their star.  Asteroids look and probably play bad
 * when all the planets are approx. the same dist from the star, so I'd
 * suggest turning this on if you plan to have asteroids or orbiting planets
 * on your server.  I'd suggest turning it on even if you don't. :)  -MDM
  register int i, j;
  register struct planet *p;
  register int numStars = 0, planetsThisStar = 0;
#ifndef IRIX
  int planetList[NUMPLANETS];
  int planetList[70];

  /* find the number of stars */
  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLANETS; i++)
    if (PL_TYPE(planets[i]) == PLSTAR)

  /* for each star, find the number of planets, and the average distance */

  for (i = 1; i <= numStars; i++)
    planetsThisStar = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < MAXPLANETS; j++)
      if (planets[j].pl_system == i)
	planetList[planetsThisStar++] = j;

     * now move the planets such that each planet we came across gets its
     * previous distance from it's star, times (it's position in the
     * planetList array)/(planetsThisStar/1.6).  also make sure that new
     * radius isin't so close to star ship can't orbit it.  Heh.  Separate
     * the men from the boyz, eh?

    for (j = 0; j < planetsThisStar; j++)
      planets[planetList[j]].pl_radius =
	(int) ((float) planets[planetList[j]].pl_radius *
	       ((float) (j + 1) / (float) (planetsThisStar / 1.6))) + 1500;
      planets[planetList[j]].pl_x =
	planets[stars[i]].pl_x +
	(int) ((float) cos(planets[planetList[j]].pl_angle) *
	       (float) planets[planetList[j]].pl_radius);
      planets[planetList[j]].pl_y =
	planets[stars[i]].pl_y +
	(int) ((float) sin(planets[planetList[j]].pl_angle) *
	       (float) planets[planetList[j]].pl_radius);

  register int i;		/* for looping */
  register struct planet *l;	/* to point to individual plaent */

  if (stars[1] < 0)

  /* totally experimental planet moving stuff */
  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
    int x, y;
    double r;
    l = &planets[i];
    if (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLSTAR || l->pl_system == 0)
      continue;			/* write code for them another time */

    r = l->pl_radius;
    l->pl_angle += configvals->planupdspd * 1e2 / sqrt(r * r * r);
    if (l->pl_angle > 2 * M_PI)
      l->pl_angle -= 2 * M_PI;
    x = planets[stars[l->pl_system]].pl_x + cos(l->pl_angle) * l->pl_radius;
    y = planets[stars[l->pl_system]].pl_y + sin(l->pl_angle) * l->pl_radius;
    move_planet(i, x, y, 1);

 * This function pops the armies on planets.  It now uses the tables that are
 * in this module.  Negative growth is supported.

static void
  struct planet *l;
  int r;			/* to hold resource index */
  int a;			/* to hold atmosphere index */
  int t;			/* temp var */
  float ft;			/* another temp */

  r = (l->pl_flags & PLRESMASK) >> PLRESSHIFT;	/* get resource bits */
  r = restores[r];		/* convert to 3 bits */
  a = l->pl_flags & PLATMASK;	/* get atmosphere bits */
  a = a >> PLATSHIFT;		/* shift to lower two bits of int */

#ifdef UFL
  t = status2->league ? popchance[a][r] : 8;
  t = popchance[a][r];		/* get pop chance */
  if (t < lrand48() % 100)	/* if planet misses chance */
    return;			/* then on to next planet */
  ft = popmult[a][r];		/* get pop multiplier */
  if (ft >= 0)
  {				/* positive multiplier */
    int incr;

    if (l->pl_armies >= popcap[a][r])

    if (l->pl_armies < 4)	/* chance of going over four */
      l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;	/* slate planet for redraw */
    if (configvals->new_army_growth)
#ifdef AEDILE
      incr = 0.5 + ft * 2.0 * (float) (lrand48() % 6 + 3);
      incr = 1 + 0.5 + ft * (float) (l->pl_armies);
      /* what about agri? */
      incr = 1 + lrand48() % 3;	/* bronco is always 1-3 armies/pop */
    tlog_pop(l, incr);
    l->pl_armies += incr;	/* add on multiplier armies */
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = l->pl_armies;
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
  {				/* negative multiplier */
    int decr;
    if (l->pl_armies < 4)	/* no killing all the armies on */
      return;			/* a planet */
    l->pl_flags |= PLREDRAW;	/* slate planet for redraw */
    decr = 1 + 0.5 - ft * (float) (l->pl_armies);
    tlog_pop(l, -decr);
    l->pl_armies -= decr;	/* subtract armies */
    l->pl_armies = (l->pl_armies < 0) ? 0 : l->pl_armies;
    if (l->pl_armies <= 0)
    {				/* if all died then */
      l->pl_armies = 0;		/* no negative armies */
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = 0;	/* old owner knows */
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
      l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].owner = NOBODY;
      l->pl_owner = NOBODY;	/* planet is neutral */
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = l->pl_armies;
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
    if (l->pl_armies == 0)	/* if all armies died */
      checkwin(enemy_admiral(-1));	/* check if game over */
 * */

static void
  struct planet *l;
  int delta = 0;
  int atmosphere = (l->pl_flags & PLATMASK) >> PLATSHIFT;
  int surface = (l->pl_flags & PLSURMASK) >> PLSURSHIFT;

  if (l->pl_armies < 4 && (l->pl_flags & PLAGRI))

  if (atmosphere == 0)
    if (l->pl_armies >= 4 && drand48() < 0.5)
  else if (atmosphere < 3)
    if (drand48() <
	((atmosphere == 1)
	 ? (l->pl_armies < 4 ? 0.2 : 0.1)
	 : (l->pl_armies < 4 ? 0.5 : 0.2)))
    if (drand48() < (l->pl_armies < 4 ? 0.3 : 0.2))
      static int table[] = {2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4};
      int max = table[surface];
      if (l->pl_flags & PLAGRI && l->pl_armies >= 4)
	max++;			/* armies<4 handled at top */
      delta += lrand48() % max;

  if (l->pl_armies == 0 && delta > 1)
    delta = 1;			/* training that first army is tough */

  tlog_pop(l, delta);

  if (delta > 0 &&
      l->pl_armies > popcap[atmosphere]
      [restores[(l->pl_flags & PLRESMASK) >> PLRESSHIFT]])
    delta = 0;
  l->pl_armies += delta;

   * I doubt this if statement will ever get executed unless someone's
   * frobbing shmem
  if (l->pl_armies <= 0)
  {				/* if all died then */
    l->pl_armies = 0;		/* no negative armies */

    tlog_revolt(l);		/* well, not exactly. */

    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = 0;	/* old owner knows */
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;
    l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].owner = NOBODY;
    l->pl_owner = NOBODY;	/* planet is neutral */
    checkwin(enemy_admiral(-1));/* check if game over */

  l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].armies = l->pl_armies;
  l->pl_tinfo[l->pl_owner].timestamp = status->clock;

  struct planet *l;
#if 0
  printf("popping planet #%d  %x\n", l->pl_no, l->pl_owner);

  switch (configvals->popscheme)
   case 1:
   case 0:


fill_planets(plist, count, owner)
  int *plist;			/* array */
  int *count;			/* scalar */
  int owner;
  int i;
  *count = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < configvals->numplanets; i++)
    if (owner < 0 || planets[i].pl_owner == owner)
      plist[(*count)++] = i;

  for (i = *count - 1; i > 0; i--)
    int idx = lrand48() % (i + 1);
    int temp = plist[idx];
    plist[idx] = plist[i];
    plist[i] = temp;

  int teammask;
  int counts[NUMTEAM];
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < NUMTEAM; i++)
    counts[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
    int teamidx = mask_to_idx(players[i].p_team);
    if (teamidx >= 0 && teamidx < NUMTEAM && !(teammask & (1 << teamidx)))

    int max = -1;
    int rval = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < NUMTEAM; i++)
      if (counts[i] > max && !(teammask & (1 << i)))
	max = counts[i];
	rval = 1 << i;
    return rval;

  register int i;		/* for looping */
  register struct planet *l;	/* to point to individual plaent */

  if (!status->tourn)		/* check t-mode */
    return;			/* do not pop planets */

  switch (configvals->popchoice)
   case 0:
      static int fuse = 0;
      if (++fuse < PLANETFUSE)
	return;			/* nothing to do */
      fuse = 0;
      for (i = 0, l = &planets[i]; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, l++)
	if ((l->pl_armies == 0) ||
	    (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLSTAR) ||
	    (PL_TYPE(*l) == PLWHOLE))	/* if no armies to pop */
	  continue;		/* go to next planet */
#if 0
	if (l->pl_owner != NOBODY)	/* only team planets can revolt */
	  revolt(l);		/* check for revolt */
    } break;
   case 1:
#if 0
      static int indplanets[MAXPLANETS];
      static int indcount = 0;
      static int Aplanets[MAXPLANETS];
      static int Acount = 0, Amask = 0;
      static int Bplanets[MAXPLANETS];
      static int Bcount = 0, Bmask = 0;

      int INDchance;
      float Achance, Bchance;
      float f;

      /* make sure there's planets in the lists */
#if 0
      if (indcount < 1)
	fill_planets(indplanets, &indcount, NOBODY);
      if (Acount < 1)
	Amask = find_other_team(Bmask);
	fill_planets(Aplanets, &Acount, Amask);
      if (Bcount < 1)
	Bmask = find_other_team(Amask);
	fill_planets(Bplanets, &Bcount, Bmask);

      /* figure out the probabilities */
      INDchance = Achance = Bchance = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < configvals->numplanets; i++)
	if (planets[i].pl_owner == Amask)
	  Achance += 1.0;
	else if (planets[i].pl_owner == Bmask)
	  Bchance += 1.0;
	else if (!((PL_TYPE(planets[i]) == PLSTAR) ||
		   (PL_TYPE(planets[i]) == PLWHOLE)))
	  /* if (planets[i].pl_owner == NOBODY) */
	  INDchance += 1.0;

	if (Achance < Bchance)
	  Achance *= (la - (la - 1) * Achance / Bchance);
	  Bchance *= (la - (la - 1) * Bchance / Achance);

      f = drand48() * (INDchance + Achance + Bchance);
      if (f < INDchance)
#if 0				/* 3rd-race planets and INDs don't pop */
      else if (f - INDchance < Achance)

    } break;

 * This function does the fighting for a planet.  It decs the warning timer
 * and clears the REDRAW flag.  It then handles the bombing for the players.
 * It then goes on to see if a player is visible to the other team by
 * checking the closeness of other players.  The planets are then checked to
 * see if they are close enough to fire on enemy players.

  register int h;		/* looping vars */
  register struct planet *l;	/* for looping through planets */

  for (h = 0, l = &planets[h]; h < NUMPLANETS; h++, l++)
    l->pl_flags &= ~PLREDRAW;	/* clear the PLDRAW flag */
    if (l->pl_warning > 0)	/* check if timer needs dec */
      l->pl_warning--;		/* dec the warning timer */
  pbomb();			/* go do bombing for players */
  pvisible();			/* check visibility w/ other players */
  pfire();			/* let planets fire on other players */

 * This function saves the planets structure to disk.  The plfd variable is a
 * handle on the previously opened .planets file.  The function also saves
 * the status to the glfd file.

  if (plfd >= 0)
  {				/* if plfd file open */
    (void) lseek(plfd, (long) 0, 0);	/* save the planets */
    (void) write(plfd, (char *) planets, sizeof(struct planet) * MAXPLANETS);
  if (glfd >= 0)
  {				/* if glfd file open then */
    (void) lseek(glfd, (long) 0, 0);	/* save the status */
    (void) write(glfd, (char *) status, sizeof(struct status));


/*----------END OF FILE--------*/