view src/defs.h @ 18:1424868939a8

author darius
date Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:38:35 +0000
parents b7fe2e0e4b86
line wrap: on
line source

NETREK II -- Paradise

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
"as is" without express or implied warranty.

    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
                                                    Scott Silvey
    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
                                                    Kurt Olsen
                                                    Brandon Gillespie

#ifndef defs_h_
#define defs_h_

#ifdef SVR4			/* to get it to work under Solaris [BDyess] */
#define sigsetmask sigset
#endif				/* SVR4 */

#define MAXPLAYER 32

#define MAXPLANETS 60		/* A new variable called NUMPLANETS takes the
				 * place of this #define in many parts of the
				 * code -- this one just sets the initial
				 * array sizes, so it is, literally, a
				 * maximum */

#define MAX_GWIDTH 200000	/* GWIDTH is used in most of the code -- this
				 * is a max value. */
#define TGRID_GRANULARITY 800	/* The width and height, in the same units as
				 * GWIDTH, of one terrain_grid unit. */
#define NTERRAIN 128		/* number of bytes of zipped terrain data to
				 * send */
/* at once */
#define LOG2NTERRAIN 7		/* well, you should be able to figure this
				 * out */
#define TERRAIN_MASK NTERRAIN-1	/* NTERRAIN should always be a power of 2,
				 * otherwise */
/* updateTerrain() in socket.c will break */
 * NOTE!  NTERRAIN can *NEVER* be greater than 128 due to the way the
 * structure
 * and socket code work.  This may eventually be a bummer when higher
 * bandwidths
 * are around, but for now with me & my linux box, this is just fine.
 * Besides,
 * preliminary tests show that the gzipped terrain grid to be usually less
 * than
/* 350 bytes anyway. */


#define MAXTORP 8

/* Parnes's (Raynfala's) Butt Torp Code */
/* HALFARC = (0-128), FACTOR = (0-16) */

#define TORP_PENALTY_HALFARC myship->s_torp.wtemp_halfarc
#define TORP_PENALTY_FACTOR myship->s_torp.wtemp_factor

#define NPTHINGIES 8
#define NGTHINGIES 40
#define MAXPLASMA 1
#define WINSIDE 500		/* Size of strategic and tactical windows */
#define BORDER 4		/* border width for option windows */
#define PSEUDOSIZE 16
#define CLOAK_PHASES 7		/* number of drawing phases in a cloak
				 * engage/disengage */
#define NUMRANKS	18

/* These are configuration definitions */
/* GWIDTH was once a #define, now it's a variable in the configvals */

#define WARP1 20		/* warp one will move 20 spaces per update */
#define SCALE 40		/* Window will be one pixel for 20 spaces */
#define SHIPDAMDIST 3000	/* At this range, an exploding ship does
				 * damage */
#define DETDIST 1800		/* At this range a torp can be detonated
													 was 1600. 6/29/92 TC
													 was 1800 8/1/92 TC */
#define NEWDETDIST 1800

#define PHASEDIST 6000		/* At this range a player can do damage with
													 * phasers -- outdated */
#define ENTORBDIST 900		/* At this range a player can orbit a planet */
#define ORBDIST 800		/* A player will orbit at this radius */
#define FORBDIST 7500		/* The radius at which fighters patrol */
#define ORBSPEED 2		/* This is the fastest a person can go into
											 * orbit */
#define PFIREDIST 1500		/* At this range a planet will shoot at a
													 * player */

#define MIN_AST_DAMAGE    10	/* the minimum damage caused by an asteroid */
#define VAR_AST_DAMAGE    5	/* the max additional damage caused by an
														 * asteroid per speed factor */
#define MIN_AST_HIT 2		/* the minimum chance of hitting an asteroid */

#define TORP_NEB_EFF      40 /* percent for nebulous terrain to screw up tracking */
#define PLASMA_NEB_EFF    30
#define FIGHTER_NEB_EFF   20
#define MISSILE_NEB_EFF   30

#define TORP_HIT_AST      8
#define PLASMA_HIT_AST    12	/* percent for asteroid collisions. */
#define FIGHTER_HIT_AST   3
#define MISSILE_HIT_AST   5

#define VACANT -1		/* indicates vacant port on a starbase */
#define PDAMAGE -2		/* indicates damaged port on a starbase */
#define DOCKDIST 600

#define TRACTDIST   6000	/* maximum effective tractor beam range */

#define TICKSPERSEC 10		/* clock ticks per second */
#define UPDATE (1000000/TICKSPERSEC)	/* Update time is 100000
					 * micro-seconds */
#define AUTOQUIT 60		/* auto logout in 60 secs */
#define MINUTES(s)	(60*SECONDS(s))

/* These are memory sections */
#define PLAYER 1
#define MAXMESSAGE 50

#define rosette(x)   ((((x) + 8) / 16) & 15)
/* #define rosette(x)   ((((x) + 256/VIEWS/2) / (256/VIEWS) + VIEWS) % VIEWS) */
/* (((x + 8) / 16 + 16)  %  16)  */

/* These are the teams */
 * Note that I used bit types for these mostly for messages and war status.
 * This was probably a mistake.  It meant that Ed had to add the 'remap' area
 * to map these (which are used throughout the code as the proper team
 * variable) into a nice four team deep array for his color stuff.  Oh well.
#define NOBODY 0x0
#define FED 0x1
#define ROM 0x2
#define KLI 0x4
#define ORI 0x8
#define MAXTEAM (ORI)		/* was ALLTEAM (overkill?) 6/22/92 TMC */
#define NUMTEAM 4
 * * These are random configuration variables
#define VICTORY 3		/* Number of systems needed to conquer the
				 * galaxy */
#define WARNTIME 30		/* Number of updates to have a warning on the
				 * screen */
#define MESSTIME 30		/* Number of updates to have a message on the
				 * screen */

#define BUILD_SB_TIME   30	/* Minutes to rebuild an SB */
#define BUILD_JS_TIME   15	/* Minutes to rebuild an JS 1-24 bjg */
#define BUILD_WA_TIME   45	/* Minutes to rebuild an WA 1-24 bjg */

#define TARG_PLAYER	0x1	/* Flags for gettarget */
#define TARG_PLANET	0x2
#define TARG_CLOAK	0x4	/* Include cloaked ships in search */
#define TARG_SELF	0x8

/* Data files to make the game play across daemon restarts. */

#define PLAYERFILE	(status2->league ? "/tmp/tourney.players":"etc/db.players")
#define PLAYERFILE	"etc/db.players"
#define GLOBAL		"etc/"
#define PLFILE		"etc/planets"
#define MOTD		"etc/motd"
#define WCMOTD		"etc/motd.wc"	/* wrong client message */
#define CLOSEDMOTD	"etc/motd.closed"	/* if doesn't exist, MOTD is
						 * used. */
#define PICS		"etc/"
#define NTSERV          "bin/ntserv"
#define DAEMON		"bin/daemonII"
#define ROBOT		"bin/robotII"
#define LOGFILENAME     "logs/server.log"
#define CONQFILE	"logs/conquer"
#define SYSDEF_FILE     "etc/conf.sysdef"
#define RSA_KEY_FILE	"etc/rsa.keys"
#define GODLOGFILE 	"logs/god.log"
#define CLUEPHRASEFILE	"etc/cluephrases"
#define MAILCLUECHECK	"bin/mailcluecheck"

 * If this isn't defined, the "Count: n players" messages will go into
 * logfile, as before.  Otherwise, they'll go into this file:
/* #define COUNTFILENAME	"logs/countfile" */

/* Listen stuff */
#define METASERVER ""
#define PORT 2592		/* port to listen on */

/* Other stuff that Ed added */

#define ABS(a)			/* abs(a) */ (((a) < 0) ? -(a) : (a))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a,b)		((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b)		((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

#define myPlasmaTorp(t)		(me->p_no == (t)->pt_owner)
#define myTorp(t)		(me->p_no == (t)->t_owner)
#define myMissile(t)		(me->p_no == (t)->ms_owner)
#define friendlyPlasmaTorp(t)	((!(me->p_team & (t)->pt_war)) || (myPlasmaTorp(t)))
#define friendlyTorp(t)		(((!(me->p_team & (t)->t_war)) && \
				    (!(t->t_team & (me->p_swar | me->p_hostile)))) || \
#define friendlyMissile(t)		(((!(me->p_team & (t)->ms_war)) && \
				    (!(t->ms_team & (me->p_swar | me->p_hostile)))) || \
#define myPhaser(p)		(&phasers[me->p_no] == (p))
#define friendlyPhaser(p)	(me->p_team == players[(p) - phasers].p_team)
#define myPlayer(p)		(me == (p))
#define myPlanet(p)		(me->p_team == (p)->pl_owner)
#define friendlyPlayer(p)	((!(me->p_team & \
				    ((p)->p_swar | (p)->p_hostile))) && \
				    (!((p)->p_team & \
				    (me->p_swar | me->p_hostile))))
#define isAlive(p)		((p)->p_status == PALIVE)
#define friendlyPlanet(p)	((p)->pl_info & me->p_team && \
			     !((p)->pl_owner & (me->p_swar | me->p_hostile)))

#if 0
#define torpColor(t)		\
	(myTorp(t) ? myColor : shipCol[remap[players[(t)->t_owner].p_team]])
#define plasmatorpColor(t)		\
	(myPlasmaTorp(t) ? myColor : shipCol[remap[players[(t)->pt_owner].p_team]])
#define phaserColor(p)		\
	(myPhaser(p) ? myColor : shipCol[remap[players[(p) - phasers].p_team]])
 * Cloaking phase (and not the cloaking flag) is the factor in determining
 * the color of the ship.  Color 0 is white (same as 'myColor' used to be).
#define playerColor(p)		\
	(myPlayer(p) ? 		\
	    (cloak_pixels[0][me->p_cloakphase])	\
	    : (cloak_pixels[remap[(p)->p_team]][(p)->p_cloakphase]))
#define planetColor(p)		\
	(((p)->pl_info & me->p_team) ? shipCol[remap[(p)->pl_owner]] : unColor)

#define planetFont(p)		\
	(myPlanet(p) ? bfont : friendlyPlanet(p) ? ifont : dfont)
#define shipFont(p)		\
	(myPlayer(p) ? bfont : friendlyPlayer(p) ? ifont : dfont)

 * This macro allows us to time things based upon the SIGALRM signal. Given a
 * number of 1/5 seconds, it will return the number of SIGALRMs we will
 * receive in that period.
#define efticks(x) ((x)*200000/timerDelay)

 * UDP control stuff
#ifdef GATEWAY
#define UDP_NUMOPTS	11
#define UDP_NUMOPTS	10
#define UDP_CURRENT	0
#define UDP_STATUS	1
#define UDP_DROPPED	2
#define UDP_SEQUENCE	3
#define UDP_SEND	4
#define UDP_RECV	5
#define UDP_DEBUG	6
#define UDP_UPDATE_ALL	8
#define UDP_DONE	9
#define COMM_TCP	0
#define COMM_UDP	1
#define COMM_VERIFY	2
#define COMM_UPDATE	3
#define COMM_MODE	4	/* put this one last */
#define SWITCH_TCP_OK	0
#define SWITCH_UDP_OK	1
#define MODE_TCP	0
#define MODE_SIMPLE	1
#define MODE_FAT	2
#define MODE_DOUBLE	3	/* put this one last */

#define UDP_RECENT_INTR	300
#define UDP_UPDATE_WAIT 5	/* 5 second wait */

/* server version of UDPDIAG */
/* (change these to "#define UDPDIAG(x) <return>" for smaller & faster code) */
#define UDPDIAG(x)	{ if (configvals->udpAllowed > 1) { printf("UDP: "); printf x; }}
#define V_UDPDIAG(x)	{ if (configvals->udpAllowed > 2) { printf("UDP: "); printf x; }}

#define FAE_RATE 8		/* The Fighter-Army exchange rate */
#define FTORP_DAMAGE 50
#define FTORP_SPEED 12
#define FTORP_FUSE 40
#define FTORP_TRACK 1

#define RSA_VERSION "RSA v2.0 SERVER"	/* String must begin with "RSA v" */
#define KEY_SIZE 32
#define RESERVED_SIZE 16
#define MSG_LEN 80
#define NAME_LEN 16
#define KEYMAP_LEN 96

struct player;

void warning( /* char * */ );
int in_warp( /**/ );
void get_ship_for_player( /* struct player *me, int s_type */ );
void switch_special_weapon( /**/ );
void declare_war( /* int mask */ );
char *twoletters( /* struct player * */ );
void updateClient();

/* random number stuff */
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef HAVE_RAND48

#define MAXRAND 2147483648
extern long lrand48();
extern void srand48();
extern double drand48();

#else				/* HAVE_RAND48 */


#define MAXRAND 2147483648
extern long random();
extern void srandom();

#else				/* HAVE_RANDOM */

#define MAXRAND (RAND_MAX+1)
#define random rand
#define srandom srand
extern int rand();
#ifdef sparc
extern srand();
extern void srand();

#endif				/* HAVE_RANDOM */

#define lrand48 random
#define srand48(s) srandom((int)s)
#define drand48() ((double)random() / (double)MAXRAND)

#endif				/* HAVE_RAND48 */

#endif				/* defs_h_ */