comparison src/tool-xtk.c @ 8:0836fb919dfa

First entry of Paradise Server 2.9 patch 10 Beta
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 04:37:05 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
7:814de70c9f67 8:0836fb919dfa
1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 NETREK II -- Paradise
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
5 documentation, or any derivative works thereof, for any NON-COMMERCIAL
6 purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
7 notice appear in all copies. No representations are made about the
8 suitability of this software for any purpose. This software is provided
9 "as is" without express or implied warranty.
11 Xtrek Copyright 1986 Chris Guthrie
12 Netrek (Xtrek II) Copyright 1989 Kevin P. Smith
13 Scott Silvey
14 Paradise II (Netrek II) Copyright 1993 Larry Denys
15 Kurt Olsen
16 Brandon Gillespie
17 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
19 #include "config.h"
21 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include "defs.h"
24 #include "data.h"
25 #include "shmem.h"
26 #include "getship.h"
27 #include "tool-util.h"
29 char teamlet[] = {'I', 'F', 'R', 'X', 'K', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'O'};
30 char *names[] = {"Neutral", "Fed", "Rom", "", "Kli", "", "", "", "Ori"};
32 void Usage(char *myname);
33 void pmessage();
35 int
36 main(argc, argv)
37 int argc;
38 char **argv;
39 {
40 int i;
41 int pno;
42 char buf[1000];
43 char *myname;
44 int c;
45 struct player *victim;
47 myname = *argv;
49 if (argc < 2)
50 Usage(myname);
52 if (argv[1][1] != 0)
53 Usage(myname);
54 pno = letter_to_pnum(argv[1][0]);
55 if (pno < 0 || pno >= MAXPLAYER)
56 {
57 fprintf(stderr, "player number out of bounds (%d, %d)\n",
58 pno, MAXPLAYER);
59 exit(1);
60 }
62 openmem(0);
64 victim = &players[pno];
66 if (victim->p_status != PALIVE)
67 {
68 if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[2], "F") == 0)
69 {
70 memset(victim, 0, sizeof(struct player));
71 /* bzero(victim, sizeof(struct player)); /* confusion 8/5/91 TC */
72 /* victim->p_status = PFREE; */
73 exit(0);
74 }
75 printf("Slot is not alive.\n");
76 exit(1);
77 }
78 if (argc <= 2)
79 {
80 sprintf(buf, "%s (%2s) was utterly obliterated.",
81 victim->p_name, twoletters(victim));
82 /* victim->p_name, victim->p_mapchars); */
83 victim->p_ship.s_type = STARBASE;
84 victim->p_whydead = KPROVIDENCE;
85 victim->p_explode = 10;
86 victim->p_status = 3;
87 victim->p_whodead = 0;
88 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL);
89 exit(0);
90 }
91 switch (*argv[2])
92 {
93 case 'e':
94 sprintf(buf, "%s (%2s) has been ejected from the game.",
95 victim->p_name, twoletters(victim));
96 victim->p_whydead = KQUIT;
97 victim->p_explode = 10;
98 victim->p_status = 3;
99 victim->p_whodead = 0;
100 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL);
101 break;
102 case 's':
103 {
104 int i;
105 for (i = 0; i < NUM_TYPES; i++)
106 {
107 if (argv[2][1] == shipvals[i].s_letter)
108 break;
109 }
110 if (i >= NUM_TYPES)
111 {
112 fprintf(stderr, "Unknown ship type %c.\n", argv[2][1]);
113 exit(1);
114 }
115 else
116 {
117 get_ship_for_player(victim, i);
118 }
119 }
121 victim->p_damage = 0;
122 victim->p_shield = victim->p_ship.s_maxshield;
123 victim->p_wtemp = 0;
124 victim->p_etemp = 0;
125 victim->p_fuel = victim->p_ship.s_maxfuel;
126 break;
127 #if 0
128 case 't':
129 switch (argv[2][1])
130 {
131 case 'f':
132 victim->p_x = planets[0].pl_x;
133 victim->p_y = planets[0].pl_y;
134 break;
135 case 'r':
136 victim->p_x = planets[10].pl_x;
137 victim->p_y = planets[10].pl_y;
138 break;
139 case 'k':
140 victim->p_x = planets[20].pl_x;
141 victim->p_y = planets[20].pl_y;
142 break;
143 case 'o':
144 victim->p_x = planets[30].pl_x;
145 victim->p_y = planets[30].pl_y;
146 break;
147 case 'c':
148 victim->p_x = GWIDTH / 2;
149 victim->p_y = GWIDTH / 2;
150 break;
151 default:
152 printf("Valid teleports: frkoc.\n");
153 exit(1);
154 }
155 break;
156 #endif
157 #if 0
158 case 'S': /* super ship */
159 victim->p_ship.s_maxshield = 750;
160 victim->p_shield = 750;
161 victim->p_ship.s_maxdamage = 750;
162 victim->p_ship.s_maxegntemp = 5000;
163 break;
164 #endif
165 case 'T':
166 {
167 int team;
168 team = letter_to_team(argv[2][1]);
169 if (team < 0)
170 {
171 fprintf(stderr, "Invalid team letter `%c', choose one of [frkoi]\n", argv[2][1]);
172 exit(1);
173 }
174 victim->p_team = team;
175 victim->p_hostile &= ~team;
176 victim->p_swar &= ~team;
177 sprintf(buf, "%2s has been changed to a %s.",
178 twoletters(victim), names[team]);
179 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL);
180 #if 0
181 sprintf(buf, "%c%c", teamlet[victim->p_team],
182 shipnos[pno]);
183 strncpy(victim->p_mapchars, buf, 2);
184 #endif
185 }
186 break;
187 case 'D': /* demote */
188 --victim->p_stats.st_rank;
189 sprintf(buf, "%2s was (temporarily) demoted for \
190 rank normalization purposes.", twoletters(victim));
191 pmessage(buf, 0, MALL);
192 break;
193 case 'P':
194 ++victim->p_stats.st_rank;
195 break;
196 case 'k':
197 victim->p_kills += 1.0;
198 break;
199 case 'h':
200 victim->p_shield = 0;
201 victim->p_damage = victim->p_ship.s_maxdamage / 2;
202 break;
203 case 'a':
204 victim->p_armies += 6;
205 break;
206 case 'C':
207 teams[victim->p_team].s_surrender = 6;
208 break;
209 case 'L':
210 victim->p_stats.st_sblosses--;
211 break;
212 case 'R':
213 if (victim->p_flags & PFROBOT)
214 {
215 victim->p_ship.s_type = STARBASE;
216 victim->p_whydead = KPROVIDENCE;
217 victim->p_explode = 10;
218 victim->p_status = 3;
219 victim->p_whodead = 0;
220 }
221 break;
222 #if 0
223 case 'p': /* puck? */
224 victim->p_ship.s_tractstr = 1;
225 victim->p_ship.s_torpdamage = -1;
226 victim->p_ship.s_plasmadamage = -1;
227 victim->p_ship.s_phaserdamage = -1;
228 victim->p_hostile = 0;
229 victim->p_swar = 0;
230 victim->p_team = 0; /* indep */
231 victim->p_ship.s_type = STARBASE;
232 victim->p_ship.s_mass = 200;
233 victim->p_ship.s_repair = 30000;
235 victim->p_ship.s_maxspeed = 0;
236 #endif
237 default:
238 Usage(myname);
239 } /* end switch */
240 return 0;
241 }
243 void
244 Usage(char *myname)
245 {
246 printf("-- NetrekII (Paradise), %s --\n", PARAVERS);
247 printf("\
248 \n\t%'s [0-9a-j] <mode><mode option>'\n\
249 \n\
250 Where <mode> is one of :\n\
251 e(ject from game) (simulates self-destruct)\n\
252 s(hip class change)[abcdosA] (A = ATT)\n\
253 T(eam change)[frko] (no team == independent)\n\
254 D(emote) (-1 to rank)\n\
255 P(romote) (+1 to rank)\n\
256 F(ree slot) (bypasses 6 minute ghostbuster timeout)\n\
257 k(ills increment) (+1 kill)\n\
258 h(arm) (no shields, 50%% damage)\n\
259 a(rmies increment) (+6 armies)\n\
260 C(lock, surrender -- set it) (to 6 minutes (debugging aid))\n\
261 L(oss adjust, SB (-1)) (in case you toast an SB accidentally)\n\
262 R(obot obliterate) (like obliterate, but only for robots)\n\
263 (no mode == obliterate)\n\
264 ", myname);
265 exit(1);
266 }
269 #if 0
270 /* stuff copied from other files: */
272 char *
273 twoletters(pl)
274 struct player *pl;
275 /* calculate the two letters that form the players designation (e.g. R4) */
276 {
278 static char buf[RINGSIZE][3]; /* ring of buffers so that this */
279 static int idx; /* proc can be called several times before
280 * the results are used */
281 if (idx >= RINGSIZE)
282 idx = 0;
283 buf[idx][0] = teams[pl->p_team].letter;
284 buf[idx][1] = shipnos[pl->p_no];
285 buf[idx][2] = 0;
286 return buf[idx++];
287 }
288 #endif
291 /*------------------------------PMESSAGE----------------------------------*/
292 /*
293 * This function sens a message to the message board. It places the message
294 * in the next position of the array of messages. The message will ahve a
295 * header attached to the front of it.
296 */
298 void
299 pmessage(str, recip, group)
300 char *str; /* the message */
301 int recip; /* who is the recipient */
302 int group; /* group sent to and other flags */
303 {
304 struct message *cur; /* to pnt to where to put message */
305 int mesgnum; /* to hold index into array of messgs */
307 if ((mesgnum = ++(mctl->mc_current)) >= MAXMESSAGE)
308 {
309 mctl->mc_current = 0; /* move to next index in array and */
310 mesgnum = 0; /* warp around if necessart */
311 }
312 cur = &messages[mesgnum]; /* get addr of message struct */
313 cur->m_no = mesgnum; /* set the message number */
314 cur->m_flags = group; /* set the group and flags */
315 cur->m_recpt = recip; /* set the recipient */
316 cur->m_from = 255; /* message is from God */
317 (void) sprintf(cur->m_data, "%s %s", "XTKILL:", str);
318 cur->m_flags |= MVALID; /* mark message as valid */
319 }