diff include/ptform.h @ 10:55420dceb8e0

Initial entry of mikmod into the CVS tree.
author darius
date Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:05:11 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/ptform.h	Fri Jan 23 16:05:11 1998 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+  --> The Protracker Enums
+   -> For MikMod 3.0
+#ifndef _PTFORM_H_
+#define _PTFORM_H_
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern UWORD  mytab[12],logtab[104];
+extern UBYTE  VibratoTable[32],avibtab[128];
+extern SBYTE  PanbrelloTable[256];
+extern ULONG  lintab[768];
+****** Unitrack stuff: ****************************************************
+// The UniTrack stuff is generally for internal use only, but would be
+// required in making a tracker or a module player tha scrolls pattern
+// data.
+// prototypes:
+extern void    UniSetRow(UBYTE *t);
+extern UBYTE   UniGetByte(void);
+extern UBYTE  *UniFindRow(UBYTE *t,UWORD row);
+extern void    UniReset(void);
+extern void    UniWrite(UBYTE data);
+extern void    UniNewline(void);
+extern UBYTE  *UniDup(void);
+extern void    UniSkipOpcode(UBYTE op);
+extern BOOL    UniInit(void);
+extern void    UniCleanup(void);
+extern UWORD   TrkLen(UBYTE *t);
+extern BOOL    MyCmp(UBYTE *a, UBYTE *b, UWORD l);
+extern void    UniInstrument(UBYTE ins);
+extern void    UniNote(UBYTE note);
+extern void    UniPTEffect(UBYTE eff, UBYTE dat);
+extern void    UniVolEffect(UWORD eff, UBYTE dat);
+// Enumaerated UniMod Commands
+{   UNI_NOTE = 1,
+    UNI_ITEFFECTG,     // Porta to Note .. no kick=0;
+    UNI_ITEFFECTH,     // IT specific Vibrato
+    UNI_ITEFFECTI,     // IT tremor (xy not incremeneted)
+    UNI_ITEFFECTM,     // Set Channel Volume
+    UNI_ITEFFECTN,     // Slide / Fineslide Channel Volume
+    UNI_ITEFFECTP,     // Slide / Fineslide Channel Panning
+    UNI_ITEFFECTU,     // IT fine vibrato
+    UNI_ITEFFECTW,     // Slide / Fineslide Global volume
+    UNI_ITEFFECTY,     // The Satanic Panbrello
+// IT / S3M Extended SS effects:
+{   SS_GLISSANDO = 1,
+// IT Volume column effects
+{   VOL_VOLUME = 1,
+****** Instrument stuff: **************************************************
+// Instrument format flags
+#define IF_OWNPAN       1
+#define IF_PITCHPAN     2
+// Envelope flags:
+#define EF_ON           1
+#define EF_SUSTAIN      2
+#define EF_LOOP         4
+#define EF_VOLENV       8
+// New Note Action Flags
+#define NNA_CUT         0
+#define NNA_CONTINUE    1
+#define NNA_OFF         2
+#define NNA_FADE        3
+#define DCT_OFF         0
+#define DCT_NOTE        1                         
+#define DCT_SAMPLE      2                         
+#define DCT_INST        3           
+#define DCA_CUT         0
+#define DCA_OFF         1
+#define DCA_FADE        2
+#define KEY_KICK        0
+#define KEY_OFF         1
+#define KEY_FADE        2
+#define KEY_KILL        3
+#define AV_IT           1   // IT vs. XM vibrato info
+typedef struct ENVPT
+{   SWORD pos;
+    SWORD val;
+typedef struct INSTRUMENT
+    UBYTE flags;
+    UBYTE samplenumber[120];
+    UBYTE samplenote[120];
+    UBYTE nnatype;
+    UBYTE dca;              // duplicate check action
+    UBYTE dct;              // duplicate check type
+    UBYTE globvol;
+    UWORD panning;          // instrument-based panning var
+    UBYTE pitpansep;        // pitch pan separation (0 to 255)
+    UBYTE pitpancenter;     // pitch pan center (0 to 119)
+    UBYTE rvolvar;          // random volume varations (0 - 100%)
+    UBYTE rpanvar;          // random panning varations (0 - 100%)
+    UWORD volfade;
+    UBYTE volflg;           // bit 0: on 1: sustain 2: loop
+    UBYTE volpts;
+    UBYTE volsusbeg;
+    UBYTE volsusend;
+    UBYTE volbeg;
+    UBYTE volend;
+    ENVPT volenv[32];
+    UBYTE panflg;           // bit 0: on 1: sustain 2: loop
+    UBYTE panpts;
+    UBYTE pansusbeg;
+    UBYTE pansusend;
+    UBYTE panbeg;
+    UBYTE panend;
+    ENVPT panenv[32];
+    UBYTE pitflg;           // bit 0: on 1: sustain 2: loop
+    UBYTE pitpts;
+    UBYTE pitsusbeg;
+    UBYTE pitsusend;
+    UBYTE pitbeg;
+    UBYTE pitend;
+    ENVPT pitenv[32];
+//    UBYTE vibtype;
+//    UBYTE vibsweep;
+//    UBYTE vibdepth;
+//    UBYTE vibrate;
+    CHAR  *insname;
+****** Player stuff: ******************************************************
+typedef struct ENVPR
+{   UBYTE flg;          // envelope flag
+    UBYTE pts;          // number of envelope points
+    UBYTE susbeg;       // envelope sustain index begin
+    UBYTE susend;       // envelope sustain index end
+    UBYTE beg;          // envelope loop begin
+    UBYTE end;          // envelope loop end
+    SWORD p;            // current envelope counter
+    UWORD a;            // envelope index a
+    UWORD b;            // envelope index b
+    ENVPT *env;         // envelope points
+//  Struct MP_VOICE - Used by NNA only player (audio control.  AUDTMP is
+//                  used for full effects control).
+typedef struct MP_VOICE
+{   INSTRUMENT  *i;
+    SAMPLE      *s;
+    UBYTE  sample;       // which instrument number
+    SWORD  volume;       // output volume (vol + sampcol + instvol)
+    UWORD  panning;      // panning position
+    SBYTE  chanvol;      // channel's "global" volume
+    UWORD  fadevol;      // fading volume rate
+    UWORD  period;       // period to play the sample at
+    UBYTE  volflg;       // volume envelope settings
+    UBYTE  panflg;       // panning envelope settings
+    UBYTE  pitflg;       // pitch envelope settings
+    UBYTE  keyoff;        // if true = fade out and stuff
+    UBYTE  kick;         // if true = sample has to be restarted
+    UBYTE  note;         // the audible note (as heard, direct rep of period)
+    UBYTE  nna;          // New note action type + master/slave flags
+    SWORD  handle;       // which sample-handle
+    SLONG  start;        // The start byte index in the sample
+    // ----------------------------------
+    // Below here is info NOT in MP_CONTROL!!
+    // ----------------------------------
+    ENVPR  venv;
+    ENVPR  penv;
+    ENVPR  cenv;
+    UWORD  avibpos;      // autovibrato pos
+    UWORD  aswppos;      // autovibrato sweep pos
+    ULONG  totalvol;     // total volume of channel (before global mixings)
+    BOOL   mflag;
+    SWORD  masterchn;
+    struct MP_CONTROL *master;// index of "master" effects channel
+typedef struct MP_CONTROL
+{   INSTRUMENT  *i;
+    SAMPLE      *s;
+    UBYTE  sample;       // which sample number
+    UBYTE  note;         // the audible note (as heard, direct rep of period)
+    SWORD  outvolume;    // output volume (vol + sampcol + instvol)
+    SBYTE  chanvol;      // channel's "global" volume
+    UWORD  fadevol;      // fading volume rate
+    UWORD  panning;      // panning position
+    UBYTE  kick;         // if true = sample has to be restarted
+    UBYTE  muted;        // if set, channel not played
+    UWORD  period;       // period to play the sample at
+    UBYTE  nna;          // New note action type + master/slave flags
+    UBYTE  volflg;       // volume envelope settings
+    UBYTE  panflg;       // panning envelope settings
+    UBYTE  pitflg;       // pitch envelope settings
+    UBYTE  keyoff;        // if true = fade out and stuff
+    SWORD  handle;       // which sample-handle
+    UBYTE  notedelay;    // (used for note delay)
+    SLONG  start;        // The starting byte index in the sample
+    struct MP_VOICE *slave;// Audio Slave of current effects control channel
+    UBYTE slavechn;      // Audio Slave of current effects control channel
+    UBYTE anote;         // the note that indexes the audible (note seen in tracker)
+    SWORD ownper;
+    SWORD ownvol;
+    UBYTE dca;           // duplicate check action
+    UBYTE dct;           // duplicate check type
+    UBYTE *row;          // row currently playing on this channel
+    SBYTE retrig;        // retrig value (0 means don't retrig)
+    ULONG speed;         // what finetune to use
+    SWORD volume;        // amiga volume (0 t/m 64) to play the sample at
+    SBYTE tmpvolume;     // tmp volume
+    UWORD tmpperiod;     // tmp period
+    UWORD wantedperiod;  // period to slide to (with effect 3 or 5)
+    UBYTE pansspd;       // panslide speed
+    UWORD slidespeed;    //
+    UWORD portspeed;     // noteslide speed (toneportamento)
+    UBYTE s3mtremor;     // s3m tremor (effect I) counter
+    UBYTE s3mtronof;     // s3m tremor ontime/offtime
+    UBYTE s3mvolslide;   // last used volslide
+    UBYTE s3mrtgspeed;   // last used retrig speed
+    UBYTE s3mrtgslide;   // last used retrig slide
+    UBYTE glissando;     // glissando (0 means off)
+    UBYTE wavecontrol;   //
+    SBYTE vibpos;        // current vibrato position
+    UBYTE vibspd;        // "" speed
+    UBYTE vibdepth;      // "" depth
+    SBYTE trmpos;        // current tremolo position
+    UBYTE trmspd;        // "" speed
+    UBYTE trmdepth;      // "" depth
+    UBYTE fslideupspd;
+    UBYTE fslidednspd;
+    UBYTE fportupspd;    // fx E1 (extra fine portamento up) data
+    UBYTE fportdnspd;    // fx E2 (extra fine portamento dn) data
+    UBYTE ffportupspd;   // fx X1 (extra fine portamento up) data
+    UBYTE ffportdnspd;   // fx X2 (extra fine portamento dn) data
+    ULONG hioffset;      // last used high order of sample offset
+    UWORD soffset;       // last used low order of sample-offset (effect 9)
+    UBYTE sseffect;      // last used Sxx effect
+    UBYTE ssdata;        // last used Sxx data info
+    UBYTE chanvolslide;  // last used channel volume slide
+    UBYTE panbwave;      // current panbrello waveform
+    UBYTE panbpos;       // current panbrello position
+    SBYTE panbspd;       // "" speed
+    UBYTE panbdepth;     // "" depth
+    UWORD newsamp;       // set to 1 upon a sample / inst change
+    UBYTE voleffect;     // Volume Column Effect Memory as used by Impulse Tracker
+    UBYTE voldata;       // Volume Column Data Memory
+******** MikMod UniMod type: **************************
+// UniMod flags
+#define UF_XMPERIODS    1       // XM periods / finetuning
+#define UF_LINEAR       2       // LINEAR periods (UF_XMPERIODS must be set as well)
+#define UF_INST         4       // Instruments are used
+#define UF_NNA          8       // New Note Actions used (set numvoices rather than numchn)
+typedef struct UNIMOD
+    // This section of elements are all file-storage related.
+    // all of this information can be found in the UNIMOD disk format.
+    // For further details about there variables, see the MikMod Docs.
+    UWORD       flags;          // See UniMod Flags above
+    UBYTE       numchn;         // number of module channels
+    UBYTE       numvoices;      // max # voices used for full NNA playback
+    UWORD       numpos;         // number of positions in this song
+    UWORD       numpat;         // number of patterns in this song
+    UWORD       numtrk;         // number of tracks
+    UWORD       numins;         // number of instruments
+    UWORD       numsmp;         // number of samples
+    UWORD       reppos;         // restart position
+    UBYTE       initspeed;      // initial song speed
+    UBYTE       inittempo;      // initial song tempo
+    UBYTE       initvolume;     // initial global volume (0 - 128)
+    UWORD       panning[64];    // 64 panning positions
+    UBYTE       chanvol[64];    // 64 channel positions
+    CHAR       *songname;       // name of the song
+    CHAR       *composer;       // name of the composer
+    CHAR       *comment;        // module comments
+    UBYTE     **tracks;         // array of numtrk pointers to tracks
+    UWORD      *patterns;       // array of Patterns [pointers to tracks for each channel].
+    UWORD      *pattrows;       // array of number of rows for each pattern
+    UWORD      *positions;      // all positions
+    INSTRUMENT *instruments;    // all instruments
+    SAMPLE     *samples;        // all samples
+    // following are the player-instance variables.  They are in no way file
+    // storage related - they are for internal replay use only.
+    // All following variables can be modified at any time.
+    CHAR       *modtype;        // string type of module loaded
+    UBYTE       bpm;            // current beats-per-minute speed
+    UWORD       sngspd;         // current song speed
+    SWORD       volume;         // song volume (0-128) (or user volume)
+    BOOL        extspd;         // extended speed flag (default enabled)
+    BOOL        panflag;        // panning flag (default enabled)
+    BOOL        loop;           // loop module ? (default disabled)
+    BOOL        forbid;         // if true, no player update!
+    // The following variables are considered useful for reading, and should
+    // should not be directly modified by the end user.
+    MP_CONTROL *control;        // Effects Channel information (pf->numchn alloc'ed)
+    MP_VOICE   *voice;          // Audio Voice information (md_numchn alloc'ed)
+    UWORD       numrow;         // number of rows on current pattern
+    UWORD       vbtick;         // tick counter (counts from 0 to sngspd)
+    UWORD       patpos;         // current row number
+    SWORD       sngpos;         // current song position.  This should not
+                                // be modified directly.  Use MikMod_NextPosition,
+                                // MikMod_PrevPosition, and MikMod_SetPosition.
+    // The following variables should not be modified, and have information
+    // that is pretty useless outside the internal player, so just ignore :)
+    UBYTE       globalslide;    // global volume slide rate
+    UWORD       pat_reppos;     // patternloop position
+    UWORD       pat_repcnt;     // times to loop
+    UWORD       patbrk;         // position where to start a new pattern
+    UBYTE       patdly;         // patterndelay counter (command memory)
+    UBYTE       patdly2;        // patterndelay counter (real one)
+    SWORD       posjmp;         // flag to indicate a position jump is needed...
+                                //  changed since 1.00: now also indicates the
+                                //  direction the position has to jump to:
+                                //  0: Don't do anything
+                                //  1: Jump back 1 position
+                                //  2: Restart on current position
+                                //  3: Jump forward 1 position
+****** Loader stuff: *******************************
+// loader structure:
+typedef struct MLOADER
+{   struct MLOADER *next;
+    CHAR    *type;
+    CHAR    *version;
+    BOOL    (*Init)(void);
+    BOOL    (*Test)(void);
+    BOOL    (*Load)(void);
+    void    (*Cleanup)(void);
+    CHAR    *(*LoadTitle)(void);
+// public loader variables:
+extern FILE   *modfp;
+extern UWORD  finetune[16];
+extern UNIMOD of;           // static unimod loading space
+extern UWORD  npertab[60];  // used by the original MOD loaders
+// main loader prototypes:
+void    ML_InfoLoader(void);
+void    ML_RegisterLoader(MLOADER *ldr);
+UNIMOD *MikMod_LoadSongFP(FILE *fp, int maxchan);
+UNIMOD *MikMod_LoadSong(CHAR *filename, int maxchan);
+void    MikMod_FreeSong(UNIMOD *mf);
+// other loader prototypes: (used by the loader modules)
+BOOL    InitTracks(void);
+void    AddTrack(UBYTE *tr);
+BOOL    ReadComment(UWORD len);
+BOOL    AllocPositions(int total);
+BOOL    AllocPatterns(void);
+BOOL    AllocTracks(void);
+BOOL    AllocInstruments(void);
+BOOL    AllocSamples(void);
+CHAR    *DupStr(CHAR *s, UWORD len);
+// Declare external loaders:
+extern MLOADER  load_uni;        // Internal UniMod Loader (Current version of UniMod only)
+extern MLOADER  load_mod;        // Standard 31-instrument Module loader (Protracker, StarTracker, FastTracker, etc)
+extern MLOADER  load_m15;        // 15-instrument (SoundTracker and Ultimate SoundTracker)
+extern MLOADER  load_mtm;        // Multi-Tracker Module (by Renaissance)
+extern MLOADER  load_s3m;        // ScreamTracker 3 (by Future Crew)
+extern MLOADER  load_stm;        // ScreamTracker 2 (by Future Crew)
+extern MLOADER  load_ult;        // UltraTracker 
+extern MLOADER  load_xm;         // FastTracker 2 (by Trition)
+extern MLOADER  load_it;         // Impulse Tracker (by Jeffrey Lim)
+extern MLOADER  load_669;        // 669 and Extended-669 (by Tran / Renaissance)
+extern MLOADER  load_dsm;        // DSIK internal module format
+extern MLOADER  load_med;        // MMD0 and MMD1 Amiga MED modules (by OctaMED)
+extern MLOADER  load_far;        // Farandole Composer Module
+// used to convert c4spd to linear XM periods (IT loader).
+extern UWORD getlinearperiod(UBYTE note, ULONG fine);
+extern ULONG getfrequency(UBYTE flags, ULONG period);
+#define MP_HandleTick     Player_HandleTick
+#define ML_LoadFN(x,y)    MikMod_LoadSong(x,y)
+#define ML_LoadFP(x,y)    MikMod_LoadSongFP(x,y)
+#define MP_PlayStart(x)   Player_Start(x)
+#define MP_PlayStop       Player_Stop
+// MikMod Player Prototypes:
+// ===========================================================
+// This batch of prototypes affects the currently ACTIVE module
+// set with MikMod_PlayStart)
+extern void   Player_Start(UNIMOD *mf);
+extern BOOL   Player_Active(void);
+extern void   Player_Stop(void);
+extern void   Player_TogglePause(void);
+extern void   Player_NextPosition(void);
+extern void   Player_PrevPosition(void);
+extern void   Player_SetPosition(UWORD pos);
+extern void   Player_Mute(SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern void   Player_UnMute(SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern void   Player_ToggleMute(SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern BOOL   Player_Muted(int chan);
+extern void   Player_HandleTick(void);
+extern void   Player_SetVolume(int volume);
+extern UNIMOD *Player_GetUnimod(void);
+extern BOOL   Player_Init(UNIMOD *mf);   // internal use only [by loader]
+extern void   Player_Exit(UNIMOD *mf);   // internal use only [by loader]
+// This batch of prototypes adheres closely to the old MikMod 2.10
+// naming, and affects ANY specified module (need not be active,
+// only loaded and initialized)
+extern BOOL   MP_Playing(UNIMOD *mf);
+extern void   MP_TogglePause(UNIMOD *mf);
+extern void   MP_NextPosition(UNIMOD *mf);
+extern void   MP_PrevPosition(UNIMOD *mf);
+extern void   MP_SetPosition(UNIMOD *mf, UWORD pos);
+extern void   MP_Mute(UNIMOD *mf, SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern void   MP_UnMute(UNIMOD *mf, SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern void   MP_ToggleMute(UNIMOD *mf, SLONG arg1, ...);
+extern BOOL   MP_Muted(UNIMOD *mf, int chan);
+#ifdef __cplusplus