diff src/conquer.c @ 2:2719a89505ba

First entry of Paradise Server 2.9 patch 10 Beta
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:01 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/conquer.c	Sat Dec 06 04:37:01 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+NETREK II -- Paradise
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
+purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
+notice appear in all copies.  No representations are made about the
+suitability of this software for any purpose.  This software is provided
+"as is" without express or implied warranty.
+    Xtrek Copyright 1986                            Chris Guthrie
+    Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989                Kevin P. Smith
+                                                    Scott Silvey
+    Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993          Larry Denys
+                                                    Kurt Olsen
+                                                    Brandon Gillespie
+#include "config.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "struct.h"
+#include "data.h"
+#include "daemonII.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "shmem.h"
+#include "path.h"
+/*----------------------------NUMBER DEFINES-------------------------------*/
+#define SURRSTART  4		/* # planets where surrender starts */
+#define SURREND	  7		/* # planets where surrender stops */
+#define SURRLENGTH 25		/* give them 30 minutes to sustain empire */
+/*----------------------------MODULE VARIABLES-----------------------------*/
+/* used to store players found with the displayBest function */
+typedef struct playerlist
+  char name[16];		/* player's name */
+  char mapchars[2];		/* player's map window image */
+  int planets, armies;		/* planets taken and armies bombed */
+  int resources, dooshes;	/* resources bombed and armies dooshed */
+}   Players;
+extern int enemy_admiral();
+extern void perror();
+extern void cause_kaboom();
+extern void gen_planets();
+extern void endtourn();
+extern void stoptimer();
+extern char *twoletters();
+void checkwin();
+void displayBest();
+static void
+swap(a, b)
+  int *a, *b;
+  int t = *a;
+  *a = *b;
+  *b = t;
+/*----------------------------INTERNAL FUNCTIONS---------------------------*/
+ * This function checks for a genocide.  It also returns the two teams with
+ * the most players.  It first goes through the four teams and finds the two
+ * teams with the greatest number of players.  These two teams are returned
+ * in the parameters team1 and team2.  If one of the teams does not have at
+ * least one planet then a 1 is returned.  Otherwise a zero is returned.
+ */
+genocide(team1, team2)
+  int *team1;			/* where to put first team */
+  int *team2;			/* where to put second team */
+  int t1, t2;			/* to hold two teams */
+  int n1, n2;			/* to hold number of ships on teams */
+  int t;			/* temp var */
+  int i;			/* looping var */
+  t1 = FED;			/* set first team */
+  n1 = realNumShips(FED);	/* get players on it */
+  t2 = ROM;			/* set second team */
+  n2 = realNumShips(ROM);	/* get players on it */
+  if (n1 < n2)
+  {				/* place team with least players in t2 */
+    swap(&n1, &n2);
+    swap(&t1, &t2);
+  }
+  if (realNumShips(KLI) > n2)
+  {				/* check the klingons */
+    t2 = KLI;
+    n2 = realNumShips(KLI);
+  }
+  if (n1 < n2)
+  {				/* place team with least players in t2 */
+    swap(&n1, &n2);
+    swap(&t1, &t2);
+  }
+  if (realNumShips(ORI) > n2)
+  {				/* check the orions */
+    t2 = ORI;
+    n2 = realNumShips(ORI);
+  }
+  /* no longer necessarily in order */
+  *team1 = t1;			/* pass back team 1 */
+  *team2 = t2;			/* pass back team 2 */
+  t = 0;			/* no genocide detected yet */
+  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
+  {				/* see if team 1 has a planet */
+    if (planets[i].pl_owner == t1)
+    {				/* do they own this */
+      t++;			/* inc t andd then get out of loop */
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < NUMPLANETS; i++)
+  {				/* see if team 2 has a planet */
+    if (planets[i].pl_owner == t2)
+    {				/* do they own this */
+      t++;			/* inc t andd then get out of loop */
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (t != 2)			/* if both teams do not have planets then */
+    return (1);			/* return that genocide has occured */
+  else				/* else genocide has not occured */
+    return (0);
+ * This function is called when a teams surrender status may have changed. It
+ * takes a team and uses the s_plcount in the teams structure to check
+ * whether a team has prevented surrender or the surrender process should
+ * begin.
+ */
+checksurrender(team, otherplanets)
+  int team;			/* the team to check */
+  int otherplanets;
+  char buf[80];			/* to sprintf into */
+  if ((teams[team].s_surrender > 0) &&	/* surrender timer running? */
+      ((teams[team].s_plcount >= SURREND) ||
+       (teams[team].s_plcount * 2 > otherplanets)))
+  {				/* and enough planets */
+    pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+    sprintf(buf, "The %s %s prevented collapse of the empire.",
+	    teams[team].name, teamVerbage[team]);
+    pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);	/* message to all */
+    pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+    teams[team].s_surrender = 0;/* stop surrender clock */
+  }
+  else if ((teams[team].s_surrender == 0) &&	/* start surrender  ? */
+	   (teams[team].s_plcount <= SURRSTART) &&
+	   (teams[team].s_plcount * 2 <= otherplanets) &&
+	   (realNumShips(team) >= configvals->tournplayers) &&
+	   (teams[team].s_plcount < teams[team].s_plcountold))
+  {
+    teams[team].s_surrender = SURRLENGTH;
+    sprintf(buf, "The %s %s %d minutes before the empire collapses.",
+	    teams[team].name, teamVerbage[team], SURRLENGTH);
+    pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+    pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);
+    sprintf(buf, "%d planets are needed to sustain the empire.",
+	    SURREND);
+    pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);
+    pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+  }
+/*------------------------------VISIBLE PROCEDURES-------------------------*/
+ * This function updates the surender stuff.  There is also stuff for
+ * updating the ship construction timers here.
+ */
+  register int i, t;		/* looping vars */
+  char buf[80];
+  struct planet *l;
+  struct player *j;
+  /* TC's termination of players not on a t-mode team */
+  for (i = 0, j = &players[0]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
+  {
+    if ((j->p_status == PALIVE) &&
+	!(j->p_flags & PFROBOT) && (j->p_team != NOBODY) &&
+	(realNumShips(j->p_team) < configvals->tournplayers) &&
+	(lrand48() % 5 == 0))
+      rescue(TERMINATOR, j->p_no, -1);
+  }
+  for (t = 0; t <= MAXTEAM; t++)
+  {				/* go through all teams */
+    if ((teams[t].s_surrender == 0) ||
+	(realNumShips(t) < configvals->tournplayers))
+      continue;			/* suspend if no t-mode */
+    if (teams[t].s_plcount > SURRSTART)	/* suspend timer if they have */
+      continue;			/* enough planets */
+    teams[t].s_surrender--;	/* dec the surrender timer */
+    if (teams[t].s_surrender <= 0)
+    {				/* if timer ran out then */
+      teams[t].s_surrender = -1;/* set it so it isnt 0 (otherwise it
+				 * announces surrender again) (BG) */
+      sprintf(buf, "The %s %s surrendered.", teams[t].name,
+	      teamVerbage[t]);	/* print surrender message */
+      pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+      pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);
+      pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");
+      for (i = 0, l = &planets[i]; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, l++)
+      {
+	if (l->pl_owner == t)
+	{			/* neutralize and zero the */
+	  l->pl_owner = NOBODY;	/* armies on all loser's planets */
+	  l->pl_armies = 0;
+	}
+      }
+      checkwin(enemy_admiral(t));	/* go check the win */
+    }
+    else if ((teams[t].s_surrender % 5) == 0 ||
+	     (teams[t].s_surrender < 4))
+    {
+      sprintf(buf, "The %s %s %d minutes remaining.",
+	      teams[t].name, teamVerbage[t], teams[t].s_surrender);
+      pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");/* blank line */
+      pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);	/* printf counting down */
+      sprintf(buf, "%d planets will sustain the empire.  ", SURREND);
+      pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);
+      sprintf(buf, "%d or half enemy suspends countdown.", SURRSTART + 1);
+      pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, MSERVA);
+      pmessage("", 0, MALL, "");/* blank line */
+    }
+  }				/* end for team */
+ * This function is called after a race is genocided.  It lists the players
+ * on the winning and losing teams.  The reason should be either GENOCIDE or
+ * SURRENDER.  The list is written to the conquer file.
+ */
+conquerMessage(winners, losers, pno)
+  int winners;
+  int losers;
+  int pno;
+/* the losing and winning teams */
+/* the person who won it */
+  char buf[80];			/* to sprintf into */
+  FILE *conqfile;		/* to open conquer file */
+  time_t curtime;		/* to get current time */
+  char *paths;			/* to hold path to directory */
+  paths = build_path(CONQFILE);
+  conqfile = fopen(paths, "a");	/* open the conquer file */
+  if (!conqfile)
+  {
+    perror("");
+    fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file %s\n", paths);
+  }
+#define OUT pmessage(buf, 0, MALL | MGENO, " "); \
+	if (conqfile) fprintf(conqfile, "  %s\n", buf); \
+	tlog_conquerline(buf);
+#define OUT pmessage(buf, 0, MALL | MGENO, " "); \
+	if (conqfile) fprintf(conqfile, "  %s\n", buf);
+  time(&curtime);		/* get current time */
+  strcpy(buf, "\nConquer! ");	/* this is a genocide */
+  strcat(buf, ctime(&curtime));	/* cat on current time */
+  if (conqfile)
+    fprintf(conqfile, "  %s\n", buf);	/* write it to conquer file */
+  pmessage("***********************************************************",
+	   0, MALL | MGENO, " ");	/* print enclosure to messages */
+  if (pno >= 0)
+  {
+    sprintf(buf, "The galaxy has been conquered by %s and the %s!!!!",
+	    players[pno].p_name, teams[winners].name);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sprintf(buf, "Stalemate.");
+  }
+  OUT;
+  sprintf(buf,
+	  status2->league ? "The %s(%s):" :
+	  "The %s:",
+	  teams[winners].name
+	  ,((winners == (1 << status2->home.index)) ?
+	    (&status2->home) :
+	    (&status2->away))->name
+    );
+  OUT;
+  displayBest(conqfile, winners);	/* go display team 1 */
+  sprintf(buf,
+	  status2->league ? "The %s(%s):" :
+	  "The %s:",
+	  teams[losers].name
+	  ,((losers == (1 << status2->home.index)) ?
+	    (&status2->home) :
+	    (&status2->away))->name
+    );
+  OUT;
+  displayBest(conqfile, losers);/* go display team 2 */
+  pmessage("***********************************************************",
+	   0, MALL | MGENO, " ");	/* printf the enclosure */
+  if (conqfile)
+  {
+    fprintf(conqfile, "\n");	/* space between conquering */
+    fclose(conqfile);		/* close conquer file */
+  }
+  int i;
+  register struct planet *l;	/* to point to planets */
+  for (i = 0; i <= MAXTEAM; i++)
+  {				/* zero out each teams planet count */
+    teams[i].s_plcountold = teams[i].s_plcount;	/* save last planet count */
+    teams[i].s_plcount = 0;
+  }
+  for (i = 0, l = &planets[i]; i < NUMPLANETS; i++, l++)	/* recompute */
+    teams[l->pl_owner].s_plcount++;	/* planet counts for teams */
+/* blow everyone up, print the conquer assessments, figure out who won. */
+endgame_effects(t1, t2, pno)
+  int t1;
+  int t2;
+  int pno;
+  int i;
+  struct player *j;
+  refresh_team_planetcounts();
+  if (teams[t1].s_plcount < teams[t2].s_plcount)
+  {
+    int i;
+    i = t1;
+    t1 = t2;
+    t2 = i;			/* t1 is the winners */
+  }
+  if (pno >= 0 && players[pno].p_team != t1)
+    pno = -1;			/* he can't win the game! */
+  if (pno < 0)
+    pno = enemy_admiral(t2);
+  if (teams[t1].s_plcount == teams[t2].s_plcount)
+  {
+    /* tie, nobody wins */
+    pno = -1;
+  }
+  status->genocides++;		/* inc number of genocides */
+  conquerMessage(t1, t2, pno);	/* print conquer message */
+  for (i = 0, j = &players[0]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
+  {
+    if (j->p_status == PFREE)	/* if player not in game */
+      continue;			/* ignore him */
+    if (status->tourn)		/* only inc genos if t-mode */
+      j->p_stats.st_genocides++;/* inc player's genocides */
+    j->p_whydead = KWINNER;	/* because someone won */
+    j->p_whodead = pno;		/* set who won the game */
+    j->p_status = POUTFIT;	/* send them immediately to outfit screen */
+    /*
+     * cause_kaboom (j);
+     */
+    j->p_ntorp = 0;		/* no torps shot */
+    j->p_nplasmatorp = 0;	/* no plasmas shot */
+  }
+ * This function is called when a planet is taken or beamed to zero. It
+ * recalculates s_plcount for each team.  It then finds the two teams that
+ * are in t-mode.  If either of them has just sustained the empire from
+ * collapse or should start the surrender procedure then that is done.  If a
+ * team has been genocided then the genocide message is printed and the game
+ * is reset.
+ */
+  int pno;
+  int g;			/* to hold whether genocide occured */
+  int t1, t2;			/* to hold the t-mode teams */
+  refresh_team_planetcounts();
+  g = genocide(&t1, &t2);	/* check genocide */
+  if (teams[t1].s_plcount < teams[t2].s_plcount)
+  {
+    int i;
+    i = t1;
+    t1 = t2;
+    t2 = i;			/* t1 is the winners */
+  }
+  checksurrender(t1, teams[t2].s_plcount);	/* check for change in */
+  checksurrender(t2, teams[t1].s_plcount);	/* surrender status */
+  if (!g)			/* if genocide did not occur */
+    return;			/* then return from func */
+  teams[t1].s_surrender = 0;	/* stop the surrender clock */
+  teams[t2].s_surrender = 0;
+  stoptimer();
+  if (status2->league)
+  {
+    endtourn();			/* calls endgame_effects */
+  }
+  else
+    endgame_effects(t1, t2, pno);
+#if 0
+  gen_planets();		/* generate new galaxy */
+  longjmp(env, 0);		/* restart */
+  status->gameup = 0;		/* exit the daemon */
+  status->count = 0;
+  save_planets();
+  sleep(2);
+  blast_shmem();
+  exit(0);
+ * This function is used to get a list of players on a team after a genocide.
+ * It goes through the players and selects the ones that have inflicted the
+ * most damage.  They are then printed to the message window and to the
+ * conquer file.  They are arranged according to how much damage the players
+ * have inflicted on the enemy, with one planet taken counting as thirty
+ * armies bombed.  A resource counts as 8 armies bombed and a army dooshed
+ * counts as five armies bombed.
+ */
+displayBest(conqfile, team)
+  FILE *conqfile;		/* the opened conquer file */
+  int team;			/* the winning team */
+  register int i, k, l;		/* looping vars */
+  register struct player *j;	/* to point to players */
+  int planets, armies;		/* # planets and armies for player */
+  int resources, dooshes;	/* resources bombed, armies dooshed */
+  Players winners[MAXPLAYER + 1];	/* to hold player's stats */
+  char buf[100];		/* to sprintf into */
+  int number;			/* to hold # players found */
+  number = 0;			/* number of players found */
+  for (i = 0, j = &players[0]; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, j++)
+  {
+    if ((j->p_team != team) || (j->p_status == PFREE))	/* player wrong race */
+      continue;			/* or not here, then forget him */
+    planets = j->p_planets;	/* get all planets and armies for */
+    armies = j->p_armsbomb;	/* entire game */
+    resources = j->p_resbomb;	/* get resources and armies dooshed */
+    dooshes = j->p_dooshes;
+    for (k = 0; k < number; k++)
+    {				/* go find postion in current list */
+      if (30 * winners[k].planets + winners[k].armies + 8 * winners[k].resources
+	  + 5 * winners[k].dooshes <
+	  30 * planets + armies + 8 * resources + 5 * dooshes)
+      {
+	break;			/* break when position found */
+      }
+    }
+    for (l = number; l >= k; l--)	/* move other players to make room */
+      winners[l + 1] = winners[l];	/* for new player */
+    number++;			/* we have found one more player */
+    winners[k].planets = planets;	/* record his planets and armies */
+    winners[k].armies = armies;
+    winners[k].resources = resources;
+    winners[k].dooshes = dooshes;
+    strncpy(winners[k].mapchars, twoletters(j), 2);
+    strncpy(winners[k].name, j->p_name, 16);	/* get his name */
+    winners[k].name[15] = 0;	/* `Just in case' paranoia */
+  }
+  for (k = 0; k < number; k++)
+  {				/* go through all players found */
+    if (winners[k].planets != 0 || winners[k].armies != 0)
+    {				/* damage done? */
+      sprintf(buf, " %16s (%2.2s)  %d planets %d armies %d resources %d dooshes",
+	      winners[k].name, winners[k].mapchars, winners[k].planets,
+	      winners[k].armies, winners[k].resources, winners[k].dooshes);
+      OUT;
+    }
+  }
+/*-----------END OF FILE-----*/