diff beermon.py @ 8:483375ca5d10

Split into seperate files.
author darius
date Sat, 29 Sep 2007 14:39:59 +0000
parents 860936fab75f
children c029d2195d19
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/beermon.py	Sat Sep 29 02:23:24 2007 +0000
+++ b/beermon.py	Sat Sep 29 14:39:59 2007 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # Monitor & control fermenter temperature 
 # v1.0
-# $Id: beermon.py,v 1.6 2007/09/29 02:23:24 darius Exp $
+# $Id: beermon.py,v 1.7 2007/09/29 14:39:59 darius Exp $
 # Depends on: Python 2.3 (I think)
@@ -36,274 +36,9 @@
-import pexpect, re, threading, time, logging, sys, traceback
+import time, logging, sys, traceback, ConfigParser, MonitorDev, Control
 from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
-class ROMReadError(Exception):
-    pass
-class ThreadDied(Exception):
-    pass
-class Control():
-    targetTemp = 18
-    hysteresis = 0.5
-    pollInterval = 30
-    staleDataTime = 30
-    def __init__(self, m, _log):
-        self.m = m
-        global log
-        log = _log
-        self.cv = threading.Condition()
-        self.cv.acquire()
-    def doit(self):
-        log.debug("target temperature - %3.2f" % (self.targetTemp))
-        log.debug("fermenterId - %s" % (self.m.fermenterId))
-        log.debug("fridgeId - %s" % (self.m.fridgeId))
-        log.debug("ambientId - %s" % (self.m.ambientId))
-        log.debug("minCoolOnTime - %d, minCoolOffTime - %d" % (self.m.minCoolOnTime, self.m.minCoolOffTime))
-        log.debug("minHeatOnTime - %d, minHeatOffTime - %d" % (self.m.minHeatOnTime, self.m.minHeatOffTime))
-        log.debug("pollInterval - %d" % (self.pollInterval))
-        log.debug("=== Starting ===")
-        log.debug("Fermenter	Fridge	Ambient	State	New State")
-        while True:
-            # Check if our monitor thread has died
-            if (not self.m.isAlive()):
-                raise ThreadDied, "Monitor thread has died"
-            # Check for stale data
-            if (self.m.lastUpdate[self.m.fermenterId] + self.staleDataTime < time.time()):
-                log.debug("Stale data")
-                self.cv.wait(self.pollInterval)
-                self.m.setState('idle')
-                continue
-            # Work out what state we should go into
-            nextState = "-"
-            # Temperature diff, -ve => too cold, +ve => too warm
-            diff = self.m.temps[self.m.fermenterId] - self.targetTemp
-            if (self.m.currState == 'idle'):
-                # If we're idle then only heat or cool if the temperate difference is out of the
-                # hysteresis band
-                if (abs(diff) > self.hysteresis):
-                    if (diff < 0 and self.m.minHeatOffTime + self.m.lastHeatOff < time.time()):
-                        nextState = 'heat'
-                    elif (diff > 0 and self.m.minHeatOffTime + self.m.lastHeatOff < time.time()):
-                        nextState = 'cool'
-            elif (self.m.currState == 'cool'):
-                # Work out if we should go idle (based on min on time & overshoot)
-                if (diff + self.m.minCoolOvershoot < 0 and self.m.minCoolOnTime + self.m.lastCoolOn < time.time()):
-                    nextState = 'idle'
-            elif (self.m.currState == 'heat'):
-                # Ditto
-                if (diff - self.m.minHeatOvershoot > 0 and self.m.minHeatOnTime + self.m.lastHeatOn < time.time()):
-                    nextState = 'idle'
-            else:
-                # Not possible..
-                raise KeyError
-            log.debug("%3.2f   	%3.2f	%3.2f	%s	%s" %
-                      (self.m.temps[self.m.fermenterId],
-                       self.m.temps[self.m.fridgeId], self.m.temps[self.m.ambientId],
-                       self.m.currState, nextState))
-            if (nextState != "-"):
-                self.m.setState(nextState)
-            self.cv.wait(self.pollInterval)
-class MonitorDev(threading.Thread):
-    # Match a ROM ID (eg 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77)
-    romre = re.compile('([0-9a-f]{2}:){7}[0-9a-f]{2}')
-    # Match the prompt
-    promptre = re.compile('> ')
-    coolRelay = 7
-    heatRelay = 6
-    fermenterId = '10:eb:48:21:01:08:00:df'
-    fridgeId = '10:a6:2a:c4:00:08:00:11'
-    ambientId = '10:97:1b:fe:00:08:00:d1'
-    # minimum time the cooler must spend on/off
-    minCoolOnTime = 10 * 60
-    minCoolOffTime = 10 * 60
-    # minimum time the heater must spend on/off
-    minHeatOnTime = 60
-    minHeatOffTime = 60
-    # minimum to overshoot on heating/cooling
-    minHeatOvershoot = 1
-    minCoolOvershoot = 0
-    # Dictionary of sensor IDs & temperatures
-    temps = {}
-    # Dictionary of sensor IDs & epoch times
-    lastUpdate = {}
-    # List of all device IDs
-    devs = []
-    # List of temperature sensor IDs
-    tempdevs = []
-    # Lock to gate access to the comms
-    commsLock = None
-    currState = 'idle'
-    lastHeatOn = 0
-    lastHeatOff = 0
-    lastCoolOn = 0
-    lastCoolOff = 0
-    def __init__(self):
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        self.commsLock = threading.Lock()
-        self.p = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/ssh', ['-xt', '-enone', '-i', '/home/darius/.ssh/id_wrt', 'root@wrt', '(echo logged in; microcom -D/dev/cua/1)'])
-        assert(self.p.expect('logged in') == 0)
-        self.p.timeout = 3
-        self.setspeed()
-        self.devs = self.find1wire()
-        self.tempdevs = filter(self.istemp, self.devs)
-        self.start()
-    def setspeed(self):
-        self.commsLock.acquire()
-        self.p.send('~')
-        assert(self.p.expect('t - set terminal') == 0)
-        self.p.send('t')
-        assert(self.p.expect('p - set speed') == 0)
-        self.p.send('p')
-        assert(self.p.expect('f - 38400') == 0)
-        self.p.send('f')
-        assert(self.p.expect('done!') == 0)
-        self.commsLock.release()
-    def find1wire(self):
-        self.commsLock.acquire()
-        self.p.sendline('')
-        assert(self.p.expect('> ') == 0)
-        self.p.sendline('sr')
-        # Echo
-        assert(self.p.expect('sr') == 0)
-        # Send a new line which will give us a command prompt to stop on
-        # later. We could use read() but that would make the code a lot
-        # uglier
-        self.p.sendline('')
-        devlist = []
-        # Loop until we get the command prompt (> ) collecting ROM IDs
-        while True:
-            idx = self.p.expect([self.romre, self.promptre])
-            if (idx == 0):
-                # Matched a ROM
-                #print "Found ROM " + self.p.match.group()
-                devlist.append(self.p.match.group(0))
-            elif (idx == 1):
-                # Matched prompt, exit
-                break
-            else:
-                # Unpossible!
-                self.commsLock.release()
-                raise SystemError()
-        self.commsLock.release()
-        return(devlist)
-    def istemp(self, id):
-        [family, a, b, c, d, e, f, g] = id.split(':')
-        if (family == '10'):
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def updateTemps(self):
-        for i in self.tempdevs:
-            try:
-                self.temps[i] = float(self.readTemp(i))
-                self.lastUpdate[i] = time.time()
-            except ROMReadError:
-                # Ignore this - just results in no update reflected by lastUpdate
-                pass
-        return(self.temps)
-    def readTemp(self, id):
-        self.commsLock.acquire()
-        cmd = 'te ' + id
-        self.p.sendline(cmd)
-        # Echo
-        assert(self.p.expect(cmd) == 0)
-        # Eat EOL left from expect
-        self.p.readline()
-        line = self.p.readline().strip()
-        self.commsLock.release()
-        # 'CRC mismatch' can mean that we picked the wrong ROM..
-        if (re.match('CRC mismatch', line) != None):
-            raise ROMReadError
-        return(line)
-    def setState(self, state):
-        if (state == 'cool'):
-            relay = 1 << self.coolRelay
-        elif (state == 'heat'):
-            relay = 1 << self.heatRelay
-        elif (state == 'idle'):
-            relay = 0
-        else:
-            raise(ValueError)
-        if (state == self.currState):
-            return
-        # Keep track of when we last turned off or on
-        if (state == 'cool'):
-            if (self.currState == 'heat'):
-                self.lastHeatOff = time.time()
-            self.lastCoolOn = time.time()
-        elif (state == 'heat'):
-            if (self.currState == 'cool'):
-                self.lastCoolOff = time.time()
-            self.lastHeatOn = time.time()
-        else:
-            if (self.currState == 'cool'):
-                self.lastCoolOff = time.time()
-            if (self.currState == 'heat'):
-                self.lastHeatOff = time.time()
-        self.currState = state
-        self.commsLock.acquire()
-        # Need the extra spaces cause the parser in the micro is busted
-        cmd = 'out c    %02x' % relay
-        self.p.sendline(cmd)
-            # Echo
-        assert(self.p.expect(cmd) == 0)
-        self.commsLock.release()
-    def polltemps(self, temps):
-        while True:
-            for d in temps:
-                #print d
-                t = gettemp(p, d)
-                print "%s -> %s" % (d, t)
-            print
-    def run(self):
-        while True:
-            self.updateTemps()
 def initLog():
     # Init our logging
     log = logging.getLogger("monitor")
@@ -329,22 +64,34 @@
 def main():
-    import beermon
     global log
     log = initLog()
+    conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    conf.read('beermon.ini')
+    for s in ['control', 'hardware']:
+        if (not conf.has_section(s)):
+            log.debug("Mandatory '%s' section missing from config file, exiting" % (s))
+            sys.exit(1)
     log.debug("=== Initing ===")
-    log.debug("$Id: beermon.py,v 1.6 2007/09/29 02:23:24 darius Exp $")
+    log.debug("$Id: beermon.py,v 1.7 2007/09/29 14:39:59 darius Exp $")
-    m = None
+    try:
+        m = MonitorDev.MonitorDev(log, conf)
+        c = Control.Control(log, m, conf)
+    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
+        log.debug("Mandatory option '%s' missing from section '%s'" % (e.option, e.section))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    except ValueError, e:
+        log.debug("Unable to parse option - " + str(e))
     exitCode = 0
-        m = beermon.MonitorDev()
-        c = beermon.Control(m, log)
         # Wait for the first temperature readings to come through, saves
         # getting an 'invalid data' message
+        # XXX: sleep on condvar holding data?
         log.debug("doit exited")
@@ -358,7 +105,7 @@
         log.debug(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, traceback.format_exception(
             sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback)))
         exitCode = 1
         # Make sure we try and turn it off if something goes wrong
         if (m != None):