view docs/tips.txt @ 7:de95ce2eacfd

Initial revision
author darius
date Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:05:09 +0000
parents 5d614bcc4287
line wrap: on
line source

 --> MikMod 3.0
  -> Various Programming Tips and Tricks!

 Here are some tips and tricks that I have jotted down as I think of them.
 The list is short for now, but it will no doubt grow as more are thought
 up.  Also, check for additional information on the Divine Entertainment
 website at

 Ok, so this little text file is pretty short right now.  These things
 take time to think of.. :-)

-/- Compiling / Makefiles


   The example files that come with MikMod default to 30k stack buffers
   (option stack=30000 on the wlink command line).  This is a safety pre-
   caution and by no means a requirement.

   You can usually safely use a 10k stack if you are using an interrupt
   driven MikMod_Update() and you can safely use a 5k stack if you are
   using polling (calling MikMod_Update() from a main program loop).


   If you are writing a module player and are NOT calling MikMod_Update()
   from an interrupt, then you can safely remove /ZU from the following
   modules in the /MikMod directory:


   Removing /ZU will slightly reduce code size and increase replay speed.

   If you are using the IDE and want to add PMODE/W to the list of valid
   targets, follow these steps:

     a) copy PMWBIND.EXE and PMODEW.LNK to your watcom/binw diectory.

     b) Load WSYSTEM.LNK, and inster the contents of PMODEW.LINK into it
        at the very top.

     c) Load IDEDOS32.CFG.  Insert a line that reads:
            Target *.exe, dw2e_, "PMODE/W Executable"

     d) Load IDE.CFG.  Around line 840, you will find the following line:
          VSwitch  0, dr2??, "System:", SYS, " ", ONE, REQ, dos4g
        Inser this line below it:
          VSwitch  0, dw2??, "System:", SYS, " ", ONE, REQ, pmodew

     e) This is the tricky part.  There are several lines in IDE.CFG that
        contain 'dr2'.  Each of these [excluding the special case in step
        d] must be duplicated, and 'dr2' replaced with 'dw2' (no other
        changes required).  Do this right and you will have full IDE cap-
        ability with the pmode/w extender!

   There you go, all set to compile with pmode/w within the Watcom IDE!
