changeset 22:a53f90508a06

Switch to TG-1. Doesn't show FEC errors so skip graphing that. is a modified version of to implement SRP-6 (vs SRP-6a)
author Daniel O'Connor <>
date Thu, 15 Jun 2017 15:07:01 +0930 (2017-06-15)
parents 8c44182a2984
children 4b6c811e77df
diffstat 2 files changed, 385 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Mon May 23 14:54:31 2016 +0930
+++ b/	Thu Jun 15 15:07:01 2017 +0930
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python2
-# Parse DSL link stats for TP-Link W9970 & generate RRD archives & graphs
+# Parse DSL link stats for iiNet TG-1 & generate RRD archives & graphs
-# Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel O'Connor. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Daniel O'Connor. All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -31,7 +31,12 @@
 import base64
+import binascii
+import bs4
 import ConfigParser
+import json
+import mechanize
+import mysrp as srp
 import optparse
 import os
 import re
@@ -40,13 +45,12 @@
 import sys
 import time
 import urllib
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 conf.set('global', 'username', 'admin')
 conf.set('global', 'password', 'admin')
-conf.set('global', 'name', '')
+conf.set('global', 'name', '')
 conflist = ['adslstats.ini']
 if ('HOME' in os.environ):
@@ -83,13 +87,11 @@
 Maximum Rate - Up: %d kbit, Down %s kbit
 Noise Margin - Up: %.1f dB, Down %.1f dB
 Attenuation - Up: %.1f dB, Down %.1f dB
-Errors - Up: %d, Down %d
 Power - Up: %.1f dBm, Down %.1f dBm
 Uptime - %d sec''' % (self.upstream, self.downstream,
                       self.upstreammax, self.downstreammax,
                       self.nmup, self.nmdown,
                       self.attenup, self.attendown,
-                      self.fecATUC, self.fecATUR,
                       self.uppower, self.downpower,
         return s
@@ -98,34 +100,66 @@
     stats = DSLStats()
     parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     base = 'http://%s' % (conf.get('global', 'name'))
-    # Gunk extracted from Chrome (what the page is requesting). Note it's sensitive to line ending type...
-    # Plus information from
-    # ATUR = ADSL Termination Unit Remote
-    # ATUC = ADSL Termination Unit Central office
-    query = '[WAN_DSL_INTF_CFG#0,0,0,0,0,0#0,0,0,0,0,0]0,0\r\n[WAN_DSL_INTF_STATS_TOTAL#0,0,0,0,0,0#0,0,0,0,0,0]1,0\r\n'
-    cookies = {'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + base64.standard_b64encode(conf.get('global', 'username') + ':' + conf.get('global', 'password'))}
-    headers = {'Referer' : base}
-    r = + '/cgi?5&5' , data = query, headers = headers, cookies = cookies, stream = True)
-    parser.readfp(r.raw)
-    res = {}
-    tmp = '1,0,0,0,0,0'
-    if parser.get(tmp, 'status') == 'Up':
+    # Connect and authenticate
+    br = mechanize.Browser()
+    r =
+    bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r)
+    token = bs.head.find(lambda tag: tag.has_attr('name') and tag['name'] == 'CSRFtoken')['content']
+    #print('Got CSRF token ' + token)
+    usr = srp.User(conf.get('global', 'username'), conf.get('global', 'password'), hash_alg = srp.SHA256, ng_type = srp.NG_2048)
+    uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
+    req = mechanize.Request(base + '/authenticate', data = urllib.urlencode({'CSRFtoken' : token, 'I' : uname, 'A' : binascii.hexlify(A)}))
+    r =
+    j = json.decoder.JSONDecoder().decode(
+    #print('Sent challenge, got ' + str(j))
+    M = usr.process_challenge(binascii.unhexlify(j['s']), binascii.unhexlify(j['B']))
+    req = mechanize.Request(base + '/authenticate', data = urllib.urlencode({'CSRFtoken' : token, 'M' : binascii.hexlify(M)}))
+    r =
+    j = json.decoder.JSONDecoder().decode(
+    #print('Got response ' + str(j))
+    usr.verify_session(binascii.unhexlify(j['M']))
+    if not usr.authenticated():
+        print('Failed to authenticate')
+        return None
+    # Fetch stats and parse
+    r = + '/modals/broadband-bridge-modal.lp')
+    bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r)
+    # Helper function to extract data
+    def getvals(bs, text):
+        subs = bs.findAll('label', text = text)[0].fetchNextSiblings()[0].strings
+        return map(lambda s: float(s.split()[0]), subs)
+    if map(None, bs.findAll('label', text = 'DSL Status')[0].fetchNextSiblings()[0].strings)[0] == 'Up':
         stats.linkup = True
         stats.linkup = False
-    stats.upstream = float(parser.get(tmp, 'upstreamCurrRate'))
-    stats.downstream = float(parser.get(tmp, 'downstreamCurrRate'))
-    stats.upstreammax = float(parser.get(tmp, 'upstreamMaxRate'))
-    stats.downstreammax = float(parser.get(tmp, 'downstreamMaxRate'))
-    stats.nmup = float(parser.get(tmp, 'upstreamNoiseMargin')) / 10.0
-    stats.nmdown = float(parser.get(tmp, 'downstreamNoiseMargin')) / 10.0
-    stats.attenup = float(parser.get(tmp, 'upstreamAttenuation')) / 10.0
-    stats.attendown = float(parser.get(tmp, 'downstreamAttenuation')) / 10.0
-    stats.fecATUR = int(parser.get(tmp, 'FECErrors'))
-    stats.fecATUC = int(parser.get(tmp, 'ATUCFECErrors'))
-    stats.uppower = float(parser.get(tmp, 'upstreamPower')) / 10.0 # I think it's tenths of a dBm but who knows
-    stats.downpower = float(parser.get(tmp, 'downstreamPower')) / 10.0
-    stats.uptime = int(parser.get(tmp, 'showtimeStart'))
+    stats.upstreammax, stats.downstreammax = getvals(bs, 'Maximum Line rate')
+    stats.upstream, stats.downstream = getvals(bs, 'Line Rate')
+    stats.uppower, stats.downpower = getvals(bs, 'Output Power')
+    stats.nmup, stats.nmdown = getvals(bs, 'Noise Margin')
+    # Line attenuation returns several values for each direction, parse specially and just take the first one
+    upattens, downattens = map(None, bs.findAll('label', text = 'Line Attenuation')[0].fetchNextSiblings()[0].strings)
+    stats.attenup = float(re.findall('([0-9.N/A]+)', upattens)[0])
+    stats.attendown = float(re.findall('([0-9.N/A]+)', downattens)[0])
+    # Convert something like '2days 17hours 28min 19sec' into seconds
+    uptime = re.findall('([0-9]+)', map(None, bs.findAll('label', text = 'DSL Uptime')[0].fetchNextSiblings()[0].strings)[0])
+    uptime.reverse() # End up with an array of seconds, minutes, hours, etc
+    mults = [1, 60, 60 * 60, 24 * 60 * 60]
+    if len(uptime) > mults:
+        print('Too many uptime elements to work out')
+        stats.uptime = None
+    else:
+        stats.uptime = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, map(lambda a: int(a[0]) * a[1], zip(uptime, mults)))
     return stats
@@ -158,7 +192,7 @@
 # Update the RRD (format stats as expected)
 def updaterrd(filename, tstamp, stats):
-                   '%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%f:%f:%f:%f:%d:%d:%f:%f:%d' % (
+                   '%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%f:%f:%f:%f:U:U:%f:%f:%d' % (
@@ -168,8 +202,6 @@
-                       stats.fecATUC,
-                       stats.fecATUR,
@@ -280,12 +312,6 @@
         'LINE1:powerdown#c090e5:Power - Down (dBm)',
-        'DEF:fecATUC=%s:fecATUC:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
-        'LINE1:fecATUC#fff384:Upstream errors',
-        'DEF:fecATUR=%s:fecATUR:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
-        'LINE1:fecATUR#45cfc9:Downstream errors',
         'DEF:uptime=%s:uptime:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
         'LINE1:uptimepct#606060:Uptime (10\'s%)',
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jun 15 15:07:01 2017 +0930
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Modified version of
+  # N    A large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime)
+  #      All arithmetic is done modulo N.
+  # g    A generator modulo N
+  # k    Multiplier parameter (k = H(N, g) in SRP-6a, k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
+  # s    User's salt
+  # I    Username
+  # p    Cleartext Password
+  # H()  One-way hash function
+  # ^    (Modular) Exponentiation
+  # u    Random scrambling parameter
+  # a,b  Secret ephemeral values
+  # A,B  Public ephemeral values
+  # x    Private key (derived from p and s)
+  # v    Password verifier
+import hashlib
+import os
+import binascii
+import six
+SHA1   = 0
+SHA224 = 1
+SHA256 = 2
+SHA384 = 3
+SHA512 = 4
+NG_1024   = 0
+NG_2048   = 1
+NG_4096   = 2
+NG_8192   = 3
+_hash_map = { SHA1   : hashlib.sha1,
+              SHA224 : hashlib.sha224,
+              SHA256 : hashlib.sha256,
+              SHA384 : hashlib.sha384,
+              SHA512 : hashlib.sha512 }
+_ng_const = (
+# 1024-bit
+# 2048
+# 4096
+# 8192
+def get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex ):
+    if ng_type < NG_CUSTOM:
+        n_hex, g_hex = _ng_const[ ng_type ]
+    return int(n_hex,16), int(g_hex,16)
+def bytes_to_long(s):
+    n = 0
+    for b in six.iterbytes(s):
+        n = (n << 8) | b
+    return n
+def long_to_bytes(n):
+    l = list()
+    x = 0
+    off = 0
+    while x != n:
+        b = (n >> off) & 0xFF
+        l.append( chr(b) )
+        x = x | (b << off)
+        off += 8
+    l.reverse()
+    return six.b(''.join(l))
+def get_random( nbytes ):
+    return bytes_to_long( os.urandom( nbytes ) )
+def get_random_of_length( nbytes ):
+    offset = (nbytes*8) - 1
+    return get_random( nbytes ) | (1 << offset)
+def old_H( hash_class, s1, s2 = '', s3=''):
+    if isinstance(s1, six.integer_types):
+        s1 = long_to_bytes(s1)
+    if s2 and isinstance(s2, six.integer_types):
+        s2 = long_to_bytes(s2)
+    if s3 and isinstance(s3, six.integer_types):
+        s3 = long_to_bytes(s3)
+    s = s1 + s2 + s3
+    return long(hash_class(s).hexdigest(), 16)
+def H( hash_class, *args, **kwargs ):
+    h = hash_class()
+    for s in args:
+        if s is not None:
+            h.update( long_to_bytes(s) if isinstance(s, six.integer_types) else s )
+    return int( h.hexdigest(), 16 )
+#N = 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
+#g = 2;
+#k = H(N,g)
+def HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ):
+    hN = hash_class( long_to_bytes(N) ).digest()
+    hg = hash_class( long_to_bytes(g) ).digest()
+    return six.b( ''.join( chr( six.indexbytes(hN, i) ^ six.indexbytes(hg, i) ) for i in range(0,len(hN)) ) )
+def gen_x( hash_class, salt, username, password ):
+    return H( hash_class, salt, H( hash_class, username + six.b(':') + password ) )
+def create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None ):
+    if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
+        raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
+    hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
+    N,g = get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
+    _s = long_to_bytes( get_random( 4 ) )
+    _v = long_to_bytes( pow(g,  gen_x( hash_class, _s, username, password ), N) )
+    return _s, _v
+def calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, I, s, A, B, K ):
+    h = hash_class()
+    h.update( HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ) )
+    h.update( hash_class(I).digest() )
+    h.update( long_to_bytes(s) )
+    h.update( long_to_bytes(A) )
+    h.update( long_to_bytes(B) )
+    h.update( K )
+    return h.digest()
+def calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, A, M, K ):
+    h = hash_class()
+    h.update( long_to_bytes(A) )
+    h.update( M )
+    h.update( K )
+    return h.digest()
+class User (object):
+    def __init__(self, username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None, bytes_a=None):
+        if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
+            raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
+        if bytes_a and len(bytes_a) != 32:
+            raise ValueError("32 bytes required for bytes_a")
+        N,g        = get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
+        hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
+        #k          = H( hash_class, N, g )
+        # XXX: modified to be SRP-6 as that is what the router uses
+        k = int('05b9e8ef059c6b32ea59fc1d322d37f04aa30bae5aa9003b8321e21ddb04e300', 16)
+        self.I     = username
+        self.p     = password
+        if bytes_a:
+            self.a = bytes_to_long(bytes_a)
+        else:
+            self.a = get_random_of_length( 32 )
+        self.A     = pow(g, self.a, N)
+        self.v     = None
+        self.M     = None
+        self.K     = None
+        self.H_AMK = None
+        self._authenticated = False
+        self.hash_class = hash_class
+        self.N          = N
+        self.g          = g
+        self.k          = k
+    def authenticated(self):
+        return self._authenticated
+    def get_username(self):
+        return self.I
+    def get_ephemeral_secret(self):
+        return long_to_bytes(self.a)
+    def get_session_key(self):
+        return self.K if self._authenticated else None
+    def start_authentication(self):
+        return (self.I, long_to_bytes(self.A))
+    # Returns M or None if SRP-6a safety check is violated
+    def process_challenge(self, bytes_s, bytes_B):
+        self.s = bytes_to_long( bytes_s )
+        self.B = bytes_to_long( bytes_B )
+        N = self.N
+        g = self.g
+        k = self.k
+        hash_class = self.hash_class
+        # SRP-6a safety check
+        if (self.B % N) == 0:
+            return None
+        self.u = H( hash_class, self.A, self.B )
+        # SRP-6a safety check
+        if self.u == 0:
+            return None
+        self.x = gen_x( hash_class, self.s, self.I, self.p )
+        self.v = pow(g, self.x, N)
+        self.S = pow((self.B - k*self.v), (self.a + self.u*self.x), N)
+        self.K     = hash_class( long_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
+        self.M     = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.I, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
+        self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK(hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K)
+        return self.M
+    def verify_session(self, host_HAMK):
+        if self.H_AMK == host_HAMK:
+            self._authenticated = True