diff data.h @ 1:ff5e05767bd3 ALPHA

Empty changelog
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 05:41:28 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/data.h	Sat Dec 06 05:41:28 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+/* $Id: data.h,v 1997/12/06 05:41:28 darius Exp $ */
+ * data.h
+ */
+#ifndef data_h_
+#define data_h_
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include "struct.h"
+#include <stdio.h>		/* for def of file */
+#ifdef hpux
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#define EX_FRAMES 		5
+#define SBEXPVIEWS 		7
+#define NUMDETFRAMES		5	/* # frames in torp explosion */
+#define ex_width        	64
+#define ex_height       	64
+#define sbexp_width        	80
+#define sbexp_height       	80
+#define cloud_width 		9
+#define cloud_height 		9
+#define plasmacloud_width 	13
+#define plasmacloud_height 	13
+#define etorp_width 		3
+#define etorp_height 		3
+#define NDRONEVIEWS 16		/* dependent on oldbitmaps.h */
+#define drone_width 		6
+#define drone_height 		6
+#define fighter_width           5
+#define fighter_height          5
+#define warpbeacon_width	8
+#define warpbeacon_height	12
+#define eplasmatorp_width 	7
+#define eplasmatorp_height 	7
+#define mplasmatorp_width 	5
+#define mplasmatorp_height 	5
+#define mtorp_width 		3
+#define mtorp_height 		3
+#define crossmask_width 	16
+#define crossmask_height 	16
+#define planet_width 		30
+#define planet_height 		30
+#define wormhole_width          80
+#define wormhole_height         80
+#define terrain_width           20
+#define terrain_height          20
+#define mplanet_width 		16
+#define mplanet_height 		16
+#define cloak_width		20
+#define cloak_height		20
+extern int paradise;		/* is the server a paradise server? */
+#ifdef HOCKEY
+extern int hockey;		/* is the server a hockey server [BDyess] */
+#endif /*HOCKEY*/
+extern int nplayers;
+extern int nshiptypes;
+extern int ntorps;
+extern int npthingies;
+extern int ngthingies;
+extern int nplasmas;
+extern int nphasers;
+extern int nplanets;
+#ifdef HOCKEY
+/* hockey stuff [BDyess] */
+extern int galacticHockeyLines;  /* draw lines on the galactic? [BDyess] */
+extern int tacticalHockeyLines;  /* draw lines on the tactical? [BDyess] */
+extern int cleanHockeyGalactic;  /* don't draw planets on the galactic when
+                                    playing hockey [BDyess] */
+extern int teamColorHockeyLines; /* color hockey lines by team [BDyess] */
+extern struct	hockeyLine hlines[NUM_HOCKEY_LINES];
+#endif /*HOCKEY*/
+extern int metaFork;		/* allow spawning off of clients from meta-
+				   server window [BDyess] */
+extern int viewBox;		/* flag for viewBox [BDyess] */
+extern int allowViewBox;	/* allow flag for viewBox [BDyess] */
+extern int sectorNums;		/* flag for numbered sectors in galactic -TH */
+extern int lockLine;		/* for line from me to lock in galac -TH */
+extern int mapSort;		/* use new sorting in galactic -TH */
+extern int autoSetWar;		/* automatically set war dec's -TH */
+extern int tacPlanetInfo;	/* info on local planets; see data.c -TH */
+#ifdef WIDE_PLIST
+extern char *playerList;	/* string of fields for wide playerlist */
+extern char *playerListStart;	/* comma seperated set of strings for plist */
+extern int resizePlayerList;
+#endif				/* WIDE_PLIST */
+extern int packetLights;	/* flag for packetLights [BDyess] */
+#endif				/* PACKET_LIGHTS */
+/* for showgalactic and showlocal rotation sequence [BDyess] */
+extern char *showGalacticSequence, *showLocalSequence;
+/* Lynx wants the playerlist blanked upon entry.  Ok, whatever [BDyess] */
+extern int allowPlayerlist;
+/* message window array [BDyess] */
+extern struct messageWin messWin[];
+/* global counters for number of queued messages [BDyess] */
+extern int me_messages, all_messages, team_messages;
+/* added 1/94 -JR */
+extern int niftyNewMessages;
+/* needed for rc_distress [BDyess] */
+extern int F_gen_distress;
+extern struct dmacro_list *distmacro;
+extern struct dmacro_list dist_defaults[];
+extern struct dmacro_list dist_prefered[];
+extern int sizedist;
+#ifdef BEEPLITE
+extern int F_allow_beeplite;
+extern unsigned char F_beeplite_flags;
+extern char *distlite[];
+extern int UseLite;
+extern int DefLite;
+extern int emph_planet_seq_n[];
+extern int emph_player_seq_n[];
+extern W_Icon emph_planet_seq[];
+extern W_Icon emph_player_seq[];
+extern W_Icon emph_player_seql[];
+extern W_Color emph_planet_color[MAX_PLANETS];
+extern W_Color emph_player_color[MAX_PLAYER];
+#define emph_planet_seq_frames 5
+#define emph_planet_seq_width 24
+#define emph_planet_seq_height 24
+#define emph_player_seq_frames 3
+#define emph_player_seq_width 24
+#define emph_player_seq_height 24
+#define emph_player_seql_frames 3
+#define emph_player_seql_width 30
+#define emph_player_seql_height 30
+extern int beep_lite_cycle_time_player;
+extern int beep_lite_cycle_time_planet;
+#endif				/* BEEPLITE */
+/* time client connected to server [BDyess] */
+extern time_t timeStart;
+#ifdef TIMER
+/* timer data */
+extern int timerType;
+extern time_t timeBank[];
+#endif				/* TIMER */
+#ifdef MACROS
+extern struct macro *macrotable[256];
+extern int macroState;
+extern char lastMessage[100];
+#endif				/* MACROS */
+/* ghoststart data */
+extern int ghoststart;
+extern int ghost_pno;
+/* defaults list */
+extern struct stringlist *defaults;
+/* upgrade kludge flag [BDyess] */
+extern int upgrading;
+/* continuousmouse kludge [BDyess] */
+extern int exitInputLoop;
+/* clearzone data */
+extern int czsize;
+extern struct _clearzone *clearzone;
+extern int clearcount;
+#ifdef HOCKEY
+extern int clearline[4][32 + 2 * 32 + NUM_HOCKEY_LINES];
+extern int clearline[4][32 + 2 * 32];
+#endif /*HOCKEY*/
+extern int clearlmark[2];
+extern int clearlmcount;
+extern int clearlcount;
+extern int mclearzone[6][32];	/* for map window */
+extern struct player *players;
+extern struct player *me;
+extern struct torp *torps;
+extern struct thingy *thingies;
+extern struct plasmatorp *plasmatorps;
+extern struct status *status;
+extern struct status2 *status2;
+extern struct ship *myship;
+extern struct shiplist *shiptypes;
+extern struct stats *mystats;
+extern struct planet *planets;
+extern struct t_unit *terrainInfo;
+extern int received_terrain_info;
+extern int terrain_x;
+extern int terrain_y;
+extern struct phaser *phasers;
+extern struct team *teams;
+extern struct planet pdata[];
+extern int logPhaserMissed;	/* log or not 'phaser missed' messages
+				   [BDyess] */
+extern int phaserStats;		/* Phaser statistics on or off -JR */
+extern int phasFired, phasHits, totalDmg; /* the stats */
+extern int infoIcon;		/* information icon flag [BDyess] */
+extern int iconified;		/* iconified or not flag [BDyess] */
+extern char *defaultsFile;
+extern short *slot;
+extern char *defNickName;
+extern char *defFlavor;
+extern int oldalert;
+/*extern int remap[];*/
+extern int udcounter;
+extern char *title;
+extern char *cloakchars;	/* characters used for cloakers, defaults to
+				   ?? */
+extern int cloakcharslen;
+extern struct plupdate pl_update[];
+extern int currentship;
+extern int messpend;
+extern int lastcount;
+extern int mdisplayed;
+extern int redrawall;
+extern int nopilot;
+extern int watch;
+extern int selfdest;
+extern int lastm;
+extern int delay;
+extern int rdelay;
+extern int mapmode;
+extern int namemode;
+extern int showShields;
+extern int showStats;
+#ifdef ATM
+extern int msgBeep;		/* ATM - msg beep */
+#endif				/* ATM */
+extern int warncount;
+extern int warntimer;
+extern int infomapped;
+extern void *infothing;		/* infow contents [BDyess] */
+extern int infoupdate;		/* update flag for infow [BDyess] */
+extern int infotype;		/* type of info thing [BDyess] */
+extern int keepInfo;		/* .xtrekrc setting */
+extern int infowin_up;		/* how long should it remain up? */
+#ifdef ATM
+extern int scanmapped;		/* ATM - scanner stuff */
+#endif				/* ATM */
+extern int mustexit;
+extern int messtime;
+extern int keeppeace;
+extern int drawgrid;
+/* playerlist settings */
+extern int sortPlayers;
+extern int hideNoKills;
+extern int showDead;
+extern int showPreLogins;
+extern int sortOutfitting;
+extern int robsort;
+/* dashboard settings */
+extern int Dashboard;
+extern int newDashboard;
+extern int cup_half_full;
+extern int logmess;
+extern char *logFile;
+extern FILE *logfilehandle;
+extern int showPhaser;
+extern int vary_hull;
+extern int warpStreaks;
+extern int fastQuit;
+extern int pigSelf;
+extern int continuousMouse;
+extern int allowContinuousMouse;
+extern int clickDelay;
+ /* turns on and off continuousMouse for each button [BDyess] */
+extern int buttonRepeatMask;
+#endif				/* CONTINUOUS_MOUSE */
+extern int autoQuit;
+#ifdef GATEWAY
+extern unsigned long netaddr;	/* for blessing */
+#ifdef NOWARP
+extern int messageon;
+extern char blk_refitstring[80];
+extern int blk_gwidth;
+extern float blk_windgwidth;
+/*extern int blk_altbits;*/
+extern int showKitchenSink;
+extern int blk_showStars;
+extern int blk_bozolist;
+extern int blk_friendlycloak;
+extern int forceMono;
+extern int showlocal, showgalactic;
+extern int sendmotdbitmaps;
+extern char *shipnos;
+extern int sock;
+extern int xtrekPort;
+extern int queuePos;
+extern int pickOk;
+extern int lastRank;
+extern int promoted;
+extern int loginAccept;
+extern unsigned localflags;
+extern int tournMask;
+extern int nextSocket;
+extern int updatePlayer[];
+extern char *serverName;
+extern int loggedIn;
+extern int reinitPlanets;
+extern int redrawPlayer[];
+extern int lastUpdate[];
+extern int timerDelay;
+extern int reportKills;
+extern char *unixSoundPath;
+extern char *unixSoundDev;
+extern int playSounds;
+#ifdef ATM
+extern int scanplayer;
+extern int showTractor;
+extern int commMode;		/* UDP */
+extern int commModeReq;		/* UDP */
+extern int commStatus;		/* UDP */
+extern int commSwitchTimeout;	/* UDP */
+extern int udpTotal;		/* UDP */
+extern int udpDropped;		/* UDP */
+extern int udpRecentDropped;	/* UDP */
+extern int udpSock;		/* UDP */
+extern int udpDebug;		/* UDP */
+extern int udpClientSend;	/* UDP */
+extern int udpClientRecv;	/* UDP */
+extern int udpSequenceChk;	/* UDP */
+extern int updateSpeed;
+/* metaserver window stuff */
+extern int usemeta;
+extern char *metaserverAddress;
+#endif				/* METASERVER */
+/* MOTD data */
+extern struct page *currpage;
+extern struct page *motddata;
+#ifdef GATEWAY
+extern int gw_serv_port, gw_port, gw_local_port;	/* UDP */
+extern char *gw_mach;		/* UDP */
+#endif				/* ATM */
+extern int showMySpeed;
+extern int showTractorPressor;
+extern int showAllTractorPressor;
+extern int allowShowAllTractorPressor;
+extern int showLock;
+extern int autoKey;
+extern int extraBorder;
+#ifdef ATM
+/* udp options */
+extern int tryUdp;
+#endif				/* ATM */
+extern double Sin[], *Cos;
+extern W_Icon stipple, clockpic, icon;
+/*extern W_Icon teamicon[4];*/
+#define VIEWS 16
+extern W_Icon expview[EX_FRAMES];
+extern W_Icon sbexpview[SBEXPVIEWS];
+extern W_Icon cloud[NUMDETFRAMES];
+extern W_Icon plasmacloud[NUMDETFRAMES];
+extern W_Icon etorp, mtorp;
+extern W_Icon drone_bm[16];
+extern W_Icon eplasmatorp, mplasmatorp, fighter[VIEWS];
+extern W_Icon warpbeacon, wbflash;
+extern W_Icon hull[8];
+extern W_Icon cloakicon;
+#ifdef ATM
+extern W_Icon tractbits, pressbits;
+#endif				/* ATM */
+#define NEW_SHIP_BM
+struct ship_shape *shape_of_ship( /* team, class */ );
+/* stellar object bitmaps */
+  b	tactical owner
+  mb	galactic owner
+  b2	tactical resources
+  mb2	galactic resources
+  */
+#define	STARFRAMES	10
+#define WORMFRAMES      8
+extern W_Icon starBM[STARFRAMES], mstarBM;
+extern W_Icon wormBM[WORMFRAMES];
+extern W_Icon mholeBM;		/* wormhole galactic bitmap [BDyess] */
+extern W_Icon bplanets[6];	/* TS "show owner" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon mbplanets[6];	/* GS "show owner" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon bplanets2[16];	/* TS "show facilities" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon mbplanets2[16];	/* GS "show facilities" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon bplanetsr[8];	/* TS "show resources" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon mbplanetsr[8];	/* GS "show resources" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon bplanetsMOO[16];	/* TS MOO-style bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon mbplanetsMOO[16];	/* GS MOO-style bitmaps */
+#define NSCOUTAGES	5
+extern W_Icon mbplanetsA[NSCOUTAGES];	/* GS "show age" mode bitmaps */
+extern W_Icon basteroid[6];
+extern W_Icon mbasteroid[6];
+extern W_Icon basteroid2[2];
+extern W_Icon mbasteroid2[2];
+extern W_Icon asteroidBM[16];
+extern W_Icon asteroidfluff[3]; /* for "smoothness" */
+extern W_Icon kitchenSink;
+extern W_Color borderColor, backColor, textColor, myColor, warningColor, shipCol[6],
+        rColor, yColor, gColor, unColor, foreColor;
+/*extern char teamletdata[];
+extern char *teamshortdata[];*/
+extern char pseudo[PSEUDOSIZE];
+extern char defpasswd[PSEUDOSIZE];
+extern char login[PSEUDOSIZE];
+extern struct rank ranks[NUMRANKS];
+extern struct rank2 *ranks2;
+extern struct royalty *royal;
+extern int nranks2;
+extern int nroyals;
+extern W_Window messagew, w, mapw, statwin, baseWin, infow, iconWin, tstatw, war,
+        warnw, helpWin, teamWin[4], qwin,	/* messwa, messwt, messwi,
+    messwk, */ planetw, planetw2, rankw, playerw, optionWin, /* reviewWin, phaserwin, */ metaWin,
+        macroWin, defWin, motdWin;
+#ifdef ATM
+extern W_Window scanw, scanwin, udpWin;
+#endif				/* ATM */
+extern W_Window spWin;
+#ifdef TOOLS
+extern W_Window toolsWin;
+extern int shelltools;
+#ifdef SOUND
+extern W_Window soundWin;
+extern int rotate;
+extern int rotate_deg;
+#ifdef NOWARP
+extern int messageon;
+extern int warp;
+extern int RSA_Client;
+extern int blk_zoom;
+extern int autoZoom, autoUnZoom, auto_zoom_timer, autoZoomOverride;
+extern int use_msgw;
+extern int show_shield_dam;
+extern int bd;			/* BORG TEST */
+extern int tryShort;
+extern int recv_short;
+extern int recv_mesg;
+extern int recv_kmesg;
+extern int recv_threshold;
+extern char recv_threshold_s[];
+extern int recv_warn;
+extern int godToAllOnKills;
+/* ping client stuff, ick */
+extern int ping;		/* to ping or not to ping */
+extern long packets_sent;	/* # all packets sent to server */
+extern long packets_received;	/* # all packets received */
+extern W_Window pStats;
+extern int lowercaset;
+extern char *agriWord;
+#ifdef DNET
+extern unsigned long sigsPending, sockMask, udpSockMask;
+#ifdef FEATURE
+extern int F_feature_packets;
+extern int why_dead;
+extern int cloakerMaxWarp;
+extern int F_dead_warp;
+extern int F_multiline_enabled;
+extern int F_UseNewMacro;
+extern int F_terrain;
+extern unsigned char F_terrain_major;
+extern unsigned char F_terrain_minor;
+extern int F_gz_motd;
+extern unsigned char F_gz_motd_major;
+extern unsigned char F_gz_motd_minor;
+extern int reportDroppedPackets;/* report on various dropped packet kludges */
+extern int longest_ph_fuse;
+extern int totalbytes;
+extern int updatebytes, alivebytes;
+extern int peakbytes;
+extern int packetbytes[100];
+extern int askforUpdate;
+extern int jubileePhasers;
+extern int scrollBeep;
+#ifdef RECORDER
+extern int recordGame;
+extern char *recordFile;
+extern int maxRecord;
+extern int playback;
+extern char *playFile;
+extern int pb_update, paused, pb_advance, pb_scan, pb_slow;
+extern int showMapAtMotd;
+extern int redrawDelay;
+extern int localShipStats;
+extern char *statString;
+extern int statHeight, localStatsX, localStatsY;
+#ifdef SHOW_IND
+extern int showIND;
+/* char[] containing the client version */
+extern char CLIENTVERS[];