view playercode/load_it.c @ 16:e5529b6e3b1c

Inistal commit of the Cheesy Mod Player (tm)
author darius
date Thu, 23 Apr 1998 07:35:49 +0000
parents 5d614bcc4287
line wrap: on
line source


 Name: LOAD_IT.C

 ImpulseTracker (IT) module loader

 All systems - all compilers (hopefully)

 Copyright 1997 by Jake Stine and Divine Entertainment

 If this module is found to not be portable to any particular platform,
 please contact Jake Stine at (see MIKMOD.TXT for
 more information on contacting the author).

#include <string.h>
#include "mikmod.h"


typedef struct ITNOTE
{   UBYTE note,ins,volpan,cmd,inf;

UBYTE *IT_ConvertTrack(ITNOTE *tr,UWORD numrows);

// Raw IT header struct:

typedef struct ITHEADER
{   CHAR  songname[26];
    UBYTE blank01[2];
    UWORD ordnum;
    UWORD insnum;
    UWORD smpnum;
    UWORD patnum;
    UWORD cwt;          // Created with tracker (y.xx = 0x0yxx)
    UWORD cmwt;         // Compatable with tracker ver > than val.
    UWORD flags;
    UWORD special;      // bit 0 set = song message attached
    UBYTE globvol;
    UBYTE mixvol;       // mixing volume [ignored]
    UBYTE initspeed;
    UBYTE inittempo;
    UBYTE pansep;       // panning separation between channels
    UBYTE zerobyte;       
    UWORD msglength;
    ULONG msgoffset;
    UBYTE blank02[4];
    UBYTE pantable[64];
    UBYTE voltable[64];

// Raw IT sampleinfo struct:

typedef struct ITSAMPLE
{   CHAR  filename[12];
    UBYTE zerobyte;
    UBYTE globvol;
    UBYTE flag;
    UBYTE volume;
    UBYTE panning;
    CHAR  sampname[28];
    UWORD convert;        // sample conversion flag
    ULONG length;
    ULONG loopbeg;
    ULONG loopend;
    ULONG c5spd;
    ULONG susbegin;
    ULONG susend;
    ULONG sampoffset;
    UBYTE vibspeed;
    UBYTE vibdepth;
    UBYTE vibrate;
    UBYTE vibwave;    // 0 = sine; 1 = rampdown; 2 = square; 3 = random (speed ignored)

    UBYTE noteindex;  // for converting c5spd to finetune

typedef struct ITINSTHEADER
{   ULONG size;             // (dword) Instrument size
    CHAR  filename[12];     // (char) Instrument filename
    UBYTE zerobyte;         // (byte) Instrument type (always 0)
    UBYTE volflg;
    UBYTE volpts;   
    UBYTE volbeg;           // (byte) Volume loop start (node)
    UBYTE volend;           // (byte) Volume loop end (node)
    UBYTE volsusbeg;        // (byte) Volume sustain begin (node)
    UBYTE volsusend;        // (byte) Volume Sustain end (node)
    UBYTE panflg;
    UBYTE panpts;  
    UBYTE panbeg;           // (byte) channel loop start (node)
    UBYTE panend;           // (byte) channel loop end (node)
    UBYTE pansusbeg;        // (byte) cahnnel sustain begin (node)
    UBYTE pansusend;        // (byte) channel Sustain end (node)
    UBYTE pitflg;
    UBYTE pitpts;   
    UBYTE pitbeg;           // (byte) pitch loop start (node)
    UBYTE pitend;           // (byte) pitch loop end (node)
    UBYTE pitsusbeg;        // (byte) pitch sustain begin (node)
    UBYTE pitsusend;        // (byte) pitch Sustain end (node)
    UWORD blank;
    UBYTE globvol;
    UBYTE chanpan;
    UWORD fadeout;          // Envelope end / NNA volume fadeout
    UBYTE dnc;              // Duplicate note check
    UBYTE dca;              // Duplicate check action
    UBYTE dct;              // Duplicate check type
    UBYTE nna;              // New Note Action [0,1,2,3]
    UWORD trkvers;          // tracker version used to save [in files only]
    UBYTE ppsep;            // Pitch-pan Separation
    UBYTE ppcenter;         // Pitch-pan Center
    UBYTE rvolvar;          // random volume varations
    UBYTE rpanvar;          // random panning varations
    UWORD numsmp;           // Number of samples in instrument [in files only]
    CHAR  name[26];         // Instrument name
    UBYTE blank01[6];
    UWORD samptable[120];   // sample for each note [note / samp pairs]

    UBYTE volenv[200];      // volume envelope (IT 1.x stuff)
    UBYTE oldvoltick[25];   // volume tick position (IT 1.x stuff)
    UBYTE volnode[25];      // aplitude of volume nodes
    UWORD voltick[25];      // tick value of volume nodes
    SBYTE pannode[25];      // panenv - node points
    UWORD pantick[25];      // tick value of panning nodes
    SBYTE pitnode[25];      // pitchenv - node points
    UWORD pittick[25];      // tick value of pitch nodes
} ITINSTHEADER;                       


extern SBYTE    remap[64];        // for removing empty channels
extern UBYTE    *poslookup;       // S3M/IT fix - removing blank patterns needs a
                                  // lookup table to fix position-jump commands
static ULONG    *paraptr = NULL;  // parapointer array (see IT docs)
static ITHEADER *mh = NULL;
static ITNOTE   *itpat = NULL;    // allocate to space for one full pattern
static UBYTE    *mask = NULL;     // arrays allocated to 64 elements and used for
static ITNOTE   *last = NULL;     // uncompressing IT's pattern information
static int       numtrk = 0;
static int       old_effect;      // if set, use S3M old-effects stuffs
static int       *noteindex;
CHAR IT_Version[] = "ImpulseTracker x.xx";

BOOL IT_Test(void)
    UBYTE id[4];
    if(!_mm_read_UBYTES(id,4,modfp)) return 0;
    if(!memcmp(id,"IMPM",4)) return 1;
    return 0;

BOOL IT_Init(void)
    if((mh=(ITHEADER *)_mm_calloc(1,sizeof(ITHEADER)))==NULL) return 0;
    if((poslookup=(UBYTE *)_mm_malloc(256*sizeof(UBYTE)))==NULL) return 0;
    if((itpat=(ITNOTE *)_mm_malloc(200*64*sizeof(ITNOTE)))==NULL) return 0;
    if((mask=(UBYTE *)_mm_malloc(64*sizeof(UBYTE)))==NULL) return 0;
    if((last=(ITNOTE *)_mm_malloc(64*sizeof(ITNOTE)))==NULL) return 0;
    return 1;

void IT_Cleanup(void)
    if(mh!=NULL) free(mh);
    if(poslookup!=NULL) free(poslookup);
    if(itpat!=NULL) free(itpat);
    if(mask!=NULL) free(mask);
    if(last!=NULL) free(last);
    if(paraptr!=NULL) free(paraptr);
    if(noteindex!=NULL) free(noteindex);

    mh        = NULL;
    poslookup = NULL;
    itpat     = NULL;
    mask      = NULL;
    last      = NULL;
    paraptr   = NULL;
    noteindex = NULL;

BOOL IT_GetNumChannels(UWORD patrows)

// Because so many IT files have 64 channels as the set number used, but really
// only use far less (usually 8 to 12 still), I had to make this function,
// which determines the number of channels that are actually USED by a pattern.
// For every channel that's used, it sets the appropriate array entry of the
// global varialbe 'isused'
// NOTE: You must first seek to the file location of the pattern before calling
//       this procedure.
// Returns 1 on error
    int  row=0,flag,ch;

    {   flag = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        if(flag == EOF)
        {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_PATTERN;
            return 1;

        if(flag == 0)
        {   row++;
        } else
        {   ch = (flag-1) & 63;
            remap[ch] = 0;
            if(flag & 128) mask[ch] = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mask[ch] &   1) _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mask[ch] &   2) _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mask[ch] &   4) _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mask[ch] &   8) { _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp); _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp); }
    } while(row < patrows);

    return 0;

BOOL IT_ReadPattern(UWORD patrows)
   int    blah;
   int    row=0,flag,ch;
   ITNOTE *itt = itpat, dummy,*n,*l;


   {   flag = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
       {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_PATTERN;
           return 0;
       if(flag == 0)
       {   itt = &itt[of.numchn];
       } else
       {   ch = remap[(flag-1) & 63];
           if(ch != -1)
           {   n = &itt[ch];
               l = &last[ch];
           } else
           {   n = l = &dummy;  }

           if(flag & 128) mask[ch] = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
           if(mask[ch] &   1) if((l->note = n->note   = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp)) == 255)
                              {   l->note = n->note   = 253; }
           if(mask[ch] &   2) l->ins      = n->ins    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
           if(mask[ch] &   4) l->volpan   = n->volpan = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
           if(mask[ch] &   8) { l->cmd    = n->cmd    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                                l->inf    = n->inf    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp); }
           if(mask[ch] &  16) n->note     = l->note;
           if(mask[ch] &  32) n->ins      = l->ins;
           if(mask[ch] &  64) n->volpan   = l->volpan;
           if(mask[ch] & 128) { n->cmd    = l->cmd;
                                n->inf    = l->inf; }
   } while(row < patrows);

   for(blah=0; blah<of.numchn; blah++)
       of.tracks[numtrk++] = IT_ConvertTrack(&itpat[blah],patrows);

   return 1;

void S3MIT_ProcessCmd(UBYTE cmd, UBYTE inf, BOOL oldeffect);

// table for porta-to-note command within volume/panning column
static UBYTE portatable[] = "1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 255";

UBYTE *IT_ConvertTrack(ITNOTE *tr, UWORD numrows)
    int t;

    UBYTE note,ins,volpan;


    for(t=0; t<numrows; t++)
    {   note    = tr[t*of.numchn].note;
        ins     = tr[t*of.numchn].ins;
        volpan  = tr[t*of.numchn].volpan;

        {   if(note==253)
            else if(note==254)
                UniPTEffect(0xc,0);   // <- note cut command

        if((ins != 0) && (ins < 100)) UniInstrument(ins-1);

        // process volume / panning column
        // volume / panning effects do NOT all share the same memory address
        // yet.  That requires more work than I care to apply at the moment ;)

        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VOLUME,volpan);
        } else if((volpan>=65) && (volpan<=74))        // fine volume slide up (65-74)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VOLSLIDE,0x0f + ((volpan-65)<<4));
        } else if((volpan>=75) && (volpan<=84))        // fine volume slide down   (75-84)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VOLSLIDE,0xf0 + (volpan-75));
        } else if((volpan>=85) && (volpan<=94))        // volume slide up (85-94)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VOLSLIDE,((volpan-85)<<4));
        } else if((volpan>=95) && (volpan<=104))       // volume slide down   (95-104)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VOLSLIDE,(volpan-95));
        } else if((volpan>=105) && (volpan<=114))      // pitch slide up (105-114)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_PITCHSLIDEDN,((volpan-105)<<4));
        } else if((volpan>=115) && (volpan<=124))      // pitch slide down (115-124)
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_PITCHSLIDEUP,(volpan-115));
        } else if((volpan>=128) && (volpan<=192))
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_PANNING,((volpan-128) == 64) ? 255 : ((volpan-128) << 2));
        } else if((volpan>=193) && (volpan<=202))      // portamento to note
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_PORTAMENTO,portatable[volpan-193]);
        } else if((volpan>=203) && (volpan<=212))      // vibrato
        {   UniVolEffect(VOL_VIBRATO,(volpan-203));


    return UniDup();

int cvt_c5spd_to_finetune(ULONG c5spd, int sampnum)
    int ctmp=0,tmp,note=1,finetune=0;


    {   tmp = getfrequency(of.flags,getlinearperiod(note,0));
        if(tmp >= c5spd) break;
        ctmp = tmp;
    } while(1);

    if(tmp != c5spd)
    {   if((tmp-c5spd) < (c5spd-ctmp))
            while(tmp>c5spd) tmp = getfrequency(of.flags,getlinearperiod(note,--finetune));
        {   note--;
            while(ctmp<c5spd) ctmp = getfrequency(of.flags,getlinearperiod(note,++finetune));

    noteindex[sampnum] = note-48;
    return finetune;

BOOL IT_Load(void)
    int        t,u,lp;
    SAMPLE     *q;

    numtrk = 0;

    // try to read module header

    _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);   // kill the 4 byte header
    mh->ordnum      =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->insnum      =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->smpnum      =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->patnum      =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->cwt         =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->cmwt        =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->flags       =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->special     =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);

    mh->globvol     =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->mixvol      =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->initspeed   =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->inittempo   =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->pansep      =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->zerobyte    =_mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
    mh->msglength   =_mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
    mh->msgoffset   =_mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);

    {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_HEADER;
        return 0;

    // set module variables

    of.modtype     = strdup(IT_Version);
    of.modtype[15] = (mh->cwt >> 8) + 0x30;
    of.modtype[17] = ((mh->cwt >> 4) & 0xf) + 0x30;
    of.modtype[18] = ((mh->cwt) & 0xf) + 0x30;
    of.songname    = DupStr(mh->songname,26);    // make a cstr of songname 
    of.reppos      = 0;
    of.numpat      = mh->patnum;
    of.numins      = mh->insnum;
    of.numsmp      = mh->smpnum;
    of.initspeed   = mh->initspeed;
    of.inittempo   = mh->inittempo;
    of.initvolume  = mh->globvol;

    old_effect = 0;
    if(mh->flags & 8) { of.flags |= (UF_XMPERIODS | UF_LINEAR); old_effect |= 2; }
    if((mh->cwt >= 0x106) && (mh->flags & 16))  old_effect |= 1;

    // set panning positions
    for(t=0; t<64; t++)
    {   if(mh->pantable[t] < 64) of.panning[t] = mh->pantable[t] << 2;
        else if(mh->pantable[t]==64) of.panning[t] = 255;
        else if(mh->pantable[t]==100) of.panning[t] = PAN_SURROUND;

    // set channel volumes

    // read the order data
    if(!AllocPositions(mh->ordnum)) return 0;

    for(t=0; t<mh->ordnum; t++)
        of.positions[t] = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);

    {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_HEADER;
        return 0;
    of.numpos = 0;
    for(t=0; t<mh->ordnum; t++)
    {   of.positions[of.numpos] = of.positions[t];
        poslookup[t] = of.numpos;    // bug fix for FREAKY S3Ms / ITs
        if(of.positions[t]<254) of.numpos++;

    if((paraptr=(ULONG *)_mm_malloc((mh->insnum+mh->smpnum+of.numpat)*sizeof(ULONG))) == NULL) return 0;

    // read the instrument, sample, and pattern parapointers

    // now is a good time to check if the header was too short :)
    {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_HEADER;
        return 0;

    // Check for and load song comment
    if(mh->special & 1)
    {   _mm_fseek(modfp,(long)(mh->msgoffset),SEEK_SET);
        if(!ReadComment(mh->msglength)) return 0;

    if(!(mh->flags & 4)) of.numins = of.numsmp;
    if(!AllocSamples()) return 0;

    if((noteindex=(int *)_mm_malloc(mh->smpnum*sizeof(int)))==NULL) return 0;
    q = of.samples;

    // Load all samples (they're used either way)
    for(t=0; t<mh->smpnum; t++)
    {   ITSAMPLE s;

        // seek to sample position
        _mm_fseek(modfp,(long)(paraptr[mh->insnum+t] + 4),SEEK_SET);

        // and load sample info
        s.zerobyte    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.globvol     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.flag        = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.volume      = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.convert     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.panning     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.length      = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.loopbeg     = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.loopend     = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.c5spd       = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.susbegin    = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.susend      = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.sampoffset  = _mm_read_I_ULONG(modfp);
        s.vibspeed    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.vibdepth    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.vibrate     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
        s.vibwave     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);

        // Generate an error if c5spd is > 512k, or samplelength > 256 megs
        //  (nothing would EVER be that high)

        if(feof(modfp) || (s.c5spd > 0x7ffffL) || (s.length > 0xfffffffUL) ||
          (s.loopbeg > 0xfffffffUL) || (s.loopend > 0xfffffffUL))
        {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;
            return 0;

        q->samplename = DupStr(s.sampname,26);

        q->speed      = s.c5spd / 2;
        q->panning    = ((s.panning & 127)==64) ? 255 : (s.panning & 127) << 2;
        q->length     = s.length;
        q->loopstart  = s.loopbeg;
        q->loopend    = s.loopend;
        q->volume     = s.volume;
        q->globvol    = s.globvol;
        q->seekpos    = s.sampoffset;

        // ===================================
        // Convert speed to XM linear finetune

        if(of.flags & UF_LINEAR)
            q->speed = cvt_c5spd_to_finetune(s.c5spd, t);

        if(s.panning & 128) q->flags |= SF_OWNPAN;

        {   q->vibflags |= AV_IT;
            q->vibtype   = s.vibwave;
            q->vibsweep  = s.vibrate * 2;
            q->vibdepth  = s.vibdepth;
            q->vibrate   = s.vibspeed;

        if(s.flag & 2)  q->flags |= SF_16BITS;
        if(s.flag & 16) q->flags |= SF_LOOP;
        if(s.flag & 64) q->flags |= SF_BIDI;

        if(mh->cwt >= 0x200)
        {   if(s.convert & 1) q->flags |= SF_SIGNED;
            if(s.convert & 4) q->flags |= SF_DELTA;   

    // Load instruments if instrument mode flag enabled

    if(mh->flags & 4)
    {   if(!AllocInstruments()) return 0;
        d = of.instruments;
        of.flags |= UF_NNA | UF_INST;

        for(t=0; t<mh->insnum; t++)
        {   ITINSTHEADER ih;

            // seek to instrument position

            // and load instrument info
            ih.zerobyte  = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mh->cwt < 0x200) // load IT 1.xx inst header
            {   ih.volflg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volbeg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volend    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volsusbeg = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volsusend = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.fadeout   = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
                ih.nna       = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.dnc       = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            } else   // Read IT200+ header
            {   ih.nna       = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.dct       = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.dca       = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.fadeout   = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
                ih.ppsep     = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.ppcenter  = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.globvol   = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.chanpan   = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.rvolvar   = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.rpanvar   = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);

            ih.trkvers   = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
            ih.numsmp    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            if(mh->cwt < 0x200)  // load IT 1xx volume envelope
            {   _mm_read_UBYTES(ih.volenv,200,modfp);
                for(lp=0; lp<25; lp++)
                {   ih.oldvoltick[lp] = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                    ih.volnode[lp]    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
            } else // load IT 2xx vol & chanpan & pitch envs
            {   ih.volflg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volpts    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volbeg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volend    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volsusbeg = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.volsusend = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                for(lp=0; lp<25; lp++)
                {   ih.volnode[lp] = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                    ih.voltick[lp] = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);

                ih.panflg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.panpts    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.panbeg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.panend    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pansusbeg = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pansusend = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                for(lp=0; lp<25; lp++)
                {   ih.pannode[lp] = _mm_read_SBYTE(modfp);
                    ih.pantick[lp] = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);

                ih.pitflg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pitpts    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pitbeg    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pitend    = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pitsusbeg = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                ih.pitsusend = _mm_read_UBYTE(modfp);
                for(lp=0; lp<25; lp++)
                {   ih.pitnode[lp] = _mm_read_SBYTE(modfp);
                    ih.pittick[lp] = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
            {   _mm_errno = MMERR_LOADING_SAMPLEINFO;
                return 0;

            d->volflg |= EF_VOLENV;
            d->insname = DupStr(,26);
            d->nnatype = ih.nna;
            if(mh->cwt < 0x200)
            {   d->volfade = ih.fadeout << 6;
                {   d->dct = DCT_NOTE;
                    d->dca = DCA_CUT;

                if(ih.volflg & 1) d->volflg |= EF_ON;
                if(ih.volflg & 2) d->volflg |= EF_LOOP;
                if(ih.volflg & 4) d->volflg |= EF_SUSTAIN;      
                // XM conversion of IT envelope Array
                d->volbeg    = ih.volbeg;   
                d->volend    = ih.volend;
                d->volsusbeg = ih.volsusbeg;
                d->volsusend = ih.volsusend;
                if(ih.volflg & 1)
                {   for(u=0; u<25; u++)
                        if(ih.oldvoltick[d->volpts] != 0xff)
                        {   d->volenv[d->volpts].val = (ih.volnode[d->volpts] << 2);
                            d->volenv[d->volpts].pos = ih.oldvoltick[d->volpts];
                        } else break;
            } else
            {   d->panning = ((ih.chanpan&127) == 64) ? 255 : (ih.chanpan&127)<<2;
                if(!(ih.chanpan & 128)) d->flags |= IF_OWNPAN;

                if(!(ih.ppsep & 128))
                {   d->pitpansep = ih.ppsep << 2;
                    d->pitpancenter= ih.ppcenter;
                    d->flags |= IF_PITCHPAN;
                d->globvol = ih.globvol >> 1;
                d->volfade = ih.fadeout << 5;
                d->dct     = ih.dct;
                d->dca     = ih.dca;

                if(mh->cwt >= 0x204)
                {   d->rvolvar = ih.rvolvar;
                    d->rpanvar = ih.rpanvar;

                if(ih.volflg & 1) d->volflg |= EF_ON;
                if(ih.volflg & 2) d->volflg |= EF_LOOP;
                if(ih.volflg & 4) d->volflg |= EF_SUSTAIN;

                if(ih.panflg & 1) d->panflg |= EF_ON;
                if(ih.panflg & 2) d->panflg |= EF_LOOP;
                if(ih.panflg & 4) d->panflg |= EF_SUSTAIN;      

                if(ih.pitflg & 1) d->pitflg |= EF_ON;
                if(ih.pitflg & 2) d->pitflg |= EF_LOOP;
                if(ih.pitflg & 4) d->pitflg |= EF_SUSTAIN;      

                d->volpts    = ih.volpts;
                d->volbeg    = ih.volbeg;   
                d->volend    = ih.volend;
                d->volsusbeg = ih.volsusbeg;
                d->volsusend = ih.volsusend;

                for(u=0; u<ih.volpts; u++)
                {   d->volenv[u].val = (ih.volnode[u] << 2);
                    d->volenv[u].pos = ih.voltick[u];

                d->panpts    = ih.panpts;
                d->panbeg    = ih.panbeg;
                d->panend    = ih.panend;
                d->pansusbeg = ih.pansusbeg;
                d->pansusend = ih.pansusend;
                for(u=0; u<ih.panpts; u++)                                               
                {   d->panenv[u].val = (ih.pannode[u]+32) << 2;
                    d->panenv[u].pos = ih.pantick[u];

                d->pitpts    = ih.pitpts;
                d->pitbeg    = ih.pitbeg;
                d->pitend    = ih.pitend;
                d->pitsusbeg = ih.pitsusbeg;
                d->pitsusend = ih.pitsusend;

                for(u=0; u<ih.pitpts; u++)
                {   d->pitenv[u].val = (ih.pitnode[u]+32);
                    d->pitenv[u].pos = ih.pittick[u];
            if(of.flags & UF_LINEAR)
            {   for(u=0; u<120; u++)
                {   d->samplenote[u]   = (ih.samptable[u] & 255);
                    d->samplenumber[u] = (ih.samptable[u] >> 8) ? ((ih.samptable[u] >> 8) - 1) : 255;
                        d->samplenote[u] += noteindex[d->samplenumber[u]];
            } else
            {   for(u=0; u<120; u++)
                {   d->samplenote[u]   = (ih.samptable[u] & 255);
                    d->samplenumber[u] = (ih.samptable[u] >> 8) ? ((ih.samptable[u] >> 8) - 1) : 255;

    } else if(of.flags & UF_LINEAR)
    {   if(!AllocInstruments()) return 0;
        d = of.instruments;
        of.flags |= UF_INST;

        for(t=0; t<mh->smpnum; t++, d++)
        {   for(u=0; u<120; u++)
                d->samplenote[u] += noteindex[d->samplenumber[u]];

    // Figure out how many channels this blasted song actually uses (what
    // ever happened to common courtesy of storing this simple value
    // somewhere in the damn module, eh!?)

    of.numchn = 0;
    for(t=0; t<of.numpat; t++)
    {   UWORD packlen;

        // seek to pattern position
        if(paraptr[mh->insnum+mh->smpnum+t] != 0)  // No parapointer = pattern of 64 rows, EMPTY
        {   _mm_fseek(modfp,(((long)paraptr[mh->insnum+mh->smpnum+t])),SEEK_SET);
            packlen = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
            packlen = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);    // read pattern length (# of rows)
            if(IT_GetNumChannels(packlen)) return 0;

    // give each of them a different number
    for(t=0; t<64; t++)
    {   if(remap[t]==0)
        {   remap[t] = of.numchn;

    of.numtrk = of.numpat*of.numchn;

    if(!AllocPatterns()) return 0;
    if(!AllocTracks()) return 0;

    for(t=0; t<of.numpat; t++)
    {   UWORD packlen;

        // seek to pattern position
        if(paraptr[mh->insnum+mh->smpnum+t] == 0)  // No parapointer = pattern of 64 rows, EMPTY
        {  of.pattrows[t] = 64;
           for(u=0; u<of.numchn; u++)
           {  int k;
              for(k=0; k<64; k++) UniNewline();
              of.tracks[numtrk++] = UniDup();
        } else
        {  _mm_fseek(modfp,(((long)paraptr[mh->insnum+mh->smpnum+t])),SEEK_SET);
           packlen = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);
           of.pattrows[t] = _mm_read_I_UWORD(modfp);

           if(!IT_ReadPattern(of.pattrows[t])) return 0;

    return 1;

CHAR *IT_LoadTitle(void)
   CHAR s[26];

   if(!fread(s,26,1,modfp)) return NULL;

MLOADER load_it =
{   NULL,
    "Portable IT loader v0.2",
