comparison adsl.html @ 0:98fe11ea4c82

Initial commit of Billion ADSL stats monitor using RRD.
author darius@Inchoate
date Sat, 28 Mar 2009 17:53:25 +1030 (2009-03-28)
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:98fe11ea4c82
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
4 <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
5 <META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
6 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css">
7 <SCRIPT language="javascript">
8 function SetChannelOptions(index) {
9 var form=document.adsl;
10 var default_annex='A';
11 a = new Array(7);
12 a[0] = new Option("Auto", "0");
13 a[1] = new Option("ADSL Multimode", "1");
14 a[2] = new Option("ADSL2", "2");
15 a[3] = new Option("ADSL2+", "3");
16 a[4] = new Option("G.Lite", "4");
17 a[5] = new Option("T1.413", "5");
18 a[6] = new Option("G.DMT", "6");
20 for(var i = form.ADSLRATE.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
21 form.ADSLRATE.options[i] = null;
22 }
23 for(var i = form.ADSLMODE.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
24 form.ADSLMODE.options[i] = null;
25 }
26 if (default_annex == 'A'){
27 b = new Array(4);
28 b[0] = new Option("Open Annex Type and Follow DSLAM's Setting", "0");
29 b[1] = new Option("Annex A", "1");
30 b[2] = new Option("Annex L", "2");
31 b[3] = new Option("Annex M", "3");
32 b[4] = new Option("Annex J", "4");
33 form.ADSLMODE.options[0] = b[0];
34 form.ADSLMODE.options[1] = b[1];
35 form.ADSLMODE.options[2] = b[2];
36 form.ADSLMODE.options[3] = b[3];
37 form.ADSLMODE.options[4] = b[4];
38 form.ADSLMODE.selectedIndex = index;
39 }else{
40 b = new Array(1);
41 b[0] = new Option("Annex B", "1");
42 form.ADSLMODE.options[0] = b[0];
43 form.ADSLMODE.selectedIndex = index-1;
44 }
46 if (index == 0 || index==1 ){
47 form.ADSLRATE.options[0] = a[0];
48 form.ADSLRATE.options[1] = a[1];
49 form.ADSLRATE.options[2] = a[2];
50 form.ADSLRATE.options[3] = a[3];
51 form.ADSLRATE.options[4] = a[4];
52 form.ADSLRATE.options[5] = a[5];
53 form.ADSLRATE.options[6] = a[6];
54 }else{
55 form.ADSLRATE.options[0] = a[2];
56 form.ADSLRATE.options[1] = a[3];
57 }
58 }
61 function load_adsl(){
62 var form = document.adsl;
63 var ADSL_MODE_VALUE= form.ADSL_MODE.value;
64 SetChannelOptions(form.ADSL_MODE.value);
66 form.ADSLRATE.selectedIndex = form.ADSL_RATE.value;
67 else
68 form.ADSLRATE.selectedIndex = form.ADSL_RATE.value-2;
69 }
70 function verifyform() {
71 var form=document.adsl;
72 form.apply.disabled=true;
73 form.reset.disabled=true;
74 form.submit();
75 return true;
76 }
77 </SCRIPT>
78 </head>
79 <body class="main" link="#3300cc" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#990066" onload="load_adsl();">
80 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" scrolling="no" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="80%">
81 <FORM name=adsl method="post" ACTION="/goform/adsl">
82 <tr><td class="headline" colspan=2>ADSL</td></tr>
83 <tr><td colspan="2" class="header"><nobr>Parameters</nobr></td></tr>
84 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>ADSL Mode</nobr></td>
85 <td><nobr>
86 <INPUT type=hidden name="ADSL_MODE" value="0">
87 <SELECT name=ADSLMODE onchange="SetChannelOptions(this.selectedIndex);">
88 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Modulator</nobr></td>
89 <td><nobr>
90 <INPUT type=hidden name="ADSL_RATE" value="0">
92 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>DSP FirmwareVersion</nobr></td>
93 <td><nobr>DMT FwVer:, HwVer:T14F7_1.0
95 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>DMT Status</nobr></td>
96 <td><nobr>Up
97 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Operational Mode</nobr></td>
98 <td><nobr>ADSL2
99 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Upstream</nobr></td>
100 <td><nobr>1001 kbps
101 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Downstream</nobr></td>
102 <td><nobr>6094 kbps
103 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Noise Margin (Upstream)</nobr></td>
104 <td><nobr>6.3 db
105 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Noise Margin (Downstream)</nobr></td>
106 <td><nobr>6.2 db
107 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Attenuation (Upstream)</nobr></td>
108 <td><nobr>35.2 db
109 <tr><td class="title" width=35%><nobr>Attenuation (Downstream)</nobr></td>
110 <td><nobr>46.0 db
111 <tr>
112 <td class=headline colspan=2>
113 <br>
114 <INPUT type="button" name=apply value="Apply" onclick="verifyform();">&nbsp;
115 <INPUT type="button" name=reset value="Refresh" onClick="location.reload();">
116 </td>
117 </tr></FORM>
118 </table>
119 </body>
120 </html>