view docs/changes.txt @ 3:71e20a32bd84

Initial revision
author darius
date Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:05:05 +0000
parents 687659b135f0
line wrap: on
line source

 --> MikMod Sound Libraries Version 3.0
  -> Updates and Changes Text - August 20st, 1997

Updates to MikMod 3.0 Public from Beta Release 03.

I warn you now:  There are a LOT of changes in this version.  :-)

-/- Soundcard Drivers:

 - The Soundscape and WSS soundcard drivers were effectively disabled.
   They should work now.

 - There is now a Gravis Ultrasound software mixer.  To use the old
   hardware-only one, register 'drv_gus2' in the place of 'drv_gus'.
   The drv_gus driver now supports BOTH software and hardware mixing
   at the same time!
 - Fixed some small stereo bugs in the software mixer [VIRTCH.C].
   Stereo would get skewed in rare circumstances.

 - Added Dolby Surround Sound to the software mixer.

 - Added real reverb to the software mixer.

 - Added a second software mixer [VIRTCH2.C] that is geared toward
   high-quality output at the cost of speed.  This mixer is by default
   used by the RAW and WAV to-disk drivers.

 - Added a WAV out driver.  This generates standard RIFF-WAVE format
   files as the name MUSIC.WAV.

-/- Functions and API:

 - Big Yay!  There is nicely written and formatted documentation!
   Check out 'docs/mikmod.doc' for the MS Word 2.0 or 'docs/mikmod.txt'
   for the std text versions of the documentation.  Note that the docs
   are still in the process of being written and there are most likely
   a handful of inaccuracies and missing topics (to be fixed soon).

 - Big Yay!  You can now change driver settings on the FLY!

     Changes to md_mixfreq, md_device, md_dmabufsize, and md_mode after
     mikmod has been initialized will have no effect on replay.  To have
     any new settings take effect, call MikMod_Reset(), which will reset
      the driver to use
     the new settings.
     Also, note that the following flags of md_mode will take effect im-
     midiately no matter what:
        and DMODE_INTERP (when it is supported :).
 - md_dmabufsize is in MILLISECONDS now (and this time it will stay :).
   The new default value is 50 milliseconds, which comes out to about the
   same buffer size as the old default of 8192 bytes.
   NOTE: To achieve the maximum size buffer, use a value of 4000 or more.
         That will guaruntee that the largest DMA buffer is always used.

 - MD_SetNumChannels has been renamed to MikMod_SetNumVoices and has sev-
   eral other changes:

    - A value of -1 for either parameter (music or sndfx) will keep the
      current setting.

    - It can now be called at any time.  If it is called while playback is
      active, there will be a brief skip in playback and the new settings
      will be active.

 - ML_RegisterLoader() and MD_RegisterDriver(), although still supported,
   should be replaced with:


   NOTE: The '&' (address-of) preceeding the loader/driver should not be
   used with these procedures.

 - Also added the functions:

   These are defined in MDREG.C and MLREG.C, and can only support drivers
   that are distributed with MikMod or that I am aware of.  If you are a
   driver developer, simply register your driver by hand as you did be-

 - A new naming convention is now being used.  This system should be quite
   a bit more intuitive for the avaerage MikMod user.  Note that for this
   version, and probably the next few updates, the old API will still be
   useable (#define macros in MIKMOD.H).  These will be removed in the
   near future, however.
   The [hopefully] complete list of function name changes are as follows:

             Old                          New

     MD_RegisterPlayer(x)        MikMod_RegisterPlayer(x)
     MD_Init                     MikMod_Init
     MD_Exit                     MikMod_Exit
     MD_Update                   MikMod_Update
     ML_Free(x)                  MikMod_FreeSong(x)
     MD_SetNumChannels(x,y)      MikMod_SetNumVoices(x,y)
     MD_SetNumVoices(x,y)        MikMod_SetNumVoices(x,y)
     MD_PlayStart                MikMod_EnableOutput
     MD_PlayStop                 MikMod_DisableOutput

     MD_VoiceSetVolume(x,y)      Voice_SetVolume(x,y)
     MD_VoiceSetFrequency(x,y)   Voice_SetFrequency(x,y)
     MD_VoiceSetPanning(x,y)     Voice_SetPanning(x,y)
     MD_VoicePlay(x,y,z)         Voice_Play(x,y,z)
     MD_VoiceStop(x)             Voice_Stop(x)
     MD_VoiceReleaseSustain(x)   Voice_ReleaseSustain(x)
     MD_VoiceStopped(x)          Voice_Stopped(x)
     MD_VoiceGetPosition(x)      Voice_GetPosition(x)
     MD_VoiceRealVolume(x)       Voice_RealVolume(x)

     ML_LoadFN(x,y)              MikMod_LoadSong(x,y)
     ML_LoadFP(x,y)              MikMod_LoadSongFP(x,y)

     MP_HandleTick               Player_HandleTick
     MP_PlayStart(x)             Player_Start(x)
     MP_PlayStop                 Player_Stop

 - A new array of procedures have been added that affect the current playing
   song (as opposed to the old MP_ functions, which required a UNIMOD handle).
   The functions are [see the MikMod docs for descriptions]:
     void Player_Start(UNIMOD *mf);
     BOOL Player_Active(void);
     void Player_Stop(void);
     void Player_TogglePause(void);
     void Player_NextPosition(void);
     void Player_PrevPosition(void);
     void Player_SetPosition(UWORD pos);
     void Player_Mute(SLONG arg1, ...);
     void Player_UnMute(SLONG arg1, ...);
     void Player_ToggleMute(SLONG arg1, ...);
     BOOL Player_Muted(int chan);
     void Player_HandleTick(void);

 - Note to beta testers: The following files, if existing, should be de-
   leted (they are residue from older betas):


   Actually, I suggest you remove any old versions of mikmod completely
   before installing this one.

 - If no soundcard is found, MikMod will automatically default to the
   No-Sound driver.  This fixes crashes caused when no soundcard was

-/- Loader:

 - The 15-instrument module loader has been adapted to support Ultimate
   SoundTracker modules (very old :), and general 15-instrument support
   and detection has been improved as well.

 - The UniMod Module Loader (load_uni) has been reinstated.  See MIKCVT.C
   for the conversion program that you can use to change any supported
   format into a UniMod module.

 - The MED loader has been fixed (although it is still very non-func-

 - The 669 loader has been fixed up a tiny bit.

 - A title loading command has been added, for those making module players
   who want to add the song titles to directory listings:

      CHAR *MikMod_LoadSongTitle(CHAR *filename);

   Returns a malloc'ed string containing the title of the song, or NULL
   if the song was not able to be opened or no title was present.

-/- Player:

 - ImpulseTracker sample vibrato support has been improved.  Linear mode
   sample vibratos are now supported perfectly, but modules in Amiga mode
   will not sound exactly correct (but close).
   NOTE: This does NOT affect standard effects vibratos, which are correct
   whether in Linear or Amiga (logrithmic) mode.

 - A small handful of modules with rare envelope sustain / loop setups
   would confuse mikmod and end up with silent samples.

 - Note Delays were not being implimented properly.

   - a note delay would distort the sample that had been playing before it.

   - a note off or note cut triggered with a note delay too effect im-
     midiately, rather than after the delay had expired.

 - A 'bug' in ImpulseTracker's Sample Offset (Oxx) has been fixed.  The
   IT documentation wrongly reported that offsets past the end of a sample
   would not be played (they are, duh).

 - An IT Retrig (Qxx) indescrepency - Qx0 is the same as Qx1 [std Pro-
   Tracker and ST3 simply ignore Qx0 commands].  Fixed.

 - Fixed an IT/S3M bug where Qxx would mess up any pitch slide commands
   immidiately following it that had a data part of 00 (ie, D00).

 - Overall NNA has been optimized and improved in many ways.

Updates to Build 03 of MikMod 3.0 over Build 02.

-/- General:

 - The volume scale for song volume has been redone to 0->128 instead of

 - You can also control song volume via "md_musicvolume", which is also
   on a scale of 0->128.

 - When registering loaders or drivers, you no longer put them in reverse

 - ML_LoadFN() has been modified.  It now accepts two parameters, the
   filename of the song, and the maximum number of channels allowed to be
   allocated.  See the MIKMOD.C example for more details.

 - Sound Effects support has been added.  See MIKMOD.TXT for complete
   details on how to fully utilize MikMod's sound effects routines.

 - Additions to the MIKMOD.C example file:

   - F1 through F10 now set volumes of 10 through 100.

   - Songs can be paused and resumed via pressing 'P'

   - Added panning separation control via the command line option
     '/pansep xx' where x is a value from 0 to 100% (100% being full
     stereo).  [default = 100%]

   - Added reverse stereo panning option (/revpan).

   - Added volume control via F1 (10%) thru F10 (100%).

   - Maximum allowed mixer channels can be set with the '/c xxx' option.
     The max value is 255 channels, the minimum is 2.  This will affect
     ALL song formats.  [default = 64]

-/- Player:

 - ImpulseTracker (IT) support is nearly completed.  New note actions are
   now supported in full.

 - IT Linear slide functions are now fully functional, and greatly op-
   timized for both speed and size.

 - IT and XM KeyOff / KeyFade effects should be supported correctly now.

 - Several IT panning bugs have been fixed.

 - There is no longer a need to call MD_PlayStart() or MP_PlayStop() if
   no sound effects channels have been specified - they will automatic-
   ally be called by MP_PlayStart() and MP_PlayStop()

 - New function:  MP_TogglePause(UNIMOD *mf);
   Pauses or unpauses a song using MP_PlayStart and MP_PlayStop

 - Channel muting is now availble via the functions:

-/- Loaders:

 - Many IT modules that would not load before will now load.

 - Support for scaling samples to fit into availible memory (for use on
   hardware mixer cards, but optional for software mixing as well).

 - Sample Loader functions have been separated from MDRIVER.C into a new
   source file, SLOADER.C.

 - XM loader bug fixed that caused a small handful of XMs to crash.
   [thanks to Urban Meuller]

-/- Software Mixer:

 - Support for reverb and stereo delay have been added, but are not yet
   availible in assembly mixer form (C mixer only, see VIRTCH.C).

 - VIRTCH.C can be compiled as a 16 bit sample mixer.  This about 50%
   slower than the 8 bit sample mixer on Intel machines, and requires
   twice as much memory for samples (not yet availible in assembly
   mixer form).

   [See VIRTCH.C for information on how to recompile to support these

 - Reverse Stereo is available for all soundcards.
     Set "md_mode |= DMODE_REVERSE;"

 - Dolby Surround Sound features are planned for but not yet supported.
   To enable surround (for future upgrades of MikMod):
     Set "md_mode |= DMODE_SURROUND;"

Updates to Build 02 of MikMod 3.0 over Build 01.

 - SLOADER has been renamed back to MLOADER.

 - Error messaging has been worked back to the old style of returning a
   string and no error code.

 - All references to strings have been defined as UBYTE instead of char.
   (is this a problem for anyone?)

 - SB/AWE32 drivers have been added.
     (thanks to Steffen Rusitschka)

 - Windows Sound System [WSS] support has been added.
     (thanks to Mario Koeppen)

   However, for the driver to detect the card, the following environment
   variable must be set:  set WSS=A[port] I[irq] D[dma]

 - Several older module loaders have been reinstated (thanks to Dimitry
   Boldyrev):  FAR, 669, MED, and DSM.  These loaders most likely have
   some bugs to be worked out.

 - A new version of the "BigMultiply" function has been made, that is both
   big-endian friendly and C based.  It uses the FPU to do the 64-bit mul-
   tiply, and is only used on non-Watcom compilers.

 - A bunch of IT replated replay bugs weeded out.

 - IT and S3M loaders have been optimized to act like other players' load-
   ers that detect the REAL number of channels used.  One wonders whatever
   happened to a simple "numchn" variable in a module format rather than
   pre-processing all pattern data to figure out what is used and what is

 - The GUS drivers have been split apart - there were both VTIMER and GUS
   timer based drivers.  The VTIMER one is for timing-critical DOS appli-
   cations, while the GUS timer is exellent for programs that will be run
   from a Windows95 dos-box.