diff test.v @ 1:f88da01700da GSOFT-MEMEC-1-REL

Initial import of test project for Memec 3SxLC board with Xilinx XC3S400. Uses a FIFO and flashes some LEDs.
author darius
date Fri, 24 Feb 2006 14:01:25 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test.v	Fri Feb 24 14:01:25 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company: 
+// Engineer: 
+// Create Date:    14:00:14 02/18/2006 
+// Design Name: 
+// Module Name:    test 
+// Project Name: 
+// Target Devices: 
+// Tool versions: 
+// Description: 
+// Dependencies: 
+// Revision: 
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments: 
+   // Input Declarations
+   input           CLK;          //surface-mount 50MHz oscillator
+   input [2:1] 	   PUSH;         //push-button switches
+   input [3:0] 	   DIP;          //DIP[3] is SW3[1] on the board
+   input [3:0]     FIFO_DOUT;
+   input           FIFO_FULL;
+   input           FIFO_EMPTY;
+   // Output Declarations
+   output [6:0]    DISPLAY;      //7-segment display DD1
+   output [3:0]    LED;          //user LEDs
+   output [3:0]    FIFO_DIN;
+   output          FIFO_RDCLK;
+   output          FIFO_RDEN;
+   output          FIFO_WRCLK;
+   output          FIFO_WREN;
+   output          FIFO_RESET;
+   // Input Registers
+   reg [3:0] 	   DIP_r [3:0]; // 4x4 array to hold registered versions of DIP
+   reg [3:0] 	   DIP_d;       // debounced DIP
+   reg [3:0] 	   PUSH1_r;     // registered version of PUSH1
+   reg [3:0] 	   PUSH2_r;     // registered version of PUSH2
+   reg             PUSH1_d;     // debounced PUSH1
+   reg             PUSH2_d;     // debounced PUSH2
+   // Output Registers
+   reg [3:0] 	   LED;
+   reg [6:0] 	   DISPLAY;
+   reg 		   FIFO_WREN;
+   reg 		   FIFO_WRCLK;
+   reg 		   FIFO_RDEN;
+   reg 		   FIFO_RDCLK;
+   reg [3:0] 	   FIFO_DIN;
+   reg 		   FIFO_RESET;
+   // Other Registers
+   reg [22:0] 	   sec_cnt; // Count clocks for sec_en
+   reg             reset;   // high-asserted reset
+   reg 		   ledtog;
+   reg 		   direction;
+   // Internal signals
+   wire            sec_en; // Asserted on the second
+   integer         i;
+   // Register and debounce push buttons and switches
+   // If the bouncy signal is high, 4 consecutive lows required to pull it low
+   // If the bouncy signal is low, 4 consecutive highs required to pull it high
+   always @(posedge CLK) begin
+      PUSH1_r[0] <= PUSH[1];
+      PUSH1_r[1] <= PUSH1_r[0];
+      PUSH1_r[2] <= PUSH1_r[1];
+      PUSH1_r[3] <= PUSH1_r[2];
+      if(PUSH1_d)
+        PUSH1_d <= |PUSH1_r;  
+      else
+        PUSH1_d <= &PUSH1_r;
+      reset      <= ~PUSH1_d;
+      PUSH2_r[0] <= PUSH[2];
+      PUSH2_r[1] <= PUSH2_r[0];
+      PUSH2_r[2] <= PUSH2_r[1];
+      PUSH2_r[3] <= PUSH2_r[2];
+      if(PUSH2_d)
+        PUSH2_d <= |PUSH2_r;  
+      else
+        PUSH2_d <= &PUSH2_r;
+      // Register the 4-bit DIP switch 4 times
+      DIP_r[0]      <= DIP;
+      DIP_r[1]      <= DIP_r[0];
+      DIP_r[2]      <= DIP_r[1];
+      DIP_r[3]      <= DIP_r[2];
+      // Debounce the DIPs based on the register contents
+      // For each bit, 0 through 3, switch polarity only when 4 opposite
+      //     polarity is seen for four consecutive clocks.
+      for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i+1)
+	begin
+           if(DIP_d[i])
+             DIP_d[i] <= DIP_r[0][i] | DIP_r[1][i] | DIP_r[2][i] | DIP_r[3][i];
+           else 
+             DIP_d[i] <= DIP_r[0][i] & DIP_r[1][i] & DIP_r[2][i] & DIP_r[3][i];
+	end
+   end
+   // Show FIFO status on LEDs
+   always @(posedge CLK) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+	 LED <= 4'b0111;
+	 DISPLAY <= 7'b1111111;
+      end else begin
+//	 LED <= (ledtog | (FIFO_EMPTY << 1) | (FIFO_FULL << 2) | (PUSH2_d << 3));
+	 LED <= {PUSH2_d, ~FIFO_FULL, ~FIFO_EMPTY, ledtog};
+	 if (PUSH2_d)
+	    DISPLAY <= NUM2SEG(~DIP_d);
+	 else
+      end // else: !if(reset)
+   end // always @ (posedge CLK)
+   always @(posedge CLK or negedge CLK) begin
+      if (CLK) begin
+	 FIFO_WRCLK <= 1;
+	 FIFO_RDCLK <= 1;
+      end else begin
+	 FIFO_WRCLK <= 0;
+	 FIFO_RDCLK <= 0;
+      end
+   end
+   // Count 3.125Mhz clocks to drive the second tick
+   always @(posedge CLK) begin
+      if (reset) begin
+	 ledtog <= 0;
+         sec_cnt <= 0;
+	 FIFO_DIN <= 0;
+	 FIFO_WREN <= 0;
+	 FIFO_RDEN <= 0;
+	 FIFO_RESET <= 1;
+	 direction <= 0; // Write
+      end else begin
+	 FIFO_RESET <= 0;
+	 // Drive FIFO input from debounced DIP switches
+	 FIFO_DIN <= ~(DIP_d);
+	 // Hit the second mark?
+         if (sec_en) begin
+            sec_cnt <= 0;
+	    // FIFO
+	    if (FIFO_FULL)
+	      direction <= 0;
+	    if (FIFO_EMPTY)
+	      direction <= 1;
+	    if (direction)
+	      FIFO_WREN <= 1;
+	    else
+	      FIFO_RDEN <= 1;
+	    ledtog <= ~ledtog;
+         end else begin // sec_en
+            sec_cnt <= sec_cnt + 1;
+	    FIFO_WREN <= 0;
+	    FIFO_RDEN <= 0;
+	 end
+      end
+   end // always @ (posedge CLK)
+   // Create 1-second count
+   assign   sec_en  = (sec_cnt == 22'd3_125_000);
+   // Convert a number into hex for the 7 segment display
+   function [6:0] NUM2SEG;
+      input [3:0] num;
+      begin
+	 case (num)
+	   0:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b0111111); 
+	   1:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b0000110); 
+	   2:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1011011); 
+	   3:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1001111); 
+	   4:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1100110); 
+	   5:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1101101); 
+	   6:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1111101); 
+	   7:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b0000111); 
+	   8:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1111111); 
+	   9:    NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1101111);
+	   4'hA: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1110111); 
+	   4'hb: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1111100); 
+	   4'hC: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b0111001); 
+	   4'hd: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1011110); 
+	   4'hE: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1111001); 
+	   4'hF: NUM2SEG   = ~(7'b1110001); 
+	   default:   NUM2SEG   = 7'b1111111;
+	 endcase // case(~num)
+      end
+   endfunction