view Wlib.h @ 2:fba0b6e6cdc7

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/* $Id: Wlib.h,v 1997/12/06 05:41:28 darius Exp $ */

/* Wlib.h
 * Include file for the Windowing interface.
 * Kevin P. Smith  6/11/89
 * The deal is this:
 *   Call W_Initialize(), and then you may call any of the listed fuinctions.
 *   Also, externals you are allowed to pass or use include W_BigFont,
 *     W_RegularFont, W_UnderlineFont, W_HighlightFont, W_White, W_Black,
 *     W_Red, W_Green, W_Yellow, W_Cyan, W_Grey, W_Textwidth, and W_Textheight.

#ifndef Wlib_h_
#define Wlib_h_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include "Wlib.h"
#include "copyright2.h"

#ifndef P
#ifdef __STDC__
#define P(x) x
#define P(x) ()
#endif /* P */

typedef struct event W_Event;
typedef int (*W_Callback) ();
typedef char *W_Window;
extern W_Callback W_GetWindowKeyDownHandler();
extern W_Callback W_GetWindowKeyUpHandler();
extern W_Callback W_GetWindowButtonHandler();
extern W_Callback W_GetWindowExposeHandler();
extern W_Callback W_SetWindowKeyDownHandler();
extern W_Callback W_SetWindowKeyUpHandler();
extern W_Callback W_SetWindowButtonHandler();
extern W_Callback W_SetWindowExposeHandler();
int W_Mono P((void));

/*typedef char *W_Window;*/
typedef char *W_Icon;
typedef char *W_Font;
typedef int W_Color;

extern W_Font W_BigFont, W_RegularFont, W_UnderlineFont, W_HighlightFont;
extern W_Color W_White, W_Black, W_Red, W_Green, W_Yellow, W_Cyan, W_Grey;
extern int W_Textwidth, W_Textheight;
extern int W_FastClear;

void W_Initialize P((char * /* display */));
W_MakeWindow P(( char *, int, int, int, int, W_Window, char *, int, W_Color /* name, x, y, width, height, parent, border, color */ ));
W_Icon W_StoreBitmap P(( int, int, char *, W_Window
                         /* width, height, data, window */ ));
void W_FreeBitmap P(( W_Icon /* icon */ ));
W_Window W_MakeTextWindow P((
 char *, int, int, int, int, W_Window, char *, int
 /* name, x, y, width, height, parent, border */ ));
W_Window W_MakeScrollingWindow P(( 
 char *, int, int, int, int, W_Window, char *, int
 /* name, x, y, width, height, parent,border */ ));
W_Window W_MakeMenu P(( char *, int, int, int, int, W_Window, int
                       /* name, x, y, width, height, parent, border */ ));
void W_WriteText P(( W_Window, int, int, W_Color, char *, int, W_Font
                     /* window, x, y, color, str, length, font */ ));
void W_MaskText P(( W_Window, int, int, W_Color, char *, int, W_Font
                    /* window, x, y, color, str, length, font */ ));
void W_WriteBitmap P(( int, int, W_Icon, W_Color
                       /* x, y, icon, color */ ));
void W_WriteWinBitmap P(( W_Window, int, int, W_Icon, W_Color
                          /* win, x, y, icon, color */ ));
void W_ClearArea P(( W_Window, int, int, int, int
                     /* window, x, y, width, height, color */ ));
void W_MakeLine P(( W_Window, int, int, int, int, W_Color
                    /* window, x0, y0, x1, y1, color */ ));
void W_DrawPoint P(( W_Window, int, int, W_Color
                     /* window, x, y, color */ ));
void W_MapWindow P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
void W_UnmapWindow P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
int W_EventsPending P(( void ));
void W_NextEvent P(( W_Event * /* W_Event *event */ ));
void W_TileWindow P(( W_Window, W_Icon /* window, bitmap */ ));
void W_UnTileWindow P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
void W_ChangeBorder P(( W_Window, int /* window, color */ ));
void W_DefineCursor P((
                W_Window, int, int, char *, char *, int, int
		/* window, width, height, data, mask, xhot, yhot */ ));
int W_IsMapped P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
void W_Beep P(( void ));
void W_DestroyWindow P(( W_Window ));
int W_WindowWidth P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
int W_WindowHeight P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
int W_Socket P(( void ));
void W_ClearWindow P(( W_Window /* window */ ));
void W_SetIconWindow P(( W_Window, W_Window /* mainwindow, iconwindow */ ));
int W_StringWidth P(( char [], W_Font /* string, font */ ));
void W_TranslatePoints P(( W_Window, int *, int * /* window, x, y */ ));
void W_ResizeWindow P(( W_Window, int, int /* window, neww, newh */ ));
void W_ResizeMenu P(( W_Window, int, int /* window, neww, newh */ ));
void W_ResizeText P(( W_Window, int, int /* window, neww, newh */ ));
void W_Deiconify P(( W_Window /* window */ ));

W_Icon W_MakeShieldBitmap P(( int, int, W_Window /* width,height, window */ ));

#ifdef AMIGA
void switchScreen();
/* things ignored or different for now: */
/* some laziness on my part, mostly just unneeded. */
#define W_CacheLine W_MakeLine
#define W_CachePoint W_DrawPoint
#define W_FlushPointCaches(w)
#define W_FlushLineCaches(w)
#define W_DefineTextCursor(w) W_DefineMessageCursor(w)
#define W_RevertCursor(w) W_DefineTCrossCursor(w)
#define W_RenameWindow(w,s)

extern W_Icon W_ReadPixmap(W_Window window, char *path, char *name, int width, int height, int x, int y, int mask);

#define W_StringWidth(st,font) (strlen(st)*W_Textwidth)

/* Don't even know what this is supposed to do... */
#define W_SetSensitive(w,b)

extern int autoPoint, W_KeyDepth, animPointers, useWorkbench;
extern unsigned long w_socket;
#endif	/* AMIGA */

#define W_EV_EXPOSE	1
#define W_EV_KEY	2
#define W_EV_BUTTON	3

#ifdef AUTOKEY
#define W_EV_KEY_OFF	4
#endif				/* AUTOKEY */

#define W_LBUTTON	1
#define W_MBUTTON	2
#define W_RBUTTON	3

struct event {
    int     type;
    W_Window Window;
    int     key;
    int     x, y;

#define W_BoldFont W_HighlightFont
