view templates/coregen.xml @ 3:65ee845bf08c default tip

Initial import of test project for Memec 3SxLC board with Xilinx XC3S400. Uses a FIFO and flashes some LEDs.
author darius
date Fri, 24 Feb 2006 14:01:26 +0000
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RootFolder label="COREGEN" treetype="folder" language="COREGEN">
	<Folder label="VERILOG Component Instantiation" treetype="folder">
		<Template label="fifo" treetype="template">
// The following must be inserted into your Verilog file for this
// core to be instantiated. Change the instance name and port connections
// (in parentheses) to your own signal names.
fifo YourInstanceName (

	<Folder label="VHDL Component Instantiation" treetype="folder">
		<Template label="fifo" treetype="template">
-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture header:
component fifo
    port (
    din: IN std_logic_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
    wr_en: IN std_logic;
    wr_clk: IN std_logic;
    rd_en: IN std_logic;
    rd_clk: IN std_logic;
    ainit: IN std_logic;
    dout: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
    full: OUT std_logic;
    empty: OUT std_logic);
end component;

-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture body.
-- Substitute your own instance name and net names.
your_instance_name : fifo
        port map (
            din =&gt; din,
            wr_en =&gt; wr_en,
            wr_clk =&gt; wr_clk,
            rd_en =&gt; rd_en,
            rd_clk =&gt; rd_clk,
            ainit =&gt; ainit,
            dout =&gt; dout,
            full =&gt; full,
            empty =&gt; empty);