diff Makefile @ 1:ff5e05767bd3 ALPHA

Empty changelog
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 05:41:28 +0000 (1997-12-06)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Sat Dec 06 05:41:28 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+#	$Id: Makefile,v 1997/12/06 05:41:28 darius Exp $
+BIN = ../bin.udp
+#leave commented if you aren't compiling an authorizing client.
+#MPLIBS= ../gmp-1.3.2/libgmp.a -L../gmp-1.3.2 -lmp
+#AUTH_OBJS = expire.o ${KEYDIR}/rsa_box*.o
+# If you're using the time lord
+#TL_OBJS = limitplay.o
+# for termnet
+# slightly better hiding of the RSA key when the object files are linked in a
+# random order.
+#SCRAMBLER=perl scrambleargs.perl
+# Modify the following to reflect where your libz.a and zlib.h files live.
+GZLIBDIR = zlib
+GZLIB = -lz
+# system paths.  
+# Compiling this client with any flags other than the ones supplied can
+# cause problems. Sorry.
+# TSH           -- changes by T. Hadley
+# TC            -- changes by Terence Chang
+# SGALAXY       -- changes by Jerry Frain & Joe Young
+# ATM           -- changes by Andy McFadden
+# TCURSORS	-- special cursors
+# RFCURSORS     -- so that it would compile on recumbents system, turn 
+#                  this off if you don't have X11/Xmu/CurUtil.h
+#                  this will disable the ability to define cursors in
+#                  the .xtrekrc file.  If this is not defined, then
+#                  you may remove -lXmu from the X11LIB variable above.
+# ROTATERACE	-- galaxy rotation
+# NOWARP	-- enable alternates to mouse pointer message warp
+# EDEN		-- turn on partial eden 1.996c compatibility.
+#		   Breaks everything else (plasma_info, MAXTORPS, MAXPLASMA)
+# AUTHORIZE     -- turn on reserved.c and RSA authorization.  If you don't 
+#		   define this, comment out AUTH_OBJS.
+# SHORT_PACKETS -- Heiko Wengler's short packets.  Not prettily transplanted
+#		   from Berkricksmoo2.0pl14.
+# METASERVER    -- turns on -m metaserver support
+# RS6K		-- must be defined for the IBM RS6000
+# SVR4		-- must be defined for SVR4 (eg Solaris 2) machines (Bill Dyess)
+# VARY_HULL     -- must be defined for vary hull feature (Bill Dyess)
+# MACROS	-- must be defined for macros (Bill Dyess)
+# TIMER		-- enables the dashboard timer (Bill Dyess)
+# CONTINUOUS_MOUSE -- enable the continuous mouse code (Bill Dyess)
+# XTREKRC_HELP  -- must be defined for .xtrekrc help window (Bill Dyess)
+# PACKET_LIGHTS -- turns on packetLights (Bill Dyess)
+# WIDE_PLIST    -- enables wide (fully configurable) playerlist (Bill Dyess)
+# SIZE_LOGGING  -- shows bytes sent/received on exit (Bill Dyess)
+# FEATURE	-- turns on feature packets (Joe Rumsey)
+# RC_DISTRESS   -- Receiver configurable distress.  Code from COW-lite, partially
+#	           added by Bill Dyess, finished by Joe Rumsey.
+# BEEPLITE      -- Beep-lite code for RCD, code from COW-lite (Joe Rumsey)
+# RECORDER      -- Flight recorder/playback (Joe Rumsey)
+# NOSHIBITMAPS  -- compile with only CA/SB bitmaps for each race,
+#                  saves ~50k in the executable, but then the player MUST
+#                  have bitmap albums, or else see everyone as a CA.
+# LOCAL_SHIPSTATS -- An ugly little ship status thing drawn into the
+#                    local window. Configurable... (Joe Rumsey)
+# SHOW_IND	-- Draw an X over Independant planets. from COW-lite (Joe Rumsey)
+# TOOLS 	-- slightly silly thing to allow shell commands from message window.
+#                  Would be very silly, but also allowed in macros. from COW (Joe)
+# HANDLER_TIMES -- record execution times of packet handlers, 
+#                  don't define normally (Joe Rumsey)
+# COW_HAS_IT_WHY_SHOULDNT_WE -- COW-borg feature that shows the map while you're
+#                               at the motd.  Not defined here, is optional,
+#                               defaults to off, and I will not document it,
+#                               Nor will I put it in 'O'ptions. (Joe Rumsey)
+# HOCKEY	-- Turns on lots of hockey specific features, such as
+#		   HockeyLines and Puck. (Bill Dyess)
+# UNIX_SOUND    -- Turns on Platform Independant sound support (Currently only
+#                  VoxWare systems like Linux, FreeBSD). (Sujal Patel)
+# ZDIAG         -- Turns on debugging code for receiveing the compressed
+#                  terrain data.  Not very useful unless you like seeing
+#                  the compression numbers (like 200:1 for just asteroids,
+#                  or 600:1 for empty space).
+# FEAT_DEBUG    -- Turns on debugging features for Paradise feature packets.
+#                  Note that the Paradise feature packets are most likely to
+#                  be completely incompatible with Bronco feature packets to
+#                  date.
+# Must have -DATM, 
+R_OBJS =    ${AUTH_OBJS} \
+	${TL_OBJS} \
+	colors.o \
+	dashboard.o \
+	data.o \
+	death.o \
+	detonate.o \
+	defaults.o \
+	defwin.o \
+	distress.o \
+	dmessage.o \
+	enter.o \
+	findslot.o \
+	gameconf.o \
+	getname.o \
+	getship.o \
+	helpwin.o \
+	inform.o \
+	interface.o \
+	keymap.o \
+	macros.o \
+	macrowin.o \
+	motdwin.o \
+	newwin.o \
+	option.o \
+	packets.o \
+	parsemeta.o \
+	planetlist.o \
+	planets.o \
+	playerlist.o \
+	ranklist.o \
+	ratings.o \
+	rotate.o \
+	shipbitmaps.o \
+	sintab.o \
+	smessage.o \
+	socket.o \
+	stats.o \
+	util.o \
+	varydamage.o \
+	war.o \
+	warning.o \
+	udpopt.o \
+	blk_parsemotd.o \
+	shortcomm.o spopt.o \
+	ping.o pingstats.o \
+	wide_plist.o \
+	feature.o \
+	beeplite.o \
+	recorder.o \
+	senddist.o \
+	tools.o \
+	hockey.o \
+	sound.o
+R_FILES =   colors.c \
+	    dashboard.c \
+	    data.c \
+	    death.c \
+	    detonate.c \
+	    defaults.c \
+	    defwin.c \
+	    distress.c \
+	    dmessage.c \
+	    enter.c \
+	    findslot.c \
+	    getname.c \
+	    getship.c \
+	    helpwin.c \
+	    inform.c \
+	    input.c \
+	    interface.c \
+	    keymap.c \
+	    macros.c \
+	    macrowin.c \
+	    motdwin.c \
+	    newwin.c \
+	    option.c \
+	    parsemeta.c \
+	    planetlist.c \
+	    planets.c \
+	    playerlist.c \
+	    ranklist.c \
+	    ratings.c \
+	    redraw.c \
+	    reserved.c \
+	    rotate.c \
+	    rsa-client.c \
+	    rsa_util.c \
+	    sintab.c \
+	    smessage.c \
+	    socket.c \
+	    stats.c \
+	    util.c \
+	    varydamage.c \
+	    war.c \
+	    warning.c \
+	    udpopt.c \
+	    blk_parsemotd.c \
+	    wide_plist.c \
+	    feature.c \
+	    packets.c \
+	    beeplite.c \
+	    recorder.c \
+	    senddist.c \
+	    tools.c \
+	    hockey.c \
+	    sound.c
+INCLUDES = struct.h \
+	    packets.h \
+	    defs.h \
+	    copyright.h \
+	    bitmaps.h \
+	    data.h \
+	    oldbitmaps.h \
+	    puck.h
+INPUT = input.o redraw.o
+MAINOBJ = main.o
+MAINSRC = main.c
+X10LIB = -lX
+X10OBJS = x10window.o
+X11LIB = $(X11HOME) -lX11 -lXmu
+X11SRC = x11window.c
+X11OBJS = x11window.o
+GLLIB = -lgl_s
+GLOBJS = glwindow.o
+# Amiga/DNet version:  need libdnet.a.
+#   Also need iff.library at run-time...
+AMIGALIB = -Ldnet:amiga/lib -ldnet
+AMIGASRC = amiga.c amigawindow.c dnetcomms.c radkprintf.c sound.c speech.c
+AMIGAOBJS =  amigawindow.o amiga.o dnetcomms.o radkprintf.o sound.o speech.o
+#mplibs must come before -lm
+CC = cc
+#CC = cc -pipe
+# for gcc, it has a different static linking convention
+#CC = gcc-2.3.3
+#CC = gcc ${GCCOPT} -W -Wreturn-type -Wunused -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wformat \
+#            -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses
+#GCCOPT=-O -Wuninitialized
+#gcc can optimize and emit debug symbols at the same time
+###############################[ INDENTATION ]################################
+# Recommended indentation style:
+# -ce -ci4 -d0 -di8 -nfc1 -i4 -npro -nsc -sob -TCARD8 -TCARD16 -TCARD32 -TINT8 -TINT16 -TINT32 -v
+all: help
+	@echo 'Use make <parameter> where <parameter> is one of the following:'
+	@echo '	generic		generic system.'
+	@echo '	sun4		SunOS 4.1.x type machines.'
+	@echo '	sun4d		SunOS 4.1.x type machines (dynamic linking).'
+	@echo '	sun4strict	SunOS 4.1.x type machines (strict compiling).'
+	@echo '	sol		Solaris 2.x machines.'
+	@echo '	solstatic	Solaris 2.x (static linking).'
+	@echo '	solstrict	Solaris 2.x (strict compiling).'
+	@echo '	rs6k		RS6000 based machines.'
+	@echo '	X10		X10-based client.'
+	@echo '	damiga		Amiga client (Dnet, 68030/68881).'
+	@echo '	damiga.68000	Amiga client (Dnet, Any CPU).'
+	@echo '	termnet		Includes termnet .h and lib.'
+	@echo '	clean		clean up this directory.'
+	@echo '	depend		update dependency information.'
+	@echo '	soldep		update dependency information for Solaris.'
+generic: netrek.paradise
+	make netrek.paradise SYSCFLAGS="-include ${TERMHOME}/termnet.h" SYSLIBS="-L${TERMHOME} -ltermnet"
+sun4 : 
+	make udp_client.sun4_static CC=cc
+	make udp_client.sun4_static "LINKSTATIC=-static" "CC=gcc ${GCCOPT} -W -Wreturn-type -Wunused -Wswitch -Wtrigraphs -Wformat -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses"
+sun4d : udp_client.sun4
+	make paradise.solaris SYSCFLAGS=-Xc SYSDEFS=-DSVR4 "SYSLIBS=-lnsl -lsocket"
+	make paradise.solaris.static SYSDEFS=-DSVR4 "SYSLIBS=-lnsl -lsocket"
+	make paradise.solaris SYSDEFS=-DSVR4 "SYSLIBS=-lnsl -lsocket" "LINKSTATIC=-static" "CC=cc ${GCCOPT} "
+	make depend SYSDEFS=-DSVR4
+dep: depend
+	make generic SYSDEFS=-DRS6K SYSLIBS=-lbsd
+X10: x10netrek
+# does this think work anymore?
+x10netrek: $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X10OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) -o x10netrek $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X10OBJS) $(X10LIB) $(LIBS)
+glnetrek: $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(GLOBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) -o glnetrek $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(GLOBJS) $(GLLIB) $(LIBS)
+paradise.amiga.dnet: $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(AMIGAOBJS)
+netrek.paradise : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ `$(SCRAMBLER) $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS)` $(X11LIB) $(LIBS)
+	-chmod 644 *.o
+	-chmod 755 $@
+static: ntparadise.static
+ntparadise.static : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ${LINKSTATIC} -o $@ `$(SCRAMBLER) $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS)` $(X11LIB) $(LIBS) -lresolv
+	-chmod 644 *.o
+	-chmod 755 $@
+udp_client.sun4_static : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) -o udp_client.sun4_static  $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS) ${LINKSTATIC} $(X11LIB) $(LIBS)
+	strip $@
+udp_client.sun4 : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) -o udp_client.sun4  $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS) $(X11LIB) $(LIBS)
+	strip $@
+paradise.solaris : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) -o paradise.solaris  `$(SCRAMBLER) $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS)` $(X11LIB) $(LIBS)
+	strip $@
+paradise.solaris.static : $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) -o $@ `$(SCRAMBLER) $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS)` -ldl -lintl -lw -Bstatic $(X11LIB) $(LIBS) 
+	strip $@
+rwatch: $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X11OBJS)
+	rm -f $@
+	$(CC) $(CDEBUGFLAGS) -o rwatch $(R_OBJS) $(INPUT) $(MAINOBJ) $(X11OBJS) $(X11LIB) $(LIBS)
+	rm -f $(R_OBJS) $(MAINOBJ) $(INPUT) $(X10OBJS) $(X11OBJS) $(GLOBJS)
+tags: $(R_FILES)
+	ctags $(R_FILES) $(INCLUDES)
+install: netrek
+	mv netrek $(BIN)
+	makedepend $(CDEFS) -f Makefile $(INCLUDEDIRS) $(MAINSRC) $(R_FILES) $(X11SRC)
+# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it.
+blk_parsemotd.o : blk_parsemotd.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h \
+  data.h proto.h 
+colors.o : colors.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h proto.h 
+dashboard.o : dashboard.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+data.o : data.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h 
+death.o : death.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h \
+  gameconf.h 
+defaults.o : defaults.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+defwin.o : defwin.c 
+detonate.o : detonate.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+distress.o : distress.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  gameconf.h proto.h 
+dmessage.o : dmessage.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+enter.o : enter.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h \
+  packets.h 
+expire.o : expire.c 
+feature.o : feature.c 
+findslot.o : findslot.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+gameconf.o : gameconf.c gameconf.h Wlib.h copyright2.h proto.h defaultlogos.h \
+  data.h copyright.h struct.h defs.h gppackets.h packets.h 
+getname.o : getname.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+getship.o : getship.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+helpwin.o : helpwin.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h 
+inform.o : inform.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h \
+  gameconf.h 
+input.o : input.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h 
+interface.o : interface.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  packets.h proto.h 
+keymap.o : keymap.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h 
+macros.o : macros.c 
+macrowin.o : macrowin.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h 
+main.o : main.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h gameconf.h 
+motdwin.o : motdwin.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h 
+newwin.o : newwin.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h gameconf.h \
+  proto.h oldbitmaps.h bitmaps_pr.h bitmaps3.h hullbitmaps.h planetbitmaps.h rabbitbitmaps.h \
+  starbitmaps.h packets.h 
+option.o : option.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h 
+packets.o : packets.c defs.h copyright.h packets.h gppackets.h wtext.h 
+parsemeta.o : parsemeta.c 
+ping.o : ping.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h 
+pingstats.o : pingstats.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+planetlist.o : planetlist.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h \
+  data.h proto.h 
+planets.o : planets.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+playerlist.o : playerlist.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h \
+  data.h proto.h gameconf.h packets.h 
+ranklist.o : ranklist.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h 
+ratings.o : ratings.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  gameconf.h proto.h 
+recorder.o : recorder.c 
+redraw.o : redraw.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h gameconf.h 
+reserved.o : reserved.c copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h packets.h 
+rotate.o : rotate.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h packets.h 
+senddist.o : senddist.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  gameconf.h proto.h 
+shipbitmaps.o : shipbitmaps.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h \
+  data.h gameconf.h proto.h bitmaps_NEW.h 
+shortcomm.o : shortcomm.c 
+sintab.o : sintab.c copyright.h 
+smessage.o : smessage.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h gameconf.h 
+socket.o : socket.c copyright2.h Wlib.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h gameconf.h 
+spopt.o : spopt.c 
+stats.o : stats.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h 
+time.o : time.c 
+tools.o : tools.c 
+udpopt.o : udpopt.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h 
+util.o : util.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h proto.h \
+  gameconf.h 
+varydamage.o : varydamage.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h \
+  data.h packets.h proto.h gameconf.h 
+war.o : war.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h packets.h \
+  proto.h 
+warning.o : warning.c copyright.h Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h struct.h data.h 
+wide_plist.o : wide_plist.c 
+x11window.o : x11window.c Wlib.h copyright2.h defs.h copyright.h struct.h data.h \
+  proto.h