view fifo.xco @ 3:65ee845bf08c default tip

Initial import of test project for Memec 3SxLC board with Xilinx XC3S400. Uses a FIFO and flashes some LEDs.
author darius
date Fri, 24 Feb 2006 14:01:26 +0000 (2006-02-24)
parents f88da01700da
line wrap: on
line source
# BEGIN Project Options
SET flowvendor = Foundation_iSE
SET vhdlsim = True
SET verilogsim = True
SET workingdirectory = C:\Temp\Memec-test
SET speedgrade = -5
SET simulationfiles = Behavioral
SET asysymbol = True
SET addpads = False
SET device = xc3s400
SET implementationfiletype = Edif
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET foundationsym = False
SET package = pq208
SET createndf = False
SET designentry = VHDL
SET devicefamily = spartan3
SET formalverification = False
SET removerpms = False
# END Project Options
# BEGIN Select
SELECT Asynchronous_FIFO family Xilinx,_Inc. 6.1
# END Select
# BEGIN Parameters
CSET create_rpm=false
CSET read_acknowledge=false
CSET almost_empty_flag=false
CSET write_acknowledge=false
CSET memory_type=block
CSET read_acknowledge_sense=active_high
CSET read_count_width=2
CSET fifo_depth=15
CSET component_name=fifo
CSET write_count_width=2
CSET write_count=false
CSET read_count=false
CSET write_error=false
CSET read_error=false
CSET read_error_sense=active_high
CSET almost_full_flag=false
CSET write_acknowledge_sense=active_high
CSET write_error_sense=active_high
CSET input_data_width=4
# END Parameters