comparison src/misc.c @ 4:aa38447a4b21

First entry of Paradise Server 2.9 patch 10 Beta
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:03 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:cafa94d86546 4:aa38447a4b21
1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 NETREK II -- Paradise
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
5 documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
6 purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
7 notice appear in all copies. No representations are made about the
8 suitability of this software for any purpose. This software is provided
9 "as is" without express or implied warranty.
11 Xtrek Copyright 1986 Chris Guthrie
12 Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989 Kevin P. Smith
13 Scott Silvey
14 Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993 Larry Denys
15 Kurt Olsen
16 Brandon Gillespie
17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 #include "config.h"
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <math.h>
25 #include <setjmp.h>
27 #include "defs.h"
28 #include "misc.h"
29 #include "struct.h"
30 #include "data.h"
31 #include "daemonII.h"
32 #include "planets.h"
33 #include "shmem.h"
35 /*------------------------------MODULE VARIABLES--------------------------*/
37 #define NMESSAGES 16
38 /* The list of messages that are sent when t-mode begins. */
39 char *warmessages[] = {
40 "A dark mood settles upon the galaxy as galactic superpowers seek",
41 "to colonize new territory. Border disputes errupt developing",
42 "into all out intergalactic WAR!!!",
44 "Slick Willy is elected president, the bottom falls out of the",
45 "economy, and the pressure to expand rises.",
47 "Clinton found with foreign emperor's wife!",
48 "All out war ensues.",
50 "Taxes on the rich raised to 80%.",
51 "The rich flee to neigboring empire.",
52 "Democrats demand extradition.",
53 "Foreign emporer refuses.",
54 "Hillary 'Rob Them' Clinton declares war!",
55 "Bill hides out in London.",
60 "The American Gladiators hit as the number 1 show on the vid.",
61 "After a gruesome episode, the masses storm out their homes,",
62 "jump in their ships, make a quick stop at their local 7-11",
63 "to grab a few beers, then head out into the galaxy to ",
64 "KICK SOME ASS. WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",
66 "Khan is resurrected in a bizzare experiment. Elected as head of",
67 "the Starfleet Council, he removes all pajama-wearing new-age",
68 "hippies from Starfleet. (And you thought the borg were bad news)",
70 "Several members of the computing support staff of the Galactic",
71 "Council are severely injured in a freak skydiving accident.",
72 "The rest are killed. The network collapses without their",
73 "guidance. Galactic chaos breaks out!",
75 /* oldies */
76 "A dark mood settles upon the galaxy",
77 "Political pressure to expand is rising",
78 "Border disputes break out as political tensions increase!",
79 "Galactic superpowers seek to colonize new territory!",
80 "'Manifest Destiny' becomes motive in galactic superpower conflict!",
81 "Diplomat insults foriegn emperor's mother and fighting breaks out!",
82 "Dan Quayle declares self as galactic emperor and chaos breaks out!",
83 "Peace parties have been demobilized, and fighting ensues.",
84 };
87 /*
88 * The starting index of the message series and the number of messages in
89 * series.
90 */
91 int warm[NMESSAGES][2] = {
92 {0, 3},
93 {3, 2},
94 {5, 2},
95 {7, 6},
96 {13, 2},
97 {15, 5},
98 {20, 3},
99 {23, 4},
100 {27, 1},
101 {28, 1},
102 {29, 1},
103 {30, 1},
104 {31, 1},
105 {32, 1},
106 {33, 1},
107 {34, 1},
108 };
111 /* The set of message series that are displayed when t-mode ends. */
112 char *peacemessages[] = {
113 "The expansionist pressure subsides, and temporary agreements are",
114 "reached in local border disputes.",
115 "Peace returns to the galaxy...",
117 "Wild mob storms the White House!",
118 "Clinton flees.",
119 "Order returns to the galaxy.",
121 "Slick Willy apologizes about incident with foreign emperor's wife.",
122 "Claims he did not penetrate.",
123 "Peace ensues.",
125 "The economy goes belly up. The Democrats are kicked",
126 "out of office, tarred and feathered, and sent to the",
127 "zoo on Rigel 4. Capitalism is implemented and order",
128 "returns to the empire.",
130 "Officials sieze hidden beer stockpiles at the Mackenzie brother's",
131 "house! The beer shortage is over. Peace breaks out.",
133 "The people decide they would rather sit home and watch",
134 "Al Bundy than fight. The war comes to an end.",
136 "Khan takes a fatal blow to the kidneys when Kirk returns from",
137 "retirement and whacks him in the back with his walker.",
138 "It looks like the hippies are back in control.",
140 "Sole survivors of the skydiving accident that took out the",
141 "rest of the computing support staff, Michael McLean and Brad",
142 "Spatz are released from intensive care and rebuild the",
143 "network. Peace is restored to the Galaxy.",
145 /* oldies */
146 "A new day dawns as the oppressive mood lifts",
147 "The expansionist pressure subsides",
148 "Temporary agreement is reached in local border disputes.",
149 "Galactic governments reduce colonization efforts.",
150 "'Manifest Destiny is no longer a fad.' says influential philosopher.",
151 "Diplomat apologizes to foreign emperor's mother and invasion is stopped!",
152 "Dan Quayle is locked up and order returns to the galaxy!",
153 "The peace party has reformed, and is rallying for peace",
154 };
157 /*
158 * The starting index of each message series and the number of messages in
159 * the series.
160 */
161 int peacem[NMESSAGES][2] = {
162 {0, 3},
163 {3, 3},
164 {6, 3},
165 {9, 4},
166 {13, 2},
167 {15, 2},
168 {17, 3},
169 {20, 4},
170 {24, 1},
171 {25, 1},
172 {26, 1},
173 {27, 1},
174 {28, 1},
175 {29, 1},
176 {30, 1},
177 {31, 1},
178 };
181 static int series = 0; /* the message series that was printed */
182 /* when t-mode started. */
184 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
193 /*------------------------------VISIBLE FUNCTIONS-------------------------*/
195 /*---------------------------------WARMESSAGE----------------------------*/
196 /*
197 * This function is called when t-mode ensues. It chooses a message series
198 * and prints it out. It records the message series in the module's series
199 * variable so that the corresponding peace message series can be printed.
200 */
203 void
204 warmessage()
205 {
206 int i; /* to hold index */
207 int n; /* number of messages in a series */
209 i = lrand48() % NMESSAGES; /* choose message series */
210 series = i; /* record series number */
211 n = warm[i][1]; /* get number of messages in series */
212 i = warm[i][0]; /* get index of first message */
213 while (n > 0)
214 { /* print all messages */
215 pmessage(warmessages[i], 0, MALL, " WAR-> ");
216 n--; /* dec messages that need to be printed */
217 i++; /* on to next message */
218 }
219 }
224 /*-------------------------------PEACEMESSAGE-----------------------------*/
225 /*
226 * This function prints a peace message series. It uses the module variable
227 * series to decide which message series to print.
228 */
230 void
231 peacemessage()
232 {
233 int i; /* to hold index */
234 int n; /* number of messages in a series */
236 n = peacem[series][1]; /* get # messages in series */
237 i = peacem[series][0]; /* get starting index */
238 while (n > 0)
239 { /* print all messages */
240 pmessage(peacemessages[i], 0, MALL, " PEACE-> ");
241 n--; /* dec messages that need to be printed */
242 i++; /* on to next message */
243 }
244 }
249 /*-------------------------------REALNUMSHIPS-----------------------------*/
250 /*
251 * This function counts the number of ships on a team. If the race is the
252 * same and the slot is not free, then the ship is counted.
253 */
255 int
256 realNumShips(owner)
257 int owner;
258 {
259 int i, num; /* for looping and counting */
260 struct player *p; /* to point to a player */
262 num = 0; /* zero the count of ships */
263 for (i = 0, p = players; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, p++)
264 if ((p->p_status != PFREE) && (p->p_team == owner))
265 num++; /* found a ship on this team, inc count */
266 return (num); /* return number of ships */
267 }
272 /*------------------------------TOURNAMENTMODE------------------------------*/
273 /*
274 * This function counts the number of players on each team and sees if two or
275 * more teams have enough players for t-mode. It returns a 0 for no team
276 * mode.
277 */
279 int
280 tournamentMode()
281 {
283 if (status2->league)
284 {
285 return status2->league > 2;
286 }
287 else
288 #endif
289 {
290 static int wt = -1; /* warning time due to team unbalance */
291 static int lct = -1; /* last check time (ie last pmessage) */
292 char buf[80]; /* temp buffer for tmode halt warning */
293 int i; /* looping vars */
294 int t[16]; /* to count players with */
295 int counts[4];
296 /* Even though teams go from 0-8, leave */
297 /* this at 16...or bad things might happen */
298 struct player *p; /* to point to players */
300 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) /* clear the team players count array */
301 t[i] = 0;
302 for (i = 0, p = players; i < MAXPLAYER; i++, p++)
303 {
304 /* through all players */
305 if (p->p_flags & PFROBOT)
306 continue; /* robots don't count */
307 switch (p->p_status)
308 {
309 case PFREE: /* free slots obviously don't count */
310 case POBSERVE: /* and neither do observers */
311 break;
313 case PEXPLODE:
314 case PDEAD:
315 case PTQUEUE:
316 if (p->p_observer)
317 break; /* observers in these modes don't count */
318 /* we can fall through here */
319 case POUTFIT:
320 case PALIVE:
321 t[p->p_team]++;
322 break;
323 }
324 }
326 #if 0
327 /*
328 * If there hasnt been tmode recently (5 mins) clear all kills, and place
329 * any carried armies on the most valuble planet not yet finished.
330 */
331 if ((tourntimestamp - ticks) > 300)
332 {
333 int x;
334 for (x = 0; x < MAXPLAYER; x++)
335 {
336 if (players[x].p_status == PALIVE)
337 {
338 if (players[x].p_armies > 0)
339 PlaceLostArmies(players[x]);
340 players[x].p_kills = 0.00;
341 }
342 }
343 }
344 #endif
346 i = 0; /* zero count of # teams with tournplayers */
347 if (t[FED] >= configvals->tournplayers)
348 counts[i++] = t[FED];
349 if (t[ROM] >= configvals->tournplayers)
350 counts[i++] = t[ROM];
351 if (t[KLI] >= configvals->tournplayers)
352 counts[i++] = t[KLI];
353 if (t[ORI] >= configvals->tournplayers)
354 counts[i++] = t[ORI];
355 if (i > 1)
356 {
357 i = counts[0] - counts[1];
358 if (i < 0)
359 i = -i;
360 if (i > 2)
361 { /* Too big a team imbalance */
362 if (wt == -1)
363 {
364 wt = status->clock; /* make a timestamp */
365 lct = status->clock; /* used every time it sends the message */
366 }
367 if (((status->clock - wt) < 3) && (lct < status->clock))
368 {
369 /*
370 * teams are unblananced, and we havn't said anything for 1 minute,
371 * warn everybody Yes these are noisy strings, but I want people
372 * to notice.
373 */
374 pmessage("**************************!! Teams are unbalanced !!**************************", 0, MALL, "");
375 sprintf(buf, "********************* TMODE WILL BE HALTED IN %li MINUTES **********************", (wt - status->clock) + 3);
376 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL, "");
377 pmessage("************************ if this problem isn't fixed *************************", 0, MALL, "");
378 lct = status->clock;
379 return (1);
380 }
381 else if ((status->clock - wt) >= 3)
382 {
383 if (lct < status->clock)
384 {
385 pmessage("******************!! TMODE HALTED DUE TO TEAM IMBALANCE !!********************", 0, MALL, "");
386 pmessage("*********************** Balance teams to resume tmode ************************", 0, MALL, "");
387 lct = status->clock;
388 }
389 return (0); /* stop tmode */
390 }
391 }
392 else
393 {
394 wt = -1;
395 lct = -1;
396 }
397 return (1); /* return that we are in team mode */
398 }
399 return (0); /* we are NOT in T-mode */
400 }
401 }
406 /*------------------------------PMESSAGE----------------------------------*/
407 /*
408 * This function sens a message to the message board. It places the message
409 * in the next position of the array of messages. The message will ahve a
410 * header attached to the front of it.
411 */
413 void
414 pmessage(str, recip, group, address)
415 char *str; /* the message */
416 int recip; /* who is the recipient */
417 int group; /* group sent to and other flags */
418 char *address; /* the header attached to front */
419 {
420 struct message *cur; /* to pnt to where to put message */
421 int mesgnum; /* to hold index into array of messgs */
423 if ((mesgnum = ++(mctl->mc_current)) >= MAXMESSAGE)
424 {
425 mctl->mc_current = 0; /* move to next index in array and */
426 mesgnum = 0; /* warp around if necessart */
427 }
428 cur = &messages[mesgnum]; /* get addr of message struct */
429 cur->m_no = mesgnum; /* set the message number */
430 cur->m_flags = group; /* set the group and flags */
431 cur->m_recpt = recip; /* set the recipient */
432 cur->m_from = 255; /* message is from God */
433 (void) sprintf(cur->m_data, "%s %s", address, str);
434 cur->m_flags |= MVALID; /* mark message as valid */
435 }
437 /*
438 * send a message from god to a particular player number
439 */
441 void
442 god2player(str, pno)
443 char *str;
444 int pno;
445 {
446 struct message *cur; /* to pnt to where to put message */
448 if (++(mctl->mc_current) >= MAXMESSAGE)
449 mctl->mc_current = 0;
450 cur = &messages[mctl->mc_current];
452 cur->m_no = mctl->mc_current;
453 cur->m_flags = MINDIV;
454 cur->m_recpt = pno;
455 cur->m_from = 255;
456 sprintf(cur->m_data, "%s->%s %s", SERVNAME, twoletters(&players[pno]), str);
457 cur->m_flags |= MVALID;
458 }
463 /*-------------------------------LOG_MESSAGE------------------------------*/
464 /*
465 * This function writes a message into the logfile so the server god can look
466 * at it later. It is used to record messages to god.
467 */
469 void
470 log_message(msg)
471 char *msg; /* the string to record */
472 {
473 char *path; /* to hold path and name */
474 FILE *logfile; /* to open logfile with */
476 path = build_path(GODLOGFILE);
477 logfile = fopen(path, "a"); /* let's try to open this baby */
478 if (!logfile) /* Oops, could not open */
479 return; /* OUt of Dodge */
480 fputs(msg, logfile); /* write the string to log file */
481 fclose(logfile); /* close the sucker up */
482 }
487 /*-----------------------------PARSE_GODMESSAGES----------------------------*/
488 /*
489 * This function checks all the new messages in the message buffer to see if
490 * the keyword 'GOD' is at the first of the message. If it is, then the
491 * message is written to the logfile so the server god can read it.
492 */
494 void
495 parse_godmessages()
496 {
497 char buf[100]; /* bigger than message::m_data */
498 static int lastparsed = 0; /* keeps track of last message */
500 while (mctl->mc_current != lastparsed)
501 { /* Is there a new message? */
502 struct message *cur; /* to point to message struct */
503 char *s; /* to point to string */
505 if (++lastparsed >= MAXMESSAGE) /* rollover after end of */
506 lastparsed = 0; /* message buffer */
507 cur = &messages[lastparsed];/* get new message's struct */
509 s = cur->m_data + 1; /* get new message */
510 while ((*s != ' ') && (*s != 0)) /* go until first space */
511 s++;
512 while ((*s == ' ') && (*s != 0)) /* go past spaces */
513 s++;
515 if (!*s)
516 continue;
517 if (cur->m_flags & MGOD)
518 { /* if it's to god */
519 sprintf(buf, "%s says: %s\n",
520 (cur->m_from >= 0) ? players[cur->m_from].p_name : "who", s);
521 }
522 else
523 { /* or labeled to god */
524 if (strncmp(s, "GOD:", 4) != 0) /* check for 'GOD' keyword */
525 continue; /* not there, then next message */
526 sprintf(buf, "GOD: %s\n", s + 4);
527 }
528 log_message(buf); /* go record message */
529 }
530 }
532 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
533 #if 0
534 /*--------------------------[ PLACE LOST ARMIES ]--------------------------*/
535 /*
536 * If for some reason or another the player looses armies they may be
537 * carrying (ghost busts, etc), this function is called, to place the armies
538 * safely on a planet.
539 */
541 void
542 PlaceLostArmies(victim)
543 struct player *victim;
544 {
545 char buf[80];
546 int i, startplanet;
548 ((startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, PLSHIPYARD)) != -1
549 || (startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, PLREPAIR)) != -1
550 || (startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, PLAGRI)) != -1
551 || (startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, PLFUEL)) != -1
552 || (startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, PLHOME)) != -1
553 || (startplanet = find_start_planet(me->p_team, 0)) != -1);
554 planets[startplanet].pl_armies += victim->p_armies;
555 (void) sprintf(buf, "%s's %d armies placed on %s",
556 victim->p_name, victim->p_armies, planets[startplanet].pl_name);
557 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL | MGHOST, MSERVA);
558 }
559 #endif
560 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
562 /*----------END OF FILE--------*/