diff src/shmem.h @ 6:8c6d5731234d

First entry of Paradise Server 2.9 patch 10 Beta
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:04 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/shmem.h	Sat Dec 06 04:37:04 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+NETREK II -- Paradise
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
+purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
+notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
+suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
+"as is" without express or implied warranty.
+    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
+    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
+                                                    Scott Silvey
+    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
+                                                    Kurt Olsen
+                                                    Brandon Gillespie
+#ifndef shmem_h_
+#define shmem_h_
+#include "struct.h"
+enum spec_weapons_e
+enum ships_systems
+  /* Terrain could, I suppose, affect any of these */
+  /* I may have forgotten a couple, feel free to add.. */
+struct configuration
+  int tournplayers;		/* how many players necessary for T-mode */
+  int ntesters;			/* number of slots reserved for robots */
+  char binconfirm;		/* binary confirmation */
+  float maxload;		/* maximum load */
+  char udpAllowed;		/* is UDP allowed */
+  int min_upd_delay;		/* minimum update delay */
+  int min_observer_upd_delay;	/* minimum observer update delay */
+  /* planet things */
+  int galaxygenerator;		/* which method to generate the galaxy with */
+  int numplanets;		/* number of planets */
+  float planupdspd;		/* planet movement speed */
+  char resource_bombing;	/* have growable and bombable resources? */
+  char revolts;			/* are revolts allowed? */
+  unsigned char popscheme;	/* individual planet popping scheme */
+  unsigned char popchoice;	/* how to choose a planet for popping */
+  int popspeed;			/* 100 is normal speed */
+  char evacuation;		/* allow beaming up below 5 armies? */
+  char new_army_growth;		/* base army growth on current pop? */
+  int planetsinplay;		/* Max # of planets in play */
+  int planetlimittype;		/* how planet taking is limited */
+  char beamlastarmies;		/* if you can, or cannot beam up the last
+				 * armies. */
+  char justify_galaxy;		/* Do we want to ensure that the galaxy is
+				 * "fair"? */
+  int num_wormpairs;		/* The number of wormhole pairs -- DON'T SET
+				 * ABOVE (NUMPLANETS/2) */
+  int num_nebula;		/* the number of nebulas in the galaxy. */
+  int nebula_density;		/* not yet used. Will be used for
+				 * funky-shaped nebs */
+  int nebula_subclouds;		/* the number of nebulous subclouds */
+  int num_asteroid;		/* number of asteroid belts in the galaxy */
+  float asteroid_thickness;	/* the thickness of an asteroid belt. */
+  int asteroid_density;		/* the density (% chance) of an asteroid
+				 * field */
+  int asteroid_radius;		/* distance of a belt from its star */
+  float asteroid_thick_variance;/* float value -- useful range 0.0 - 10.0 or
+				 * so */
+  int asteroid_dens_variance;	/* int value -- useful range 0 - 200 */
+  int asteroid_rad_variance;	/* int value -- useful range 0 - 255 */
+  float plkills;		/* how many kills to allow plasmas */
+  float mskills;		/* how many kills to allow missiles */
+  float erosion;		/* hull erosion factor */
+  float penetration;		/* shield penetration factor */
+  int newturn;			/* TC's new style turns */
+  int hiddenenemy;		/* enemies hidden in T-mode */
+  int gwidth;			/* galactic width */
+  char bronco_shipvals;		/* use bronco ship values? */
+  char afterburners;		/* can people use afterburners? */
+  char warpdrive;		/* is warping allowed? */
+  char fuel_explosions;		/* are explosions based on gas? */
+  char newcloak;		/* use new cloaking? */
+  char bronco_ranks;		/* use bronco ranking? NYI, kinda */
+  char warpdecel;		/* non-instant deceleration from warp */
+  char affect_shiptimers_outside_T;	/* should ship destruction outside of
+					 * T-mode affect the team ship
+					 * timers? */
+  /* NYTested */
+  char durablescouting;		/* if 0, then you have to keep scouting
+				 * planets to get up-to-date info.  If 1,
+				 * then you only need to scout it once. */
+  /* NYI */
+  char facilitygrowth;		/* if 0, then you can't bomb or grow
+				 * facilities.  if 1, then you can. */
+  char fireduringwarpprep;	/* can you fire during warp prep? */
+  char fireduringwarp;		/* can you fire while warping? */
+  char firewhiledocked;		/* can you fire while docked? */
+#define WPS_NOTRACT	0	/* tractors do not affect warp prep */
+#define WPS_TABORT	1	/* tractors cause an abort at the end */
+#define WPS_TPREVENT	2	/* tractors prevent entering warp  */
+#define WPS_TABORTNOW	3	/* tractors immediately abort warp prep  */
+#define WPS_TSUSPEND	4	/* tractors suspend countdown */
+  char warpprepstyle;
+  char baserankstyle;		/* if nobody on the team has enough rank */
+  /* to get a special ship; and this is set */
+  /* to 1, then the player with the highest */
+  /* rank on the team may get the spec. ship */
+  char cloakduringwarpprep;
+  char cloakwhilewarping;
+  char tractabortwarp;		/* this many tractors will abort warp */
+  float orbitdirprob;		/* probability that the player will orbit
+				 * clockwise */
+  char neworbits;		/* New, incremental planet distances from the
+				 * parent star -- important for games with
+				 * terrain. */
+  int sun_effect[SHIPS_SYSTEMS];/* suns affect these systems */
+  int ast_effect[SHIPS_SYSTEMS];/* asteroids affect these systems */
+  int neb_effect[SHIPS_SYSTEMS];/* a nebula affects these */
+  int wh_effect[SHIPS_SYSTEMS];	/* wormhole effects */
+  int improved_tracking[SHIPS_SYSTEMS];	/* which weapons use IT */
+  int shipsallowed[NUM_TYPES];	/* which ships are allowed */
+  int weaponsallowed[WP_MAX];	/* which special weapons are allowed */
+  /* league configuration stuff */
+  int timeouts;			/* timeouts per team in league play */
+  int regulation_minutes;	/* minutes in regulation play */
+  int overtime_minutes;		/* minutes in overtime play */
+  int playersperteam;		/* maximum number of players per team */
+  /* ping stuff */
+  int ping_period;		/* ping period in seconds */
+  int ping_iloss_interval;	/* in terms of ping_period */
+  int ping_allow_ghostbust;	/* allow ghostbust detection from
+				 * ping_ghostbust (cheating possible) */
+  int ping_ghostbust_interval;	/* in terms of ping_period, when to ghostbust
+				 * (if allowed) */
+  char cluecheck;		/* should we check clue? */
+  int cluedelay;		/* maximum time between clue checks */
+  int cluetime;			/* time player has to respond to a clue check */
+  int cluesource;		/* source of clue phrase */
+#define	CC_MOTD				1
+  int variable_warp;		/* allow variable warp or not [BDyess] */
+  int warpprep_suspendable;	/* allow warp prep to be suspended [BDyess] */
+  int warpzone;			/* radius of warp zone [BDyess] */
+  /* tmode stuff */
+  int nopregamebeamup;		/* whether to disallow beamup before a game */
+  int gamestartnuke;		/* whether everyone is nuked at game start */
+  int nottimeout;		/* # minutes after loss of tmode before */
+  /* galaxy resets (0 disables) */
+  /* put planet growth timer constants here */
+  struct plgrow_
+  {
+    int fuel, agri, repair, shipyard;
+  }   plgrow;
+  int helpfulplanets;		/* planets help fuel/etmep */
+extern struct player *players;
+extern struct torp *torps;
+extern struct missile *missiles;
+extern struct thingy *thingies;
+extern struct plasmatorp *plasmatorps;
+extern struct status *status;
+extern struct status2 *status2;
+extern struct planet *planets;
+extern struct t_unit *terrain_grid;
+extern struct phaser *phasers;
+extern int *stars;
+extern struct mctl *mctl;
+extern struct message *messages;
+extern struct team *teams;
+#define NUMPLANETS configvals->numplanets
+#define GWIDTH configvals->gwidth
+#define WORMPAIRS configvals->num_wormpairs
+extern struct ship *shipvals;
+extern struct configuration *configvals;
+extern int *shipsallowed;	/* points inside configvals */
+extern int *weaponsallowed;	/* ditto */
+extern int *sun_effect;		/* how do suns affect ship systems? */
+extern int *ast_effect;		/* asteroids */
+extern int *neb_effect;		/* nebulae */
+extern int *wh_effect;		/* wormholes */
+extern int *num_nebula;		/* number of nebulae */
+extern int *nebula_density;	/* funkyness of nebulae -- NYI */
+extern int *nebula_subclouds;	/* number of subclouds per nebula */
+extern int *num_asteroid;	/* number of asteroid fields */
+extern float *asteroid_thickness;	/* thickness of an asteroid belt */
+extern int *asteroid_density;	/* density of asteroid belts */
+extern int *asteroid_radius;	/* distance from owning star */
+extern float *asteroid_thick_variance;
+extern int *asteroid_dens_variance;
+extern int *asteroid_rad_variance;
+extern int *improved_tracking;	/* smarter tracking algorithm */
+extern char *galaxyValid;	/* does galaxy go invalid?  0 if so */
+#define CLUEPHRASE_SIZE	1024
+extern char *cluephrase_storage;
+void openmem( /* 0=or die, 1=fork daemon, 2=are daemon */ );
+void blast_shmem();