comparison struct.h @ 3:5a977ccbc7a9 default tip

Empty changelog
author darius
date Sat, 06 Dec 1997 05:41:29 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:fba0b6e6cdc7 3:5a977ccbc7a9
1 /* $Id: struct.h,v 1997/12/06 05:41:31 darius Exp $ */
3 /*
4 * struct.h for the client of an xtrek socket protocol.
5 *
6 * Most of the unneeded stuff in the structures has been thrown away.
7 */
9 #ifndef struct_h_
10 #define struct_h_
12 #include "copyright.h"
13 #include "Wlib.h"
14 #include "defs.h"
15 #include "packets.h"
17 #ifdef HOCKEY
18 /* hockey struct [BDyess] */
19 struct hockeyLine {
20 int vertical; /* vertical or horizontal flag */
21 W_Color color;
22 int pos, end1, end2; /* x or y constant and two endpoints */
23 };
24 #endif /*HOCKEY*/
26 /* ratings struct [BDyess] */
27 struct ratings {
28 float r_offrat; /* offense rating */
29 float r_planetrat; /* planets rating */
30 float r_bombrat; /* bombing rating */
31 float r_defrat; /* defense rating */
32 float r_resrat; /* resource rating */
33 float r_dooshrat; /* doosh rating */
34 float r_stratrat; /* strategy rating */
35 float r_batrat; /* battle rating */
36 float r_sbrat; /* sb rating */
37 float r_wbrat; /* wb rating */
38 float r_jsrat; /* js rating */
39 int r_jsplanets; /* js planets */
40 int r_resources; /* total resources bombed */
41 int r_armies; /* total armies bombed */
42 int r_planets; /* total planets taken */
43 int r_dooshes; /* total armies dooshed */
44 float r_specrat; /* special ship rating */
45 float r_di; /* damage inflicted */
46 float r_ratio; /* ratio, kills/losses */
47 int r_kills; /* kills */
48 int r_losses; /* losses */
49 float r_ratings; /* total ratings */
50 float r_killsPerHour; /* kills/hour */
51 float r_lossesPerHour; /* losses/hour */
52 float r_maxkills; /* max kills */
53 int r_genocides; /* number of genocides */
54 };
56 /* messageWindow structure [BDyess] */
57 struct messageWin {
58 W_Window window;
59 int flags;
60 struct messageNode *head, *curHead;
61 };
63 /* stuff yanked from COW-lite for rc_distress [BDyess] */
64 struct distress {
65 unsigned char sender;
66 unsigned char dam, shld, arms, wtmp, etmp, fuelp, sts;
67 unsigned char wtmpflag, etempflag, cloakflag, distype, macroflag;
68 unsigned char close_pl, close_en, tclose_pl, tclose_en, pre_app, i;
69 unsigned char close_j, close_fr, tclose_j, tclose_fr;
70 unsigned char cclist[6]; /* allow us some day to cc a message up to 5
71 people */
72 /* sending this to the server allows the server to do the cc action */
73 /* otherwise it would have to be the client ... less BW this way */
74 char preappend[80]; /* text which we pre or append */
75 };
77 enum dist_type {
78 /* help me do series */
79 take = 1, ogg, bomb, space_control,
80 save_planet,
81 base_ogg,
82 help3, help4,
84 /* doing series */
85 escorting, ogging, bombing, controlling,
86 asw,
87 asbomb,
88 doing3, doing4,
90 /* other info series */
91 free_beer, /* ie. player x is totally hosed now */
92 no_gas, /* ie. player x has no gas */
93 crippled, /* ie. player x is way hurt but may have gas */
94 pickup, /* player x picked up armies */
95 pop, /* there was a pop somewhere */
96 carrying, /* I am carrying */
97 other1, other2,
99 /* just a generic distress call */
100 generic
101 };
103 /* The General distress has format:
105 byte1: 00yzzzzz
106 where zzzzz is dist_type, and y is 1 if this is a more complicated macro
107 and not just a simple distress (a simple distress will ONLY send ship
108 info like shields, armies, status, location, etc.). I guess y=1 can be for !
109 future expansion.
111 byte2: 1fff ffff - f = percentage fuel remaining (0-100)
112 byte3: 1ddd dddd - % damage
113 byte4: 1sss ssss - % shields remaining
114 byte5: 1eee eeee - % etemp
115 byte6: 1www wwww - % wtemp
116 byte7: 100a aaaa - armies carried
117 byte8: (lsb of me->p_status) & 0x80
118 byte9: 1ppp pppp - planet closest to me
119 byte10: 1eee eeee - enemy closest to me
120 byte11: 1ppp pppp - planet closest to target
121 byte12: 1eee eeee - enemy closest to target
122 byte13: 1ttt tttt - tclose_j
123 byte14: 1jjj jjjj - close_j
124 byte15: 1fff ffff - tclose_fr
125 byte16: 1ccc cccc - close_fr
126 byte17+: cc list (each player to cc this message to is 11pp ppp)
127 cc list is terminated by 0x80 (pre-pend) or 0100 0000 (append) )
128 byte18++: the text to pre or append .. depending on termination above.
129 text is null terminated and the last thing in this distress
130 */
132 struct macro_list {
133 int type;
134 char key;
135 char who;
136 char *string;
137 };
139 struct dmacro_list {
140 unsigned char c;
141 char *name;
142 char *macro;
143 };
144 /* end rc_distress stuff [BDyess] */
146 struct status {
147 unsigned char tourn; /* Tournament mode? */
148 /* These stats only updated during tournament mode */
149 unsigned int armsbomb, planets, kills, losses, time;
150 /* Use long for this, so it never wraps */
151 unsigned long timeprod;
152 };
154 struct status2 { /* paradise status struct */
155 int active; /* for interfacing with people who */
156 unsigned int wait, count; /* want to get into the game */
157 unsigned int number, request, answer;
158 unsigned char tourn; /* Tournament mode? */
159 unsigned long dooshes; /* total number of armies dooshed */
160 unsigned long armsbomb; /* all t-mode armies bombed */
161 unsigned long resbomb; /* resources bombed */
162 unsigned long planets; /* all t-mode planets taken */
163 unsigned long kills; /* all t-mode kills made */
164 unsigned long losses; /* all t-mode losses */
165 unsigned long genocides; /* number of genocides */
166 unsigned long sbkills; /* total kills in SB's */
167 unsigned long sblosses; /* total losses in Sb's */
168 unsigned long sbtime; /* total time in SB's */
169 unsigned long wbkills; /* kills in warbases */
170 unsigned long wblosses; /* losses in warbases */
171 unsigned long wbtime; /* total time played in wb's */
172 unsigned long jsplanets; /* total planets taken by jump ships */
173 unsigned long jstime; /* total time in a jump ship */
174 unsigned long time; /* t-mode time */
175 unsigned long timeprod; /* t-mode ship ticks--sort of like */
176 /* manhours in t-mode */
177 int gameup; /* is game up */
178 unsigned long clock; /* clock for planet info timestamp */
179 };
182 #ifdef METASERVER
183 /* metaserver window struct */
184 struct servers {
185 char address[LINE];
186 int port;
187 int time;
188 int players;
189 int status;
190 int RSA_client;
191 char typeflag;
192 char hilited;
193 };
194 #endif /* METASERVER */
196 /* MOTD structures */
197 struct piclist {
198 int page;
199 W_Icon thepic;
200 int x, y;
201 int width, height;
202 struct piclist *next;
203 };
204 struct page {
205 struct list *text;
206 struct page *next;
207 struct page *prev;
208 int first;
209 int page;
210 };
212 #define PFREE 0
213 #define POUTFIT 1
214 #define PALIVE 2
215 #define PEXPLODE 3
216 #define PDEAD 4
217 #define PTQUEUE 5
218 #define POBSERVE 6
220 #define PFSHIELD (1<< 0) /* shields are raised */
221 #define PFREPAIR (1<< 1) /* player in repair mode */
222 #define PFBOMB (1<< 2) /* player is bombing */
223 #define PFORBIT (1<< 3) /* player is orbiting */
224 #define PFCLOAK (1<< 4) /* player is cloaked */
225 #define PFWEP (1<< 5) /* player is weapon temped */
226 #define PFENG (1<< 6) /* player is engine temped */
227 #define PFROBOT (1<< 7) /* player is a robot */
228 #define PFBEAMUP (1<< 8) /* player is beaming up */
229 #define PFBEAMDOWN (1<< 9) /* player is beaming down */
230 #define PFSELFDEST (1<<10) /* player is self destructing */
231 #define PFGREEN (1<<11) /* player at green alert */
232 #define PFYELLOW (1<<12) /* player is at yellow alert */
233 #define PFRED (1<<13) /* player is at red alert */
234 #define PFPLOCK (1<<14) /* Locked on a player */
235 #define PFPLLOCK (1<<15) /* Locked on a planet */
236 #define PFCOPILOT (1<<16) /* Allow copilots */
237 #define PFWAR (1<<17) /* computer reprogramming for war */
238 #define PFPRACTR (1<<18) /* practice type robot (no kills) */
239 #define PFDOCK (1<<19) /* true if docked to a starbase */
240 #define PFREFIT (1<<20) /* true if about to refit */
241 #define PFREFITTING (1<<21) /* true if currently refitting */
242 #define PFTRACT (1<<22) /* tractor beam activated */
243 #define PFPRESS (1<<23) /* pressor beam activated */
244 #define PFDOCKOK (1<<24) /* docking permission */
245 #define PFSEEN (1<<25) /* seen by enemy on galactic map? */
246 #define PFWARPPREP (1<<26) /* in warp prep [BDyess] */
247 #define PFWARP (1<<27) /* ship warping */
248 #define PFAFTER (1<<28) /* after burners on */
249 #define PFWPSUSPENDED (1<<29) /* warp prep suspended [BDyess] */
250 #define PFSNAKE (1<<30) /* it's a space snake */
251 #define PFBIRD (1<<31) /* it's a space bird */
253 enum why_dead {
258 };
260 #define DEFAULT -1
261 #define SCOUT 0
262 #define DESTROYER 1
263 #define CRUISER 2
264 #define BATTLESHIP 3
265 #define ASSAULT 4
266 #define STARBASE 5
267 #define ATT 6
268 #define GALAXY 6 /* galaxy ships now supported - they look
269 extremely similar to flagships :) [BDyess] */
270 #define JUMPSHIP 7
271 #define FLAGSHIP 8
272 #define WARBASE 9
273 #define LIGHTCRUISER 10
274 #define CARRIER 11
275 #define UTILITY 12
276 #define PATROL 13
277 #define PUCK 14
278 /*#define NUM_TYPES 14*/
280 struct shiplist {
281 struct ship *ship;
282 struct shiplist *prev, *next;
283 };
285 struct ship {
286 int s_phaserrange;
287 int s_maxspeed;
288 int s_maxfuel;
289 int s_maxshield;
290 int s_maxdamage;
291 int s_maxegntemp;
292 int s_maxwpntemp;
293 short s_maxarmies;
294 short s_type;
295 int s_torpspeed;
296 char s_letter;
297 /* char s_name[16]; */
298 char s_desig[2];
299 short s_bitmap;
300 unsigned char s_keymap[256];
301 unsigned char s_buttonmap[12];
302 };
304 struct ship_shape {
305 int nviews;
306 W_Icon *bmap;
307 W_Icon shield;
308 int width, height;
309 };
311 struct stats {
312 double st_maxkills; /* max kills ever */
313 int st_kills; /* how many kills */
314 int st_losses; /* times killed */
315 int st_armsbomb; /* armies bombed */
316 int st_planets; /* planets conquered */
317 int st_ticks; /* Ticks I've been in game */
318 int st_tkills; /* Kills in tournament play */
319 int st_tlosses; /* Losses in tournament play */
320 int st_tarmsbomb; /* Tournament armies bombed */
321 int st_tplanets; /* Tournament planets conquered */
322 int st_tticks; /* Tournament ticks */
323 /* SB stats are entirely separate */
324 int st_sbkills; /* Kills as starbase */
325 int st_sblosses; /* Losses as starbase */
326 int st_sbticks; /* Time as starbase */
327 double st_sbmaxkills; /* Max kills as starbase */
328 long st_lastlogin; /* Last time this player was played */
329 int st_flags; /* Misc option flags */
330 #if 0
331 unsigned char st_keymap[256]; /* keymap for this player */
332 #endif
333 int st_rank; /* Ranking of the player */
334 };
337 struct stats2 { /* paradise stats */
338 int st_genocides; /* number of genocides participated in */
339 float st_tmaxkills; /* max kills ever */
340 float st_di; /* total destruction inflicted for all time */
341 int st_tkills; /* Kills in tournament play */
342 int st_tlosses; /* Losses in tournament play */
343 int st_tarmsbomb; /* Tournament armies bombed */
344 int st_tresbomb; /* resources bombed off */
345 int st_tdooshes; /* armies killed while being carried */
346 int st_tplanets; /* Tournament planets conquered */
347 int st_tticks; /* Tournament ticks */
348 /* SB/WB/JS stats are entirely separate */
349 int st_sbkills; /* Kills as starbase */
350 int st_sblosses; /* Losses as starbase */
351 int st_sbticks; /* Time as starbase */
352 float st_sbmaxkills; /* Max kills as starbase */
353 int st_wbkills; /* Kills as warbase */
354 int st_wblosses; /* Losses as warbase */
355 int st_wbticks; /* Time as warbase */
356 float st_wbmaxkills; /* Max kills as warbase */
357 int st_jsplanets; /* planets assisted with in JS */
358 int st_jsticks; /* ticks played as a JS */
359 long st_lastlogin; /* Last time this player was played */
360 int st_flags; /* Misc option flags */
361 unsigned char st_keymap[256]; /* keymap for this player */
362 int st_rank; /* Ranking of the player */
363 int st_royal; /* royaly, specialty, rank */
364 };
366 #define ST_NOBITMAPS (1<<0)
367 #define ST_KEEPPEACE (1<<3)
369 struct player {
370 int p_no;
371 int p_updates; /* Number of updates ship has survived */
372 int p_status; /* Player status */
373 unsigned int p_flags; /* Player flags */
374 char p_name[16];
375 char p_login[16];
376 char p_monitor[16]; /* Monitor being played on */
377 char p_mapchars[2]; /* Cache for map window image */
378 struct ship *p_ship; /* Personal ship statistics */
379 int p_x;
380 int p_y;
381 unsigned char p_dir; /* Real direction */
382 unsigned char p_desdir; /* desired direction */
383 int p_subdir; /* fraction direction change */
384 int p_speed; /* Real speed */
385 short p_desspeed; /* Desired speed */
386 int p_subspeed; /* Fractional speed */
387 short p_teami; /* Team I'm on */
388 int p_damage; /* Current damage */
389 int p_subdamage; /* Fractional damage repair */
390 int p_shield; /* Current shield power */
391 int p_subshield; /* Fractional shield recharge */
392 short p_cloakphase; /* Drawing stage of cloaking
393 engage/disengage. */
394 short p_ntorp; /* Number of torps flying */
395 short p_ndrone; /* Number of drones .. why was this missing? */
396 short p_totmissiles; /* number of total missiles [Bill Dyess] */
397 short p_nplasmatorp; /* Number of plasma torps active */
398 char p_hostile; /* Who my torps will hurt */
399 char p_swar; /* Who am I at sticky war with */
400 float p_kills; /* Enemies killed */
401 short p_planet; /* Planet orbiting or locked onto */
402 short p_playerl; /* Player locked onto */
403 #ifdef ARMY_SLIDER
404 int p_armies; /* XXX: for stats */
405 #else
406 short p_armies;
407 #endif /* ARMY_SLIDER */
408 int p_fuel;
409 short p_explode; /* Keeps track of final explosion */
410 int p_etemp;
411 short p_etime;
412 int p_wtemp;
413 short p_wtime;
414 short p_whydead; /* Tells you why you died */
415 short p_whodead; /* Tells you who killed you */
416 struct stats p_stats; /* player statistics */
417 struct stats2 p_stats2; /* Paradise stats */
418 short p_genoplanets; /* planets taken since last genocide */
419 short p_genoarmsbomb; /* armies bombed since last genocide */
420 short p_planets; /* planets taken this game */
421 short p_armsbomb; /* armies bombed this game */
422 int p_docked; /* If starbase, # docked to, else pno base
423 host */
424 int p_port[4]; /* If starbase, pno of ship docked to that
425 port, else p_port[0] = port # docked to on
426 host. */
427 short p_tractor; /* What player is in tractor lock */
428 int p_pos; /* My position in the player file */
429 };
431 struct statentry {
432 char name[16], password[16];
433 struct stats stats;
434 };
436 /* Torpedo states */
438 #define TFREE 0
439 #define TMOVE 1
440 #define TEXPLODE 2
441 #define TDET 3
442 #define TOFF 4
443 #define TSTRAIGHT 5 /* Non-wobbling torp */
445 struct torp {
446 int t_no;
447 int t_status; /* State information */
448 int t_owner;
449 int t_x;
450 int t_y;
451 unsigned char t_dir; /* direction */
452 short t_turns; /* rate of change of direction if tracking */
453 int t_damage; /* damage for direct hit */
454 int t_speed; /* Moving speed */
455 int t_fuse; /* Life left in current state */
456 char t_war; /* enemies */
457 char t_team; /* launching team */
458 char t_whodet; /* who detonated... */
459 char frame; /* frame of animation [BDyess] */
460 };
462 struct thingy {
463 int t_no;
464 int t_shape; /* State information */
465 int t_owner;
466 int t_x;
467 int t_y;
468 unsigned char t_dir; /* direction */
469 int t_speed; /* Moving speed */
470 int t_fuse; /* Life left in current state */
471 char t_war; /* enemies */
472 };
474 /* Plasma Torpedo states */
476 #define PTFREE 0
477 #define PTMOVE 1
478 #define PTEXPLODE 2
479 #define PTDET 3
481 struct plasmatorp {
482 int pt_no;
483 int pt_status; /* State information */
484 int pt_owner;
485 int pt_x;
486 int pt_y;
487 unsigned char pt_dir; /* direction */
488 short pt_turns; /* ticks turned per cycle */
489 int pt_damage; /* damage for direct hit */
490 int pt_speed; /* Moving speed */
491 int pt_fuse; /* Life left in current state */
492 char pt_war; /* enemies */
493 char pt_team; /* launching team */
494 };
496 #define PHFREE 0x00
497 #define PHHIT 0x01 /* When it hits a person */
498 #define PHMISS 0x02
499 #define PHHIT2 0x04 /* When it hits a photon */
500 #ifdef CHECK_DROPPED
501 #define PHGHOST 0x80 /* fuse has exceeded longest received so far */
502 #endif
503 struct phaser {
504 int ph_status; /* What it's up to */
505 unsigned char ph_dir; /* direction */
506 int ph_target; /* Who's being hit (for drawing) */
507 int ph_x, ph_y; /* For when it hits a torp */
508 int ph_fuse; /* Life left for drawing */
509 int ph_damage; /* Damage inflicted on victim */
510 };
512 /* An important note concerning planets: The game assumes that
513 the planets are in a 'known' order. Ten planets per team,
514 the first being the home planet.
515 */
517 /* defines for the pl_flags field of planet struct */
519 /*
520 pl_flags is an int of 32 bits:
522 bits 16 and 23 currently define the type of the planet. The
523 interpretation of the other bits is dependent upon the planet
524 type.
526 Here is the interpretation for a planet
527 bits 0..3 unknown
528 bits 4..6 planetary facilities (REPAIR,FUEL,AGRI)
529 bit 7 redraw (archaic, recyclable?)
530 bits 8..11 old flags (archaic, recyclable?)
531 bits 12..15 paradise planetary facilities
533 bit 16 cosmic object type (also bit 23)
534 bits 17,18 planet atmosphere type
535 bits 19..21 planetary surface properties
537 bit 22 paradise planet flag (why?)
538 bit 23 cosmic object type (also bit 16)
539 bits 24..31 currently unallocated (8 bits to play with)
541 Asteroids are NYI but here is a draft standard:
542 bits 12,15 facilities
544 bit 20 surface properties
546 other bits currently unallocated
548 */
550 /* facilities, bits 4..6 and 12..15
551 valid for planets and asteroids */
552 #define PLREPAIR ((1<<12) | (1<<4)) /* planet can repair ships */
553 #define PLFUEL ((1<<13) | (1<<5)) /* planet has fuel depot */
554 #define PLAGRI ((1<<14) | (1<<6)) /* agricultural thingies built here */
555 #define PLSHIPYARD ((1<<15)) /* planet has a shipyard on it */
556 #define PLORESMASK (0x7<<4) /* mask for original resource flags */
557 #define PLRESSHIFT 12 /* bit to shift right by for resources */
558 #define PLRESMASK (0xF<<PLRESSHIFT) /* to mask off all but resource bits */
560 #define PLREDRAW (1<<7) /* Player close for redraw */
562 #define PLHOME (1<< 8) /* These 4 flags no longer are */
563 #define PLCOUP (1<< 9) /* used in the server */
564 #define PLCHEAP (1<<10)
565 #define PLCORE (1<<11)
567 /* cosmic object types, bits 16 and 23, and 24 */
568 #define PLPLANET 0 /* object is a planet */
569 #define PLSTAR (1<<16) /* object is a star */
570 #define PLAST (1<<23) /* object is an asteroid NYI */
571 #define PLNEB ((1<<16)|(1<<23)) /* object is a nebula NYI */
572 #define PLBHOLE (1<<24) /* object is a black hole NYI */
573 #define PLPULSAR ((1<<16)|(1<<24)) /* object is a pulsar NYI */
574 #define PLUK1 ((1<<23)|(1<<24)) /* future expansion */
575 #define PLWHOLE ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24)) /* object is a wormhole */
576 #define PLTYPEMASK ((1<<16)|(1<<23)|(1<<24)) /* mask to extract object
577 type */
578 #define PL_TYPE(p) ( (p).pl_flags & PLTYPEMASK )
580 /* Atmosphere Types, bits 17 and 18.
581 Valid for planets.
582 */
583 #define PLATSHIFT 17 /* number of right bit shifts for atmos bits */
584 #define PLPOISON (0<<PLATSHIFT) /* poison atmosphere, no army growth */
585 #define PLATYPE3 (1<<PLATSHIFT) /* slightly toxic, very slow army
586 growth */
587 #define PLATYPE2 (2<<PLATSHIFT) /* thin atmosphere, slow army growth */
588 #define PLATYPE1 (3<<PLATSHIFT) /* normal human atmosphere, normal
589 growth */
590 #define PLATMASK (0x3<<PLATSHIFT) /* to mask off everything but atmos
591 bits */
593 /* Surface Properties, bits 19..21
594 Valid for planets and asteroids.
595 */
596 #define PLBARREN 0 /* rocky barren surface */
597 #define PLSURSHIFT 19 /* number of bit shift to surface */
598 #define PLDILYTH (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+0)) /* dilythium deposits on the planet */
599 #define PLMETAL (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+1)) /* metal deposits on the planet */
600 #define PLARABLE (1<<(PLSURSHIFT+2)) /* planet has farmland */
601 #define PLSURMASK (0x7<<PLSURSHIFT) /* number of surface combinations */
604 #define PLPARADISE (1<<22) /* Paradise server flag set to 1 for P server */
607 struct planet {
608 int pl_no;
609 int pl_flags; /* State information */
610 int pl_owner;
611 int pl_x;
612 int pl_y;
613 char pl_name[16];
614 int pl_namelen; /* Cuts back on strlen's */
615 int pl_armies;
616 int pl_info; /* Teams which have info on planets */
617 int pl_deadtime; /* Time before planet will support life */
618 int pl_couptime; /* Time before coup may take place */
619 int pl_timestamp; /* time the info was taken */
620 };
622 struct t_unit {
623 /* int alt1;*/
624 /* int alt2;*/ /* Terrain types. */
625 char types;
626 };
628 /* Terrain types */
629 #define T_EMPTY_SPACE 0x00
630 #define T_ASTEROIDS 0x01
631 #define T_NEBULA 0x02
632 #define T_RADIATION 0x04
633 #define T_EXPANSN1 0x08
634 #define T_EXPANSN2 0x10
635 #define T_EXPANSN3 0x20
636 #define T_EXPANSN4 0x40
637 #define T_EXPANSN5 0x80
639 struct _clearzone {
640 int x, y;
641 int width, height;
642 };
644 #ifndef SHORT_PACKETS
645 #define MVALID 0x01
646 #define MINDIV 0x02
647 #define MTEAM 0x04
648 #define MALL 0x08
649 #define MGOD 0x10
650 #define MCAST 0x18 /* not an offial packet type. only */
651 /* used in smessage to stay orthogonal */
652 #else
653 #define MVALID 0x01
654 #define MGOD 0x10
655 #define MMOO 0x12
657 #ifdef TOOLS
658 #define MTOOLS 0x14
659 #endif
661 /* order flags by importance (0x100 - 0x400) */
662 /* restructuring of message flags to squeeze them all into 1 byte - jmn */
663 /* hopefully quasi-back-compatible:
664 MVALID, MINDIV, MTEAM, MALL, MGOD use up 5 bits. this leaves us 3 bits.
665 since the server only checks for those flags when deciding message
666 related things and since each of the above cases only has 1 flag on at
667 a time we can overlap the meanings of the flags */
669 #define MINDIV 0x02
670 /* these go with MINDIV flag */
671 #ifdef STDBG
672 #define MDBG 0x20
673 #endif
674 #define MCONFIG 0x40 /* config messages from server */
675 #define MDIST 0x60 /* flag distress messages - client thing
676 really but stick it in here for
677 consistency */
678 #define MCAST 0x18 /* not an offial packet type. only */
679 /* used in smessage.c to stay orthogonal */
681 #define MTEAM 0x04
682 /* these go with MTEAM flag */
683 #define MTAKE 0x20
684 #define MDEST 0x40
685 #define MBOMB 0x60
686 #define MCOUP1 0x80
687 #define MCOUP2 0xA0
688 #define MDISTR 0xC0
690 #define MALL 0x08
691 /* these go with MALL flag */
692 #define MGENO 0x20 /* MGENO is not used in INL server but
693 belongs here */
694 #define MCONQ 0x20 /* not enought bits to distinguish
695 MCONQ/MGENO :-( */
696 #define MKILLA 0x40
697 #define MKILLP 0x60
698 #define MKILL 0x80
699 #define MLEAVE 0xA0
700 #define MJOIN 0xC0
701 #define MGHOST 0xE0
702 /* MMASK not used in INL server */
704 /* to flag multi-line macros */
705 #define MMACRO 0x80
707 #define MWHOMSK 0x1f /* mask with this to find who msg to */
708 #define MWHATMSK 0xe0 /* mask with this to find what message about */
710 /* old flags...
711 #define MVALID 0x01
712 #define MINDIV 0x02
713 #define MTEAM 0x04
714 #define MALL 0x08
715 #define MGOD 0x10
717 #define MGENO 0x100 order these by importance (0x100 - 0x400)
718 #define MCONQ 0x110
719 #define MTAKE 0x120
720 #define MDEST 0x130
721 #define MKILLA 0x200
722 #define MBOMB 0x210
723 #define MKILLP 0x220
724 #define MKILL 0x230
725 #define MLEAVE 0x300
726 #define MJOIN 0x310
727 #define MGHOST 0x320
728 #define MCOUP1 0x330
729 #define MCOUP2 0x340 end of old flags */
730 #endif
732 struct message {
733 int m_no;
734 int m_flags;
735 int m_time;
736 int m_recpt;
737 char m_data[80];
738 };
740 /* message control structure */
742 struct mctl {
743 int mc_current;
744 };
746 /* This is a structure used for objects returned by mouse pointing */
748 #define PLANETTYPE 0x1
749 #define PLAYERTYPE 0x2
751 struct obtype {
752 int o_type;
753 int o_num;
754 };
756 struct id {
757 char *name;
758 int team;
759 int number;
760 int type;
761 char mapstring[4];
762 };
764 struct rank {
765 float hours, ratings, defense;
766 char *name;
767 };
769 struct rank2 { /* Paradise ranks */
770 int genocides; /* minimum number of genocides */
771 float di; /* minimum destruction inflicted */
772 float battle; /* minimum battle ratings */
773 float strategy; /* minimum strategy ratings */
774 float specship; /* minimum total ratings in a specialty */
775 /* ship SB + WB + JS */
776 char *name; /* name of this rank */
777 };
780 struct royalty { /* Paradise royalty ranks */
781 char *name; /* name of rank */
782 };
784 struct plupdate {
786 int plu_update;
787 int plu_x, plu_y;
788 };
790 #ifdef MACROS
791 #define MACSINGLE 1
792 #define MACRCD 2
793 #define MACMULTI 4
794 struct macro {
795 char flags; /* WAS isSingleMacro; now, uses above flags */
796 INT8 to; /* if to team, rom, etc put here or -1 */
797 char specialto; /* player nearest mouse, etc here */
798 struct macro *next; /* for multi-line macros, points to a struct
799 *distress if MACRCD flag set. -JR */
800 char *string; /* string to be sent, % escapes intact */
801 };
802 #endif /* MACROS */
804 struct stringlist {
805 char *string;
806 char *value;
807 struct stringlist *next, *prev;
808 int searched;
809 };
810 #endif