diff playercode/sloader.c @ 6:d14fd386d182

Initial entry of mikmod into the CVS tree.
author darius
date Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:05:09 +0000 (1998-01-23)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/playercode/sloader.c	Fri Jan 23 16:05:09 1998 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ --> Sample Loaders and Sample Processing
+Name: sloader.c
+Routines for loading samples.  The sample loader utilizes the routines
+provided by the "registered" sample loader.  See SAMPLELOADER in
+MIKMOD.H for the sample loader structure.
+All systems - all compilers
+#include "mikmod.h"
+static int   sl_rlength;
+static SWORD sl_old;
+static SWORD *sl_buffer = NULL;
+static SAMPLOAD *musiclist = NULL,
+                *sndfxlist = NULL;
+BOOL SL_Init(SAMPLOAD *s)        // returns 0 on error!
+    if(sl_buffer==NULL)
+         if((sl_buffer=_mm_malloc(4100)) == NULL) return 0;
+    sl_rlength = s->length;
+    if(s->infmt & SF_16BITS) sl_rlength>>=1;
+    sl_old = 0;
+    return 1;
+void SL_Exit(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    if(sl_rlength > 0) _mm_fseek(s->fp,sl_rlength,SEEK_CUR);
+void SL_Reset(void)
+    sl_old = 0;
+void SL_Load(void *buffer, SAMPLOAD *smp, int length)
+    UWORD infmt = smp->infmt, outfmt = smp->outfmt;
+    SBYTE *bptr = (SBYTE *)buffer;
+    SWORD *wptr = (SWORD *)buffer;
+    int   stodo;
+    int   t, u;
+    while(length)
+    {   stodo = (length<2048) ? length : 2048;
+        if(infmt & SF_16BITS)
+        {   if(infmt & SF_BIG_ENDIAN)
+                _mm_read_M_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,smp->fp);
+            else
+                _mm_read_I_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,smp->fp);
+        } else
+        {   SBYTE  *s;
+            SWORD  *d;
+            fread(sl_buffer,sizeof(SBYTE),stodo,smp->fp);
+            s  = (SBYTE *)sl_buffer;
+            d  = sl_buffer;
+            s += stodo;
+            d += stodo;
+            for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+            {   s--;
+                d--;
+                *d = (*s)<<8;
+            }
+        }
+        if(infmt & SF_DELTA)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+            {   sl_buffer[t] += sl_old;
+                sl_old = sl_buffer[t];
+            }
+        }
+        if((infmt^outfmt) & SF_SIGNED)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+               sl_buffer[t] ^= 0x8000;
+        }
+        if(smp->scalefactor)
+        {   int   idx = 0;
+            SLONG scaleval;
+            // Sample Scaling... average values for better results.
+            t = 0;
+            while(t<stodo && length)
+            {   scaleval = 0;
+                for(u=smp->scalefactor; u && t<stodo; u--, t++)
+                    scaleval += sl_buffer[t];
+                sl_buffer[idx++] = scaleval / (smp->scalefactor-u);
+                length--;
+            }
+            sl_rlength -= stodo;
+            stodo = idx;
+        } else
+        {   length -= stodo;
+            sl_rlength -= stodo;
+        }
+        if(outfmt & SF_16BITS)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++) *(wptr++) = sl_buffer[t];
+        } else
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++) *(bptr++) = sl_buffer[t]>>8;
+        }
+    }
+void SL_LoadStream(void *buffer, UWORD infmt, UWORD outfmt, int length, FILE *fp)
+// This is like SL_Load, but does not perform sample scaling, and does not
+// require calls to SL_Init / SL_Exit.
+    SBYTE *bptr = (SBYTE *)buffer;
+    SWORD *wptr = (SWORD *)buffer;
+    int   stodo;
+    int   t;
+    // compute number of samples to load
+    if(sl_buffer==NULL)
+         if((sl_buffer=_mm_malloc(4100)) == NULL) return;
+    while(length)
+    {   stodo = (length<2048) ? length : 2048;
+        if(infmt & SF_16BITS)
+        {   if(infmt & SF_BIG_ENDIAN)
+                _mm_read_M_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,fp);
+            else
+                _mm_read_I_SWORDS(sl_buffer,stodo,fp);
+        } else
+        {   SBYTE  *s;
+            SWORD  *d;
+            fread(sl_buffer,sizeof(SBYTE),stodo,fp);
+            s  = (SBYTE *)sl_buffer;
+            d  = sl_buffer;
+            s += stodo;
+            d += stodo;
+            for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+            {   s--;
+                d--;
+                *d = (*s)<<8;
+            }
+        }
+        if(infmt & SF_DELTA)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+            {   sl_buffer[t] += sl_old;
+                sl_old = sl_buffer[t];
+            }
+        }
+        if((infmt^outfmt) & SF_SIGNED)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++)
+               sl_buffer[t] ^= 0x8000;
+        }
+        length -= stodo;
+        if((infmt & SF_STEREO) && !(outfmt & SF_STEREO))
+        {   // Dither stereo to mono .. average together every two samples
+            SLONG avgval;
+            int   idx = 0;
+            t = 0;
+            while(t<stodo && length)
+            {   avgval  = sl_buffer[t++];
+                avgval += sl_buffer[t++];
+                sl_buffer[idx++] = avgval >> 1; 
+                length-=2;
+            }
+            stodo = idx;
+        }
+        if(outfmt & SF_16BITS)
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++) *(wptr++) = sl_buffer[t];
+        } else
+        {   for(t=0; t<stodo; t++) *(bptr++) = sl_buffer[t]>>8;
+        }
+    }
+SAMPLOAD *SL_RegisterSample(SAMPLE *s, int type, FILE *fp)    // Returns 1 on error!
+// Registers a sample for loading when SL_LoadSamples() is called.
+//   type  -  type of sample to be loaded ..
+//             MD_MUSIC, MD_SNDFX
+    SAMPLOAD *news, **samplist, *cruise;
+    if(type==MD_MUSIC)
+    {   samplist = & musiclist;
+        cruise = musiclist;
+    } else
+    {   samplist = &sndfxlist;
+        cruise = sndfxlist;
+    }
+    // Allocate and add structure to the END of the list
+    if((news=(SAMPLOAD *)_mm_calloc(1,sizeof(SAMPLOAD))) == NULL) return NULL;
+    if(cruise!=NULL)
+    {   while(cruise->next!=NULL)  cruise = cruise->next;
+        cruise->next = news;
+    } else
+        *samplist = news;
+    news->infmt     = s->flags & 31;
+    news->outfmt    = news->infmt;
+    news->fp        = fp;
+    news->sample    = s;
+    news->length    = s->length;
+    news->loopstart = s->loopstart;
+    news->loopend   = s->loopend;
+    return news;
+static void FreeSampleList(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    SAMPLOAD *old;
+    while(s!=NULL)
+    {   old = s;
+        s = s->next;
+        free(old);
+    }
+static ULONG SampleTotal(SAMPLOAD *samplist, int type)
+// Returns the total amount of memory required by the samplelist queue.
+    int total = 0;
+    while(samplist!=NULL)
+    {   samplist->sample->flags = (samplist->sample->flags&~31) | samplist->outfmt;
+        total += MD_SampleLength(type,samplist->sample);
+        samplist = samplist->next;
+    }
+    return total;
+static ULONG RealSpeed(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    return(s->sample->speed / ((s->scalefactor==0) ? 1 : s->scalefactor));
+static BOOL DitherSamples(SAMPLOAD *samplist, int type)
+    SAMPLOAD  *c2smp;
+    ULONG     maxsize, speed;
+    SAMPLOAD  *s;
+    if(samplist==NULL) return 0;
+    // make sure the samples will fit inside available RAM
+    if((maxsize = MD_SampleSpace(type)*1024) != 0)
+    {   while(SampleTotal(samplist, type) > maxsize)
+        {   // First Pass - check for any 16 bit samples
+            s = samplist;
+            while(s!=NULL)
+            {   if(s->outfmt & SF_16BITS)
+                {   SL_Sample16to8(s);
+                    break;
+                }
+                s = s->next;
+            }
+            // Second pass (if no 16bits found above) is to take the sample
+            // with the highest speed and dither it by half.
+            if(s==NULL)
+            {   s = samplist;
+                speed = 0;
+                while(s!=NULL)
+                {   if((s->sample->length) && (RealSpeed(s) > speed))
+                    {   speed = RealSpeed(s);
+                        c2smp = s;
+                    }
+                    s = s->next;
+                }
+                SL_HalveSample(c2smp);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Samples dithered, now load them!
+    // ================================
+    s = samplist;
+    while(s != NULL)
+    {   // sample has to be loaded ? -> increase number of
+        // samples, allocate memory and load sample.
+        if(s->sample->length)
+        {   if(s->sample->seekpos)
+               _mm_fseek(s->fp, s->sample->seekpos, SEEK_SET);
+            // Call the sample load routine of the driver module.
+            // It has to return a 'handle' (>=0) that identifies
+            // the sample.
+            s->sample->handle = MD_SampleLoad(s, type, s->fp);
+            s->sample->flags  = (s->sample->flags & ~31) | s->outfmt;
+            if(s->sample->handle < 0)
+            {   FreeSampleList(samplist);
+                if(_mm_errorhandler!=NULL) _mm_errorhandler();
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+        s = s->next;
+    }
+    FreeSampleList(samplist);
+    return 0;
+BOOL SL_LoadSamples(void)      // Returns 1 on error!
+    BOOL ok;
+    _mm_critical = 0;
+    if((musiclist==NULL) && (sndfxlist==NULL)) return 0;
+//    MikMod_Exit();
+//    exit(1);
+    ok = DitherSamples(musiclist,MD_MUSIC) || DitherSamples(sndfxlist,MD_SNDFX);
+    musiclist = sndfxlist = NULL;
+    return ok;
+void SL_Sample16to8(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    s->outfmt &= ~SF_16BITS;
+    s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~31) | s->outfmt;
+void SL_Sample8to16(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    s->outfmt |= SF_16BITS;
+    s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~31) | s->outfmt;
+void SL_SampleSigned(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    s->outfmt |= SF_SIGNED;
+    s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~31) | s->outfmt;
+void SL_SampleUnsigned(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    s->outfmt &= ~SF_SIGNED;
+    s->sample->flags = (s->sample->flags&~31) | s->outfmt;
+void SL_HalveSample(SAMPLOAD *s)
+    if(s->scalefactor)
+        s->scalefactor++;
+    else
+        s->scalefactor = 2;
+    s->sample->divfactor = s->scalefactor;
+    s->sample->length    = s->length / s->scalefactor;
+    s->sample->loopstart = s->loopstart / s->scalefactor;
+    s->sample->loopend   = s->loopend / s->scalefactor;