diff planetlist.c @ 3:5a977ccbc7a9 default tip

Empty changelog
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 05:41:29 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/planetlist.c	Sat Dec 06 05:41:29 1997 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+/* $Id: planetlist.c,v 1997/12/06 05:41:29 darius Exp $ */
+ * planetlist.c
+ */
+#include "copyright.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "Wlib.h"
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "struct.h"
+#include "data.h"
+#include "proto.h"
+/* Prototypes */
+static void planet_list_paradise P((void));
+static void planet_list_normal P((void));
+static void print_planet P((W_Window wind, int line, struct planet * j));
+static char *teamname[5] = {
+    "IND",
+    "FED",
+    "ROM",
+    "KLI",
+    "ORI"
+** Open a window which contains all the planets and their current
+** statistics.  Players will not know about planets that their team
+** has not orbited.
+    /*
+       W_ClearWindow(planetw);
+    */
+    if (!paradise) {		/* if not a paradise server then */
+	planet_list_normal();
+    } else {			/* else must be a paradise server */
+	planet_list_paradise();
+    }
+/*This function provides the planet list for a normal server. */
+static void
+    int     k = 0;		/* for row number */
+    int     i;			/* looping var */
+    struct planet *j;		/* to point to a planet */
+    char    buf[100];		/* to sprintf into */
+    char    buf1[40];
+    W_Window wind;
+    wind = planetw;
+    for (i = 0, j = &planets[i]; i < nplanets; i++, j++) {
+	if (i == 0 || i == nplanets / 2) {
+	    if (i != 0) {
+		wind = planetw2;
+	    }
+	    sprintf(buf, "Planet name           Own Armies      Resources          Info");
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 2, 1, textColor, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
+	    k = 2;
+	}
+	sprintf(buf1, "%-16s ", j->pl_name);
+	if (j->pl_info & idx_to_mask(me->p_teami)) {
+	    sprintf(buf, "%3s %3d       %s%s%s      %s    ",
+		    teamname[mask_to_idx(j->pl_owner) + 1],
+		    j->pl_armies,
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLREPAIR ? "REPR " : "     "),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLFUEL ? "FUEL " : "     "),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLAGRI ? "AGRI " : "     "),
+		    team_bit_string(j->pl_info));
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 2, k, planetColor(j), buf1, strlen(buf1),
+			planetFont(j));
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 24, k++, planetColor(j), buf, strlen(buf),
+			planetFont(j));
+	}
+	/* end of have info */
+	else {			/* else no info on planet */
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 2, k++, planetColor(j), buf1, strlen(buf1),
+			planetFont(j));
+	}
+    }				/* end of for loop */
+/*This function provides the planet list for a paradise server version 2.0 */
+static void
+    typedef struct planet *plptr;
+    int     k = 0;		/* for row number */
+    int     i, team_pnum;	/* looping var */
+    plptr   j;			/* to point to a planet */
+    char    buf[100];		/* to sprintf into */
+    W_Window wind;
+    extern int number_of_teams;
+    plptr **team_p;
+    int    *team_pcount;
+    wind = planetw;
+    /* this malloc stuff will handle any number of teams/races */
+    /* team's planet counters */
+    team_pcount = (int *) malloc((number_of_teams + 1) * sizeof(int));
+    for (i = 0; i < number_of_teams + 1; i++)
+	team_pcount[i] = 0;
+    if (mapSort) {
+	/* make some memory */
+	team_p = (plptr **) malloc((number_of_teams + 1) * sizeof(struct planet *));
+	for (i = 0; i < (number_of_teams + 1); i++)
+	    team_p[i] = (plptr *) malloc(nplanets * sizeof(struct planet *));
+	/* loop thru and put proper team planeter point on each planet */
+	for (i = 0, j = &planets[i]; i < nplanets; i++, j++) {
+	    k = mask_to_idx(j->pl_owner) + 1;	/* which team gets planet */
+	    team_p[k][team_pcount[k]] = j;
+	    team_pcount[k]++;
+	}
+	/* go thru each teams planet list and display */
+	for (i = 0, k = 0; i < (number_of_teams + 1); i++) {
+	    for (team_pnum = 0; team_pnum < team_pcount[i]; team_pnum++, k++) {
+		j = team_p[i][team_pnum];
+		/* (nplanets+13)/2 is the height of window; from newwin.c */
+		if (k == 0 || k >= ((nplanets + 13) / 2)) {
+		    if (k != 0)
+			wind = planetw2;
+		    sprintf(buf, "Planet name      sctr own armies RESOURCES  SURFC  ATMOS    VISIT    TIME");
+		    W_WriteText(wind, 2, 1, textColor, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
+		    k = 2;
+		}
+		print_planet(wind, k, j);
+	    }			/* end of 2nd for */
+	    if (team_pcount[i] > 0)
+		k++;
+	}			/* end of 1st for */
+	for (i = 0; i < (number_of_teams + 1); i++)
+	    free(team_p[i]);
+	free(team_p);
+    } else {			/* do the original alpa only sort planet list */
+	for (i = 0, j = &planets[i]; i < nplanets; i++, j++, k++) {
+	    if (i == 0 || i == nplanets / 2) {
+		sprintf(buf, "Planet name      sctr own armies RESOURCES  SURFC  ATMOS    VISIT    TIME");
+		if (i != 0) {
+		    wind = planetw2;
+		}
+		W_WriteText(wind, 2, 1, textColor, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
+		k = 2;
+	    }
+	    team_pcount[mask_to_idx(j->pl_owner) + 1]++;
+	    print_planet(wind, k, j);
+	}
+    }
+    k++;
+    for (i = 0; i < (number_of_teams + 1); i++) {
+	W_Color cur_color;
+	cur_color = shipCol[i];
+	sprintf(buf, "%s: ", teamname[i]);
+	W_WriteText(wind, i * 7 + 2, k, cur_color, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
+	sprintf(buf, " %.2i", team_pcount[i]);
+	W_WriteText(wind, i * 7 + 2, k + 1, cur_color, buf, strlen(buf), W_RegularFont);
+    }
+    free(team_pcount);
+}				/* end of planet_list_paradise */
+/****************************** print_planet() ************************/
+static void
+print_planet(wind, line, j)
+    W_Window wind;
+    int     line;
+    struct planet *j;
+    char    buf[100];		/* to sprintf into */
+    sprintf(buf, "%-16s %d-%d", j->pl_name, (j->pl_x / GRIDSIZE) + 1,
+	    (j->pl_y / GRIDSIZE) + 1);
+    W_WriteText(wind, 2, line, textColor, buf, strlen(buf),
+		W_RegularFont);
+    if (j->pl_info & idx_to_mask(me->p_teami)) {
+	if (PL_TYPE(*j) == PLSTAR) {	/* if planet actually a star */
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 24, line, textColor, "---S T A R---", 13,
+		       W_RegularFont);
+	} else if (PL_TYPE(*j) == PLWHOLE) { /* if wormhole... */
+	   W_WriteText(wind, 24, line, textColor, "---W O R M H O L E---", 21,
+			W_RegularFont);
+	} else {		/* else planet not a star */
+	    char   *s = NULL;
+	    switch (j->pl_flags & PLATMASK) {
+	    case PLPOISON:
+		s = "TOXC";
+		break;
+	    case PLATYPE3:
+		s = "TNTD";
+		break;
+	    case PLATYPE2:
+		s = "THIN";
+		break;
+	    case PLATYPE1:
+		s = "STND";
+		break;
+	    };
+	    sprintf(buf, "%3s %3d       %c%c%c%c     %c%c%c    %4s",
+		    teamname[mask_to_idx(j->pl_owner) + 1],
+		    j->pl_armies,
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLREPAIR ? 'R' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLFUEL ? 'F' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLAGRI ? 'A' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLSHIPYARD ? 'S' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLDILYTH ? 'D' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLMETAL ? 'M' : ' '),
+		    (j->pl_flags & PLARABLE ? 'A' : ' '),
+		    s);
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 24, line, planetColor(j), buf, strlen(buf),
+			planetFont(j));
+	    sprintf(buf, "%4s   %3ld",
+		    team_bit_string(j->pl_info),
+		    ((idx_to_mask(me->p_teami) == j->pl_owner) ? 0 : (status2->clock - j->pl_timestamp)));
+	    W_WriteText(wind, 64, line, planetColor(j), buf, strlen(buf),
+			planetFont(j));
+	}
+    } else {
+	sprintf(buf, "--- No info; Scout me ---");
+	W_WriteText(wind, 24, line, textColor, buf, strlen(buf),
+		    W_RegularFont);
+    }
+}				/* end of print_planet */