Mercurial > ~darius > hgwebdir.cgi > mservtk
view mservtk.tcl @ 1:c36994199c5e MSERVTK_0_1
Initial revision
author | darius |
date | Wed, 03 May 2000 12:20:47 +0000 |
parents | |
children | 4343bc7f829a |
line wrap: on
line source
#!/usr/bin/env wish8.0 # # This software is copyright Daniel O'Connor ( 2000 # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name Daniel O'Connor nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DANIEL O'CONNOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # proc main {} { global argv0 argv state albums songs; set state(exit) 0; set state(host) "lot"; set state(port) "4444"; set state(user) "Darius"; set state(pass) "Fnordish"; set state(sortmode) "Title"; set state(tmpphrase) ""; gui_build; con_mserv; con_getalbums albums; con_getsongs songs albums; gui_updatesongs; gui_updatequeue; update_timer; while {1} { vwait state(exit); if {$state(exit) == 1} { exit; } } } proc quit_now {} { global state; set state(exit) 1; } proc gui_build {} { # create the toplevel eval destroy [winfo child .]; wm title . "MServ-Tk"; wm minsize . 600 500; wm geometry . 600x500; # Let's have a menubar frame .menubar -relief raised -bd 2; pack .menubar -side top -fill x; # Add the File menu menubutton .menubar.file -text "File" -menu .menubar.file.m -underline 0; menu .menubar.file.m -tearoff 0; .menubar.file.m add command -label " Quit" -command "quit_now" \ -underline 2 -accelerator "Alt-q"; pack .menubar.file -side left; # Add the Rate menu menubutton .menubar.rate -text "Rate" -menu .menubar.rate.m -underline 0; menu .menubar.rate.m -tearoff 0; .menubar.rate.m add command -label " Superb" -command "rate_song SUPERB"; .menubar.rate.m add command -label " Good" -command "rate_song GOOD"; .menubar.rate.m add command -label " Neutral" -command "rate_song NEUTRAL"; .menubar.rate.m add command -label " Bad" -command "rate_song BAD"; .menubar.rate.m add command -label " Awful" -command "rate_song AWFUL"; pack .menubar.rate -side left; # Add the Control menu menubutton .menubar.control -text "Control" -menu .menubar.control.m -underline 0; menu .menubar.control.m -tearoff 0; .menubar.control.m add command -label " Next" -command "control_player NEXT"; .menubar.control.m add command -label " Pause" -command "control_player PAUSE"; .menubar.control.m add command -label " Stop" -command "control_player STOP" .menubar.control.m add command -label " Play" -command "control_player PLAY"; pack .menubar.control -side left; # Add the Volume menu menubutton .menubar.vol -text "Volume" -menu .menubar.vol.m -underline 0; menu .menubar.vol.m -tearoff 0; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " Increase" -command "set_vol +3" \ -accelerator "+"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " Decrease" -command "set_vol -3" \ -accelerator "-"; .menubar.vol.m add separator; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 100%" -command "set_vol 100"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 90%" -command "set_vol 90"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 80%" -command "set_vol 80"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 70%" -command "set_vol 70"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 60%" -command "set_vol 60"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 50%" -command "set_vol 50"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 40%" -command "set_vol 40"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 30%" -command "set_vol 30"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 20%" -command "set_vol 20"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 10%" -command "set_vol 10"; .menubar.vol.m add command -label " 0%" -command "set_vol 0"; pack .menubar.vol -side left; # Add the Sort menu menubutton .menubar.sort -text "Sort" -menu .menubar.sort.m -underline 0; menu .menubar.sort.m -tearoff 0; .menubar.sort.m add command -label " Artist" \ -command "global state; set state(sortmode) Artist; gui_updatesongs"; .menubar.sort.m add command -label " Title" \ -command "global state; set state(sortmode) Title; gui_updatesongs"; .menubar.sort.m add command -label " Album" \ -command "global state; set state(sortmode) Album; gui_updatesongs"; pack .menubar.sort -side left; # Add the Help menu menubutton -text "Help" -menu -underline 0; menu -tearoff 0; add command -label " About" -command "about_box" \ -underline 2; pack -side right; # Top frame holding tracklist and trackinfo frames frame .top -relief raised -bd 1; pack .top -fill both -expand 1; # Tracklist frame .top.tlist -relief raised -bd 1; pack .top.tlist -side left -fill both -expand 1; label .top.tlist.label -text "Track List"; pack .top.tlist.label -side top -expand 0; listbox .top.tlist.list -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".top.tlist.scr set"; pack .top.tlist.list -side left -fill both -expand 1; scrollbar .top.tlist.scr -command ".top.tlist.list yview"; pack .top.tlist.scr -side right -fill y; bind .top.tlist.list <Double-Button-1> { queue_song [.top.tlist.list curselection]; } # Trackinfo frame .top.tinfo -relief raised -bd 1; pack .top.tinfo -side right -fill both -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.label -text "Track Info"; pack .top.tinfo.label -side top -expand 0; frame .top.tinfo.sub -relief raised -bd 1; pack .top.tinfo.sub -side right -fill both -expand 0; label -text "Author:"; pack -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.title -text "Title:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.title -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.length -text "Length:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.length -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.time -text "Time:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.time -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.album -text "Album:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.album -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.trackno -text "Misc:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.trackno -side top -expand 0; label .top.tinfo.sub.vol -text "Volume:"; pack .top.tinfo.sub.vol -side top -expand 0; # Queue (and the frame holding it) frame .bot -relief raised -bd 1; pack .bot -fill both -expand 1; label .bot.qlabel -text "Queue"; pack .bot.qlabel -side top -expand 0; frame .bot.queue; pack .bot.queue -fill both -expand 1; listbox .bot.queue.list -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".bot.queue.scr set"; pack .bot.queue.list -side left -fill both -expand 1; scrollbar .bot.queue.scr -command ".bot.queue.list yview"; pack .bot.queue.scr -side right -fill y; bind .bot.queue.list <Double-Button-1> { gui_delqueue [.bot.queue.list curselection]; } bind . <Destroy> {quit_now}; bind all <Alt-q> {quit_now}; bind all <KP_Add> {set_vol +3}; bind all <KP_Subtract> {set_vol -3}; bind all <plus> {set_vol +3}; bind all <equal> {set_vol +3}; bind all <minus> {set_vol -3}; bind all <F1> {set_vol 10}; bind all <F2> {set_vol 20}; bind all <F3> {set_vol 30}; bind all <F4> {set_vol 40}; bind all <F5> {set_vol 50}; bind all <F6> {set_vol 60}; bind all <F7> {set_vol 70}; bind all <F8> {set_vol 80}; bind all <F9> {set_vol 90}; bind all <F10> {set_vol 100}; bind all <Pause> {control_player PAUSE}; bind all <End> {control_player NEXT}; bind all <Delete> {control_player STOP}; bind all <Home> {control_player PLAY}; update; } proc queue_song {id} { global songs state; set tmp [lindex [lindex [array get songs *:listid:$id] 1] 0]; log "%s" "Queue - '$songs($tmp:name)' by '$songs($tmp:author)' ($tmp)"; n_write "QUEUE [split $tmp {:}]"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 247} { if {$rtn(code) == 510} { msg_box "Queue" "You can't have the same\nsong in the queue twice!"; } else { log "Failed to queue track ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } } } proc msg_box {title msg} { global state; catch {destroy .msg}; toplevel .msg -class Dialog; wm title .msg $title; wm iconname .msg $title; # text region frame .msg.frame; pack .msg.frame -side top -fill both -expand yes; text .msg.frame.text -font fixed -height 10 -width 40 -yscroll ".msg.frame.scroll set" \ -wrap none; scrollbar .msg.frame.scroll -command ".msg.frame.text yview"; pack .msg.frame.text -side left -expand y -fill both; pack .msg.frame.scroll -side right -fill y; # close button button .msg.close -text "Close" -command "destroy .msg"; pack .msg.close -side bottom -fill x; # read text into the text widget .msg.frame.text insert end $msg; } proc about_box {} { global state; catch {destroy .about}; toplevel .about -class Dialog; wm title .about "About..."; wm iconname .about "About"; # text region frame .about.frame; pack .about.frame -side top -fill both -expand yes; text .about.frame.text -font fixed -height 10 -width 40 -yscroll ".about.frame.scroll set" \ -wrap none; scrollbar .about.frame.scroll -command ".about.frame.text yview"; pack .about.frame.text -side left -expand y; pack .about.frame.scroll -side right -fill y; # close button button .about.close -text "Close" -command "destroy .about"; pack .about.close -side bottom -fill x; # read text into the text widget .about.frame.text insert end "Mserv Client\n"; .about.frame.text insert end "Copyright Daniel O'Connor 2000\n"; .about.frame.text insert end "\n"; .about.frame.text insert end "\n"; } proc set_vol {vol} { global state; n_write "VOLUME $vol" n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 255} { log "%s" "Couldn't set volume ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } } proc rate_song {rate} { global state; n_write "RATE $rate"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 270} { log "%s" "Failed to get rate song ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } } proc control_player {cmd} { global state; n_write "$cmd"; n_getrtn rtn; log "%s" "Control Got $rtn(code) $rtn(data)"; } proc gui_updatesongs {} { global state songs; .top.tlist.list delete 0 end; set tmp ""; foreach tag [array names songs "*:id"] { set a $songs($tag); lappend tmp [list $a $songs($a:name) $songs($a:author) $songs($a:albumname)]; } switch -- $state(sortmode) { "Title" { set idx 1; } "Artist" { set idx 2; } "Album" { set idx 3; } default { set idx 1; } } set tmp [lsort -dictionary -index $idx $tmp]; foreach a [array names songs *:listid:*] { unset songs($a); } set i 0; foreach a $tmp { .top.tlist.list insert end "'[lindex $a 1]' by '[lindex $a 2]' on '[lindex $a 3]'" set songs([lindex $a 0]:listid:$i) $a; incr i; } } proc gui_updatequeue {} { global state songs queue; if {[info exists state(queuelock)]} { return; } set state(queuelock) ""; log "%s" "Updating queue"; .bot.queue.list delete 0 end; con_getqueue queue; foreach tag [lsort [array names queue]] { .bot.queue.list insert end "'$songs($queue($tag):name)' by '$songs($queue($tag):author)' on '$songs($queue($tag):albumname)'"; } unset state(queuelock); } proc gui_delqueue {id} { global queue; if {$id == ""} { return; } n_write "UNQUEUE [split $queue($id) {:}]"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 254} { log "%s" "Failed to remove $id ($queue($id))"; msg_box "Queue" "Failed to dequeue the song"; } } proc gui_updateinfo {} { global state; n_write "VOLUME"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 235} { set vol "??"; } else { set vol "[lindex [lindex $rtn(lines) 0] 0]"; } n_write "INFO"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) == 246} { set data [split [lindex $rtn(lines) 0] "\t"]; set author [lindex $data 4]; set title [lindex $data 5]; set length [lindex $data 14]; set album [lindex $data 3]; set tnum [lindex $data 15]; } else { set author "N/A"; set title "N/A"; set length "N/A"; set album "N/A"; set tnum "N/A"; if {$rtn(code) != 401} { log "%s" "Failed to get track info ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } } n_write "STATUS"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 222} { set left "x:xx"; set played "x:xx"; } else { set played [lindex [split [lindex $rtn(lines) 0] "\t"] 8]; # scan $played "%d:%d" played_m played_s; # set played [expr ($played_m * 60) + $played_s]; # scan $length "%d:%f" len_m len_s; # set len [expr ($len_m * 60) + $len_s]; # set left [expr $len - $played]; # set left_m [expr int($left / 60)]; # set left [format "%02d:%02d" $left_m [expr int($left - ($left_m * 60))]]; } configure -text "Author: $author"; .top.tinfo.sub.title configure -text "Title: $title"; .top.tinfo.sub.length configure -text "Length: $length"; .top.tinfo.sub.time configure -text "Time: $played"; .top.tinfo.sub.album configure -text "Album: $album"; .top.tinfo.sub.trackno configure -text "Misc: $tnum"; .top.tinfo.sub.vol configure -text "Volume: $vol"; } proc con_getqueue {queuevar} { upvar $queuevar queue; global state; catch {unset queue}; n_write "QUEUE" n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) == 225} { set i 0; foreach line $rtn(lines) { set foo [split $line \011]; set id "[lindex $foo 1]:[lindex $foo 2]"; set queue($i) $id; incr i; } } elseif {$rtn(code) == 404} { log "%s" "Queue empty"; } else { log "%s" "Failed to get queue ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } } proc con_getsongs {songsvar albumsvar} { upvar $songsvar songs; upvar $albumsvar albums; global state; catch { unset songs }; foreach i [array names albums "*:"] { n_write "TRACKS $albums($i)"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != "228"} { error "Got bogus response to track request ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } foreach trk $rtn(lines) { set foo [split $trk \011]; if {[llength $foo] != 6} { continue; } set albid [lindex $foo 0]; set num [lindex $foo 1] set songs($albid:$num:id) "$albid:$num"; set songs($albid:$num:author) [lindex $foo 2]; set songs($albid:$num:name) [lindex $foo 3]; set songs($albid:$num:rating) [lindex $foo 4]; set songs($albid:$num:length) [lindex $foo 5]; set songs($albid:$num:albumname) $albums($albid:name); } } } proc con_getalbums {albumsvar} { upvar $albumsvar albums; global state; catch {unset albums}; n_write "ALBUMS"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != 227} { error "Server gave bogus response to album request ($rtn(code) $rtn(data))"; } foreach alb $rtn(lines) { set foo [split $alb \011]; set id [lindex $foo 0]; set albums($id:) [lindex $foo 0]; set albums($id:author) [lindex $foo 1]; set albums($id:name) [lindex $foo 2]; # log "%s" "Album $i, ID $albums($i:id) called $albums($i:name) by $albums($i:author)"; } } proc update_timer {} { gui_updateinfo; after 900 update_timer; } proc con_mserv {} { global state; # Close old FD catch {close state(serv_fd)}; catch {unset state(serv_fd)}; catch {fileevent $state(serv_fd) readable ""}; set state(serv_fd) [ socket $state(host) $state(port) ]; set state(pushbuf) ""; fileevent $state(serv_fd) readable n_rtinput; fconfigure $state(serv_fd) -blocking 0; # Greeting from server n_getrtn rtn; puts $rtn(data); if {$rtn(code) != "200"} { error "Server failed to send greeting"; } # Login n_write "USER $state(user)" n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) != "201"} { error "Server failed to send password request"; } n_write "PASS $state(pass) RTCOMPUTER"; n_getrtn rtn; if {$rtn(code) == "507"} { error "Server rejected our credentials"; } if {$rtn(code) != "202"} { error "Unknown response to PASS command - $rtn(code) $rtn(data)" } log "%s" "Logged in"; } proc n_write {text} { global state; puts $state(serv_fd) $text; # log "%s" "Wrote - $text"; flush $state(serv_fd); } proc n_rthandler {code data} { global songs; log "%s" "Got RT - $code $data"; switch -- $code { 600 { log "%s" "User '$data' connected"; } 601 { log "%s" "User '$data' disconnected"; } 618 - 619 - 622 - 627 - 623 { after idle gui_updatequeue; } } } proc n_rtinput {} { global state; set rth ""; set line [gets $state(serv_fd)]; # log "%s" "Read - $line"; # Check for RT text set foo [split $line "\t"]; if {[string index $line 0] == "="} { set rth [list [string range [lindex $foo 0] 1 3] [lrange $foo 1 end]]; } else { lappend state(tmpphrase) $line if {$line == "."} { set state(pushbuf) [linsert $state(pushbuf) 0 $state(tmpphrase)]; set state(tmpphrase) ""; } } if {$rth != ""} { n_rthandler [lindex $rth 0] [lindex $rth 1]; } } proc n_getrtn {var} { upvar $var rtn; global state; set gotcode 0; catch {unset rtn(code)}; catch {unset rtn(data)}; catch {unset rtn(lines)} while {[llength $state(pushbuf)] == 0} { vwait state(pushbuf); } set buf [lindex $state(pushbuf) 0]; set state(pushbuf) [lrange $state(pushbuf) 1 end]; while {1} { if {[llength $buf] == 0} { break; } set line [lindex $buf 0]; set buf [lrange $buf 1 end]; if {[string index $line 0] == "."} { break; } if {$gotcode == 0} { set rtn(code) [string range $line 0 2]; set rtn(data) [string range $line 4 end]; set gotcode 1; continue; } lappend rtn(lines) $line; } if {$gotcode == 0} { log "%s" "Failed to parse phrase (got . before server responce)"; } } ################################################################## # Log a message to stderr # proc log {format args} { # Extract the calling function's name set fname [lindex [info level -1] 0]; # Evaluate the supplied format string and arguments if {[catch {set csm [eval format {$format} $args]} msg]} { set csm "bad log message. format='$format' args='$args'"; } # Emit the message puts stderr "[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S} -gmt yes]:$fname: $csm"; flush stderr; } main;