view src/weapons.c @ 18:1424868939a8

author darius
date Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:38:35 +0000
parents ed82a42ba89d
children 9f180bf494bd
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NETREK II -- Paradise

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
"as is" without express or implied warranty.

    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
                                                    Scott Silvey
    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
                                                    Kurt Olsen
                                                    Brandon Gillespie

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

#include "defs.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "daemonII.h"
#include "weapons.h"
#include "shmem.h"

/*------------------------------VISIBLE FUNCTIONS-------------------------*/

 * This returns whether an object is hostile to another object.  It returns 1
 * if we are hostile or at war with the object

extern int inflict_damage();
int torp_track_opportunity();
extern void move_torp();
extern void move_missile();

hostile_to(warmask, team, pl)
  int warmask, team;
  struct player *pl;
  return (warmask & pl->p_team) || (team & (pl->p_swar | pl->p_hostile));

 * This function decides which players to inflict damage on when a torp
 * explodes.

explode_damage(torp, radius, why)
  struct basetorp *torp;
  int radius;
  int why;
  register int i;		/* looping var */
  int dx, dy, dist;		/* to calc distance from torp to players */
  int damage;			/* to hold damage inflicted */
  register struct player *j;	/* to point to players */

  for (i = 0, j = &players[i]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
    if (j->p_status != PALIVE)	/* no need to check players not alive */

    if (j->p_no == torp->bt_owner)	/* General Vote, September, 1995. */
      continue;			/* Torps no longer damage owner. */

    if ((torp->bt_status == TDET)	/* if torp was detted then */
	&& ((j->p_no == torp->bt_owner) ||	/* cannot damage firing
						 * player */
	    ((j->p_no != torp->bt_whodet)	/* cannot damage players on
						 * same team */
	     && (j->p_team == players[torp->bt_whodet].p_team)))
      )				/* except the detter */

    dx = torp->bt_x - j->p_x;	/* calc delta x and y */
    dy = torp->bt_y - j->p_y;
    if (ABS(dx) > radius || ABS(dy) > radius)
      continue;			/* continue if obviously too far */

    dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;	/* calc distnace squared */
    if (dist > radius * radius)	/* if not within damage distance */
      continue;			/* then continue */
    if (dist > EXPDIST * EXPDIST)	/* if not direct hit */
      damage = torp->bt_damage * (radius - sqrt((double) dist)) /
	(radius - EXPDIST);
    else			/* else if direct hit */
      damage = torp->bt_damage;	/* do torp damage */

    if (damage > 0)
    {				/* if damage was done then */
      if (players[torp->bt_owner].p_hostile & j->p_team)	/* start war if */
	players[torp->bt_owner].p_swar |= j->p_team;	/* necessary */
      inflict_damage(&players[torp->bt_owner], &players[torp->bt_whodet],
		     j, damage, why);

  struct basetorp *torp;	/* pointer to exploding torp's struct */
  explode_damage(torp, DAMDIST, KTORP);
  torp->bt_status = TEXPLODE;	/* set the torp to explode */
  torp->bt_fuse = 10 / TORPFUSE;

 * This function does the explosion of a plasma torp.  It goes through all
 * players and damages them if they are close enough to get damaged

  struct plasmatorp *plasmatorp;/* ptr to plasma to explode */
  explode_damage(&plasmatorp->pt_base, PLASDAMDIST, KPLASMA);
  plasmatorp->pt_status = PTEXPLODE;	/* set the plasma to explode */
  plasmatorp->pt_fuse = 10 / PLASMAFUSE;

 * This function goes through all players and calcs the damage from a phaser
 * hit if the phaser hit a target.

  register int i;		/* looping var */
  register struct phaser *j;	/* to point to phaser being fired */
  register struct player *victim;	/* to point to the poor victim */

  for (i = 0, j = &phasers[i]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
  {				/* all players */
    switch (j->ph_status)
    {				/* check player's phaser status */
     case PHFREE:		/* if not beging fired */
      continue;			/* then continue */
     case PHMISS:		/* if it missed */
     case PHHIT2:		/* or ????? */
      if (j->ph_fuse-- == 1)	/* dec count of phaser */
	j->ph_status = PHFREE;	/* free it up if count done */
     case PHHIT:		/* if it hit someone then */
      if (j->ph_fuse-- == players[i].p_ship.s_phaser.fuse)
	victim = &players[j->ph_target];	/* get the victim */
	if (players[i].p_hostile & victim->p_team)	/* start war if */
	  players[i].p_swar |= victim->p_team;	/* necessary */
	if (victim->p_status == PALIVE)	/* only damage if alive */
	  inflict_damage(&players[i], 0, victim, j->ph_damage, KPHASER);
      }				/* end of if phaser hit someone */
      if (j->ph_fuse == 0)
	j->ph_status = PHFREE;
    }				/* end of switch */
  }				/* end of for loop through players */

/* This function checks for objects within *dist* of a weapon.           */
/* this function will use the space grid */

weap_near_object(torp, type, dist)
  struct basetorp *torp;
  int type;
  int dist;
  register struct planet *pl;	/* to point to the planets */
  int dx, dy, i;

  for (i = 0, pl = &planets[i]; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, pl = &planets[i])
    if (PL_TYPE(*pl) != type)
      /* if not of the type specified, don't bother */
    dx = torp->bt_x - pl->pl_x;
    dy = torp->bt_y - pl->pl_y;
    if (ABS(dx) > dist || ABS(dy) > dist)
      continue;			/* the obvious thing */
    if (dx * dx + dy * dy < dist * dist)
      return 1;			/* yep, it hit.  return a 1. */
  return 0;			/* return that it should continue */

near_player(torp, dist)
  struct basetorp *torp;	/* the torp to check for */
  int dist;
  register int i;		/* looping var */
  int dx, dy;			/* to calc torp-player distance */
  register struct player *j;	/* to point to players */

  for (i = 0, j = &players[i]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
    if (j->p_status != PALIVE)
      continue;			/* don't check players not alive */
    if (j->p_no == torp->bt_owner)
      continue;			/* no exploding on self */
    if (!hostile_to(torp->bt_war, torp->bt_team, j))
      continue;			/* disregard if both teams not at war */
    dx = torp->bt_x - j->p_x;	/* calc delta coords */
    dy = torp->bt_y - j->p_y;
    if (ABS(dx) > dist || ABS(dy) > dist)
      continue;			/* disregard if obviously too far */
    if (dx * dx + dy * dy < dist * dist)
      torp->bt_whodet = i;	/* this guy is the detonator */
      return 1;			/* if close enough to explode then return 1 */
  return 0;			/* return that torp should continue */

f_land(mis)			/* the fighter landing function */
  struct missile *mis;		/* the fighter to check for */
  int dx, dy;			/* to calc fighter-player distance */
  register struct player *j;	/* to point to players */

  j = &players[mis->ms_owner];

  if (!(j->p_armies < j->p_ship.s_maxarmies))
    return 0;			/* no room! */
  dx = mis->ms_x - j->p_x;	/* calc delta coords */
  dy = mis->ms_y - j->p_y;
  if (ABS(dx) > EXPDIST || ABS(dy) > EXPDIST)
    return 0;			/* obviously too far */
  if (dx * dx + dy * dy < EXPDIST * EXPDIST)
    return 1;			/* if close enough to land then return 1 */

  return 0;			/* return that fighter should continue */

 * This function goes through the players and sees if there is a player close
 * enough for a plasma torp to explode on.  This function returns a 1 if the
 * plasma should explode and a 0 if it should continue to travel through
 * spac.

  struct plasmatorp *plasmatorp;/* the plasma torp to check for */
  return near_player(&plasmatorp->pt_base, EXPDIST);

outofbounds(x, y)
  int x, y;
  return x < 0 || x > GWIDTH || y < 0 || y > GWIDTH;

 * This function updates the torps.  It goes through all torps and checks to
 * see if they need to be updated.  It they are mving they track toward the
 * nearest target.  this function also handles the explosion and makes sure
 * that torps do not go off the edge of the galaxy.

  register int i;		/* looping var--to loop through torps */
  int turn;			/* to get whether to go right or left */
  int heading;			/* to hold torps heading */
  register struct torp *j;	/* to point to torps */

  for (i = 0, j = &torps[i]; i < MAXPLAYER * MAXTORP; i++, j++)
    switch (j->t_status)
    {				/* check status of torp */
			case TFREE:		/* if torp not active then */
				continue;			/* go on to next torp */
			case TMOVE:
			case TSTRAIGHT:		/* if torp moving then */
				if (j->t_turns > 0)
				{				/* if torp can turn then */
					turn = torp_track_opportunity
					(&j->t_base, j->t_turns,
					/* should we go right or left */

				if ((terrain_grid[(int) (j->t_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
												 (int) (j->t_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
						 & T_NEBULA) &&	neb_effect[SS_PHOTON])
					if(TORP_NEB_EFF > (lrand48() % 100)) /* Is torp affected? */
						turn = (lrand48() % 2); /* Yes */
					if (turn < 0)
					{			/* we will go left */
						heading = ((int) j->t_dir) - j->t_turns;	/* turn left */
						if (heading < 0)
							j->t_dir = heading + 256;
						 * j->t_dir = ((heading < 0) ? ((unsigned char) (256 + heading)) :
						 * ((unsigned char) heading));	* no underflow
					else if (turn > 0)
					{			/* we will go right */
						heading = ((int) j->t_dir) + j->t_turns;	/* turn right */
						if (heading > 255)
							j->t_dir = heading - 256;
						 * j->t_dir = ((heading > 255) ? ((unsigned char) (heading - 256))
						 * : ((unsigned char) heading));	* no overflow
				j->t_x += (double) j->t_speed * Cos[j->t_dir] * WARP1;
				j->t_y += (double) j->t_speed * Sin[j->t_dir] * WARP1;

				move_torp(i, j->t_x, j->t_y, 1);

				if (j->t_status == TMOVE)	/* if a TMOVE torp then */
					j->t_dir += (lrand48() % 3) - 1;	/* make the torp wobble */
				if (j->t_fuse-- <= 0)
				{				/* dec torp's life and see if dead */
					j->t_status = TFREE;	/* dead, free the torp */
					move_torp(i, -1, -1, 1);
					players[j->t_owner].p_ntorp--;	/* let player fire another */
					break;			/* no more torp processing */
				if ((sun_effect[SS_PHOTON] && weap_near_object(&j->t_base, PLSTAR, ORBDIST))
						(wh_effect[SS_PHOTON] && weap_near_object(&j->t_base, PLWHOLE, ORBDIST)))
					/* did it hit a star or wormhole? */
					j->t_whodet = j->t_owner;

				if ((terrain_grid[(int) (j->t_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
												 (int) (j->t_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
						 & T_ASTEROIDS) && ast_effect[SS_PHOTON])
					if (TORP_HIT_AST > (lrand48() % 100))

				if (near_player(&j->t_base, EXPDIST))
					/* if torp near enough to hit */
					explode(&j->t_base);	/* let torp explode on player */

			case TDET:		/* if torp was detted */
				explode(&j->t_base);	/* make it explode */
				break;			/* on to next torp */
			case TEXPLODE:		/* if torp exploding */
				if (j->t_fuse-- <= 0)
				{				/* dec explosion timer */
					j->t_status = TFREE;	/* if torp done, free it up */
					move_torp(i, -1, -1, 1);
					players[j->t_owner].p_ntorp--;	/* let player fire another */
				break;			/* on to next torp */
			case TOFF:
				j->t_status = TFREE;
				move_torp(i, -1, -1, 1);
			default:			/* Shouldn't happen */
				j->t_status = TFREE;
    }				/* end of switch */
  }				/* end of for */

  int i;
  int x, y, turn;
  struct missile *mis;
  struct player *j;

  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER * NPTHINGIES; i++)
    mis = &missiles[i];
    switch (mis->ms_status)
			case TFREE:
			case TLAND:
				j = &players[mis->ms_owner];
				j->p_armies = (int) (j->p_ship.s_missilestored / FAE_RATE);
				mis->ms_status = TFREE;
			case TRETURN:
			case TMOVE:
			case TSTRAIGHT:
				if (mis->ms_fuse-- <= 0)
					mis->ms_status = TFREE;
					move_missile(i, -1, -1, 1);
				if (terrain_grid[(int) (mis->ms_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
												(int) (mis->ms_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
						& T_ASTEROIDS)
					if ((mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY) &&
							ast_effect[SS_FIGHTER] &&
							(FIGHTER_HIT_AST > (lrand48() % 100)))
						mis->ms_whodet = mis->ms_owner;
					else if ((MISSILE_HIT_AST > (lrand48() % 100)) &&
						mis->ms_whodet = mis->ms_owner;
				if ((((sun_effect[SS_MISSILE] && mis->ms_type == MISSILETHINGY)
							|| (sun_effect[SS_FIGHTER] && mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY))
						 && weap_near_object(&mis->ms_base, PLSTAR, ORBDIST))
						(((wh_effect[SS_MISSILE] && mis->ms_type == MISSILETHINGY)
							|| (wh_effect[SS_FIGHTER] && mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY))
						 && weap_near_object(&mis->ms_base, PLWHOLE, ORBDIST)))
					/* did it hit a star? */
				j = &players[mis->ms_owner];
				if (mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY &&
						!(j->p_ship.s_nflags & SFNHASFIGHTERS))
					mis->ms_type = MISSILETHINGY;	/* If the player no longer has em, */
					mis->ms_status = TMOVE;	/* make his fighters kamikazes */
					mis->fi_hasfired = 0;
				if ((mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY)
						&& ((mis->ms_fuse < .6 * j->p_ship.s_missile.fuse)
								|| (mis->fi_hasfired))
						&& mis->ms_status != TRETURN)
					mis->ms_status = TRETURN;
				if (mis->ms_turns > 0)
					if (mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY)
						turn = fighter_track_target(&mis->ms_base, mis->ms_turns);
						turn = torp_track_opportunity
						(&mis->ms_base, mis->ms_turns,

					if ((terrain_grid[(int) (mis->ms_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
													 (int) (mis->ms_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
							 & T_NEBULA))
						if((mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY) && neb_effect[SS_FIGHTER])
							if(FIGHTER_NEB_EFF > (lrand48() % 100)) /* Is fighter affected? */
								turn = (lrand48() % 2); /* Yes */
								if(MISSILE_NEB_EFF > (lrand48() % 100)) /* Is missile affected? */
									turn = (lrand48() % 2); /* Yes */

					mis->ms_dir = (unsigned char) (mis->ms_dir + turn * mis->ms_turns);
				x = mis->ms_x + mis->ms_speed * Cos[mis->ms_dir] * WARP1;
				y = mis->ms_y + mis->ms_speed * Sin[mis->ms_dir] * WARP1;
				move_missile(i, x, y, 1);
				if (mis->ms_status != TSTRAIGHT)
					mis->ms_dir += (lrand48() % 3) - 1;
				if (mis->ms_type == MISSILETHINGY
						&& near_player(&mis->ms_base, EXPDIST))
				else if (mis->ms_type == FIGHTERTHINGY
								 && near_player(&mis->ms_base, FSTRIKEDIST)
								 && !mis->fi_hasfired)
					if (f_torp(mis))
						mis->fi_hasfired = 1;	/* if within strike range, fire a torp */
				if (mis->ms_status == TRETURN &&
					mis->ms_status = TLAND;
					move_missile(i, -1, -1, 1);
			case TDET:
			case TEXPLODE:
				if (mis->ms_fuse-- <= 0)
					mis->ms_status = TFREE;
					move_missile(i, -1, -1, 1);
				mis->ms_status = TFREE;

anticipate_impact(w, dx, dy, s, dir)
  int w;			/* speed of torp */
  int dx, dy;			/* distance to target */
  int s, dir;			/* speed of target */
  float sdx, sdy;
  float a, b, c, d;
  float t;
  float tdx, tdy;
  float theta;

				/* mathematically, these affect t, but not
				 * the return value */

  sdx = s * Cos[dir];
  sdy = s * Sin[dir];

  a = s * (float) s - w * (float) w;
  b = 2 * (sdx * (float) dx + sdy * (float) dy);
  c = dx * (float) dx + dy * (float) dy;

  if (a == 0)
    t = -c / b;

    d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
    if (d < 0)
      return -1;
    d = sqrt(d);

    if (a < 0)
      a = -a;
      b = -b;

    t = (-b - d) / (2 * a);

    if (t < 0)
      t = (-b + d) / (2 * a);

  if (t < 0)
    return -1;

  if (t > 10)
    return -1;

  tdx = dx / t + sdx;
  tdy = dy / t + sdy;

  theta = atan2(tdx, -tdy);
  return (unsigned char) (int) (theta * 128 / 3.14159);

 * This function finds the closest ship to a torp and returns -1 if the ship
 * is to the left of the torp on its current heading and a 1 if the ship is
 * to the right.  If no target is found then a 0 is return indicating the
 * torp should go straight.

torp_track_opportunity(torp, turnspeed, smart)
  struct basetorp *torp;	/* the torp to check for */
  int turnspeed;
  int smart;			/* which tracking algorithm? */
  int i;			/* looping var */
  int closest;			/* to hold closest player */
  int clbearing;		/* bearing to closest player */
  int min_distsq;		/* to hold closest distance */
  int war_mask;			/* who torp own is at war with */
  int x, y;			/* to hold torps x, y coords */
  int bearing;			/* to get bearing to hit player */
  int dir;			/* to hold torps direction */
  int range;

  closest = -1;			/* initialize closest player--no plyr */
  x = torp->bt_x;		/* get the coords of torp */
  y = torp->bt_y;
  dir = torp->bt_dir;		/* get torp's directions */
  war_mask = torp->bt_war;	/* and who he as war with */

  range = torp->bt_fuse * torp->bt_speed * WARP1;

  min_distsq = range * range * 4;	/* intialize closest player distance */

  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
  {				/* check all other players */
    int dx, dy;
    if (!(isAlive(&players[i]) &&
	  hostile_to(war_mask, torp->bt_team, &players[i])))
      continue;			/* only do if player alive and at war */

    dx = players[i].p_x - x;
    dy = players[i].p_y - y;

    if (ABS(dx) > range || ABS(dy) > range)
      continue;			/* clearly out of range */

    if (smart)
      bearing = anticipate_impact(torp->bt_speed, dx, dy,
				  players[i].p_speed, players[i].p_dir);
      if (bearing < 0)
	bearing = get_bearing(dx, dy, dir);
	bearing = (unsigned char) (bearing - dir);
      bearing = get_bearing(dx, dy, dir);
    /* torps will only track to targets they have a reasonable chance */
    /* of hitting */
    if ((turnspeed * torp->bt_fuse > 127) ||
	(bearing < ((unsigned char) turnspeed * torp->bt_fuse)) ||
	(bearing > ((unsigned char) (256 - turnspeed * torp->bt_fuse))))
      int distsq;
      distsq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
      if (distsq < min_distsq)
      {				/* record it if it is */
	min_distsq = distsq;	/* less than current closest */
	closest = i;		/* player */
	clbearing = bearing;
  if (closest >= 0)
  {				/* if a target found then */
    if (clbearing > 128)
      return (-1);		/* Target is on the left */
      return (1);		/* Target is on the right */
  return (0);			/* No target ... go straight. */

 * This function updates the plasma torps.  It goes through all the plasma
 * torps and if they are alive it adjusts their heading to track players.  It
 * then moves the plasma torp and checks to see if the plasma should explode.
 * It will ensure that a plasma torp explodes when it hits the edge of the
 * galaxy.

  register int i;		/* looping var--loop through plasmas */
  int turn;			/* to get whether to go left or right */
  int heading;			/* to hold plasma heading */
  struct plasmatorp *j;		/* to point to a plasma */

  for (i = 0, j = &plasmatorps[i]; i < MAXPLAYER * MAXPLASMA; i++, j++)
    switch (j->pt_status)
    {				/* check torp's status */
			case PTFREE:		/* if plasma not being fired */
				continue;			/* go to next plasma */
			case PTMOVE:		/* if plasma moving */
				turn = torp_track_opportunity
				(&j->pt_base, j->pt_turns,

				if ((terrain_grid[(int) (j->pt_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
												 (int) (j->pt_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
						 & T_NEBULA) && neb_effect[SS_PLASMA])
					if(PLASMA_NEB_EFF > (lrand48() % 100)) /* Is plasma affected? */
						turn = (lrand48() % 2); /* Yes */

				/* should we go right or left */
				if (turn < 0)
				{				/* if left then */
					heading = ((int) j->pt_dir) - j->pt_turns;
					j->pt_dir = ((heading < 0) ? ((unsigned char) (256 + heading)) :
											 ((unsigned char) heading));	/* no rollunder */
				else if (turn > 0)
				{				/* else if right */
					heading = ((int) j->pt_dir) + j->pt_turns;
					j->pt_dir = ((heading > 255) ? ((unsigned char) (heading - 256)) :
											 ((unsigned char) heading));	/* no rollover */
				j->pt_x += (double) j->pt_speed * Cos[j->pt_dir] * WARP1;

				j->pt_y += (double) j->pt_speed * Sin[j->pt_dir] * WARP1;
				if (j->pt_fuse-- <= 0)
				{				/* dec the torp fuse. if torp done */
					j->pt_status = PTFREE;	/* free it up */
					players[j->pt_owner].p_nplasmatorp--;	/* dec p-torps fired */

				if ((terrain_grid[(int) (j->pt_x) / TGRID_GRANULARITY * TGRID_SIZE +
												 (int) (j->pt_y) / TGRID_GRANULARITY].types
						 & T_ASTEROIDS) &&
					if (PLASMA_HIT_AST > (lrand48() % 100))

				if ((sun_effect[SS_PLASMA] && weap_near_object(&j->pt_base, PLSTAR, ORBDIST))
						(sun_effect[SS_PLASMA] && weap_near_object(&j->pt_base, PLWHOLE, ORBDIST))
						/* did it hit a star? */
						|| pnear(j) /* or a player */ )
				break;			/* on to next torp */
			case PTDET:		/* if torp was detted */
				pexplode(j);		/* make it explode */
				break;			/* on to next torp */
			case PTEXPLODE:		/* if torp is exploding */
				if (j->pt_fuse-- <= 0)
				{				/* dec the timer until torp dead */
					j->pt_status = PTFREE;	/* set the torp free is timer zero */
					players[j->pt_owner].p_nplasmatorp--;	/* dec ptorps fired by player */
			default:			/* Shouldn't happen */
				j->pt_status = PTFREE;	/* free torp if it got screwed */
				break;			/* on to next torp */

 * This function takes two set of coordinates and a direction.  One set of
 * coordinates is the current coords of a trop.  The other set is some other
 * coords you want to get a change in direction for.  The direction is the
 * current direction of the torp.  The function returns the angle that the
 * dir need to be changed by to travel to the new points.

unsigned char
get_bearing(dx, dy, dir)
  int dx, dy;			/* delta x, y coords */
  int dir;			/* current direction travelling */
  int phi;			/* to hold angle */

  phi = (int) (atan2((double) dx, (double) -dy) / 3.14159 * 128.0);
  if (phi < 0)			/* make phi positive */
    phi = 256 + phi;
  if (phi >= dir)
    return ((unsigned char) (phi - dir));
    return ((unsigned char) (256 + phi - dir));


 * This function finds the closest ship to a fighter and returns -1 if the
 * ship is to the left of the fighter on its current heading and a 1 if the
 * ship is to the right.  If no target is found then a 0 is return indicating
 * the fighter should go straight.  Also returns fighters to the CV. If the
 * player is locked onto an enemy ship, that's the only ship that gets
 * checked.

fighter_track_target(mis, turnspeed)
  struct missile *mis;		/* the torp to check for */
  int turnspeed;
  int i;			/* looping var */
  int closest;			/* to hold closest player */
  int min_dist;			/* to hold closest distance */
  int dist;			/* temp var to hold distance */
  int war_mask;			/* who fighter own is at war with */
  int x, y;			/* to hold fighters x, y coords */
  int owner;			/* to hold fighters owner */
  int bearing;			/* to get bearing to hit player */
  int dir;			/* to hold fighters direction */
  int range;
  int dx, dy;

  min_dist = GWIDTH * 2;	/* intialize closest player distance */
  closest = -1;			/* initialize closest player--no plyr */
  x = mis->ms_x;		/* get the coords of torp */
  y = mis->ms_y;
  dir = mis->ms_dir;		/* get fighter's directions */
  owner = mis->ms_owner;	/* get the fighter's owner */
  war_mask = mis->ms_war;	/* and who he as war with */

  range = mis->ms_fuse * mis->ms_speed * WARP1;

  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
  {				/* check all other players */
    if (mis->ms_status == TRETURN)
      if (!(isAlive(&players[i])) || (owner != i))
    }				/* if returning, only check owning player */
    else if ((players[owner].p_flags & PFPLOCK) &&
	     (players[owner].p_playerl != i))
      continue;			/* if player is locked onto a player, only
				 * check that player */
    else if (!(isAlive(&players[i]) &&
	       hostile_to(war_mask, mis->ms_team, &players[i])))
      continue;			/* only do if player alive and at war */

    dx = players[i].p_x - x;
    dy = players[i].p_y - y;

    if (ABS(dx) > range || ABS(dy) > range)
      continue;			/* clearly out of range */

    bearing = get_bearing(dx, dy, dir);
    if ((turnspeed * mis->ms_fuse > 127) ||
	(bearing < ((unsigned char) turnspeed * mis->ms_fuse)) ||
	(bearing > ((unsigned char) (256 - turnspeed * mis->ms_fuse))))
      dist = ihypot(dx, dy);
      if (dist < min_dist)
      {				/* record it if it is */
	min_dist = dist;	/* less than current closest */
	closest = i;		/* player */
  if (closest >= 0)
  {				/* if a target found then */
    if (get_bearing(players[closest].p_x - x,
		    players[closest].p_y - y, dir) > 128)
      return (-1);		/* Target is on the left */
      return (1);		/* Target is on the right */
  return (0);			/* No target ... go straight. */

/* Checks to see if a valid target is within a certain forward firing angle */
/* then fires a torpedo at that target.  A return value of 1 indicates firing */

  struct missile *mis;
  register int i;
  int torp2fire = -1, targetdist = FSTRIKEDIST + 1, tdist, target;
  unsigned char bearing;
  register struct torp *k;
  int dx, dy;
  register struct player *j;	/* to point to players */

  for (i = mis->ms_owner * MAXTORP, k = &torps[i];	/* Find a free torp */
       i < mis->ms_owner * MAXTORP + MAXTORP; i++, k++)
    if (k->t_status == TFREE)
      torp2fire = i;
  if (torp2fire == -1)
    return 0;

  for (i = 0, j = &players[i]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
    if (j->p_status != PALIVE)
      continue;			/* don't check players not alive */
    if (j->p_no == mis->ms_owner)
      continue;			/* no firing on self */
    if (!hostile_to(mis->ms_war, mis->ms_team, j))
      continue;			/* disregard if both teams not at war */
    if ((players[mis->ms_owner].p_flags & PFPLOCK) &&
	(players[mis->ms_owner].p_playerl != i))
      continue;			/* ignore if this isn't the target */

    dx = mis->ms_x - j->p_x;	/* calc delta coords */
    dy = mis->ms_y - j->p_y;
      continue;			/* disregard if obviously too far */

    tdist = ihypot(dx, dy);
    if (tdist < FSTRIKEDIST)
      bearing = (int) get_bearing(dx, dy, mis->ms_dir);
      targetdist = tdist;	/* record the target ship */
      target = i;

  if (targetdist < FSTRIKEDIST)
    j = &players[mis->ms_owner];
    k = &torps[torp2fire];
    k->t_no = torp2fire;
    k->t_status = TMOVE;
    k->t_owner = mis->ms_owner;
    k->t_team = mis->ms_team;

    move_torp(torp2fire, mis->ms_x, mis->ms_y, 0);

    k->t_damage = FTORP_DAMAGE;
    k->t_speed = FTORP_SPEED;
    k->t_war = j->p_hostile |
    k->t_fuse = FTORP_FUSE + (lrand48() % 20);
    k->t_turns = FTORP_TRACK;

     * here's the biggie -- what angle do I fire this torp at, so I have a
     * reasonable chance of hitting?  Especially since I only get one shot.
     * But, then, I have a bunch of buddies, too...

    if ((mis->ms_no % MAXPLAYER % 3) == 0)
      k->t_dir = mis->ms_dir;
    else if ((mis->ms_no % MAXPLAYER % 3) == 1)
      k->t_dir = mis->ms_dir - 8;
    else if ((mis->ms_no % MAXPLAYER % 3) == 2)
      k->t_dir = mis->ms_dir + 8;
    return 1;
  return 0;

/*----------END OF FILE--------*/