diff struct.h @ 3:5a977ccbc7a9 default tip

Empty changelog
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 05:41:29 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/struct.h	Sat Dec 06 05:41:29 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+/* $Id: struct.h,v 1997/12/06 05:41:31 darius Exp $ */
+ * struct.h for the client of an xtrek socket protocol.
+ *
+ * Most of the unneeded stuff in the structures has been thrown away.
+ */
+#ifndef struct_h_
+#define struct_h_
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include "Wlib.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "packets.h"
+#ifdef HOCKEY
+/* hockey struct [BDyess] */
+struct hockeyLine {
+  int vertical;		/* vertical or horizontal flag */
+  W_Color color;
+  int pos, end1, end2;	/* x or y constant and two endpoints */
+#endif /*HOCKEY*/
+/* ratings struct [BDyess] */
+struct ratings {
+    float   r_offrat;		/* offense rating */
+    float   r_planetrat;	/* planets rating */
+    float   r_bombrat;		/* bombing rating */
+    float   r_defrat;		/* defense rating */
+    float   r_resrat;		/* resource rating */
+    float   r_dooshrat;		/* doosh rating */
+    float   r_stratrat;		/* strategy rating */
+    float   r_batrat;		/* battle rating */
+    float   r_sbrat;		/* sb rating */
+    float   r_wbrat;		/* wb rating */
+    float   r_jsrat;		/* js rating */
+    int     r_jsplanets;	/* js planets */
+    int     r_resources;	/* total resources bombed */
+    int     r_armies;		/* total armies bombed */
+    int     r_planets;		/* total planets taken */
+    int     r_dooshes;		/* total armies dooshed */
+    float   r_specrat;		/* special ship rating */
+    float   r_di;		/* damage inflicted */
+    float   r_ratio;		/* ratio, kills/losses */
+    int     r_kills;		/* kills */
+    int     r_losses;		/* losses */
+    float   r_ratings;		/* total ratings */
+    float   r_killsPerHour;	/* kills/hour */
+    float   r_lossesPerHour;	/* losses/hour */
+    float   r_maxkills;		/* max kills */
+    int     r_genocides;	/* number of genocides */
+/* messageWindow structure [BDyess] */
+struct messageWin {
+    W_Window window;
+    int     flags;
+    struct messageNode *head, *curHead;
+/* stuff yanked from COW-lite for rc_distress [BDyess] */
+struct distress {
+    unsigned char sender;
+    unsigned char dam, shld, arms, wtmp, etmp, fuelp, sts;
+    unsigned char wtmpflag, etempflag, cloakflag, distype, macroflag;
+    unsigned char close_pl, close_en, tclose_pl, tclose_en, pre_app, i;
+    unsigned char close_j, close_fr, tclose_j, tclose_fr;
+    unsigned char cclist[6];	/* allow us some day to cc a message up to 5
+				   people */
+    /* sending this to the server allows the server to do the cc action */
+    /* otherwise it would have to be the client ... less BW this way */
+    char    preappend[80];	/* text which we pre or append */
+enum dist_type {
+    /* help me do series */
+    take = 1, ogg, bomb, space_control,
+    save_planet,
+    base_ogg,
+    help3, help4,
+    /* doing series */
+    escorting, ogging, bombing, controlling,
+    asw,
+    asbomb,
+    doing3, doing4,
+    /* other info series */
+    free_beer,			/* ie. player x is totally hosed now */
+    no_gas,			/* ie. player x has no gas */
+    crippled,			/* ie. player x is way hurt but may have gas */
+    pickup,			/* player x picked up armies */
+    pop,			/* there was a pop somewhere */
+    carrying,			/* I am carrying */
+    other1, other2,
+    /* just a generic distress call */
+    generic
+/* The General distress has format:
+   byte1: 00yzzzzz
+   where zzzzz is dist_type, and y is 1 if this is a more complicated macro
+   and not just a simple distress (a simple distress will ONLY send ship
+   info like shields, armies, status, location, etc.). I guess y=1 can be for !
+   future expansion.
+   byte2: 1fff ffff - f = percentage fuel remaining (0-100)
+   byte3: 1ddd dddd - % damage
+   byte4: 1sss ssss - % shields remaining
+   byte5: 1eee eeee - % etemp
+   byte6: 1www wwww - % wtemp
+   byte7: 100a aaaa - armies carried
+   byte8: (lsb of me->p_status) & 0x80
+   byte9: 1ppp pppp - planet closest to me
+   byte10: 1eee eeee - enemy closest to me
+   byte11: 1ppp pppp - planet closest to target
+   byte12: 1eee eeee - enemy closest to target
+   byte13: 1ttt tttt - tclose_j
+   byte14: 1jjj jjjj - close_j
+   byte15: 1fff ffff - tclose_fr
+   byte16: 1ccc cccc - close_fr
+   byte17+: cc list (each player to cc this message to is 11pp ppp)
+   cc list is terminated by 0x80 (pre-pend) or 0100 0000 (append) )
+   byte18++: the text to pre or append .. depending on termination above.
+   text is null terminated and the last thing in this distress
+ */
+struct macro_list {
+    int     type;
+    char    key;
+    char    who;
+    char   *string;
+struct dmacro_list {
+    unsigned char c;
+    char   *name;
+    char   *macro;
+/* end rc_distress stuff [BDyess] */
+struct status {
+    unsigned char tourn;	/* Tournament mode? */
+    /* These stats only updated during tournament mode */
+    unsigned int armsbomb, planets, kills, losses, time;
+    /* Use long for this, so it never wraps */
+    unsigned long timeprod;
+struct status2 {		/* paradise status struct */
+    int     active;		/* for interfacing with people who */
+    unsigned int wait, count;	/* want to get into the game */
+    unsigned int number, request, answer;
+    unsigned char tourn;	/* Tournament mode? */
+    unsigned long dooshes;	/* total number of armies dooshed */
+    unsigned long armsbomb;	/* all t-mode armies bombed */
+    unsigned long resbomb;	/* resources bombed */
+    unsigned long planets;	/* all t-mode planets taken */
+    unsigned long kills;	/* all t-mode kills made */
+    unsigned long losses;	/* all t-mode losses */
+    unsigned long genocides;	/* number of genocides */
+    unsigned long sbkills;	/* total kills in SB's */
+    unsigned long sblosses;	/* total losses in Sb's */
+    unsigned long sbtime;	/* total time in SB's */
+    unsigned long wbkills;	/* kills in warbases */
+    unsigned long wblosses;	/* losses in warbases */
+    unsigned long wbtime;	/* total time played in wb's */
+    unsigned long jsplanets;	/* total planets taken by jump ships */
+    unsigned long jstime;	/* total time in a jump ship */
+    unsigned long time;		/* t-mode time */
+    unsigned long timeprod;	/* t-mode ship ticks--sort of like */
+    /* manhours in t-mode */
+    int     gameup;		/* is game up */
+    unsigned long clock;	/* clock for planet info timestamp */
+/* metaserver window struct */
+struct servers {
+    char    address[LINE];
+    int     port;
+    int     time;
+    int     players;
+    int     status;
+    int     RSA_client;
+    char    typeflag;
+    char    hilited;
+#endif				/* METASERVER */
+/* MOTD structures */
+struct piclist {
+    int     page;
+    W_Icon  thepic;
+    int     x, y;
+    int     width, height;
+    struct piclist *next;
+struct page {
+    struct list *text;
+    struct page *next;
+    struct page *prev;
+    int     first;
+    int     page;
+#define PFREE 0
+#define POUTFIT 1
+#define PALIVE 2
+#define PEXPLODE 3
+#define PDEAD 4
+#define PTQUEUE 5
+#define POBSERVE 6
+#define PFSHIELD	  (1<< 0)	/* shields are raised */
+#define PFREPAIR	  (1<< 1)	/* player in repair mode */
+#define PFBOMB		  (1<< 2)	/* player is bombing */
+#define PFORBIT		  (1<< 3)	/* player is orbiting */
+#define PFCLOAK		  (1<< 4)	/* player is cloaked */
+#define PFWEP		  (1<< 5)	/* player is weapon temped */
+#define PFENG		  (1<< 6)	/* player is engine temped */
+#define PFROBOT		  (1<< 7)	/* player is a robot */
+#define PFBEAMUP	  (1<< 8)	/* player is beaming up */
+#define PFBEAMDOWN	  (1<< 9)	/* player is beaming down */
+#define PFSELFDEST	  (1<<10)	/* player is self destructing */
+#define PFGREEN		  (1<<11)	/* player at green alert */
+#define PFYELLOW	  (1<<12)	/* player is at yellow alert */
+#define PFRED		  (1<<13)	/* player is at red alert */
+#define PFPLOCK		  (1<<14)	/* Locked on a player */
+#define PFPLLOCK	  (1<<15)	/* Locked on a planet */
+#define PFCOPILOT	  (1<<16)	/* Allow copilots */
+#define PFWAR		  (1<<17)	/* computer reprogramming for war */
+#define PFPRACTR	  (1<<18)	/* practice type robot (no kills) */
+#define PFDOCK            (1<<19)	/* true if docked to a starbase */
+#define PFREFIT           (1<<20)	/* true if about to refit */
+#define PFREFITTING	  (1<<21)	/* true if currently refitting */
+#define PFTRACT  	  (1<<22)	/* tractor beam activated */
+#define PFPRESS  	  (1<<23)	/* pressor beam activated */
+#define PFDOCKOK	  (1<<24)	/* docking permission */
+#define PFSEEN		  (1<<25)	/* seen by enemy on galactic map? */
+#define PFWARPPREP	  (1<<26)	/* in warp prep [BDyess] */
+#define PFWARP		  (1<<27)	/* ship warping */
+#define PFAFTER		  (1<<28)	/* after burners on */
+#define PFWPSUSPENDED     (1<<29)	/* warp prep suspended [BDyess] */
+#define PFSNAKE	          (1<<30)	/* it's a space snake */
+#define PFBIRD	          (1<<31)	/* it's a space bird */
+enum why_dead {
+#define DEFAULT -1
+#define SCOUT 0
+#define DESTROYER 1
+#define CRUISER 2
+#define BATTLESHIP 3
+#define ASSAULT 4
+#define STARBASE 5
+#define ATT 6
+#define GALAXY 6		/* galaxy ships now supported - they look
+				   extremely similar to flagships :) [BDyess] */
+#define JUMPSHIP 7
+#define FLAGSHIP 8
+#define WARBASE 9
+#define LIGHTCRUISER 10
+#define CARRIER 11
+#define UTILITY 12
+#define PATROL 13
+#define PUCK 14
+/*#define NUM_TYPES 14*/
+struct shiplist {
+    struct ship *ship;
+    struct shiplist *prev, *next;
+struct ship {
+    int     s_phaserrange;
+    int     s_maxspeed;
+    int     s_maxfuel;
+    int     s_maxshield;
+    int     s_maxdamage;
+    int     s_maxegntemp;
+    int     s_maxwpntemp;
+    short   s_maxarmies;
+    short   s_type;
+    int     s_torpspeed;
+    char    s_letter;
+    /* char s_name[16]; */
+    char    s_desig[2];
+    short   s_bitmap;
+    unsigned char s_keymap[256];
+    unsigned char s_buttonmap[12];
+struct ship_shape {
+    int     nviews;
+    W_Icon *bmap;
+    W_Icon  shield;
+    int     width, height;
+struct stats {
+    double  st_maxkills;	/* max kills ever */
+    int     st_kills;		/* how many kills */
+    int     st_losses;		/* times killed */
+    int     st_armsbomb;	/* armies bombed */
+    int     st_planets;		/* planets conquered */
+    int     st_ticks;		/* Ticks I've been in game */
+    int     st_tkills;		/* Kills in tournament play */
+    int     st_tlosses;		/* Losses in tournament play */
+    int     st_tarmsbomb;	/* Tournament armies bombed */
+    int     st_tplanets;	/* Tournament planets conquered */
+    int     st_tticks;		/* Tournament ticks */
+    /* SB stats are entirely separate */
+    int     st_sbkills;		/* Kills as starbase */
+    int     st_sblosses;	/* Losses as starbase */
+    int     st_sbticks;		/* Time as starbase */
+    double  st_sbmaxkills;	/* Max kills as starbase */
+    long    st_lastlogin;	/* Last time this player was played */
+    int     st_flags;		/* Misc option flags */
+#if 0
+    unsigned char st_keymap[256];	/* keymap for this player */
+    int     st_rank;		/* Ranking of the player */
+struct stats2 {			/* paradise stats */
+    int     st_genocides;	/* number of genocides participated in */
+    float   st_tmaxkills;	/* max kills ever */
+    float   st_di;		/* total destruction inflicted for all time */
+    int     st_tkills;		/* Kills in tournament play */
+    int     st_tlosses;		/* Losses in tournament play */
+    int     st_tarmsbomb;	/* Tournament armies bombed */
+    int     st_tresbomb;	/* resources bombed off */
+    int     st_tdooshes;	/* armies killed while being carried */
+    int     st_tplanets;	/* Tournament planets conquered */
+    int     st_tticks;		/* Tournament ticks */
+    /* SB/WB/JS stats are entirely separate */
+    int     st_sbkills;		/* Kills as starbase */
+    int     st_sblosses;	/* Losses as starbase */
+    int     st_sbticks;		/* Time as starbase */
+    float   st_sbmaxkills;	/* Max kills as starbase */
+    int     st_wbkills;		/* Kills as warbase */
+    int     st_wblosses;	/* Losses as warbase */
+    int     st_wbticks;		/* Time as warbase */
+    float   st_wbmaxkills;	/* Max kills as warbase */
+    int     st_jsplanets;	/* planets assisted with in JS */
+    int     st_jsticks;		/* ticks played as a JS */
+    long    st_lastlogin;	/* Last time this player was played */
+    int     st_flags;		/* Misc option flags */
+    unsigned char st_keymap[256];	/* keymap for this player */
+    int     st_rank;		/* Ranking of the player */
+    int     st_royal;		/* royaly, specialty, rank */
+#define ST_NOBITMAPS	(1<<0)
+#define ST_KEEPPEACE    (1<<3)
+struct player {
+    int     p_no;
+    int     p_updates;		/* Number of updates ship has survived */
+    int     p_status;		/* Player status */
+    unsigned int p_flags;	/* Player flags */
+    char    p_name[16];
+    char    p_login[16];
+    char    p_monitor[16];	/* Monitor being played on */
+    char    p_mapchars[2];	/* Cache for map window image */
+    struct ship *p_ship;	/* Personal ship statistics */
+    int     p_x;
+    int     p_y;
+    unsigned char p_dir;	/* Real direction */
+    unsigned char p_desdir;	/* desired direction */
+    int     p_subdir;		/* fraction direction change */
+    int     p_speed;		/* Real speed */
+    short   p_desspeed;		/* Desired speed */
+    int     p_subspeed;		/* Fractional speed */
+    short   p_teami;		/* Team I'm on */
+    int     p_damage;		/* Current damage */
+    int     p_subdamage;	/* Fractional damage repair */
+    int     p_shield;		/* Current shield power */
+    int     p_subshield;	/* Fractional shield recharge */
+    short   p_cloakphase;	/* Drawing stage of cloaking
+				   engage/disengage. */
+    short   p_ntorp;		/* Number of torps flying */
+    short   p_ndrone;		/* Number of drones .. why was this missing? */
+    short   p_totmissiles;	/* number of total missiles [Bill Dyess] */
+    short   p_nplasmatorp;	/* Number of plasma torps active */
+    char    p_hostile;		/* Who my torps will hurt */
+    char    p_swar;		/* Who am I at sticky war with */
+    float   p_kills;		/* Enemies killed */
+    short   p_planet;		/* Planet orbiting or locked onto */
+    short   p_playerl;		/* Player locked onto */
+    int     p_armies;		/* XXX: for stats */
+    short   p_armies;
+#endif				/* ARMY_SLIDER */
+    int     p_fuel;
+    short   p_explode;		/* Keeps track of final explosion */
+    int     p_etemp;
+    short   p_etime;
+    int     p_wtemp;
+    short   p_wtime;
+    short   p_whydead;		/* Tells you why you died */
+    short   p_whodead;		/* Tells you who killed you */
+    struct stats p_stats;	/* player statistics */
+    struct stats2 p_stats2;	/* Paradise stats */
+    short   p_genoplanets;	/* planets taken since last genocide */
+    short   p_genoarmsbomb;	/* armies bombed since last genocide */
+    short   p_planets;		/* planets taken this game */
+    short   p_armsbomb;		/* armies bombed this game */
+    int     p_docked;		/* If starbase, # docked to, else pno base
+				   host */
+    int     p_port[4];		/* If starbase, pno of ship docked to that
+				   port, else p_port[0] = port # docked to on
+				   host.   */
+    short   p_tractor;		/* What player is in tractor lock */
+    int     p_pos;		/* My position in the player file */
+struct statentry {
+    char    name[16], password[16];
+    struct stats stats;
+/* Torpedo states */
+#define TFREE 0
+#define TMOVE 1
+#define TEXPLODE 2
+#define TDET 3
+#define TOFF 4
+#define TSTRAIGHT 5		/* Non-wobbling torp */
+struct torp {
+    int     t_no;
+    int     t_status;		/* State information */
+    int     t_owner;
+    int     t_x;
+    int     t_y;
+    unsigned char t_dir;	/* direction */
+    short   t_turns;		/* rate of change of direction if tracking */
+    int     t_damage;		/* damage for direct hit */
+    int     t_speed;		/* Moving speed */
+    int     t_fuse;		/* Life left in current state */
+    char    t_war;		/* enemies */
+    char    t_team;		/* launching team */
+    char    t_whodet;		/* who detonated... */
+    char    frame;		/* frame of animation [BDyess] */
+struct thingy {
+    int     t_no;
+    int     t_shape;		/* State information */
+    int     t_owner;
+    int     t_x;
+    int     t_y;
+    unsigned char t_dir;	/* direction */
+    int     t_speed;		/* Moving speed */
+    int     t_fuse;		/* Life left in current state */
+    char    t_war;		/* enemies */
+/* Plasma Torpedo states */
+#define PTFREE 0
+#define PTMOVE 1
+#define PTEXPLODE 2
+#define PTDET 3
+struct plasmatorp {
+    int     pt_no;
+    int     pt_status;		/* State information */
+    int     pt_owner;
+    int     pt_x;
+    int     pt_y;
+    unsigned char pt_dir;	/* direction */
+    short   pt_turns;		/* ticks turned per cycle */
+    int     pt_damage;		/* damage for direct hit */
+    int     pt_speed;		/* Moving speed */
+    int     pt_fuse;		/* Life left in current state */
+    char    pt_war;		/* enemies */
+    char    pt_team;		/* launching team */
+#define PHFREE 0x00
+#define PHHIT  0x01		/* When it hits a person */
+#define PHMISS 0x02
+#define PHHIT2 0x04		/* When it hits a photon */
+#define PHGHOST 0x80		/* fuse has exceeded longest received so far */
+struct phaser {
+    int     ph_status;		/* What it's up to */
+    unsigned char ph_dir;	/* direction */
+    int     ph_target;		/* Who's being hit (for drawing) */
+    int     ph_x, ph_y;		/* For when it hits a torp */
+    int     ph_fuse;		/* Life left for drawing */
+    int     ph_damage;		/* Damage inflicted on victim */
+/* An important note concerning planets:  The game assumes that
+    the planets are in a 'known' order.  Ten planets per team,
+    the first being the home planet.
+ /* defines for the pl_flags field of planet struct */
+   pl_flags is an int of 32 bits:
+   bits 16 and 23 currently define the type of the planet.  The
+   interpretation of the other bits is dependent upon the planet
+   type.
+   Here is the interpretation for a planet
+   bits 0..3			unknown
+   bits 4..6			planetary facilities (REPAIR,FUEL,AGRI)
+   bit  7			redraw (archaic, recyclable?)
+   bits 8..11			old flags (archaic, recyclable?)
+   bits 12..15			paradise planetary facilities
+   bit  16			cosmic object type (also bit 23)
+   bits 17,18			planet atmosphere type
+   bits 19..21			planetary surface properties
+   bit  22			paradise planet flag (why?)
+   bit  23			cosmic object type (also bit 16)
+   bits 24..31	currently unallocated (8 bits to play with)
+   Asteroids are NYI but here is a draft standard:
+   bits 12,15			facilities
+   bit  20			surface properties
+   other bits	currently unallocated
+   */
+/* facilities, bits 4..6 and 12..15
+   valid for planets and asteroids */
+#define PLREPAIR   ((1<<12) | (1<<4))	/* planet can repair ships */
+#define PLFUEL     ((1<<13) | (1<<5))	/* planet has fuel depot */
+#define PLAGRI     ((1<<14) | (1<<6))	/* agricultural thingies built here */
+#define PLSHIPYARD ((1<<15))	/* planet has a shipyard on it */
+#define PLORESMASK (0x7<<4)	/* mask for original resource flags */
+#define PLRESSHIFT       12	/* bit to shift right by for resources */
+#define PLRESMASK  (0xF<<PLRESSHIFT)	/* to mask off all but resource bits */
+#define PLREDRAW   (1<<7)	/* Player close for redraw */
+#define PLHOME 	   (1<< 8)	/* These 4 flags no longer are */
+#define PLCOUP     (1<< 9)	/* used in the server */
+#define PLCHEAP    (1<<10)
+#define PLCORE     (1<<11)
+/* cosmic object types, bits 16 and 23, and 24 */
+#define PLPLANET	0	/* object is a planet */
+#define PLSTAR     (1<<16)	/* object is a star */
+#define PLAST	   (1<<23)	/* object is an asteroid NYI */
+#define PLNEB	   ((1<<16)|(1<<23))	/* object is a nebula NYI */
+#define PLBHOLE    (1<<24)	/* object is a black hole NYI */
+#define PLPULSAR   ((1<<16)|(1<<24))	/* object is a pulsar NYI */
+#define PLUK1      ((1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* future expansion */
+#define PLWHOLE    ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* object is a wormhole */
+#define PLTYPEMASK ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24))	/* mask to extract object
+						   type */
+#define PL_TYPE(p) ( (p).pl_flags & PLTYPEMASK )
+/* Atmosphere Types, bits 17 and 18.
+   Valid for planets.
+   */
+#define PLATSHIFT	 17	/* number of right bit shifts for atmos bits */
+#define PLPOISON   (0<<PLATSHIFT)	/* poison atmosphere, no army growth */
+#define PLATYPE3   (1<<PLATSHIFT)	/* slightly toxic, very slow army
+					   growth */
+#define PLATYPE2   (2<<PLATSHIFT)	/* thin atmosphere, slow army growth */
+#define PLATYPE1   (3<<PLATSHIFT)	/* normal human atmosphere, normal
+					   growth */
+#define PLATMASK   (0x3<<PLATSHIFT)	/* to mask off everything but atmos
+					   bits */
+/* Surface Properties, bits 19..21
+   Valid for planets and asteroids.
+   */
+#define PLBARREN   0		/* rocky barren surface */
+#define PLSURSHIFT 	 19	/* number of bit shift to surface */
+#define PLDILYTH   (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+0))	/* dilythium deposits on the planet */
+#define PLMETAL    (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+1))	/* metal deposits on the planet */
+#define PLARABLE   (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+2))	/* planet has farmland */
+#define PLSURMASK  (0x7<<PLSURSHIFT)	/* number of surface combinations */
+#define PLPARADISE (1<<22)	/* Paradise server flag set to 1 for P server */
+struct planet {
+    int     pl_no;
+    int     pl_flags;		/* State information */
+    int     pl_owner;
+    int     pl_x;
+    int     pl_y;
+    char    pl_name[16];
+    int     pl_namelen;		/* Cuts back on strlen's */
+    int     pl_armies;
+    int     pl_info;		/* Teams which have info on planets */
+    int     pl_deadtime;	/* Time before planet will support life */
+    int     pl_couptime;	/* Time before coup may take place */
+    int     pl_timestamp;	/* time the info was taken */
+struct t_unit {
+/*  int	    alt1;*/
+/*  int     alt2;*/		/* Terrain types. */
+    char types;
+/* Terrain types */
+#define T_EMPTY_SPACE 0x00
+#define T_ASTEROIDS   0x01
+#define T_NEBULA      0x02
+#define T_RADIATION   0x04
+#define T_EXPANSN1    0x08
+#define T_EXPANSN2    0x10
+#define T_EXPANSN3    0x20
+#define T_EXPANSN4    0x40
+#define T_EXPANSN5    0x80
+struct _clearzone {
+    int     x, y;
+    int     width, height;
+#define MVALID 0x01
+#define MINDIV 0x02
+#define MTEAM  0x04
+#define MALL   0x08
+#define MGOD   0x10
+#define MCAST  0x18		/* not an offial packet type. only */
+                                /* used in smessage to stay orthogonal */
+#define MVALID 0x01
+#define MGOD   0x10
+#define MMOO   0x12
+#ifdef TOOLS
+#define MTOOLS 0x14
+/* order flags by importance (0x100 - 0x400) */
+/* restructuring of message flags to squeeze them all into 1 byte - jmn */
+/* hopefully quasi-back-compatible:
+   MVALID, MINDIV, MTEAM, MALL, MGOD use up 5 bits. this leaves us 3 bits.
+   since the server only checks for those flags when deciding message
+   related things and since each of the above cases only has 1 flag on at
+   a time we can overlap the meanings of the flags */
+#define MINDIV 0x02
+/* these go with MINDIV flag */
+#ifdef STDBG
+#define MDBG   0x20
+#define MCONFIG 0x40		/* config messages from server */
+#define MDIST 0x60		/* flag distress messages - client thing
+				   really but stick it in here for
+				   consistency */
+#define MCAST 0x18		/* not an offial packet type. only */
+                                /* used in smessage.c to stay orthogonal */
+#define MTEAM  0x04
+/* these go with MTEAM flag */
+#define MTAKE  0x20
+#define MDEST  0x40
+#define MBOMB  0x60
+#define MCOUP1 0x80
+#define MCOUP2 0xA0
+#define MDISTR 0xC0
+#define MALL   0x08
+/* these go with MALL flag */
+#define MGENO  0x20		/* MGENO is not used in INL server but
+				   belongs here */
+#define MCONQ  0x20		/* not enought bits to distinguish
+				   MCONQ/MGENO :-( */
+#define MKILLA 0x40
+#define MKILLP 0x60
+#define MKILL  0x80
+#define MLEAVE 0xA0
+#define MJOIN  0xC0
+#define MGHOST 0xE0
+/* MMASK not used in INL server */
+/* to flag multi-line macros */
+#define MMACRO 0x80
+#define MWHOMSK  0x1f		/* mask with this to find who msg to */
+#define MWHATMSK 0xe0		/* mask with this to find what message about */
+/*   old flags...
+#define MVALID 0x01
+#define MINDIV 0x02
+#define MTEAM  0x04
+#define MALL   0x08
+#define MGOD   0x10
+#define MGENO  0x100            order these by importance (0x100 - 0x400)
+#define MCONQ  0x110
+#define MTAKE  0x120
+#define MDEST  0x130
+#define MKILLA 0x200
+#define MBOMB  0x210
+#define MKILLP 0x220
+#define MKILL  0x230
+#define MLEAVE 0x300
+#define MJOIN  0x310
+#define MGHOST 0x320
+#define MCOUP1 0x330
+#define MCOUP2 0x340    end of old flags  */
+struct message {
+    int     m_no;
+    int     m_flags;
+    int     m_time;
+    int     m_recpt;
+    char    m_data[80];
+/* message control structure */
+struct mctl {
+    int     mc_current;
+/* This is a structure used for objects returned by mouse pointing */
+#define PLANETTYPE 0x1
+#define PLAYERTYPE 0x2
+struct obtype {
+    int     o_type;
+    int     o_num;
+struct id {
+    char   *name;
+    int     team;
+    int     number;
+    int     type;
+    char    mapstring[4];
+struct rank {
+    float   hours, ratings, defense;
+    char   *name;
+struct rank2 {			/* Paradise ranks */
+    int     genocides;		/* minimum number of genocides */
+    float   di;			/* minimum destruction inflicted */
+    float   battle;		/* minimum battle ratings */
+    float   strategy;		/* minimum strategy ratings */
+    float   specship;		/* minimum total ratings in a specialty */
+    /* ship  SB + WB + JS */
+    char   *name;		/* name of this rank */
+struct royalty {		/* Paradise royalty ranks */
+    char   *name;		/* name of rank */
+struct plupdate {
+    int     plu_update;
+    int     plu_x, plu_y;
+#ifdef MACROS
+#define MACSINGLE 1
+#define MACRCD 2
+#define MACMULTI 4
+struct macro {
+    char    flags;		/* WAS isSingleMacro; now, uses above flags */
+    INT8    to;			/* if to team, rom, etc put here or -1 */
+    char    specialto;		/* player nearest mouse, etc here */
+    struct macro *next;		/* for multi-line macros, points to a struct
+				   *distress if MACRCD flag set. -JR */
+    char   *string;		/* string to be sent, % escapes intact */
+#endif				/* MACROS */
+struct stringlist {
+    char   *string;
+    char   *value;
+    struct stringlist *next, *prev;
+    int searched;