# HG changeset patch
# User Daniel O'Connor <darius@dons.net.au>
# Date 1534061372 -34200
# Node ID b474c873357dd062c252f433ccd86cf6fb0c823e
# Parent  607111929e2e902d56f99ee71387f41552b796b8
add speed check script

diff -r 607111929e2e -r b474c873357d speedcheck.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/speedcheck.py	Sun Aug 12 17:39:32 2018 +0930
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import ConfigParser
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import rrdtool
+import subprocess
+import time
+def main():
+    conf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    conflist = []
+    if ('HOME' in os.environ):
+        conflist.append(os.path.expanduser('~/.speedcheck.ini'))
+    conf.read(conflist)
+    usage = '''%prog [options]'''
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="Enable debug output")
+    parser.add_option('-r', '--rrd', action="store", help="Path to RRD")
+    parser.add_option('-g', '--graphdir', action="store", help="Directory for graphs")
+    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if opts.rrd == None:
+        if conf.has_option('global', 'rrd'):
+            opts.rrd = conf.get('global', 'rrd')
+        else:
+            parser.error('Path to RRD must be specified in either the ini or on the command line')
+    if opts.graphdir == None:
+        if conf.has_option('global', 'graphdir'):
+            opts.graphdir = conf.get('global', 'graphdir')
+        else:
+            parser.error('Graph directory must be specified in either the ini or on the command line')
+    if opts.verbose:
+        print 'Fetching stats...'
+    stats = fetchstats(conf)
+    if opts.verbose:
+        print stats
+    if opts.verbose:
+        print 'Updating RRD'
+    updaterrd(opts.rrd, stats)
+    if opts.verbose:
+        print 'Updating graph'
+    graphrrd(opts.rrd, opts.graphdir)
+def fetchstats(conf):
+    stats = {}
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'neardl'):
+        stats['neardl'] = testdl(conf.get('global', 'neardl'))
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'nearul'):
+        stats['nearul'] = testul(conf.get('global', 'nearul'))
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'nearping'):
+        stats['nearpl'], stats['nearlat'] = testping(conf.get('global', 'nearping'))
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'fardl'):
+        stats['fardl'] = testdl(conf.get('global', 'fardl'))
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'farul'):
+        stats['farul'] = testul(conf.get('global', 'farul'))
+    if conf.has_option('global', 'farping'):
+        stats['farpl'], stats['farlat'] = testping(conf.get('global', 'farping'))
+    return stats
+def testdl(url):
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '-w', '%{speed_download}', '-so', '/dev/null', url], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+    speed, xxx = p.communicate()
+    if p.returncode != 0:
+        print 'Error %d fetching \'%s\'' % (p.returncode, url)
+        return None
+    return float(speed) * 8.0 / 1024.0 # convert to kbit/sec
+def testping(host):
+    p = subprocess.Popen(['ping', '-c', '5', '-t', '8', '-q', host], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+    l = stdout.split('\n')
+    if len(l) != 6:
+        print 'Unable to parse ping line:', l
+    xx, xx, xx, plossline, latline, xx = l
+    ploss = float(re.match('.* received, ([0-9.]+)% packet loss', plossline).groups()[0])
+    latency = float(re.match('.*stddev = [0-9.]+/([0-9.]+)/.* ms', latline).groups()[0])
+    return ploss, latency
+def createrrd(rrdname):
+    # Create RRD for upstream/downstream speed, packet loss and
+    # latency for near and far site
+    # Do a test every half and hour
+    # Average 2 for hourly stats (keep 168 - a weeks worth)
+    # Average 48 for hourly stats (keep 1825 - 5 years worth)
+    # Detemine  minimum & maximum for an hour and keep a weeks worth.
+    rrdtool.create(rrdname,
+                   '--step', '300',
+                   'DS:neardl:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'DS:nearul:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'DS:nearpl:GAUGE:3600:0:100',
+                   'DS:nearlat:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'DS:fardl:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'DS:farul:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'DS:farpl:GAUGE:3600:0:100',
+                   'DS:farlat:GAUGE:3600:0:U',
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.1:2:168',
+                   'RRA:AVERAGE:0.1:48:1825',
+                   'RRA:MIN:0.1:2:168',
+                   'RRA:MAX:0.1:2:168',
+                   )
+def updaterrd(rrdname, stats):
+    try:
+        os.stat(rrdname)
+    except OSError, e:
+        if e.errno == 2:
+            print 'Creating RRD...'
+            createrrd(rrdname)
+    s = '%d:' % (int(time.time()))
+    for a in ['neardl', 'nearul', 'nearpl', 'nearlat', 'fardl', 'farul', 'farpl', 'farlat']:
+        if a in stats:
+            s += '%f:' % (stats[a])
+        else:
+            s += 'U:'
+    s = s[0:-1]
+    rrdtool.update(rrdname, s)
+def graphrrd(rrdname, graphdir):
+    latencyargs = (
+        '-a', 'SVG',
+        '--vertical-label', 'milliseconds',
+        'DEF:nearlat=%s:nearlat:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:nearlatmin=%s:nearlat:MIN' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:nearlatmax=%s:nearlat:MAX' % rrdname,
+        'CDEF:nearlatdif=nearlatmax,nearlatmin,-',
+        'LINE0.001:nearlatmin#000000:',
+        'AREA:nearlatdif#00dc76::STACK',
+        'LINE1:nearlatmax#00ff00:Near latency',
+        'DEF:farlat=%s:farlat:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:farlatmin=%s:farlat:MIN' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:farlatmax=%s:farlat:MAX' % rrdname,
+        'CDEF:farlatdif=farlatmax,farlatmin,-',
+        'LINE0.001:farlatmin#000000:',
+        'AREA:farlatdif#dc0076::STACK',
+        'LINE1:farlatmax#ff0000:Far packetloss',
+        'DEF:nearpl=%s:nearpl:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'LINE1:nearpl#0000ff:Near packet loss (%)',
+        'DEF:farpl=%s:farpl:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'LINE1:nearpl#ffff00:Far packet loss (%)',
+        )
+    rrdtool.graph('%s/latency-hour-link.svg' % (graphdir),
+                  '--width', '768',
+                  '--height', '256',
+                  '--start', 'end - 7d',
+                  '--end', 'now',
+                  *latencyargs)
+    rrdtool.graph('%s/latency-daily-link.svg' % (graphdir),
+                  '--width', '768',
+                  '--height', '256',
+                  '--start', 'end - 365d',
+                  '--end', 'now',
+                  *latencyargs)
+    bwargs = (
+        '-a', 'SVG',
+        '-X', '0',
+        '--vertical-label', 'kbit/sec',
+        'DEF:neardl=%s:neardl:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:neardlmin=%s:neardl:MIN' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:neardlmax=%s:neardl:MAX' % rrdname,
+        'CDEF:neardldif=neardlmax,neardlmin,-',
+        'LINE0.001:neardlmin#000000:',
+        'AREA:neardldif#00dc76::STACK',
+        'LINE1:neardlmax#00ff00:Near download',
+        'DEF:fardl=%s:fardl:AVERAGE' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:fardlmin=%s:fardl:MIN' % rrdname,
+        'DEF:fardlmax=%s:fardl:MAX' % rrdname,
+        'CDEF:fardldif=fardlmax,fardlmin,-',
+        'LINE0.001:fardlmin#000000:',
+        'AREA:fardldif#dc0076::STACK',
+        'LINE1:fardlmax#ff0000:Far download',
+        )
+    rrdtool.graph('%s/bw-hour-link.svg' % (graphdir),
+                  '--width', '768',
+                  '--height', '256',
+                  '--start', 'end - 1d',
+                  '--end', 'now',
+                  *bwargs)
+    rrdtool.graph('%s/bw-daily-link.svg' % (graphdir),
+                  '--width', '768',
+                  '--height', '256',
+                  '--start', 'end - 7d',
+                  '--end', 'now',
+                  *bwargs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()