+ − 1 (9/19/94:Brandon)
+ − 2
+ − 3 This file is for people already experienced with the server, who may also
+ − 4 be currently running their own server. It only explains the changes from
+ − 5 the administration of a 2.3 server to the administration of a 2.4 server.
+ − 6 If you do not know how the server functions read the file README.Admin
+ − 7 instead, as this file simply explains what is different from the old setup
+ − 8 to this, and how to convert an old server's database and other config files
+ − 9 to the new setup.
+ − 10
+ − 11 The server now uses the NETREKDIR environment variable as a pointer to the
+ − 12 root of the directory structure, rather than it being a pointer to the bin
+ − 13 directory. The various different directories are:
+ − 14
+ − 15 backups/ -- where the dbbackup script stores backup files.
+ − 16 bin/ -- the bin directory, this ONLY has binaries and scripts.
+ − 17 docs/ -- this documentation directory
+ − 18 etc/ -- where the configuration files, database files and
+ − 19 other random files used by the server are stored.
+ − 20 logs/ -- where logfiles and pid files are stored.
+ − 21 pics/ -- where motd pictures can be stored, this is not enforced
+ − 22 pped/ -- Heath Kehoes player database editor.
+ − 23 rsa/ -- the RSA files, this directory is empty due to the
+ − 24 copyrights involved with RSA. If you desired RSA
+ − 25 security you may be able to get the files, however
+ − 26 it is not required to run the server (and very few
+ − 27 people use it).
+ − 28 src/ -- where the source files are located.
+ − 29
+ − 30 For the server to run as it did before adjust the following files
+ − 31 appropriately:
+ − 32
+ − 33 Old Location New Location Notes
+ − 34 ------------ ------------ -----
+ − 35 bin/.global etc/db.global
+ − 36 bin/.players etc/db.players
+ − 37 bin/.hours etc/conf.hours
+ − 38 bin/.pics etc/conf.pics adjust the paths accordingly.
+ − 39 bin/.sysdef etc/conf.sysdef
+ − 40 bin/.motd etc/motd
+ − 41 bin/.motd.wc etc/motd.wc
+ − 42 bin/.cluephrases etc/cluephrases
+ − 43 bin/.rsa.keys etc/rsa.keys
+ − 44
+ − 45 Some other files you may want to be aware of are:
+ − 46
+ − 47 etc/conf.netrekdir a 1 line file specifying the location of your
+ − 48 NETREKDIR, which may be used by scripts and
+ − 49 binaries if they cannot find the NETREKDIR
+ − 50 environment variable.
+ − 51 logs/daemonII.pid The process ID # of the current daemon running.
+ − 52 logs/listen.pid The Process ID # of the latest listen process run.