diff src/dutil.c @ 3:cafa94d86546

Initial revision
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:01 +0000 (1997-12-06)
children d28f3d01043c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/dutil.c	Sat Dec 06 04:37:01 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+NETREK II -- Paradise
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
+purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
+notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
+suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
+"as is" without express or implied warranty.
+    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
+    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
+                                                    Scott Silvey
+    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
+                                                    Kurt Olsen
+                                                    Brandon Gillespie
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "struct.h"
+#include "data.h"
+#include "daemonII.h"
+#include "shmem.h"
+#define	friendly(fred, bart) \
+	(!(fred->p_team & (bart->p_swar|bart->p_hostile)) && \
+	 !(bart->p_team & (fred->p_swar|fred->p_hostile)))
+ * This function prints to the messages who killed who.  This function now
+ * adds the way of death onto the end of the kill message.
+ */
+extern void pmessage();
+int get_explode_views();
+#ifndef SYSV			/* this is barfing on HP/UX */
+extern int fprintf();
+extern void killerstats();
+extern void checkmaxkills();
+extern void tlog_plkill();
+#define tlog_plkill(a,b,c)
+extern void loserstats();
+killmess(victim, killer)
+  struct player *victim, *killer;	/* killee and killer */
+  char buf[80];			/* to sprintf into */
+  sprintf(buf, "%s (%s", victim->p_name, twoletters(victim));
+  if (victim->p_armies)
+  {
+    if ((victim->p_ship.s_nflags & SFNHASFIGHTERS) && (victim->p_ship.s_type != STARBASE))
+      sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "+%d fighters",
+	      victim->p_ship.s_missilestored);
+    else
+      sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "+%d armies", victim->p_armies);
+  }
+  strcat(buf, ")");
+  if (killer)
+  {
+    sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " was kill %0.2f for %s (%s)",
+	    killer->p_kills, killer->p_name,
+	    twoletters(killer));
+    if (friendly(victim, killer))
+      strcat(buf, "[no credit]");
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (victim->p_whydead == KPLANET)
+    {
+      sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " was %s by %s (%s)",
+	      PL_TYPE(planets[victim->p_whodead]) == PLSTAR ?
+	      "burned to a crisp" : "shot down",
+	      planets[victim->p_whodead].pl_name,
+	      teams[planets[victim->p_whodead].pl_owner].shortname);
+    }
+    else if (victim->p_whydead == KASTEROID)
+      sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " was crushed by an asteroid");
+    else
+    {
+      strcat(buf, " was killed");
+    }
+  }
+  switch (victim->p_whydead)
+  {				/* determine why player died */
+   case KTORP:
+    strcat(buf, "[torp]");
+    break;
+   case KPHASER:
+    strcat(buf, "[phaser]");
+    break;
+   case KSHIP:
+    strcat(buf, "[explosion]");
+    break;
+   case KPLASMA:
+    strcat(buf, "[plasma]");
+    break;
+   case KASTEROID:
+    strcat(buf, "[asteroid]");
+    break;
+   case KPLANET:
+    switch (PL_TYPE(planets[victim->p_whodead]))
+    {
+     case PLSTAR:
+      strcat(buf, "[star]");
+      break;
+     case PLPLANET:
+      strcat(buf, "[planet]");
+      break;
+     default:
+      strcat(buf, "[space rock]");
+      break;
+    }
+    break;
+   default:
+    strcat(buf, "[unknown]");
+  }
+  pmessage(buf, 0, MALL | MKILLA, "GOD->ALL");
+/*-------------------------------VISIBLE FUNCTIONS------------------------*/
+ * This function sets the victim to explode and sets the counter for the
+ * explosion views.
+ */
+  struct player *victim;	/* which ship to blast to tiny fragments */
+  victim->p_status = PEXPLODE;	/* set player as exploding */
+  victim->p_explode = (short) get_explode_views(victim->p_ship.s_type);
+/* returns the number of ship views for the given ship type */
+  short stype;
+  switch (stype)
+  {
+   case STARBASE:
+   case WARBASE:
+   case JUMPSHIP:
+    return 2 * SBEXPVIEWS / PLAYERFUSE;	/* big kablooey */
+  }
+  return 10 / PLAYERFUSE;	/* small kablooey */
+ * This function is used to inflict damage on a player.  If the player dies
+ * as a result he will be made to explode.  The function returns a 1 if the
+ * victim was killed and a 0 otherwise.  If the sp parameter is a zero then
+ * the victim was damaged by something other than a ship.  It is the
+ * responsibil- ity of the caller to set the whydead field of the victim.
+ */
+inflict_damage(sp, op, victim, damage, why)
+  struct player *sp;		/* player that inflicted the damage */
+  struct player *op;		/* other player that could be responsible */
+  struct player *victim;	/* which ship to victimize */
+  int damage;			/* how much damage, should be positive */
+  int why;			/* the source of the damage */
+  if (damage < 0)
+  {				/* should not be called with - damage */
+    fprintf(stderr, "Attempt to inflict negative damage\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (victim->p_flags & PFSHIELD)
+  {				/* shields up? */
+    int penetrated;
+    /*
+     * if the server is configured for damage penetration then the shields
+     * will not absorb all the damage
+     */
+    penetrated = damage * configvals->penetration
+      * (victim->p_ship.s_maxshield - victim->p_shield)
+      / (victim->p_ship.s_maxshield);
+    damage -= penetrated;
+    victim->p_shield -= damage;	/* damage shields */
+    if (victim->p_shield < 0)
+    {				/* we punched through the shield */
+      damage = -victim->p_shield;	/* excess damage will apply to hull */
+      victim->p_shield = 0;	/* and zero the shields */
+    }
+    else
+      damage = 0;
+    damage += penetrated;	/* some of the damage got through the shields */
+  }
+  if (damage > 0)
+  {
+    victim->p_damage += damage;	/* all damage to hull */
+    if (configvals->erosion > 0)
+    {
+      float chance = damage * configvals->erosion;
+      while (chance >= 0.5)
+      {				/* no matter how much you suffer there's a
+				 * chance you can avoid permanent damage */
+	if (lrand48() & 0x40)
+	{
+	  victim->p_ship.s_maxdamage--;	/* apply damage to maximum */
+	  victim->p_damage--;	/* instead of current */
+	}
+	chance -= 0.5;
+      }
+      if (drand48() < chance)
+      {
+	victim->p_ship.s_maxdamage--;	/* apply damage to maximum */
+	victim->p_damage--;	/* instead of current */
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (victim->p_damage >= victim->p_ship.s_maxdamage)
+  {				/* victim dead? */
+    cause_kaboom(victim);	/* make him explode */
+    if (sp)
+    {
+      victim->p_whydead = why;
+      if (!friendly(sp, victim)
+	  && sp != victim	/* hozers were getting credit for killing
+				 * themselves because they were at war with
+	      their own race */ )
+      {
+	/* if a hostile player was responsible */
+	tlog_plkill(victim, sp, op);
+	if (victim->p_ship.s_type == PATROL)
+	  sp->p_kills += .5 + ((float) victim->p_armies + victim->p_kills) / 10.0;
+	else
+	  sp->p_kills += 1.0 + ((float) victim->p_armies + victim->p_kills) / 10.0;
+	killerstats(sp->p_no, victim);	/* adjust everyones stats */
+	checkmaxkills(sp->p_no);
+	killmess(victim, sp);
+	victim->p_whodead = sp->p_no;
+      }
+      else if (op && !friendly(op, victim) && op != victim)
+      {
+	/* the primary assassin was friendly, check auxiliary killer */
+	tlog_plkill(victim, op, sp);
+	if (victim->p_ship.s_type == PATROL)
+	  op->p_kills += .5 + ((float) victim->p_armies + victim->p_kills) / 10.0;
+	else
+	  op->p_kills += 1.0 + ((float) victim->p_armies + victim->p_kills) / 10.0;
+	killerstats(op->p_no, victim);	/* adjust everyones stats */
+	checkmaxkills(op->p_no);
+	killmess(victim, op);
+	victim->p_whodead = op->p_no;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	/*
+	 * give no credit since it was friendly and the auxiliary murderer
+	 * was friendly too
+	 */
+	tlog_plkill(victim, sp, (struct player *) 0);
+	killmess(victim, sp);
+	victim->p_whodead = sp->p_no;
+      }
+    }
+    loserstats(victim->p_no);
+    return 1;			/* victim died */
+  }
+  else
+    return 0;			/* victim lived */
+struct ranksorter
+  int pno;
+  int rank;
+  float di;
+  int teammates;
+static struct ranksorter admirals[MAXTEAM];
+  int tno;
+  int teammates;
+  int pno;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < MAXTEAM; i++)
+  {
+    admirals[i].teammates = 0;
+    admirals[i].rank = -1;
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYER; i++)
+  {
+    int team;
+    struct player *pl;
+    pl = &players[i];
+    if (pl->p_status == PFREE ||
+	pl->p_team == tno)
+      continue;
+    team = pl->p_team;
+    admirals[team].teammates++;
+    if (pl->p_stats.st_rank < admirals[team].rank)
+      continue;
+    if (pl->p_stats.st_rank > admirals[team].rank ||
+	pl->p_stats.st_di > admirals[team].di)
+    {
+      admirals[team].pno = i;
+      admirals[team].rank = pl->p_stats.st_rank;
+      admirals[team].di = pl->p_stats.st_di;
+    }
+  }
+  teammates = -1;
+  pno = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < MAXTEAM; i++)
+  {
+    if (admirals[i].teammates > teammates)
+    {
+      pno = admirals[i].pno;
+      teammates = admirals[i].teammates;
+    }
+  }
+  return pno;
+/*--------END OF FILE-------*/