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view docs/README.sysdef @ 8:0836fb919dfa
First entry of Paradise Server 2.9 patch 10 Beta
author | darius |
date | Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:05 +0000 |
parents | 2719a89505ba |
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Robert Forsman 3-3-93 If there is a file in the netrek directory called conf.sysdef, the daemon will look in it for various configuration options. If the file is changed in the middle of the game, the daemon will eventually notice and reread the values from the file into the shared memory segment. Note that some of the options will not affect players immediately (PLKILLS=, SHIP=) The following options are of the form OPT=val SHIPS=%s Sets which ships are available for flying. The string after the = is a comma separated list of values from the list: "SC", "DD", "CA", "BB", "AS", "SB", "AT", "FL", "JS", "WB", "CL", "CV", "UT", "PT" WEAPONS=%s Sets which special "weapons" are allowed on the server. The string after the = is a comma separated list of values from the list: "PLASMA", "TRACTOR", "MISSILE", "FIGHTER" SUN_EFFECT=%s Sets which systems are affected by stars. The string after the = is a comma separated list of values from the list: "PLASMA", "MISSILE", "FIGHTER", "PHOTON" NEB_EFFECT=%s Sets systems affected by nebulous terrain. The string after the = is a comma separated list of values from the list: "PLASMA", "PHASER", "SHIELD", "SENSOR", "WARP", "CLOAK" ASTEROID_EFFECT=%s Sets systems afected by asteroids. The string after the = is a comma separated list of values from the list: "PLASMA", "MISSILE", "FIGHTER", "PHOTON", "IMPULSE", "TRACTOR" SHIP=%d The text following this has configuration values for ship class %d. The ship configuration ends with the word "end" on a line by itself. The format of each configuration line is %s %s %? The first string is currently ignored, but should be the 2-character abbreviation for the ship. The second string is the value name. The third string is the new value. Each value name can expect a different type of value. The current value encodings are: CHAR %c SHORT %hi INT %i LONG %li FLOAT %f STRING %s LONGFLAGS %s (a comma separated list of values from a special list) The list of value names can be found in the file structdesc.c. Their meanings are not yet documented. Take a guess :) RELOAD_SHIPDEFAULTS= Causes the initial ship defaults to be reread. Clears any changes that may have been made by previous SHIP= directives. TOURN=%d Sets the number of players/team required for tournament mode. TESTERS=%d Sets how many slots are reserved for robots/testers. CONFIRM=%hhd A non-zero value means that binaries that do not authenticate properly will be refused access to the game. MAXLOAD=%f Sets the maximum server machine load before the server refuses access. This option might not be fully functional. UDP=%hhd Enables UDP protocol. This is customarily on. MINUPDDELAY=%d MINOBSUPDDELAY=%d PLKILLS=%f Sets the number of kills required for plasmas. The player must refit to a ship that mounts plasmas before they are available. MSKILLS=%f Sets the number of kills required for missiles. The player must refit to a ship that mounts missiles before they are available. EROSION=%f Sets the chance (<1) that a point of damage will cause irreparable damage to your ship. PENETRATION=%f Sets the amount of damage (<1) that leaks through weakened shields. NEWTURN=%d A non-zero value enables new turn code. This is rarely enabled. With newturn on, turning radii are linearly dependent upon speed. With newturn disabled, turning radii are somewhat exponential with speed. Current turning numbers on ships are tuned for NEWTURN=0 HIDDEN=%d A non-zero value means that enemy ships that are far away from all teammates will not appear on the galactic scans during T-mode. PLANUPDSPD=%f Sets the planet update speed. This only affects how fast planets orbit stars. Reasonable values range from 1 to 3. Anything above 10 is probably too fast. Anything below 0.1 might as well be 0. GALAXYGENERATOR=%d Sets which method to generate the galaxy with. 1 is the original Paradise 2.01 galaxy generator. 2 is Bob Forsman's compact galaxy generator. 3 is Heath Kehoe's diamond galaxy generator. 4 is Mike McGrath's Bronco emulator. 5 is Mike McGrath's small galaxy generator. 6 is a hack on generator 3 to give 2 systems to each race. Anything else is interpreted as 1. NUMNEBULA=%d Sets the number of nebulous cloud "seeds" to be placed in the galaxy. Nebulae grow from these "seeds" when the galaxy is created. Higher numbers mean more nebulous terrain. NEBULASIZE=%d Sets the amount of nebulous terrain each "seed" represents. See NUMNEBULA. Higher is more. NUMASTEROID=%d Sets the number of asteroid belts -- maximum of one per star. ASTEROIDTHICKNESS=%f Sets the width of asteroid belts. 0.5 is skinny, 3.0 would be pretty fat. ASTEROIDDENSITY=%d Value from 0 - 100. 100 would be a solid belt of asteroids. 0 would be no asteroids in the belt at all. ASTEROIDRADIUS=%d Distance at which an asteroid belt orbits it's parent star. ASTEROIDTHICKVAR=%f Maximum variance from the ASTEROIDTHICKNESS variable. ASTEROIDDENSVAR=%d Maximum variance from the ASTEROIDDENSITY variable. ASTEROIDRADVAR=%d Maximum variance from the ASTEROIDRADIUS variable. POPSCHEME=%hhd A value of 0 is the Paradise II exponential army growth algorithm. A value of 1 is Bob Forsman's surface-based demi-uniform pop scheme. POPCHOICE=%hhd A value of 0 is the Paradise II 1/15 Hz planet sweep pop choice algorithm. A value of 0 is Bob Forsman's 10Hz progressive empire scan algorithm. POPSPEED%=%d Controls the speed of the planet popping. 100 is base speed, higher numbers mean faster popping. RESOURCEBOMBING=%hhd If non-zero then allow facilities to be bombed. If zero then facilities can not be bombed (like Bronco). REVOLTS=%hhd If non-zero then planetary revolts can happen. BRONCOSHIPVALS=%hhd If non-zero then the next time the daemon initializes the ship values, they will get bronco values. You must follow this directive with a line that says "RELOAD_SHIPDEFAULTS=". EVACUATION=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to beam the last armies off a planet. AFTERBURNERS=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to use afterburners. WARPDRIVE=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to use warp engines. FUELEXPLOSIONS=%hhd If non-zero then the damage from a ship's explosion is fuel-based. A zero value emulates Bronco's flat damage. NEWCLOAK=%hhd BRONCORANKS=%hhd NEWARMYGROWTH=%hhd If NEWARMYGROWTH=0 and POPCHOICE=0 then Bronco-like army growth is enabled. WARPDECEL=%hhd A zero value means that ships instantly decelerate from maxwarp to maximpulse when the user chooses an impulse speed. Otherwise, a deceleration is required, during which weapons are still inoperative. Afterburners can be used to decelerate more quickly, but watch your etem. AFFECTSHIPTIMERSOUTSIDET=%hhd If this setting is non-zero then ship timers will be affected by the destruction of a ship even outside of tournament mode. The default value is 0 for league play. DURABLESCOUTING=%hhd If this setting is non-zero then a scouted planet is up-to-date until taken from you by the enemy (bronco emulation). Zero is paradise style. FACILITYGROWTH=%hhd If non-zero then facilities grow from surface properties. FIREDURINGWARPPREP=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to fire during the warp preparation period. FIREDURINGWARP=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to fire while warp drive is engaged. FIREWHILEDOCKED=%hhd If non-zero then you can fire while docked to a base. WARPPREPSTYLE=%hhd If 0 then tractors (and pressors) do not affect warp preparation. If 1 then they will cause an abort if the ship is being tractored at the end of warp prep. If 2 then the ship will be unable to enter warp until the tractors are disengaged. If 3 then a tractor will abort warp prep at ANY time. If 4 then a tractor beam suspends the preparation countdown. CLOAKDURINGWARPPREP=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to cloak during warp preparation. CLOAKWHILEWARPING=%hhd If non-zero then you are allowed to cloak while warp drive is engaged. ORBITDIRPROB=%f Probability that you will orbit the planet clockwise. PLANETSINPLAY=%d The maximum number of planets that can belong to teams in play. 3rd-race and independent planets don't count. BEAMLASTARMIES=%d If non-zero then you can beam up the last armies from the last planet (surrender). TIMEOUTS=%d Number of timeouts allowed in a league game (NYI). REGULATIONMINUTES=%d Number of minutes in regulation league play. OVERTIMEMINUTES=%d Number of minutes in overtime league play (NYI). PING_PERIOD=%d PING_ILOSS_INTERVAL=%d PING_GHOSTBUST=%d PING_GHOSTBUST_INTERVAL=%d Some goop about ping packets. VARIABLE_WARP=%d If non-zero then players can alter their warp speed. WARPPREP_SUSPENDABLE=%d If non-zero then warp preparation can be suspended and resumed. HELPFULPLANETS=%d If nonzero then planets help you refuel and regain etemp capacity. NUMWORMPAIRS=%d Number of wormhole pairs placed in the galaxy