view README.TXT @ 3:71e20a32bd84

Initial revision
author darius
date Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:05:05 +0000
parents d4366a861859
line wrap: on
line source

 --> MikMod Sound Libraries Version 3.0
  -> Release Notes - August 20th, 1997

 Welcome to the long awaited MikMod 3.0 public release.  Although this
 product has been delayed countless times, hopefully it will be worth
 the wait.  We have added tons of new features and worked weeks on end
 to trace down all know bugs.

 Notes about this release:

   The documentation is there, but is not finished.

   Streaming audio has been promised, but it is not functional in this
   version of MikMod.  I promise that a 3.xx update will be released
   prety soon that will have support for streaming audio.

   The Unix side of things is pretty messy.  If you want Unix drivers
   for your particular platform, ask me about it!  I have a handful of
   partially converted drivers and it just might help save you time
   rather than hack from 2.10 by yourself.

   VIRTCH2.C, the high-quality mixer used for the WAV and RAW drivers,
   currently requires that your compiler supports 64 bit integers.
   If it does not, ignore VIRTCH2.C and switch drv_raw.c and drv_wav.c
   back to VIRTCH.C.  I will have a floating point alternative to the
   64 bit integer VIRTCH2.C very soon.

   And as usual, please report all bugs to Jake Stine at:

-/- Compiling for Watcom

 If you have Watcom for DOS only (no IDE), you should be able to compile
 MIKMOD.EXE in the Examples/ directory by running WCMAKE.BAT.  The in-
 dividual makefiles are in the three source trees as MAKEFILE.WC.

 Users of the IDE (v10.6 or better) can hopefully use the mikmod.wpj lo-
 cated in root directory (same location as this file).  MIKMOD.WPJ can
 compile all of the Watcom examples.  Or you can make your own project
 and include the MIKMOD.TGT, MMIO.TGT, and EXTDOS.TGT files found in
 the Lib/ directory.

 Remember that if you are going to be running code from interrupt-driven
 situations (ie, from the system timer), you have to use Watcom's /ZU
 compiler option for any module that will have code called while in an

-/- Compiling for DJGPP

 Working DJGPP makefiles have been included as MAKEFILE.GCC in each of
 the source trees.  MikMod now works 100% with DJGPP version 2.0 and

-/- Other Compilers

 If you have another compiler and you manage to get Mikmod to work with
 it, drop me a line and we will see about making the needed changes to
 my copy for the next release.

 If you get into trouble, you can e-mail me for help.  Otherwise, make
 sure to check the example files for general useage and some other misc-
 ellaneous information.


There are several documentation files in the Docs/ directory.  They are:

  MIKMOD.DOC: General and specific useage of the MikMod Sound System in
              programs.  Contains a reference to all API calls, global
              variables, and soundcards supported.

              This file is in Microsoft Word fr Windows 2.0 format.  If
              you do not have a program to read this format, you can
              download a free Word viewer from [assuming Microsoft does
              not rearrange their site (yea, right)]:


  MIKCVT.TXT: Text file on how to use the MIKCVT.EXE conversion utility.

  TIPS.TXT: Various tips, tricks, and optimizations that I jot down as
            I think of them.

Example sources

This version of MikMod includes four sample sources:

  MIKMOD: A basic module player with a simple interface.

  MIKWAV: An example of WAV loading and sound effects usage.
          This example includes the three wave files also included,

  MIKINTER: A simplified module player which attaches MikMod_Update()
            to the timer interrupt, which is convienient for games
            and demos (MS-DOS only).

  MIKCVT: A conversion utility to convert all types of supported mod-
          ules to MikMod's internal UniFormat.  See docs\mikcvt.txt for
          more useage informaion.

How to contact us

Please send your questions, registration forms, comments, bugreports,
bugfixes, loaders, drivers, soundcards etc. to:

 -/- Jake Stine [Air Richter]

      Email: (preferred)
         Jake Stine
         2970 Laurel Run Road
         Wilkes-Barre, PA  18702
         United States

         (717) 822-2794

And if you want to contact MikMak, the original author of MikMod:

 -/- Jean-Paul Mikkers [MikMak]

      Email: (preferred)        
         Jean-Paul Mikkers
         Godartstr. 16
         5932AX Tegelen,
         The Netherlands

         +31 (0)77-3732736

Legal Stuff

MikMod has been released under a special liscencing agreement.  This
software package is free to use for home and educational purposes only,
and all users are permitted to redistribute the software in its complete
and original form only.  Unregistered use of this software in a com-
mercial package or program is prohibited. Basic translation: IF YOU ARE
REGISTER!  Please see Registration Instructions below for information on
how to register.

 - Registration is only $40 US dollars.

 - Registering is for the distribution rights of binaries only.  Com-
   mercial distribution of the sources or portions of the sources in
   any form is strictly prohibited without special granted permission
   from Divine Entertainment.

 - Registering MikMod gives you the right to sell an unlimited number of 
   copies of the product you're using it for.. pretty flexible huh?

 - Registering is good for all minor versions under the current major
   version. For example, if you register for MikMod 3.00 now, all possi-
   ble updates through 3.99 will also be registered. This allows for
   bugfixes and updates without the need to register again.

 - A MikMod registration cannot be transferred from one person to another,
   or from one person to a company, or from one company to another company.

 - Contributors to a library (bug-fixes, new code) will get automatic
   registration for all future versions.  Divine Entertainment reserves
   the right to decide if your contribution is good enough for registra-

 - Registered users will be optionally added to a mailing list.

 - If you use MikMod on a regular basis for home or educational use, we
   encourage you to register to help support the product (although you
   do not have to).

 - If you have any questions concerning registration, mail your query to


 The author (Jake Stine) specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed
 or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchant-
 ability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in
 the software and documentation.

 In no event shall the author be liable for any loss of profit or damage,
 including but not limited to special, incidental, or consequential

 All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks contained in this
 document are the property of their respective holders.